Martial Arts Master

Chapter 322: pitiful

On the stand, Yan Xiaoling, who took the mobile phone to shoot the game, opened her mouth into an O-shape, and her face was forced.

She was also worried that she would see a fierce and tense place. She couldn’t help but scream and cheer, waving her arms and throwing her mobile phone away. Who knows, the development of this battle is incredible and keeps me awake.

No cheers, no excitement, she was busy exiting the camera, sent the video to the forum, with a title that best expresses her mood:

"I may have a ghost!"

Quickly drag the progress bar, "Gai Shi Long Wang" browsed less than a minute of the game, with the expression of "scratching the back of the head": "I rub, what is Mu Hao doing? Lou Cheng won this?"

"Mu Wei, is this power reversing?" "The road to the downfall" I don't know when I wandered again.

"Hahahaha, I understand, I am so funny, I laughed at my stomach!" "Nie Wei" "Laughter".

"I watched it twice, once and laughed once, and laughed crazy! This TM is a martial arts competition, obviously a comedy show!" "Consistently loves Jungang this" with the expression of "smile and cry".

"Raise your hand! Didn't you say that the rebellion of Mu's power will not affect him, only affecting the people around him?" "Fantasy Vatican" side "breaks into laughter" while "diagonally forced".

"Gai Shilong Wang" "Have a big laugh" said: "The pride of the sky, the gas is strong, Mu Yulian used the "good luck" ability for Lin deficiency and Lou Cheng, it is normal to encounter the anti-phagosis, no problem, it is like this! ”

"Sauce purple... then I can smile with confidence!" "Fantasy" made a super-large "haha" expression.

"Wu Su, when he played Peng Leyun last year, he was not affected by it..." "Selling and selling" The little girl was waiting for this video in the interval of the third year.

"No problem, last year, Mu Wei first played Xu Wannian, 'Doom' on the 'crow's mouth', so hard to win both defeats, when Peng Leyun was already strong, it is estimated that there is no way to use the power." "Dragon King" is a humanoid database for the original scene. "Of course, it is possible that the building has the talent to restrain this aspect."

"Oh, oh, @长夜 is coming, can I send this video to Weibo? It’s so fun, I want more people to see it!" "Good names are shit" "Laughing and rolling" .

"Fa!" Yan Xiaoling gradually outlined her face and slowed down.

"Good names are shit," immediately sent a microblogging, with video as the theme, with text:

"A magical game! Building VS, who won the game, defeated his own aunt!"

Finally, she @ has a few friends on Weibo.

One of the female IDs, called "Stupid Winter", "smiles and tears":

"Haha, good professional performance! There is no trace of flaws! This is the life of the rope! @奥斯卡影帝"


In the martial arts venue of Shanbei University, Fang Zhirong completely suppressed the opposite players.

Xu Wannian and Peng Leyun sat side by side, and they couldn't afford any interest in this disparity between the strong and the weak. They even suspected that they didn't have the opportunity to play.

If he is not the president of the martial arts society, he must pay attention to the image in front of the classmates. He wants to take out his mobile phone and search for a situation in which the building is in the opposite direction.

Does his "starry taste" really restrain this ability?

In November last year, when he used his "crow's mouth" to tease him, he suffered a counter-attack, but he was still waiting for confirmation.

There was a lot of thoughts, and he suddenly reached a cell phone in front of him.

"Hey, Peng Shidi, what happened?" Xu Wannian turned to look at Peng Leyun next to him.

Peng Leyun’s mouth is upturned, and it’s ridiculously replied: “Look at it and you will know.”

When he is not in a daze, he is actually a very good person.

“Look?” Xu Wannian stared down and found that the screen was a fan forum of Loucheng. It was a video of his battle with Mu Wei. He couldn’t help but hold his breath, extended his right hand and clicked to play.

I am going to... I am... ****! As the progress bar scrolled, Xu Wannian's expression changed again and again. When the video of these tens of seconds ended, he stupidly stayed there until he was awakened by the referee's announcement that Fang Zhi won the victory.

"Peng Shidi, if, if you meet upstairs..." He jerked his head and looked at Peng Leyun, crying and sulking. "Can I admit defeat directly?"

Peng Leyun chuckled: "What do you say?"

"Hey." Xu Wannian took a cold breath. "I'm afraid I can't control my mouth! Or else, when you find a piece of tape, put your mouth on it?"


Next to the ring, the dreamy Mu Yun finally returned to reality, there was no frustration and pain of failure, only one brain of doubt and sorrow.

He carefully climbed up and looked at the building into a few eyes, which was a small step back to the home team seat, for fear that the ground inexplicably collapsed into a tiankeng.

"Captain, what the **** is going on?" Lin Xiaozhi saw it and cautiously greeted him.

Mu Zhen thought for a moment: "The power is back."

This is something that can be determined. What is unclear is why the power will reverse.

"How could this be?" Lin Xiaozhi frowned and suddenly nodded. "I understand, because the building is hard! The curse and bad luck are invalid, and things that fail to succeed will definitely be countered!"

"What theory are you?" Mu said.

Lin Xiaozhi solemnly replied: "The theory of metaphysics!"

Mu Hao stayed for a while and said his own guess: "I suspect that Lou Cheng has a third ability that can restrain and even bounce curses and bad luck."

"It is possible..." Jin Dali rushed to Lin Xiaozhi's side.

Seeing that the two main forces and the rest of the bench were surrounded, Mu Hao finally got out of the previous mood, and was very dismayed and sorry:

"Sorry, this year I can't lead everyone into the national finals."

