Martial Arts Master

Chapter 476: Ice fire rebalancing

For the declaration of Loucheng, the rigor of the class was not long before the reply was made, and the words were short and powerful:

"Husband cheers!"

Lou Cheng couldn't help but laughed. He laughed aloud. He first returned to the expression of "Heavy red scarf and angry expression", then put down his mobile phone and put a shelf in the room to see the heavy nuclear, the flame flow. "The Emperor of the Emperor", in this way, control the "fire" in the body, pulling them to slowly solidify and aggregate and compress.

This practice is four or five hours, or a break, when the window seems to have extinguished more than 80% of the lights on the ground, the night has re-ruled the world, and the building suddenly opened his eyes, and the scorpion flashed through the bushes. The blazing red fire is like the sun hanging in the sky in the morning.

Sublimation of strength, it is not easy to say, it is not difficult to say that it is difficult. After initially grasping the charm of "Yan Di Tu", and having the experience of practicing "ice 魄 ”", he successfully completed the "Zhu Rongjin" to "Yan Dijin" "The change, a fire is red and white, thick and dignified, and barely formed a cycle, you do not need to re-train after each use.

Lou Cheng turned his lower neck and shook his head, causing the bones to burst into a burst of sound, like a bean that exploded in the fire.

He adjusted his interest a little, took the access card, and rushed out of the room and went to the hotel pool on the 31st floor.

In the middle of the night, this place has already been closed, and there is no one to smoke, but it is difficult to fall down the stairs. Looking for a window to turn it out, jumping on the obstacles like walking on the outer wall, and easily entering from the other side.

In the darkness, the pool is quiet and quiet, and it seems that the bottom is not visible. There is a feeling that a horror film is being staged.

Lou Cheng went to the shoes and socks, took off the T-shirt shorts, leaned on the upper body, jumped into the pool, into the water, no flowers and no waves, only a circle of laps slowly.

It didn't take long before he sank, and he touched the bottom, sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes.

Breathing is broken, the body is isolated from the air, surrounded by gentle water waves, the building seems to return to the mother's belly before returning to the unborn, the heart is calm, naturally, the internal circulation changes slightly, the spirit does not need to think I have seen the visceral fascia and vascular muscles.

The "Hail God Light Map" and the "Yan Emperor Map" are intertwined, and he uses this to run two powers, realizing their dependence on and traction on the tiny root marrow.

In the environment, this feeling is subtle and strange!

Every once in a while, Lou Cheng must rise to the surface, spit out new things, then re-sink, feel grasped, try to influence.

Time and time again, failure failed, although he has pushed the door of inhuman, but wants to start to change, there are still small obstacles, not just want to do it all at once, it can be done overnight.

Huh... At five o'clock, the sky is still dark, and the building is swimming to the edge of the pool. Hands hold the shore, spitting out the smog and a little heart.

When the mood regained, the "ice mirror" re-condensed, and he continued to sink and sink.

This time, after he finished the "Yan Di Tu" and "Hail God Light Map" and still did not gain, he changed his mind and tried to "regain his strength."

The blood and blood contract, the spirit is invaginated, the ice and fire form a balance, and they are entwined with each other in a rotating manner, as if a human body Dan, which is in harmony with the lower abundance nebula, is formed.

Within the "Da Dan", there was a sudden change, and the "ice hail" swayed into a starless background of the starry sky. It was dark to dark, and it was cold to simmer. The heat did not exist, the sound was not obvious, and the "Yan Emperor" collapsed. Then there is polymerization, throwing out the flame stream and material, turning into a round of big day, a star.

The perfect balance between the two, like the real cosmic projection, has become plausible in the past.

When the building became a body shock, it only felt that the "human body Dan" and the starry sky above it, and the likes of the four sides, seemed to have a subtle reflection.

With a bang, his lower abdomen Jin Dan was dragged by this, and there was a shock. The water wave opened and the stars swayed. Under the contrast of the "human body Dan", there was a sense of disharmony and imperfection.

"Da Dan" burst open, and the power was sprayed thin. At this moment, Lou Cheng’s hobby realized the slight floating of the root marrow, and it was vaguely grasped.

Unconsciously, he found himself floating up and floating out of the water, so he opened his eyes, meditated on the previous, recollected, and felt his own "ice and fire balance" and "human body Dan" than the dragon and the real "Jin Dan" "More perfect, and closer to nature, this is very important for the future development of the world."

"Sure enough, the times are progressing, and cultivation is also." Lou Cheng thought with joy.

It’s a lucky thing to stand on the shoulders of a big bull!

