Martial Arts Master

Chapter 212: Soldiers are not deceived

"Get back in the next game!"

I heard the words of Lou Cheng, Lin did not open again, only nodded slightly, but the eyes had faded away from disappointment and unwillingness, re-burning a strong but absolutely pure war.

At this point, Sun Jian walked to the side of the two, half-joking and half-self-deprecating and said:

"I have always said that the simultaneous presence of both of you will deprive me of my chance to play, but now I hope that you two will not let me have such a chance to play..."

If it is a web chat, he would like to have a "smile and cry" expression.

Lou Cheng was almost laughed at by him, deliberately saying:

"Play well and enjoy the greetings of the professional nine products."

enjoy? Sun Jian was not chilling, and looked up at Zhuo Junjun, whose face was not red and not breathing. There was a frog that was about to challenge the viper.

The state is almost intact, the strong professional nine products, how to fight?

This is not to enjoy, called abuse!

However, if you don’t face a professional nine products, how can you clearly understand your own problems? How dare you face your father in the graduation season?

He took a breath and extended his right hand to the forest.

Lin’s lack of expression returned to indifference, but he raised his arm and hit it with Sun Jian’s right palm.

He is very clear in the Department of Psychology that similar rituals are fostering a sense of unity and enhancing cohesion, but he is unwilling to expose and is unwilling to exclude himself.

Sun Jian crossed the two companions and walked along the stone steps to the platform. Although he was not as nervous as Li Wei, he could not help but play drums.

The strength gap between himself and Zhuo Junjun can be filled by shouting slogans and blood.

When Chen Changhua challenged the forest shortage last year, he was already a leader in the amateur product. He felt good enough to participate in the professional finals. He lost his temper and lost a mess. After that, he worked hard for half a year. It was not until the end of last month that he succeeded in breaking through and got the professional nine-certificate certificate he had dreamed of.

Zhuo Junjun was evaluated as a strong nine product, the strength should be similar to the forest shortage in the last semester, and even stronger, and now he is writing amateur three products, reading amateur two products, than Chen Changhua at that time. Still have to be a lot weaker, one increase and one decrease, the gap can be imagined!

Forget it, play style, play the spirit... Sun Jian is relieved and poses.

When the referee announced the start, he followed the schedule, did not do the fighting, unexpectedly carried out the attack, the curved back and knees, the tiger rushed down to the opponent.

Zhuo Junjun did not expect that this would be the change, but the strength is there, full of enthusiasm, not panic and a step forward, sealing the path of Sun Jian's footwork change, the right shoulder is blowing, the arm is like a sword. Vertical.

Snapped! Sun Jian’s right arm muscles swelled, his strength shook, his fists violently smashed out, and the slamming blocked the opponent’s slash.

At this moment, his joints bounced and made an inch of strength. The five fingers were flushed and the fists were changed. The arm of Zhuo Junjun was taken between the lights and the fire.

Split flowers and willows!

Zhuo Junjun's arm was soft, turned into noodles, followed by a trepidation, and tightened into a sword and an iron pole, directly smashing the finger of Sun Jianyu.

She moved sideways, her abdominal muscles bulged, the fascia pulled, and the left elbow was used as a short sword.

This is the fusion of Feiliuquan "continuous" and Xuan Shui sword method "close-up thorn", which is urgent, fast and extremely compact.

Sun Jian didn't have time to dodge, and he didn't have time to use his feet to force himself. He could barely drive his shoulders and swing his arms.

boom! He was beaten back a step, and Zhuo Junjun was unforgiving. He was "continuously", and in a few shorts, he was so busy that he was stabbed in the chest by a "sword" and almost shut off.

"The fifth game, Zhuo Junjun wins!"

"The end result, the East Coast team won!"

The referee's announcement made Zhang Jingye and others fall into silence, in exchange for the applause of the audience at home.

Hu... Lou Cheng and Yan Yan, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions were a bit depressed.

Although this is an expected defeat, although there is a chance to turn over, but losing is to lose, the result will not make people happy.

When I saw the reporter from the East TV station, Lou Cheng was busy and confused. He asked Yan Yan: "I have no problem with my expression?"

"No!" Yan grin and smile, his eyes bright, "Come on!"

"Yeah." Lou Cheng took off the large white towel on his body and stood up.

"Hello, Lou Cheng, my classmate, Zhang Hai, a reporter from the East TV station, can you interview a few words?" The reporter comrades said the same opening remarks.

Lou Cheng did not hide the depression of failure:


Zhang Hai is a young man in his twenties who grows quite affinity and smiles and says:

"Luo Cheng, you have played well enough today. If you say the perfect score, I will give you nine points."

"I have read your information. This should be the first time you have encountered a good state of eight products. What do you think?"

Lou Cheng’s pretense is: “It’s very strong, all aspects are suppressed, but I think I can play better.”

"Oh, why do you say that?" Zhang Hai asked with interest.

