Martial Arts Master

Chapter 479: It’s not going to pass (seeking a monthly pass)

"Ling Chengsheng!"

The voice of the referee is high and the voice is far away. Most of the men and women of the Dongpu delegation are sorrowful and sorrowful, especially the disciples of the "extreme wave", such as Yan Tianyi, and it is difficult to cover up the pain and disappointment.

How can Tigers lose?

How can he lose?

As one of the signs of "Extreme Fluctuation Flow", he even lost to an opponent whose level and strength are weaker than him!

This is a shame!

This is the stain of the "extreme wave flow"!

It is conceivable that almost all the audience, the audience on the scene and in front of the screen will regard the "limit wave flow" as a joke!

Tang Zexun reached out and poked his cheek, shaking his head in a silent silence:

"The tiger is still too big."

This is because of the style of his own fighting. Second, because the information given by Putian Yirong is out of date, the tiger is too direct, too tough, less devious, less soft, so hard to touch the opponent's super kill. , suffered a lot of harm, and buried a serious hidden danger for the follow-up.

If you don't have this, even if you don't use the word "all", you can take the game as much as you can. After using the word "all", you can definitely win!

what a pity……

Of course, the improvement of Loucheng, the change of Loucheng, the play of Loucheng also makes people feel the pressure from the heart...

Hearing the sigh of Tang Zexun, Putian Yirong and others reluctantly returned to God, got rid of the extreme emotions, and really began to understand the battle just now.

When they look at the stage again, the look of Lou Cheng has changed, more fear of the strong, amazement of the miraculous miracles and resentment against the terrible enemy.

Scientists with messy hair are still screaming, both fanatic and stunned.

The warrior in the "transmutation" stage of the division of China is the most valuable research outside the real powerhouse. The one on the stage is!

It can be said that the Tiger Tiger Jun who wants to collect genetic material for himself is not only unable to succeed, but he has fallen down, and it is bleeding, and it is spit, very embarrassing...


Above the stands, the black-skinned audience first worried, couldn't believe what they saw, immediately raised their hands, or applauded, or waved, cheering for the outstanding boxer, cheering for the young man who was weak and strong.

The non-seed player actually defeated the fifth seed of the monster level!

No matter in which country, similar things can always be admired and praised!

"Lou Cheng! Lou Cheng!"

In the shouting of the oysters, the sound waves gradually gathered, and they overlapped quickly, and they were higher than a while.

"Lou Cheng! Lou Cheng!"

Listening to the cry from the foreign people, Peng Leyun looked back at the ring, and the feeling of idleness in his expression was swept away, and there seemed to be a ray of light in his eyes, just like a thunder.

He subconsciously looked at Ren Li next to him, and saw his reaction from the other's eyes, not much different from her.

Now, maybe you are still a half-step ahead, but the three are almost at the same starting line, and then you can fight to fight who can fly the Dragon Gate first, and then go to heaven!

- They are people who are proud of their bones and can recognize their own deficiencies, but they will never think that they will be worse than others!

An Chaoyang was in silence, and he could only be silent until he heard the leader Zhong Ningtao sighing "No reputation under the prestigious name", only to nod and nod and sigh.

In the remote place, in the other places of the stands, Barnum, who is tied with his hands and feet, and Vega, who wears a general cap, closes his eyes and waits for the confrontation of Vaku, or unconsciously clenches his fist, or has a hole in his pupil. Silver and white flashed, or opened his eyes, calmly staring.


"I will say it! Lou Cheng may win!" In the live broadcast, "Gai Shi Long Wang" uses the omnipotent "funny".

"Riding the pig heroes" "a look of awkward" reply: "This is simply... one year to Dan, one year to non-human... I feel like the 'Dragon King' when I was young, no, more like 'Wu Sheng 'Yes.'

"I don't dare to question his business anymore..." "The road to the downfall" uses the expression of "dog belt."

"Consistently love Jungang this" and "snickering": "Yes, just look!"

"...we have a real eye!" The "selling and selling" girl did not hesitate to praise herself. "I have been optimistic about Loucheng, and I have given him a "calling signature book"!"

Non-persons who are less than twenty-one years old have enough time to attack the nephews and have already entered the reserve ranks!

"Ha ha ha ha, did not disappoint me to go to bed early in the morning!" Yan Xiaoling made a voice again.

"Get up early and get up early..." "Plumbers eat mushrooms" recently became familiar with the Tong Yan Tong, a sister from the Friends of the Altar, who couldn't help but black her. "Sleep at 2 or 3 in the middle of the night, at 12 o'clock in the morning, really early. 'what!"

Fantasy "disdain" said: "If it is not my phone call, you can't do it in the long night! Right, right, go to Weibo@江湖百晓生, tell him that you can delete the number! Fast! ”

"Jianghu Baixiaosheng" is staring at the computer screen, looking at a piece of private message and @我的消息, his face is gloomy, his eyes are full of confusion.

