Martial Arts Master

Chapter 275: Dragon fight

In the live broadcast room of Xing Provincial TV, the host seized the last opportunity to ask:

"Yu Hong teacher, I found that you seem to have missed a very important question. You have not mentioned the physical talent of Lou Cheng. The youth competition has been playing for so many days. Everyone has accumulated fatigue in a field. Only Loucheng will not In the semi-finals, I think he will have an advantage in this respect. Why did you not mention this when you just analyzed the victory and defeat of Zhang Zhutong?"

Yu Hong smiles and says:

"Only for one game, Zhang Zhutong will not have much problems in terms of physical strength. Maybe you don't know. Before that, the 'Shenhuo Club' added a new ultra-low temperature cold therapy system to minus 110 to 145. The extreme low temperature between ten degrees Celsius stimulates the human body, assists in the recovery of fatigue and the treatment of injuries. What is the effect? ​​It is expensive, but it is worth the price."

"This system is abroad, and it has already been popularized in top professional competitions. The external sturdy people also have a small role, but the temperature will be even lower."

"Zhang Zhutong is not a arrogant person who has no brains. It is impossible not to use it last night, but with acupuncture and medicinal herbs. His fatigue is very light now, and it will not be much worse than the state at the peak. , a nine..."

The host said with emotion: "The progress of science and technology really makes the martial arts a lot more variable. It is no wonder that Teacher Yu Hong thinks that Zhang Zhutong has more than 70% chance of winning. Oh, this game is actually very interesting, according to Mr. Yu Hong’s statement. As long as the building is full of foundations, one year, or even six months later, he has great hopes to get the certificate of the professional seven products. At that time, he was only twenty years old, and Zhang Zhutong was the seven products at the age of twenty-two. This can be seen as a natural replacement for young warriors in our province."

"It’s the post-wave that really pushes away the front waves, or whether the front waves succeeded in stopping the post-waves and suppressing his momentum for a year, let us wait and see."

Listening to the analysis of the commentary, some people are happy to be embarrassed, and above the platform, facing Zhang Zhutong’s word front, Lou Cheng has no grievances and no anger. After last night’s communication with Yan Yu, he was prepared for this, only flat. Quietly answered: "My qualification does not require others to weigh, one year later, two years later, three years later, I hope you can have the courage to say what you said."

On the one hand, he showed his confidence in the martial arts. This was not shaken by the results of one or two martial arts competitions. On the other hand, he concealed the growth speed of the two: I was an ordinary person without martial arts last year. In January, it was a strong amateur product. At the end of April, it became a professional nine products with sweeping performance. In early August, it was promoted to Danjing. It automatically set eight products. No accident. In April next year, I will definitely get the certificate of seven products. Years, the next year, my six products are expected, and the non-human realm is not impossible to impact.

what about you? With the potential of your current performance, when is the same grade as me? Still have a gap?

Is there any courage and conviction to say the words that weigh my qualifications?

His remarks were not exaggerated. They only pointed out the situation of the two people rationally and objectively. However, the truth is the most hurtful. Even if Zhang Zhutong has a lot of battles, I don’t know how many battles have been played. How many times have there been dialogues? The attempt, can not help but heavy breathing, slightly changed his face, stiff tone:

"Who can make it clear in the future? At least for now, I can press you to suppress the momentum of your growth."

Lou Cheng shook his head and smiled, deliberately did not speak, showing a cloudy attitude, to deepen the stimulus.

After so many competitions, I gradually got rid of the embarrassment and became a person who can use the dialogue time... He lowered his eyes, and the heart lake condensed into ice, reflecting the thoughts flashing above.

Zhang Zhutong’s “catched fist” not only hit the cotton, but also slammed it, and he was not able to get back. The momentum was sometimes resolved.

How big is this guy, how is the mentality so good?

He was waiting to push back the momentum and affect the soul and spirit of the opponent, but he saw the referee Yin Huaming lifted his right arm and slammed it:


The first semi-final of the 3rd Xing Province Youth Warriors Championship began!

Zhang Zhutong did not hesitate, no longer considered other things, waist back, step forward, rushed to the opponent, his speed from slow to fast, as if the heavy tank finally started, brought a burst of fierce wind , blowing the floor into a small eyes.

"Wind and fire robbery", the wind!

In the final step, Zhang Zhutong's body was tight, slamming forward, in the loud air bursting sound, shrinking into the inch like a bully, Lou left, the left hand across the chest, the right arm like an iron rod, a shrinking follow A bulge and a thorn, squatting directly between the enemy's chest and abdomen!

He gradually gained momentum and set aside time for me to prepare for a "drink". Lou Cheng’s heart moved, feeling that this must be awkward.

Because in this matter, I can take risks, Zhang Zhutong can't afford a little risk. Once I am hit by the "drinking a head", I am afraid that there will be rigidity in the body of the seven-character Dan, and the rigidity will be for the opponents who have no gap. It means a lot, almost representing victory!

