Martial Arts Master

Chapter 211: Sorry

call! Upon hearing the referee's announcement, Wu Qian and others who came to cheer finally vomited the tension and worry in their hearts. Although they were less exposed to the martial arts, they did not see much in the competition between the refining and the Dan, but just now Zhou Zhengquan The momentum displayed, the horror that exceeds the limits of the human body, is clearly reflected in their minds, causing them to unconsciously generate emotions such as fear, fear and embarrassment.

It's like a person who doesn't usually know how terrible and terrible a tiger is. When he really meets, he will have the most intuitive feeling when faced with it!

The pressure was loose, and they were happy. They raised their hands and cheered for victory. They forgot to be in the dojo of others and forgot the girl’s restraint.

Such a forest is really handsome, and there is a taste. Lou Cheng has a girlfriend. Does he have it?

Similar thoughts flashed in the minds of Wu Qian's roommates. Next to them, Zhao Qiang Qiu Zhigao and others enjoyed the victory of this game.

The feeling of oppression brought by the eight-character Dan is really suffocating!

Listening to the empty and quiet atmosphere, Zhou Zhengquan patted the black martial arts suit, and turned around leisurely. He did not hurry and walked down the ring. It seemed that there was no need to hurry.

If it is going fast, the action will be ugly! As he thought, he felt that his calf was twitching, his thigh muscles were shaking, his body had signs of extremes, and he had to walk slowly to maintain an elegant and graceful manner.

As for whether this will give the forest a chance to recover, his old **** is there, not worried, because the focus is not on himself, on the side of Zhuo Shijie!

The distance that I need to walk down the platform is definitely far less than the distance she arrived from the home team seat!

As long as I rushed to her and rushed to the stone steps, it was not a fallacy!


After hearing the cheers of Sun Jian and others, Song Yan finally relaxed his tight body and softened his lips.

She leaned in the direction of the building, and whispered, "I just thought that my brother would lose."

In her tone, she was afraid of being hidden.

The horror displayed by Zhou Zhengquan's "three combos" seems to crush any professional nine products!

Under the draped clothes, Lou Cheng took the girl's palm and smiled slightly: "I was scared."

Yan Yan’s eyes were crystal clear, and he looked at the figure standing on the platform. He couldn’t believe his own judgment and asked: “How much can you say about my brother’s game?”

"Your brother is not really a strong Dan, strong two times to imitate the outbreak of Dan, come to promote the meteor, the burden is certainly not small." Lou Cheng while watching and thinking, some words he could not think of for a while Good expression, just use the written language, "and he also suffered from the continuous explosion of Zhou Zhengquan, I guess it is almost to the limit..."

His implication is that he does not expect that the big brother can consume too much Zhuo Junjun and even defeat her.

Yan Yan reveals the fine white teeth, gently bite the lower lip, and then sighs and sighs: "I think so... Hey, you will not say good comfort to me!"

"Good-sounding?" Lou Cheng smiled and said, "We have already won two games. Even if your brother didn't consume Zhuo Junjun, even if Sun Jian is not able to fight, it is only 2 to 3. Lose, go back to our school, and have a chance!"

Speaking of this, he paused, not arrogant or inferior and said: "If you eat this loss, know that Hou Yue has such an ability, I will not be affected by this, and will not be tired of the ground. For Zhou Zhengquan, when I can, I can consume him more, and even force his continuous outbreak in advance, so that your brother can solve it easily and better, and play the final game better."

"We have hopes to win 3 to 1!"

Looking at her boyfriend's calm and high-spirited face, listening to his confident and not mad words, Yan Shuguang flashed, unconsciously outlined the corners of his mouth, nodded hard.


In the fan forum, "The long night is coming" Yan Xiaoling "hand touched the chin" said: "I suddenly feel that the forest is also very good, it looks very clean and pretty, it is also very temperament, why he has no fan forum? ”

"Yeah, although I prefer our idols, I have to admit that Lin deficiency is better than him." "Fantasy" also uses the expression of "doubt puzzled."