After a while, he made up his mind and planned to rely on it again!

In any case, there is no direct broadcast of the Four Kingdoms Juvenile Kings. Most martial arts enthusiasts don’t know that there is such a thing. I have been pretending to be dumb for ten days, pretending not to see the reminder, and waiting for the building to complete the transformation and returning to China. The certificate of the five products will say how many fans can be counted during this time!

After taking a breath and feeling a little calmer, the "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" began to type in the squatting, and continued the previous long Weibo, to seize every minute and every second.

This is all money!

After writing it, I made a save. Before the modification, he refreshed the microblog and stunned to see @我的新萌如出出, there are already thousands of!

"The onlookers occupy the front row!"


"Be a man, don't worry!"

"I believe that you are the one who said it!"

"(Let's turn around) Don't pretend to die!"


what happened? "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" looked down and was scared and scared.

He studied it for a while and found that in a dozen minutes ago, a lot of fans of the big star "Mo Yuting" posted a video and used the cat's head expression with a sentence:

"Being less than two years in training martial arts is a non-human powerhouse. The little teacher and the uncle are awesome. You are my idol!"

"Jianghu Baixiaosheng" face white, stunned the video.

Sure enough, it was the scene when Lou Cheng and Yamashita Tigers played the first move, and the things that changed were clear at a glance!

The body slammed, and "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" almost fainted in the past, his face was very ugly, and he stayed for five minutes.

He stood up and began to walk in the room, as if the ants on the hot pot kept whispering in his mouth:

"You want to force me to die... you want to force me to die..."

After a while, he sat down with grief and hate, and couldn’t look back.

My current fans are all attracted by hype. If you don't practice your promises, you will definitely be despised by them, and soon no one will care...

"Jianghu Baixiaosheng" like the death of relatives and mothers, deleted the previous long Weibo, re-played some content, "dying and struggling":

"Well, I admit that Lou Cheng is a world-class arrogant, I will also complete the gambling contract, delete this number, this Weibo tops a week to make a statement, then officially delete the number, want to continue to understand the friends of the martial arts gossip, listen My friends who analyzed the game can pay attention to the public * number XXXXX."

Call, a week, should you be able to lead many people to come over? "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" sent it, lying on the back of the chair like a force.

After that, he logged into the platform and constantly watched the increase in the number of people. However, this was always small. After the wave of the most popular topic, it was close to a pause.

"It's over, it's over..." "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" seems to see a stack of banknotes with wings inserted, flew away from him, his eyes closed and squatted on the sofa.


The car's co-driver, Yan Yuli's use of time, fearful and full of expectations to see the battle between his own oranges and the tiger under the mountain, and excitedly swiped the forum, watching the "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" microblogging, The more I saw the smile, the more prosperous, and later, the finer voice was shed.

Hearing in the ear, the cicadas who drove the car, Du Fu, took a glance at the side and looked back at the screen that Yu Guang saw before. Half of the sigh was half-encouragely asked:

"Just the boy in the game is your boyfriend?"

How big is this, and it has begun to change?

It seems to be called Lou Cheng?

I have been practicing for many years. So far, the non-human realm has continued to be fantasy!

"Yeah." Yan Yan began to lips, gently nodded, and quietly filled his mind in the flow of eyes:

Actually, it’s not a boyfriend...


On the top of the ring, I saw that the tigers under the mountain struggled to stand up, and there was a lot of mixed feelings in the building.

In the battle just now, I finally won the courage. If I was scared by the "all" characters of the Yamashita Tigers, I was frustrated and decadent. I didn’t dare to counterattack, and then decided to win and lose. It could only be dragged to death by him. , swallow the bitter fruit of failure.

To be honest, I was a bit arrogant before the game. I felt that as long as I can continue the previous play, relying on the transformation and the unexpected increase, the battle with the Yamashita Tigers will be five or five.

But the fact that you can educate yourself, not only can you make people unexpected, others can do the same!

The thing of exhalation, pride and expansion is not to say that it has been reflected before. In the future, it will definitely not be committed again. It will increase with the increase of its own strength, and it will often appear. Therefore, the ancient talents say that the three provinces are three days!

Lou Cheng’s thoughts have settled down, and the breakthrough has caused a few points of flying. In the voice of “Feng Cheng”, the two tigers who have finally stood firm have performed each other.

Turning around and going down the stone steps, he completely recovered from the battle, and his heart filled with joy that was difficult to restrain:


Won the fifth seed!

Won a strong non-human level!

His pace suddenly accelerated, and he could not wait to return to his original position immediately. The target is An Chaoyang, no, An Chaoyang holds the mobile phone.

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