Those who dare to join the school's martial arts club are true love!

The atmosphere became heavy, and Lin Xiaozhi’s eyes were reddish, and he took a breath and pretended to have no heart and lungs: “Captain, this year will not work, we still have the following year! What are you afraid of? There are opportunities!”

"Why not next year?" Kim Dali suddenly asked.

"Is this unclear? Next year, Peng Leyun's senior year, Lou Cheng and Lin deficiency have grown up for another year. Shanbei and Songda will be so powerful that people will be desperate. How can we have a chance to qualify? After the next year, Peng Leyun graduated, Lou Chenglin Although the lack is strong, but at least we still have hopes to compete for another quota." Lin Xiaozhi was just a slap in the face, but when he spoke, he showed his true feelings.

We also want to go to the national finals.

Four years in college, I have to think about it!

"The problem is, I am already a junior, and I graduated the next year..." Mu Hao paused.

Lin Xiaozhi’s eyes turned, and he laughed: “Captain, can you abandon us! Without your bad luck, how can we impact the national finals? Or is it like this? You apply for a late graduation, anyway, you hang several doors, credits may not be enough."

Shannan, like other top universities, implements a credit system. One course is one to four credits. If you have enough, you can graduate, and you can complete the undergraduate course in advance. If you don't have enough, you can apply for a delay of one to two years.

Having said that, Lin Xiaozhi was sorrowful and angry. His performance was consistently good, but twice, the captain used the bad luck, and the unlucky one was even worse.

Just as she revived the atmosphere, the surrounding stands suddenly sounded a voice, they grew from weak to strong, and accumulated a lot, eventually screaming into shouts:

"The same boat! The same boat!"

The same boat... The Muss and Lin Xiaozhi and others waited for it, and the instinct looked around and was quickly blurred by the banner.


In the sound of "the same boat", Lou Cheng returned to the visiting team seat, and first saw the Shu Wei and the shooting team who recorded the details.

He waved his hand in a friendly manner, and he was about to say hello, but he saw that Shu Shu’s flower was eclipsed. He even took a few steps back. He seemed to be afraid of what was contaminated. The other people in the shooting team were also consistently behind, leaving only the camera brother. The place is there.

"Orange, you are stunned! You won the game without moving your hands and not moving your body!" At this time, Cai Zongming raised his thumb and resolved the embarrassment.

"I am quite embarrassed..." Lou Cheng walked away with a smile.

Cai Zongming did not move his voice and stepped away. He opened the distance again.

"You hide and hide?" Lou Cheng said with a funny geological, and saw Yan Shuguang greeted him with surprise and surprise.

He already understands that the group of guys are afraid of being bad luck like Mu Wei!

"Hey." Cai Zongming laughed and said nothing, shrinking to the side of the forest.

"Are you still a friend?" Lou Cheng reluctantly glanced at the "mouth king".

“Not counting!” Xiao Ming’s classmate answered without any frankness.

Lou Cheng was almost amused, and moved to see the little fairy squatting to her side without fear.

This is true love!

At this time, he heard the voice of his own master in his ear: "The dragon and the real relics you got can probably bounce back the power of the doom."

This sentence is like a flash of lightning, illuminating the fog of the building into a mind, let him suddenly realize, understand what is going on!

When he is asleep, Jin Dan can feel the danger approaching, and when he balances himself into a Dan, let this kind of gods merge into a little...

Is this the third power I wake up? Of course, most of the power is temporarily provided by Jin Dan...

What is the power of "hard" and "premonition"? Son of the sky? Lucky star?

When the thoughts turned, Lou Cheng looked down to Li Wei, Cai Zongming and other teammates, and found that they were still the previous expressions. They did not respond to their own words, and they turned a deaf ear.

This hand is amazing!

In the feeling of Lou Cheng, Yan Yan squinted his toes and put it in his ear:

"Orange, did you feel anything different?"

Lou Cheng explained with a smile: "I probably awakened the third ability, rebounded Mu's bad luck, and caused a counter-attack, hehe, it should be said that this ability has long awakened, but I have not noticed myself. Didn't figure out what it is..."

He whispered the coach who had caught the thief at the train station before.

"This way..." Yan Yan and gratified and pleasantly flowed the dawn, and then snorted, "I am so angry! I thought it was the role of my brilliance! I thought I was awakened by the character! ”

"Look, I want Mu Hao to be so serious, and I must have your character blessing." Lou Cheng pleaded with a word, and suddenly thought of a question, "Hey, you are not afraid of being bad luck, take the initiative to greet me." Is it because I believe in me, I still feel that my character is invincible, don't worry about this?"

"Oh..." Yan Yan replaced the answer with a laugh.


After the rounding of the ceremony, Mu Wei and Lin Xiaozhi and others returned to the locker room.

As the captain had suffered a reversal, Lin Xiaozhi’s mood was a lot easier. She took off her shoes and went to the washroom. She took off the amulets one by one and stuffed them into the cabinet with the clothes.

When the hot water drenched, every cell in her body was screaming comfortably.

After applying the shampoo, Lin Xiaozhi enjoyed the bath.

At this moment, she saw the lamp on her head flashing a few times and sizzling.

After a brief struggle, it was finally extinguished.

Followed by Lin Xiaozhi, the hot soup that felt on his body turned into a bitter cold rain!

This... She turned her head and looked at the cupboard, only to think that the cute amulets were so far away.

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