Predecessors can not be taught!

After examining himself, he was heavy and sinking. According to the previous thinking, he “regained his strength” and balanced the ice and fire, affecting the root marrow.

The sky is bright, the morning light is above the pool, and most of the ice floes and frost covered by the water surface are illuminated, and they are surrounded by a hot spring where they are surrounded by hot springs and white mist. ".

Oh! When the sound of the water rang, Lou Cheng stood up and stood on the water like that. He was still immersed in the foot below.

His hair is wet and docile, and the muscles that are naked outside are distinct and not deformed. The surface is slipped with a drop of water drops, which is very masculine.

One step, two steps, three steps, the building went into the water, did not sink, slowly walked to the edge of the pool, picked up the T-shirt shorts, shoes and other things, casually put on, left this layer.

Because of the relationship with the power, he is more exaggerated than the original scene created by Peng Leyun!

Going back to the room, Lou Cheng picked up the mobile phone, and there was a smile that was difficult to contain on his face. He slammed the pile of words and snickered and sent it to Yan Yan:

"You can see my five-certificate certificate in September!"

Yes, I have just succeeded in pulling the root marrow alienation, that is to say, it has officially begun to change, and after waiting for another ten days, it will be completely reborn and achieve non-human!

From now on, until the completion of the transformation, I will really be stronger every day, visible to the naked eye!

Strictly replying to the last lesson of the last lesson, "speaking and laughing":

"Orange, if you use another way of saying ‘non-human’, you are now a real person, not a person, not a person, an orange, you are not a person~”

After finishing this sentence, she made up a "smile" expression.

Feel the joy and excitement hidden in the girl's words, Lou Cheng's mood is getting better, shaking his head, laughing, suddenly popping up wanting to see her, want to video chat with her impulse - every few days I was training in the morning and I missed the most suitable time for the video.

However, considering that Xiao Xiaoying’s classmates are still in class, he has tolerated it and just returned to the text message.

In the classroom, Yan Yan is happy and proud and a little bit small.

The oranges are getting better and better, what about me?

She looked up at the teacher and the motivation for learning was more powerful.

I also want to be better myself!


On the 31st floor of the hotel, the swimming pool is open, and the men and women who are used to the morning exercise have arrived. They have warmed up and jumped into the water surface that looks no different.

"It's so cold!" a girl shouted.

"Hey, hot!" There was a man who threw himself up and seemed to jump into the hot spring without any preparation.

At the same time, Lou Cheng gave a call to Shi Laotou, and reported that:

"Master, I am practicing ‘Yan Dijin’!”

He didn't say that he had started to change things, and he planned to tell his master.

"Well, yes." Shi Laotou was not surprised by this. As expected, he said, "You can try to change the stinky boy. In addition to the breakthrough in the water, there are actually several ways. I think the old man may be more suitable for you. such as……"

Lou Cheng was so stunned that he suddenly said:

"Master, you, why don't you say it earlier?"

I have started to change!

It took a lot of effort to start changing under the water!

The experience of the old man was so rich that he heard the state of his own apprentice, and laughed and said:

"I have never seen your stupid disciple with the old man. How can I not ask my master before the breakthrough?"

"Before I even said something about this, it couldn't be so detailed... haha, cough..."

He coughed up with a smile and felt that he was happy with this year.

Lou Cheng’s old face was red, and he secretly slammed a master’s pit. He replied:

"I don't think I should try it first. If you have a question, please ask the teacher, you?"

" Needless to say, cough, for the teacher, haha, stinky boy, good practice..." Shi Laotou hung up the phone, picked up the little song, and found out the treasured wine.


After a day and a half, Lou Cheng made up a sleep, continued to change, and found the right time, and made a video chat with her.

On August 20th, the people in the iconostasis moved, the heat wave reunited, and the fierce battle reopened.

Lou Cheng, Peng Leyun and others sat on their seats, first watched a song and dance performance, only to witness the guests on stage, to draw the 16th round of the battle, tonight and tomorrow night will be four separate battles.

The guest reached into the box, took out a ball, looked at the text above, and announced the side:

"Huaguo, Loucheng!"

I went, the first one was taken out... The building became a funny laughter, and the back was quite straight, waiting for the opponent's determination.

The guest reached out again and fumbled for it. He took out the second ball and showed:

"Dongyu, the tiger under the mountain!"

The fifth seed, the tiger under the mountain!

PS: Today's Dragon Boat Festival, there is something in the afternoon, and at night it is even at 12 am, continue to ask for a monthly ticket recommendation~

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