Martial Arts Master

Chapter 167: Faith is not invincible (first)

On the top of the ring, the figures are staggered, and Gao Rao blocks a blow and a blow. Only the more difficult it is, the more fierce the opponent is.

He didn't read the video of the game of Songda Budodo. It wasn't unclear whether the other party's "Blizzard Twenty-four Strikes" had never been prepared before, and did not consider how to prevent the enemy from borrowing power. In the passive response, I am in a hurry, only to protect myself, how can I use the short-term force to promote.

Now, Sun Jian is on the rise, punching a punch, kicking a foot, playing him crumbling, power has fallen to the disadvantage, can only be based on defense, there is no chance to short-lived. .

If Jiuyang Boxing is better than the martial arts, there are similar outbursts like modern cannons or arrogant and unreasonable moves. Gao Rao can still use this toughly and forcefully interrupt the opponent’s storm-like suppression. Unfortunately, nine The biggest feature of Yang Quan is that there are no features, all kinds of tricks, all kinds of single whip, all kinds of guns, all kinds of leg methods, all available, but less the finishing touch!

"I can only catch up with his physical strength to keep up... But I am afraid I can't support it for a long time..." In the face of Sun Jian's submarine artillery, half-step collapse, Gao Rao has a snack, and can't wait to get rid of the current situation.

If you lose again, what else is there to see the master? I went to see the master who refused to join other forces in order to save the name of the martial arts museum. I went to see the master who was unwilling to worship under the Danish strongman’s name, and went to see that he was blessing himself and others. Never say a half-sentence of the master!

I dream of helping him!

I can't drag my legs anymore!

Gao Rao only felt that his heart was burning with a strong sense of war and the impulse to break the current predicament. He would never be patient, his back was strong, his thighs bulged, his feet slanted.

The strength bounced back. He had a knee joint, his thighs were tight, his spine was fierce, his back was rotated, he stirred the muscles of the whole body, and the right arm turned into a whistling steel whip. Ferocious and hard out.

This may be the strongest blow he can make!

Sun Jian was unforgiving, with a back-slung, body swinging, mixed with borrowed power, and blasted a mountain of artillery.


The dull sound broke out, the power had fallen to the lower wind, Gao Rao shook his body, and finally managed to keep his weight. At this time, he saw Sun Jian stepping back half a step, like he was about to fall!

Is he only empty, and the bottom is not stable?

Gao Rao’s heart was happy, and he was waiting to stabilize his weight and turned to attack. However, when Sun Jian stepped down, it seemed to become a spring and became a stray bullet. After a sudden collision with the ground, Huo Ran bounced forward!

His speed is so fast that Gao Rao has only had time to rush his arms.

Bombing the body!

Sun Jiangang is close to Gao Rao’s body, his right hand is already open, and the five fingers are like sharp teeth, so he takes the enemy’s arm.

Just when Gao Rao wanted to shake his arm and open it, Sun Jian stepped on his foot again, and it was another bullet. He flashed his shelf directly, came behind him, and turned around, grabbed his hands and grabbed it. His arms are on both sides.

As soon as he twisted and lifted a cut, Sun Jian completed the capture. At the same time, he lifted his right foot and reached the knee of Gao Rao, letting the opponent want to defeat the victory and then kicked off, and then stood still, single. Kneeling on the knees.

Until then, Gao Rao suddenly woke up and realized that he was holding the sword of Sun Jian.

The referee next to him raised his right hand and announced the result in a loud voice:

"The first game, Sun Jiansheng!"

Gao Rao’s mind stunned, and his heart was full of anger and sorrow.


I lost again?

Also dragging the hind legs of the master?

When Sun Jian let go of his hand, he staggered and stood up, and walked down the platform.

Sure enough, this is not an anime. It is not a reason to win and a belief that must win. It will surely win.

It’s not a memory of memories. In the past, when you scream a few words, you can defeat a strong enemy...

Sun Jian did not feel any interest in the enemy's thoughts on the enemy's emotions. After the expected trap was successful, he was filled with happiness and contentment.

The taste of victory is really beautiful, and the same is true of the blood of the boxing to the flesh!

He turned back and waved his fist at the seat of the Songda Budo Club against the audience.

Lou Cheng and others laughed and applauded, and the audience cheered enthusiastically:

"Sun Jian!"

In the warm atmosphere, Gao Rao walked back to the position of the visiting team, almost dare not look up, dare not face the master and the younger brothers and sisters.

"The front is too tight, and the back is too urgent." Peng Chengguang did not disappoint and was not angry. He simply commented on two sentences. "After going back, I will ponder and ponder. After digesting and absorbing the combat experience of this trial, you have a lot of experience." I hope to go further."

Listening to the comfort and encouragement of the master, I feel that he is too light on his failure. Gao Rao is even more upset. He wants him to lick himself and take two strokes. As a result, he will feel better. One point, the guilt and self-blame in my heart will dissipate a little.

Master, I am not a child! He really wants to go back like this.

Peng Chengguang looked at Zhang Ying standing next to him and whispered: "Master the initiative, don't be chaotic with his own rhythm, don't get him the chance to be close-knit, and stay calm, don't worry, he It’s a more intelligent opponent, and it’s a trap.”