Lou Cheng smiled and said: "It may be too careless, and there is no relationship with experience. I played very urgently in the first game. I always thought about solving my opponent. I not only made a lot of mistakes, but also brought this kind of emotion to me. In the second game, I didn't make a better choice at the crucial moment."

He did not puncture Hou Yue’s ability to act, and pretended to be unaware of it, so that in the next game, the East Coast team still used this as one of the reliances.

The soldiers are not detested!

"Understood, you have been studying Wu Da for half a year. It is normal to have a lack of experience. Don't worry too much." Zhang Hai was relieved and continued to ask questions in accordance with the outline.

After a few questions, he politely stopped and went to interview Lin.

Lou Cheng backed back two steps, leaning against Yan Yan, and lowered his voice: "Hey, how was my performance?"

Will it be seen that lying? Will it make the East Coast team wary?

Yan Yan pear vortex highlights, smiled and nodded: "very sincere and very real."

Speaking of this, her eyes flow, like laughing and laughing: "I feel like you will lie! Will you lie to me in the future?"

This...the floor is half a mouth, and there is nothing to say.

This is very different from his expected answer!

Isn't it to praise me?

This deception strategy is what you teach me!

I feel that I have been riddled again...

When he turned his head, he laughed. "I am careful about how to train you too tightly? I will not lie to you if I lie!"

"Hmm." Yan Yan first nodded, and then a pretty face, "I will not lie to anyone who lie to me? Say, I want to lie to which girl!"

This is a routine... The building is stunned and I don’t dare to answer it.

Seeing his arrogant look, Yan Yan finally couldn't help but laugh, and completely calmed down the depression of today's regret.

The silly orange is so cute!

On the other side, Zhang Hai stood opposite the forest, and said the opening statement as usual, then asked:

"Lin missed classmates, what are you feeling about the continuous outbreak of the eight-characteristic environment today?"

Lin lacks a white towel that wipes the sweat, flat:


It’s really a pity like gold... Zhang Hai keeps smiling: “How do you evaluate your own play?”

" Lost." Lin lacked two words, turned to the visiting team locker room.

Lost? What is the answer? I am asking for evaluation! Zhang Hai is confused.

Yan Yan, not far away, sighed and whispered to Lou Cheng:

"In my brother's dictionary, losing is a bad one."

Losing is equal to bad? Lou Cheng couldn't help but chew this sentence.

Although I will hate any failure, it is impossible to be as extreme as Lin.

It’s really different people’s different personalities...

Thinking of this, he sympathized with the poor Zhang reporter, interviewing his own big brother needs to be equipped with "translation"...


The road to return is still rushing. When the martial arts team returned to Songda New Campus, it was close to 9:00 pm, and the high-speed rail meal was eaten directly for convenience.

Seeing Yan Yan difficult to cover exhaustion, Lou Cheng did not abduct her to go to the lake for a walk, holding her hand, walking slowly on the pedestrian street, the target three dormitory.

When he arrived at the door, he thought that the bonus had already been booked and he could buy a ring. So he began to think about the tone and prepared to invite Yan to go shopping tomorrow.

With the intimacy of the two people, the date did not have to be so solemnly opened, but Lou Cheng hoped to be a surprise, so I was considering what excuses to look for.

Strictly looked at it, some shy and somewhat embarrassed to think that they should take the initiative to propose tomorrow's date, take the opportunity to pull the orange to buy a ring, give him a surprise.

If you want to propose, what should you say?

Just as she licked her lips and looked down to the side, when she was about to speak, she suddenly heard Lou Cheng smile and said: "Hey, go shopping with me tomorrow? My martial arts shoes are not broken before, I have to make up one or two. double……"

Lou Cheng has not finished the excuse, he saw Yan Xiaoran smile, and took the light of the surrounding street lights to the same way:


“Hmm!” Lou Cheng didn’t know why the girl laughed so happy, but couldn’t help but laugh.


Back to the dormitory, Lou Cheng found that the small bedroom was empty, and suddenly he understood that Zhao Qiang would play in the east for a day to do friendship.

"Oh, only girls can let A Qiang abandon learning for a short time." He shook his head with a smile, carrying a thermos, and walked out of the small bedroom, ready to wash.

Just then, he heard the sound of the key twisting, saw the door open, and Cai Zongming came in.

"Are you back?" Lou Cheng was shocked.

Cai Zongming smiled: "surprise?"

"Surprise you a ghost!" Lou Cheng looked puzzledly at the back of Xiao Ming's classmates. "A strong them?"

"It’s still in the east, and the train will be at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Cai Zongming took it for granted.

"So how do you run back yourself?" Lou Cheng asked with a funny look.

Cai Zongming said: "I have special training tomorrow morning! Besides, I have a girlfriend, and it will be fine for them to join them. Is it good to see the model show love?"

"Oh..." Lou Cheng said with a smirk and understood, and said with a sigh of relief, "I have never thought that you can insist on special training!"

Cai Zongming’s face is positive:

"Of course! I am the one who said it is done!"

Then, he pretended to be passionate:

"Orange, the bench for the next semester is made up for me!"

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