Martial Arts Master

Chapter 477: Bai Xiaosheng's abacus (request for monthly ticket recommendation)

"Dongyu, the tiger under the mountain!"

Upon hearing the guest’s announcement, the mountain tiger’s look changed, revealing a smile, and said to himself:


In the third round of the double elimination tournament, because Lou Cheng took the wrong mistake, he had a little shake of confidence. This is unforgivable. This is a weakness that cannot be tolerated in the tradition of “limit wave flow”. It must be immediately compensated and immediately defeated. Now, I’m in the middle of the building, it’s just what I want!

I will wash my own "stains" with victory!

And it can also help the completion of secret missions!

Next to the tiger under the mountain, the researchers with messy hair pushed down the glasses, and they were very happy. The players such as Yoshida Satoshi were also full of expectations, and even some people shouted wildly:

“Tiger Tiger, it’s time to name the ‘limit wave stream’!”

After the start of the game, the signing of the Yamashita Tigers has always been good, did not encounter strong enemies, failed to show the "extreme wave of volatility", and the disciples such as Putian Yirong have been eliminated, making the genre faceless.

In the face of the request, Yamashita Tigers had a back and looked confidently and nodded:

"Good (Hay)!"


"The tiger under the mountain?" Lou Cheng slammed for a second, self-deprecating, "This luck is a lever!"

The 16th-strong battle directly encountered non-human!

For this lottery, he is actually not surprised, and there is no disappointment. The 16-strong battle still follows the rules of the country that does not meet, and removes four of them. There are also twelve options, which are full of five non-persons. The probability is close to half. On the way to the iconostasis, he is ready to encounter a strong enemy!

Not waiting for Peng Leyun, An Chaoyang and Ren Li to open, Lou Cheng buried his head, looked at the mobile phone, and used the expression of "laughing tears" to Yan Yandao:

"Draw another tiger..."

"School's tiger fights down the wild tiger... I press the quantum school to win!" Yan Yan quickly responded. It seems that from time to time, he will take out his mobile phone and see if there is a lottery result. She "touches her head", " A few days ago, if you smoked the tiger under the mountain, I must have a special bottom, but you have been changing for two days. The coach is optimistic about you! (Clap the shoulder)"

"Then I can only live up to the rigor of the strict coach!" Lou Cheng "work hard up".

To be honest, I am also somewhat confident that I am eager to try!

The Yamashita Tigers only practiced "fluctuation" in May, and changed the position. The level is at least half-baked than that of Vega. I can play with Vega before the change, let alone now?

In these two days, my strength is in fashionable words: drinking water is improving!

After returning to the news, he felt it and raised his head and found that Peng Leyun, Ren Li, An Chaoyang and Zhong Ningtao were watching themselves.

"What's wrong?" Lou Cheng asked.

"I thought it was time to give you encouragement, or to comfort you two sentences, but look at your appearance, it seems that nothing is necessary." Peng Leyun laughed, meaning profound.

This is a fun phone to play with, the smile is not faded, and we don’t need to say anything at all!

An Chaoyang "opened" his eyes and nodded with Ren Li at the same time.

Lou Cheng laughed twice and pointed to the platform:

"Put the second group."

This group, Vijay vs. a non-seed non-foreign card player.

Taking advantage of the gap, Lou Cheng took a look at the screen and made a reply. At this moment, he saw the "King of the Mouth" sent a message to himself:

"I heard that you want to fight against others?"

"How do you know?" Lou Cheng was "stunned and eclipsed."

I don't seem to have mentioned Xiao Ming's participation in the Four Kingdoms. I have been chatting about these other days.

"The mountain people are in a whim, and they count on it. They strolled down to your forum and found that you were actually handed over to the country. You are playing what the four kingdoms are playing, and you have just drawn the inferior level of the Dongpu. He and his parents have hatred?" Cai Zongming "smiles and laughs", "So, specifically to say a word to comfort you to feel the feeling of encountering a strong enemy."

"What?" Lou Cheng replied with his hands and never had a brain.

Cai Zongming’s “smile” said:

"be strong!"

"Roll!" Lou Cheng is concise and sly, and laughs.

As time went by, the third group pulled out, Barnum was lucky, and also encountered non-seed non-foreign card enemies. After a while, the guests began to draw the fourth group of matches and shouted the name of Peng Leyun.

The atmosphere of other delegations suddenly changed, and there was some tension. They did not let them guess for too long. The guests grabbed the ball and glanced at it and showed:

"The icon, Waku!"

The third seed, "Rohan" Waku!

"Not bad..." Peng Leyun's lazy look is positive, and the light in the middle is like electricity. It seems that the opponents of this series have been expecting for a long time!

Lou Cheng and others did not say anything, only vaguely sympathized with Vaku for three seconds.

It’s your turn to see what a serious devil is!

