Martial Arts Master

Chapter 274: Seven or three open (third more)

"The number one seed? Is it the most powerful one?" Lou Cheng's mother, Qi Fang, asked with some deficiencies.

Thanks to the temporary silence of the audience, Jiang Fei heard this question. Although they did not want to admit it, they still had to honestly nod.


"Isn't that child a danger?" Qi Fang snorted.

As a person who has a culture and cares for his son, Lou Zhisheng has already learned about the seed players in this period of time. He heard his words and pulled his wife: "What are you nervous about? After finishing the goal, it doesn't matter if you lose. If you use TV to explain it, you can enjoy the game and show your style. The top seed is the number one seed."

He doesn't love the Internet, and he doesn't know about the previous speculations and the quarrels that have been extended to today.

"What do I care about my son? You don't care if you win or not. What kind of game do you want to see?" Qi Fang mouth refuted two sentences. Then, if he thought, "The top four have 200,000 bonuses. Yes, Yes..."

Jiang Fei and Yan Hailin looked at each other and saw each other's concerns.

If the orange loses to Zhang Zhutong, I don’t know how to black him on the Internet!

Losing to Zhang Zhutong is a high probability event...

——In the past few days, as the number one seed, Zhang Zhu has been in the limelight, and his game has undoubtedly attracted the most attention. Tao Xiaofei and Cao Lele are also idle and idle, and they have watched it on the spot. The first strong person was impressed.

"I didn't expect Lou Cheng's brother to be right with him..." Qi Yunfei whispered.

She was reminded of the previous things. In her own “Alum International Hotel”, Lou Cheng’s brother and Zhang Zhutong met unexpectedly at the side door, but at that time, Lou Cheng’s brother did not pay attention and did not receive the youth competition. The invitation for the dinner party didn't even make the other person take a look. Zhang Zhutong was the focus of the crowd. It was the hot spot to win the championship. It was surrounded by long guns and short guns and many fans.

Who knows, the two people in the opposite situation actually encountered in the semi-finals.

Lou Cheng’s brother wants to win... Qi Yunfei Chen Xiaoxiao and Ma Wei’s three little girls prayed silently.


In the living room of the building, Lou Yuanwei, who saw the result of the lottery, looked down on his grandfather, fearing that he would call his relatives and friends.

This is not a good opportunity to show off!

This game is likely to lose!

"Look? I said that I don't have to call Laoxin." Lou Zhiqiang's waist is straight, and it is hard to train his wife.

Although I haven't read the book, I know that the top seed is better than the fifth and sixth.

Wang Lili glanced at him, no opening, no rebuttal.

At this moment, the bell rang and the call came, and the father-in-law Debon chose to connect.

"Lou Debang, your grandson is a bit dangerous. My boss said that the guy is very powerful. It is the most powerful one among the young people in our province." The phone was a full-bodied voice.

Lou Debang haha ​​smiled:

"All in the top four, the top four of the young people in the province, our family is very satisfied, the danger is dangerous, and there is no hope that he will be able to win the championship, there is only one champion, but also rely on luck and blessing."

One by one, the telephones came in one after another. The old man and the old lady responded one by one according to the rhetoric. They looked tired and tired. After all, they were less happy than showing off.


Lou Cheng’s high school classmates.

"Mom, how did you get Zhang Zhutong? I still think that the oranges are drawn to Liu Xingzhen, and I will enter the finals and rely on physical strength to kill the other one!" Tao Xiaofei sent a "slap on the table" expression.

As a perennial pub, he smoked a smack of tobacco and alcohol. After the 16th, he invested 10,000 yuan in the building to win the championship.

I knew that I would draw Zhang Zhutong, and the money should be taken out to "examine" the night scene of Gaochun!

“Is it not normal to draw Zhang Zhutong or Han Zhifei? It’s the news that one of them can’t get it.” Du Liyu replied with the expression “Panda scratching his head”.

"Hey, I know, just vent a vent to vent..." Tao Xiaofei "hands".

Other classmates have emerged one after another, and they have suggested that the big dogs should make red packets and smash the character and cheer for the building.


"Little Sun, how do you see the win or loss of this game?" Wei Renjie touched his eye bags and looked at Sun Yixing, Wu Qinggui and Chu Weicai.

Sun Yixing thought for a moment and answered: "In any case, in the young warrior under the age of 26 in the province, Zhang Zhutong is recognized as Even if Han Zhifei admits, he only thinks that he can and the other party. Open, there is no hope of winning."

He showed off his English, so he did a cultural course at the Budo School.

"If Loucheng can defeat Zhang Zhutong, whether he can win another one in the finals, he will be considered to be the top spot of the young Wushu in the province. He is very powerful, but I think he and this position may still be a year and a half. The distance carried." Sun Yixing said his point of view.

In order to accommodate the TV broadcast, the semi-finals and finals are arranged too tightly. There is only one and a half hours of rest in the middle. The physical strength of the semi-finals and the strength of the competition in the semi-finals will affect the final matchup. The losers may not be weak and win. People may not be strong.

"We Sir did not fight for, he is!" Wu Ting interrupted a sentence, amused Chu Weicai and Wei Renjie they dumbfounded.

Wu Ting muttered, and looked back at the dignified Zhang Qiufan Yao Ruiwei, and they squinted and frowned.