Zhang Ying nodded, remembered the words of the master, turned to the ring, and fixed the eyes of Sun Jian.

Well, summed up, this is a Sven scum!

Her hair was tied up, the ponytail was smashed, and with the natural baby face, she said that she was still reading in high school. After standing opposite Sun Jian, she took a deep breath and told herself to be calm.

"The second game, start!" The referee did not give the two sides the opportunity to adjust.

Gao Rao is a warrior of amateur products. It is easy for Sun Jian to win him. Actually, it is not easy. If it is not at the beginning, the opponent will be passive. He took the opportunity to launch Blizzard's twenty-four strikes.

After experiencing such a fierce round of fighting, Blizzard's twenty-four strikes are a particularly costly play. Sun Jian's situation can be imagined. He has only one thought at this time, that is, forcing the opponent to hit hard and give the back. Li Wei created opportunities.

Snapped! After the "beginning" voice, he struck across the steps, his right arm trembled, turned into a long gun, to blast the air, "thorn" to Zhang Ying.

Zhang Ying was prepared, and his right foot slipped and flashed to the side, trying to stabilize.

As soon as she came to the side of her opponent, her thigh muscles stretched and she pushed her knees and pulled out a whip leg that blew the wind.

Sun Jian took a breath, his back was swayed, his trousers were tight, and his left leg kicked fiercely.

boom! After the collision between the two, Zhang Ying took advantage of the rebound, tiptoe, changed the position again, re-initiated the attack, and incorporated the rhythm of the game into its own control.

Hey! Hey! The two kept on fighting and kept separating. Zhang Ying never gave Sun Jian the opportunity to make a blizzard of twenty-four hits and short-skins, and grasped the embarrassment of walking away.

After a continuous collision, she seized the opportunity, the left hand was blocked, and the right fist followed.

boom! Sun Jian's right hand became a squat, straight down, and the danger blocked the punch, and the body swayed.

He is at the limit? Has the power dropped to this extent? When Zhang Ying’s heart moves, he will start to attack, but the words of the master are echoing in her heart.

Sink, don't worry!

Zhang Ying sinks his mind, turns his back slightly, and exerts his strength at his feet. He flashes again to Sun Jian, and then he sees that he shakes the force of the rally, fluttering fiercely, and erupts a mighty power.

Huh, really treacherous! Almost on! Zhang Ying's heart is dark and angry. He catches up a few steps, raises his right hand, sits on his back, and takes the opportunity to hit a punch.

At this moment, Sun Jian was working hard at the foot, and his body jumped and he jumped down the ring.

Jumped down the ring...

Jumped down the ring!

Zhang Ying looked silly at Sun Jian, who was under the stage, wondering if he was confused.

After Sun Jian stood firm, he quickly took care of the haircut and praised his wit.

When the last episode that has been in the forefront has not hit the enemy, it is already in the limit state. If the opponents come back one or two times, they will inevitably lose.

Since they are all defeated, why should they be stupidly beaten by the other side, hit a note, or fall back to the ground, making it awkward?

In front of so many audiences, I have to keep the style!

Sun Jian wiped his hair and walked back to his own seat.

Seeing this scene, Li Hao stood up and left the position.

Because his face is not as ugly as the previous two, the body is not so tight, Lou Cheng and others did not say anything, so as not to be counterproductive.

"Slowly grinding, she must lose." When he was about to meet Li Wei, Sun Jian took a fist and smiled and said.

This time, Li Wei felt that she was a little nervous, but her ability to think was not lost. She nodded and extended her right fist and touched Sun Jian.

As he walked up the stone steps, he vomited slightly and adjusted his slightly tight body.

As the oranges said, when they unload the burden, the tension will gradually weaken as the number of playing times increases, not the terminal illness that can't be overcome...

My body is still a bit stiff. If you respond passively, it is very easy to go wrong. Therefore, it is best to grab the attack and take the initiative. After the hardship at the beginning, I will really enter the game...

Li Yanmo read the "rushing attack" and "rushing attack" and came to the opposite side of Zhang Ying.

Compared with the past, he is quite satisfied with his current state, at least his head will not be close to the blank.

Zhang Ying took the time to adjust the interest rate to recover her physical strength. She just stayed in the air and dragged the game for a long time. The consumption was not low.

However, after taking the next round of victory, her heart's burden has been reduced a lot, and she can calmly analyze the situation of her opponent.

The warrior named Li Wei is very nervous. Although after the game of defeating Feng Shaokun last week, his symptoms are definitely not so serious, but the freezing of the three feet is not a cold day, I am still awkward.

I want to attack and catch his hands!

"The third game, start!" The referee waved his arm.

His voice just fell, Li Wei drum power, instinctive steps, Zhang Ying knees, a fierce flutter, the two figures are close at hand, in exchange for a burst of exclamation.

At such a distance, with such inertia, whoever wants to dodge and want to back down is already too late!

The pupils of the two men contracted at the same time. In the twinkling of an eye, they relied on the instinct of the military, clenched their teeth, twisted their backs, and slammed their fists.

The narrow road meets the brave to win!

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