"Gai Shilong Wang" followed the reply: "I also feel strange, logically speaking, shouldn't your girls prefer Lin Shuai's cool handsome boy? And in the live interview, he also performed very well. Personality, very unbelievable feeling."

"It's very cute, right? Xiaolong, I know you want to say this, don't hide your girl's heart!" Yan Xiaoling sent a "funny" expression. "To tell the truth, I am a shaking M, I really like this. Kind of cool and cold boys, but who told me to meet the first floor, haha, thought of that sentence, once encountered a mistake into a lifetime ~"

"What? You are shaking M, I don't know you! I don't have you here!" "Fantasy" is "stunned".

"Gai Shi Long Wang" wiped the cold sweat: "Little night, you are the girl I have ever loved since I was..."

After that, he added another sentence: "I think Loucheng has a fan forum because it created too many miracles in the Xiaowusheng stage competition. In some novels, it has a legendary color. People pay attention, and attention is long, no black is powder."

"I just made a joke..." Yan Xiaoling "helplessly spread his hand", "Xiao Long, this time you said a little truth, I was the crazy momentum of the building to defeat the professional nine products, only to find him before. The information is a little bit fascinated."

At this time, "good names are **** out" came out: "Who said no one likes Lin deficiency? I like it! But I prefer him and Lou Cheng's CP, so it is better to mix here. Haha!"

Another female ID "Nie Wei" smiled and said: "I think, Lou Cheng has a forum, more because there is a long-nighting night of your persevering fans, I also like Lin missing, I thought of giving him I built a private forum, but after I thought about it, I would have one or two people pouring water in it. It’s boring, hey, you and Van Gogh can stick to it.”

There are hundreds of fans in the Loucheng Forum. There are only 20 of them in the competition. The number of familiar faces in the usual watering is no more than ten. It can be seen how difficult it is for the low-level professional warriors to gather fans. People may be interested in paying attention at the time and soon forget it afterwards.

"Oh, I was praised, people are embarrassed~" Yan Xiaoling made a red-faced shy expression.

"Fantasy Vatican" jumped away: "If you don't have a long night, you will also help Lin to build a fan forum. We will help you live!"

"Hey, I also think, but people are a single child (manual pride), or forget it, or else, I wear a vest?" Yan Xiaoling replied without any fucking.

"Forget it, or leave it to Lin's true love powder." "Gai Shilong Wang" proposed.

Yan Xiaoling "nod" said: "It is also... Xiaolong, do you say that today can win?"

"I am going, why do you want to discuss such a serious topic in such a serious time?" "Gai Shilong Wang" madly spit out, the last time, "This depends on the lack of physical strength of the forest, if you can give Zhuo Junjun a record Shock Boxing, Sun Jian in the back is simple. If it doesn't work, it may lose 2 to 3, and return to the home game and have a chance to turn over. They played strangely today, and the coach concluded that it must be different at that time... ..."

"Well, I understand, I will resist and cry when I lose today!" "Fantasy Brahma" interjected.


Above the stands, Ye Youting took a moment and looked at the companions around him: "Lan sister, what are you doing?"

Jiang Lan returned to the gods and smiled slightly: "I was thinking, if I faced Zhou Xiaodi in the peak state, under his three combos, how confident he is not to lose."

“How big?” Ye Youting asked curiously.

"My math is not good, I can't count it." Jiang Lanbai gave her a look. This kind of thing is purely based on feelings.

She thought for a moment: "There will be a downside, it will not be easy... After the trial, I thought I had hope to hit the seven products. Oh, now I think I think too much."

The range of six products and seven products will be extended to the union of several provinces, such as the southwestern region. Of course, there are many places where the Imperial Capital and other military personnel can stand alone, and the high-quality Dan, that is, the four products and the five products. That's all national competitions. As for the top three products, there are other rules.

"I thought that I was awesome in the professional nine products." Ye Youting both spit and ****.