This game building Sir is a big devil...


"Ha ha ha ha, look, the hypocrites who recruited the top four by the outside of the plate will soon be ready!"

Looking at the group's group of magical dance, Yan Xiaoling made a fist and hit the bed.

Good luck!

She wants to argue with the sunspots, but she has some lack of confidence. She can only look at the live broadcast and "seek" the support of the guest grandfather.

"Yu Hong teacher, can you analyze the probability of winning and losing this game for us?" asked the host.

Yu Hongxiao replied: "Let's say that it doesn't count as its own body, strength, speed and other qualities. It only talks about whether it can be bursting, whether it is practiced as a force, or even a simplified foreign style. Lou Cheng is a real seven. Pindan, even a strong seven, but the first one, he eventually fell to the roots, barely can be treated as a weak seven, and he only promoted Dan Ding only a few days, mastering the 'received' taste is also said No more than two months, the experience and skills of fighting in Danjing are far less than Zhang Zhutong."

"And Zhang Zhutong has completed seven consecutive explosions, and he has also become a 'melting pot', but there is no simplified foreign style."

"So, I think that seven or three will open, Zhang Zhutong is seven, Lou Chengsan, he is not without the possibility of winning, and has repeatedly created miracles."

After hearing the analysis of the guest grandfather, Yan Xiaoling cried and mourned and secretly prayed:

"Yuan Shi Tian Zun Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, is the Buddha God Amen... Bless the building to defeat the opponent!"


"The number one seed? Zhang Zhutong? I know that he is particularly powerful!" Gu Shuang patted the palm of his hand.

Feeling the four eyes of the sweep, she suddenly woke up, guilty smile: "Hey, your man is even more powerful!"

Yan Yan was close to his mouth, sketching his lip line, and the dawn looked at the building on the guest seat.

She glanced at the phone and suddenly stood up and walked to the other side of the aisle.

"Hey, where are you going?" Gu Frost asked.

"Washroom." Yan Yan simply answered.

"Why don't you call me?" Gu Shuang got used to going to the bathroom with her girlfriends.

"You have just been with Jingjing." Yan Yan did not turn his head.

"Haha, I almost forgot." Gu Frost licked her hair.

The game is about to begin, and the audience's solution has already been solved. The new round has not yet reached that point. The bathroom is very deserted. In the past, the long-sleeved female bathroom was silent and quiet.

This is the environment that Yan Yan needs. She is holding a large mirror, picking up her mobile phone, biting her lip with fine white teeth, and brave the courage to the normal volume:

"Pro, dear, come on!"

Finally shouted this sentence, her pretty face was dizzy, dawning, and shameless.

Dear oranges...


"Pro, dear, come on!"

Lou Cheng did not expect to wait until this time to refuel, because he has not had time to ask the strict coach.

The corner of the mouth was a little upturned, and the smile was a little bit open. He turned this sentence over and over and listened to it many times, carefully and carefully collecting.

"Hey, you have come up so suddenly, I don't feel anything, I just listened to thirty-eight times..." Lou Cheng expressed his excitement and joy in a humorous way.

"Hey, play it!" Yan Yan arrogantly answered.

"Follow!" Lou Chengmei opened his eyes and smiled, and took the last time to adjust the state of mind and body.

Five minutes later, Yin Huaming, chairman of the Xingdao Wudao Association, personally took the referee and boarded the ring to show the importance of the young martial arts in the martial arts circles of the province.

"In the first game, Zhang Zhutong was on the floor!" His voice was not high or low, but it was far away, igniting the cheers of the audience.

In an atmosphere of mixed cheers and snoring, Lou Cheng went to the downfall along the road that focused on the glory.

Speaking of others may not believe, but this is indeed my first time in the semi-finals.

The stone hierarchy, leading to glory, Lou Cheng first arrived, watching Zhang Zhu same as that night, Gu Pan proudly and slowly boarded.

He wore a pair of blue and red interlaced, woven martial arts uniforms, and his body was sharp and his eyes were deep.

"Dialogue time begins!" Referee Yin Huaming did not delay.

Zhang Zhutong smiled slightly:

“Luo Cheng, have you got online recently? There are people everywhere who say that you are entering the top four by taking the opportunity to get outside.”

"Do you think Meng Jiefeng is not strong enough?" Lou Cheng did not answer positively, so as not to fall into the discourse trap, affecting the mood and disturbing the state.

His remarks are quite sharp. Meng Jiefeng and Zhang Zhutong are the mainstays of the martial arts martial arts. The former is more biased towards the police system. If Zhang Zhutong thinks that he is not strong enough, the victory over his building is not eligible for the top four. The relationship is very interesting.

The words spoken in the conversation time may not be false, or else who will be excited?

"No, I just have some feelings, a competition, strength is important, luck is also very important." Zhang Zhutong said leisurely, "In the last youth competition, I was full of confidence, I felt that although I did not enter Dan, it was not long, but absolutely There are four strong strengths, and as a result, unfortunately encounter high teams in advance and stop the quarterfinals."

Having said that, his eyes suddenly sharp and terrible:

"Let me to weigh if you are qualified for the semi-finals!"

In an instant, his muscles were prominent, the war broke out, and there were slight waves around him.

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