Martial Arts Master

Chapter 323: hot topic

Shannan University’s martial arts community’s atmosphere is warm but not tyrannical. Loucheng and others did not rush away like Yimeng’s escaping. Instead, they celebrated for a while in the locker room. After a break, they slowly packed up their belongings and pushed the door. come out.

At this time, the crowds in the venue have been scattered, leaving only three or three students to hang around here and exercise.

As soon as they saw Loucheng, their faces changed sharply, and they made birds and beasts scattered, as if they found the Great Devil.

"The catastrophe star" Mu Xi will be in the face of great mold in front of him, let alone our ordinary people?

Seeing this scene, it is known that Lou Cheng, who relied on the third ability to rebound, couldn't help himself, and laughed out loudly. He looked at the legendary "protagonist" with his eyes.

Lou Cheng took a handful of Yan Yan, licked his face with one hand and sighed:

"I feel like a big boss in the villain..."

Don't say, this inexplicable is a bit sour!


All the way to the horse, Ma Longdun, Songda Wudaoshe and his team returned to the school more than eight o'clock, so each time back to each family, each looking for each mother, seize the weekend of free laundry, busy housekeeping.

The next day, it was a morning exercise and special training. In the afternoon, Lou Cheng accompanied Yan Yan to the first teaching building, and planned to find a classroom for individuals.

He took two school bags and looked at the students who came and went, laughing low:

"In fact, I really like the way a girl carries a few books to go to class to study, especially the literary fan."

"I used to do this often, but unfortunately, when someone saw me taking something, he would take the initiative to grab it." Yan Yan mouth turned and smiled. "I think someone wants to take two stacks of books, they will compare." Trouble, put them in the bag, or else, otherwise, the man with the tiger's back is holding a few books, the picture, the picture, haha..."

As she spoke, she couldn’t take it anymore.

A hook in the corner of the building, attached to the ramp:

"That's too beautiful, I can't look at it!"

"But well, I don't think I'm a tiger's back, it's more symmetrical!"

The two talked and laughed, stepped into the teaching building, did not take the elevator, came to the third floor, looking for a place suitable for self-study.

Around the majority of the circle, they finally locked the target, entered a classroom with only a dozen people sitting in a sporadic manner, and directly selected the two positions in the last row of windows.

"There are so many people studying on Sunday afternoon, our school is very good." Lou Cheng recalled the other classroom scenes he had seen before. He couldn't help but sigh with a low voice. "But every time I go back to the bedroom, I see Xiao Ming and my classmates. Gods, they never learn from themselves, and I feel that our generation of college students is really decadent..."

"God man" is Tang Wen, because he is addicted to the game, he has forgotten the test date and failed to retake the original question. He was nicknamed "God Man" by the mouth king and was recognized by the whole bedroom.

Yan Yan took the bag and stopped his hand in the open position. He chuckled:

“This reminds me of the words that our 'marketing' teacher often said. The results of the survey only depend on the choice of the sample. For example, for the university study style, if you want to praise, you should mainly study the students in the teaching building and the library. If you want to criticize, go to the bedroom, go to the lake, and go to the martial arts venue."

She controls the volume, almost weak mosquitoes, so as not to disturb the self-study of other students. Of course, with her and Liang Cheng's current ears, this level of sound does not affect the conversation at all.

During the conversation, Yan opened the schoolbag and took out thick books, corresponding references, notes full of notes, books dedicated to drafts, and stationery bags with pink piglets.

Lou Cheng also took out the "discrete mathematics" textbook from the bag, the detailed examples of the library borrowing, the notes of the writing key, the draft of the calculation and a pencil and a pen and an eraser.

They put these on the table almost at the same time, and the position and order are different, as if they were each other.

After the release, the two men looked sideways, tacitly smiled, the sun shining through the window, the scenery is just right.

Just when Lou Cheng was about to open the pages of the book, Yan Yan suddenly left his hand and looked at him halfway and half-faced:

"Orange, you will not, will you feel that this is very boring?"

"What's boring?" The building was full of fog.

"Yes, that is." Yan Yan's eyes turned up, and the teeth bite. "Every time I have to accompany me to study, I don't have time to date. Would you feel boring?"

Other people's love may not be like us?

"On this matter?" Lou Cheng laughed. "No, I have been obsessed with learning. For me, the spiritual satisfaction of solving a difficult problem is no worse than playing an ordinary match. Besides, my professional class is also More, in order not to graduate, it is certainly more self-study, isn't this a date? With you, what are you dating?"

He has lowered his requirements for study, and he has graduated from excellent graduation to graduation. After all, it is difficult to have both fish and bear's paw, and people's energy is limited.

"Meat, hemp!" Sighed with a sigh, coveted and laughed, and the volume dropped again. "Actually, actually, I really like what we are now..."

When I was studying, I occasionally looked up and saw the face of the orange, feeling his existence, and everything would become so warm and cozy.

"Me too!" Lou Cheng stressed.

Yan Yanzi turned around and pear vortex loomed: "Is it? Really like it? Do you like it?"

"Yes, I like it very much!" Lou Cheng did not hesitate, from the heart.

"Since you like it very much, then we will not go out for a date. If you have time, you will come from Xi!" Yan Yan straightened his body and made a decision happily.

"Ah?" Lou Cheng opened his mouth. "This, these two things can't be confused..."

When he didn't finish his words, he saw that the girl's eyes were bright, her mouth was squatting, her lip line was outlined, and it seemed that she had spent a lot of effort to resist the leak of laughter.

"I feel like you have set the way again..." Lou Cheng sighed.

"Oh..." Strictly slammed down and released the laughter in his arms. Her shoulders shook and her hair was light and dripping. It was very happy.