Jiang Lan turned to look at her and said seriously: "You have already achieved the peak of the body, and you have the experience of the trials. It is time to calm down and receive a collection. Consider the problem of Danjing, or else you will not say Loucheng, even Xiaoyuan will surpass you. He has gained a lot in Guangnan. Maybe within this year, maybe in the first half of next year, there will be hope to reach Dan."

In the final of the National University Budokai Finals in April, the Guangnan University Buddhism Institute, where Li Xiaoyuan was located, broke into the top four, and Shanbei University was successfully defended by Peng Leyun!

"Yeah." Ye Youting nodded, rarely dignified.


When Zhou Zhengquan walked down the last stone step, he was already in front of him.

After each other's high-five, Zhou Zhengquan lowered his voice, Wen Hao said:

"He's almost out, don't take it in, be careful of 'death' counterattack."

"Good." Zhuo Junjun took a breath, crossed Zhou Zhengquan and set foot on the stone steps.

Unlike most of the disciples of Wen Sheng, she also repaired a "Xuan Shui sword" derived from "Xuanwu Zhenjian", which is quite powerful, and she has an unusual piety to the martial arts, every time she boarded In the fall, we will be grateful first, and we thank you for changing your life.

I am an ordinary girl, except for the name that is fairly good, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary family, ordinary IQ, in accordance with normal development, should have read ordinary schools, doing ordinary work, knowing ordinary My boyfriend, after one or several emotional experiences, finally entered the marriage hall and lived a normal life, just as the parents showed.

Fortunately, I have the talent of martial arts, and now I can experience different life.

During the gratitude, Zhuo Junjun came to the opposite side of the forest, recalling the words of Zhou Zhengquan just waiting for the beginning of the game.

The referee ignored the Lin deficiency and still spit, raising the right hand:


Zhuo Junjun immediately walked away, avoiding the front, using his arms as a sword, or cutting or cutting or picking or picking, playing very smart.

Lin lacked in the same place, with his hands, elbows, arms, shoulders, etc. with the kick of the legs to resist, it seems to be supporting.

As the footsteps slipped, Zhuo Junjun flashed to the side of the forest, and his right arm was slanting, and his strength was strong.

At this moment, Lin's face was not normal flushing, his back muscles bulged, his spine squirmed, forcibly pulled over his body, and his face was facing Zhuo Junjun, avoiding this "sword."

He crossed his right foot, like a meteor, and bullied his opponent, followed by a left arm, a temple bulging, and a right-handed cannonball.

This series of moves was all in one go, unexpectedly, Zhuo Junjun only had time to block the elbow.


When the fist hit, her body swayed and her mind flashed a variety of descriptions about the boxing.

She is about to inhale "hip-hop" and forcibly offset, but finds that the shock is so weak that she has no feelings!

At the end of the strong battle, it is difficult to wear Lu Wei? Zhuo Junjun thought of an ancient Chinese text that Zhou Shidi usually liked. The right arm was shot and cut horizontally. He stopped at the neck of the solidified forest. He saw the other side sweat falling, and the eyes were filled with a look of indifference. Disappointment and unwillingness.

"The fourth game, Zhuo Junjun wins!" The referee announced the result.

Lin lacked nothing to say, turned and walked down, his look has not changed much, only his legs seem heavy.

Lou Cheng leaped from the seat and greeted him, trying to help.

When he rushed to the front of Lin, he saw that the silent and introverted big brother lowered his head slightly and heard him say hard:


Sorry? Lou Cheng was embarrassed, and he didn't know where the "sorry" came from, but he soon felt Lin's almost stubborn desire to win and the pride of never giving up.

Last time, I defeated Wei Shengtian, and I fought two games in a row, laying the victory and not letting his desperate efforts.

This time, although he defeated Zhou Zhengquan, he was unable to fight again, so he was unwilling, so he was so painful, so I am sorry!

Everyone feels that losing is acceptable, but he doesn't think so, there is only victory in his eyes!

This is the lack of forest...

Lou Cheng reached out and took a shot of Lin’s missing shoulder, seriously:

"Get back in the next game!"

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