Did not go to the other side than the body, than the wind and fire steps, the building into the feet of the inside, the thigh muscles swell, the back of the waist turned, the shoulders blasted a cannon of tearing the wind, blocking the enemy's attack.

The two seeing the upcoming contact, Zhang Zhutong's wrist suddenly has a magazine, the fist seems to be the white clouds in the wind, fluttering and fluttering, winding around the side, five fingers, fiercely grabbed the arm of Loucheng.

"Wind and fire robbery", the wind is blowing!

What if you have a simplified foreigner move? I don't collide with you, grab you seven inches!

Lou Cheng was prepared, his shoulders were topped, and the strength was blown up, so that the arm was soft first, turned into a long whip, avoided the grasping, and reversed the winding, and then with the forward tilt of his center of gravity, tightened , hard pumping to the enemy's wrist joints,

At this moment, Zhang Zhu was convulsively convinced, and he sank into a human body, followed by him. He lifted his left foot and slammed it to the ground.

boom! He completely infused the power of the Danish outburst into the ring, and the entire platform suddenly shook a few times. The cracks in his heart were centered on his feet, and he swiftly spread toward the surrounding green bricks. I can see that the scalp is numb.

It’s like an earthquake!

This is the power of Qi Pin Dan!

The timing of Zhang Zhutong’s foot was very appropriate. It was the moment when Lou Cheng’s center of gravity tilted forward, so that he only felt the ups and downs of his feet, and he would have to fall down.

not good! Lou Cheng adjusts the muscles and forcibly pulls back the center of gravity like mercury.

At this time, Zhang Zhutong relied on the lame bounce, like a gust of wind, step forward, completely crossed the opponent's defensive circle, deceived the body, and he has been on the left arm of the chest, as if a big gun, hula Taking advantage of the situation, he rushed out and poked the throat of Lou Cheng, which was fast and fierce, like the flame of the original.

"Wind and fire robbery", the fire borrows the wind, a trick!

No one had thought that Zhang Zhutong did not seek a long battle, in order to play the "melting pot", but to create opportunities at the beginning, killing and shuffling.

In this series of attacks, his experience, skills and ability to grasp the timing of the seven products are vividly displayed!

Under such a distance, in front of such a "fire", let alone dodge, even if it is still strong, it seems that it is too late. If Loucheng is affected by the mind during the dialogue time, the momentum is suppressed, and the judgment is slow. Is the end of the failure on the spot.

Fortunately, his heart lake condensed ice, made a judgment between the electric light stone fire, the body suddenly swelled, his head shrank, in a semi-sitting posture, shunned the attack straight into the throat.

However, Zhang Zhutong’s killings would be so simple. When the left arm’s puncture was just lost, he bulged the abdominal muscles, pulled the fascia next to him, pulled the spine and shoulders, and let the body lean toward the side. The arm changed direction and was beaten down.

This drag-and-drop shows the mellow and transparent change of his power!

The wind is on the top, the cracks are in the ears, the thorns are numb, and the building is too late to think. With experience and consciousness, let the body hoist and then lean, and make the habit of the iron bridge, and unlike the past, he has a right foot. The trap was forced into the blue bricks and kept the balance of the body. The left thighs were tightened and slammed out, and they were drawn to the opponent's legs in close proximity.

Zhang Zhutong was not flustered, his body was half-shouldered, his right hand grabbed it, and he pressed the leg of Loucheng. The joint fascia of his left arm suddenly had an abnormal sound. With a short change, he made a double force and let him be beaten. After the end of the situation, regenerate the new branch and continue down, hitting the chest of Lou Cheng.

Lou Cheng’s right foot was deeper, his hands were barely lifted, and the force frame was facing this.


When he resisted this move, the enemy's right hand also grabbed his leg.

Suddenly, Zhang Zhutong felt that there was no feeling of flesh and blood in his hands. The other muscles squirmed and combined with the resilience, and borrowed his own strength. He became a "power", strength and spirit. point".


Qiu Lin's "Ming Wang Town Temple"?

When the thoughts just flashed, Zhang Zhutong noticed that the enemy's Dantian power broke out, the leg muscles swelled, the skin bulged, and the hard-boiled bullet opened his right claw.

"This guy has a lot of thoughts." Seeing this scene, the guest explained that Yu Hong couldn't help but praise, "Relying on Jing Dacheng to imitate Qiu Lin's 'Ming Wang Town Temple' skills."

The vast majority of the eight products Dan Ding can not reach the level of Jingcheng Dacheng, a large part of the seven products Dan Dao can not reach.

Lou Cheng half made the squid to fight, and the straight legs stood up straight, restored the shelf, while facing the other's left arm, while the side of the eruption of the Danian side of the body, the elbows beat!

This is the result of his hard work in the past few days. With reference to Qiu Lin’s “Ming Wang Town Temple”, with the core of listening to Jingcheng’s listening skills, Blizzard’s method of borrowing power from the 24th attack is combined with resilience. Push this style of play to the level of Dan.

Come on, let you see the real blizzard that keeps roaring!

The more you fight, the faster the blizzard!

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