The delegation of the iconic country, Waku stood on his chest, his expression as always sorrowful, and the other members of his face became more or less bad.

After that, different guests took out the four sets of confrontation tomorrow. Ren Li continued good luck. Like Weijia and Barnum, he will face the enemy of non-seed non-foreign cards. An Chaoyang is not too good or too good. Poor, suffered the sixth seed, which is the highest ranked bone guess below non-human.

After the ceremony was completed, the delegations returned to the locker room and took a break. The first game will officially begin at 8:15.

Lou Cheng VS Yamashita Tiger!


In the live broadcast, when Lou Cheng was drawn to the non-human strong, it was already blown up here, and there were different opinions and discussions.

"Gai Shi Long Wang" "funny" said: "Don't be nervous, the hope of winning this victory is not small, even if it is less than half, it should be about 30%. You think about it, he almost won Vega, not to mention weaker. The tiger under the mountain? As long as he can reproduce the kind of play that beats the wrong time, it is not impossible to win!"

"But it is definitely not the same as the weaker opponents and the enemy who is stronger than one realm. Most of the building can't repeat the kind of play." "Riding the heroes" pointed out the problem and got the "fall" The road is approved by others.

"Invincible in a fist" is more biased towards the judgment of "Gai Shi Long Wang":

"When Lou Cheng and Wei Jia played, they also played at a super level!"

"That is different, he has new things, and there is a 'doube' sound, which is unexpected, and makes Vijay judged incorrectly. Now, his foundation, everyone is almost mastered, facing the inhuman, it is difficult to grab Go to the first hand and create opportunities." "The plumber eats mushrooms" is not very optimistic.

"This is true, but it is still the old problem. The tiger under the mountain is weaker than Vega, and both sides are reduced. Loucheng is still hopeful!" "Gai Shilong Wang" insisted on his own views.

"The long night is coming" Yan Xiaoling "underestimated":

"All you said is justified... I choose dog belts, no, pray, make a wish!"

"I support Xiaolong! Right, do you have anyone to inform the 'Jianghu Baixiaosheng', let him prepare to delete the number, at most three months!" "Magic Fan" to ease the peace of mind tension.

"I have already passed @, no thanks, I am a red scarf!" "Consistently love Jungang this" and "smile".

At this moment, "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" is browsing a few battle videos in front of the Four Kingdoms, and his face is getting worse.

"The most is no more than two months..." He whispered a little bit, "You have to start to popularize the public to the public. When you delete the Weibo number, you don't feel bad, and you can't build a small one!"

Well, you have to hurry up, don't lead the popularity, the building achievements have broken!


At 8:10 in the evening, delegations came out of different locker rooms and returned to their original positions.

The mountain tigers put their hands on their laps and waited for a moment. When the referee appeared, they stood up fiercely, like a mountain peaking.

"Tiger Tiger, please!" The messy researcher was squatting next to him.

The Yamashita Tigers gently decapitated and responded.

Because the order of the draw was before him, he could only abandon the white karate suit and put on the dark red spare.

He was about to step on his feet and walked toward the ring. The corner of his eye suddenly looked at the sweet and tangible Tang Zexun in the first two steps. He stood in a position that was flush with himself. The voice was soft and low, but he rushed into himself. Ears:

"Do you really want to do what they say?"

Ok? The face of the tiger under the mountain is now confused, looking sideways.

Tang Zexuan looked at the front, and did not squint the sound and said nothing:

"This is an insult to the martial arts. As long as you debut, you have to respect your opponent, and the building is not weak. You really have to hurry to collect the 'materials'. It is likely to lose to him. Tigers, go all out and defeat. He looked at the situation again and found a way."

Under the mountain, the tiger was silent for a moment, did not answer, strode forward, and the momentum was amazingly close to the stone steps.

After two or three steps, he turned his back to Tang Zexun, and he couldn’t help but look down.


Looking at the electronic wall clock, Lou Cheng also stood up, took the initiative and Peng Leyun, they hit a fist, and heard a voice "refueling."

At this moment, the special reminder of his mobile phone also rang, picking up a look, Yan Yan sent a picture of the oven, which is placed with cakes and other things, the color is biased, the shape is weird.

"Cough, I am taking this practice!" The girl "looks up to the sky".

"So, you want to say, ‘Good to cheer, wait for you to eat’?” Lou Chengxiao helped her make up the subtext.

Yan Yan’s “thumbs up”:

"Know me, oranges, come on!"

“Yes!” Lou Cheng shouted the slogan, launched QQ, switched to the live broadcast interface, threw the phone to An Chaoyang, and laughed:

"Take me a little handsome!"

During the conversation, he headed for the downfall, no fear, only war!

PS: On the last day of May, I would like to ask for a monthly ticket. It will be wasted when it expires~

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