After such an opening, both of them were in a good mood, and the efficiency of self-study seemed to have increased a lot.

After reading a chapter of discrete mathematics and doing the corresponding exercises, Lou Cheng was satisfied with the solution of the problem, and was a little dizzy, so he decided to rest for ten minutes and relax for a while.

This class is really difficult, it is said that the hanging rate is super high! Lou Cheng stared at the textbook for a few seconds, sighed, and then looked at Yan Yan sideways. She saw what she was doing, her expression, her deep eyes, her frowning, sometimes her mouth, her face, and sometimes her lips. There is a beauty that makes people intoxicated.

The building made such a smile and looked at her, watching her black long eyelashes fluttering like a fan, looking at her aura of scorpion, watching her blown pink cheeks...

"Look at what? Make your own! Play with your mobile phone!" Yan Yan was too quick to focus on him, snoring and slamming.

Lou Cheng smiled, took back the line of sight, took out the phone, unlocked the screen, and planned to brush a forum to relax, and the first post that caught his eye came from "good names are shit":

"Haha, I am headline! No, the video I forwarded became a hot spot!"

What video? Lou Cheng followed the link in the post, clicked on Weibo, and saw "Lincheng VS who won the game and defeated his own Mu Hao."

Because the video of the game was very happy, it attracted a lot of people to forward it. It actually produced an explosive effect. In less than a day, there were already 10,000+ forwards, nearly 10,000 comments, and the number of people who visited it. countless.

Lou Cheng looked at it from the perspective of a bystander, and he was too happy to express his deep sympathy for “Mu Laohan”.

Haha, I might have played a fake game! He smiled and browsed the comments down, ready to wait for Xiao Xiaotong to finish the problem and share the most fun part with her.

"Actors! Power!"

"I am pointing at this video this year!"

"Haha, my mother asked me why I was watching the computer!"

"It’s a godsend, it’s seamless, and the building in the middle of Chengdu is stupid~”

Looking at it, he found several IDs in a number of places, one called "Shannan Muyu", one called "Mu Laohan", one called "Meng Xing Mu Mu", and one called "Song Building Cheng" One is called "Wu Ren Lou Cheng".

"Song Building" said with a feeling of emotion: "I was dumbfounded at the time, the first time I encountered such a game!"

"Wu Ren Lou Cheng" accused "Song Building Cheng" said: "This is a fake! Only registered new number, a look is fake me!"

"Your previous Weibo said that you are in the Imperial Capital, dare to move to the Imperial Capital?" "Song Building Cheng" counterattacks.

Mom, who is this with whom? I have not registered yet! Lou Cheng slammed for a while, and felt that Li Wei met Li Gui.

These guys are all newly registered to change their names to pay attention to it?

At this moment, the mobile phone that Yan Yan placed next to it flashed and there was news.

She just solved the problem before, and both mind and body are comfortable. I picked it up and found it to be Yan Xiaoling’s reminder:

"Sister, sister, let Lucheng register a Weibo number, let's go to him! Now I pretend to be a lot of him! That video is a fire, it is the video he played with Mu Laohan..."

She said that she was upside down. Yan Yan almost didn't understand it. After reorganizing it, she figured out what was going on. She was busy and said: "Orange, do you know the microblogging video? You and Mu Wei’s game. video."

"Know, I am watching, there are three guys who pretend to be me, and they accuse each other of being fake." The building is full of joy.

The three goods were so hot that they deceived tens of thousands of people.


Shannan University, Lin Xiao stood guarded on the balcony and called Mu Hao:

"Captain, captain, look at Weibo, you are on fire! Auntie!"

"Look, this is not a good thing..." Mu Hao had long been blushed by those ridicules.

"It is a good thing to pay attention. Maybe you can become a big V in the future. You can earn money by this. Auntie, fast, change your literary name to a person. Let us prove that you are true!" Lin Xiaozhi urged Road.

Mom got a chicken, I have a good job, and I have a strong blood. I just caught a cold head and caught a cold!

God doesn't open your eyes! You can't believe it!


Lou Cheng and Yan Yan are in a good state of mind, and they are so happy to watch a burst of three fakes.

Suddenly, the building became a mobile phone vibrating and there was a phone call.

He was busy choosing to answer, and lowered his voice:


The number display is seeing the moon!

Shi Yue saw and laughed: "I saw the video, very funny, really fun, you can register a microblogging number, you can't let others lick your heat."

"I have..." Lou Cheng replied twitching.

My previous Weibo number was purely registered to see things, no content was sent, and the name also achieved special second...

"What? What? I didn't find it? Those who didn't see it at first!" Shi Yue saw.

Lou Cheng smashed his face and was embarrassed to speak.

At first, I liked to read fantasy novels. I took Weibo’s name as “East King Taiyi”. At present, except for the zombie number, there is only one concern for myself. That is the little fairy’s Weibo, called “仗剑不喝酒”, and her QQ nickname It has also been changed, and it is called "珂小珂".

"I immediately changed my name and changed my text message." Lou Cheng skipped the previous step.

"Well, I will do the certification for you at that time." Shi Yuejian hang up the phone.

Lou Cheng has been rebranded and revised the "Emperor Taiyi" to "Luocheng". After thinking about it, he added a 129 to the back.

"129..." Yan Yan looked at his operation, whispered, and the dimples appeared on his face. The smile was a bit confusing, and his heart was sweet.

This is her birthday.

"Hey." Lou Chengxiao did not speak, the amendment was passed, and the name was sent to his sister.

Not long after, the "Wu Yue will see the moon" with tens of millions of attention forwarded the microblog of "good names are shit", and accompanied by a paragraph:

"A particularly fun game! @楼成129嗯, my little teacher!"

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