Martial Arts Master

Chapter 166: Lin lacks cold humor

Just as Yan Yu suspected that all the sounds around it had disappeared, her cell phone vibrated again and jumped out of a new message:

"I told her that you are thankful for the entanglement of the Scorpio, and grabbed a male student who came to see me as a shield. You are good at the lines."

call! Yan Yan vomited, relaxed, and heard the rapid pulsation of his heart, feeling that the blood was powerfully sprayed out and poured into the face.

"Brother! Can't you finish it in one breath? Scared me!" She vented her emotions with words.

Lin lacked a reply quickly:

"When I received your mom's phone call, I was in such a mood."

So let me also appreciate it? Strictly crying and laughing, I only feel that the cold humor of my cousin is really not affordable for normal people.

"..." She expressed her feelings with six ellipsis.

Lin lacked himself and said: "If your mother pays special attention to this matter, he may fly directly to see you. You should pay attention to the uniformity of the people around you, and don't be close to the building in a place that is easy to be found."

"I really may be embarrassed..." Yan Yan thought about the character and style of his mother, and almost took a sigh of relief. "Brother, you have a very experienced look, this can be thought of!"

Lin missing only returned her three words:

"I am smart."

Yan Yan's mouth twitched a bit, and quickly said: "But I am not stupid, every IQ test score is higher than you!"

"Love makes people stupid." Lin is short of concise, and then put the phone into his pocket.

"..." Strictly converged the mood, thinking in the mind, and some feared that some were fortunate and somewhat depressed.

After a while, Lou Cheng raised his spirit, opened his eyes, got up and practiced routines, and opened the muscle fascia and other activities to make them gradually in the best condition.

Looking at my boyfriend's soothing action, it is a bit embarrassing.

Do you want to tell the oranges about this matter?

The most important thing for two people to be together is frankness and communication. It seems that he is not very good...

But if you tell him, he will definitely blame himself. He will think that he is not doing well enough. He proposed to go to Tiantong to see the date, and this will aggravate the feeling of "underground love". Most of his heart will be uncomfortable...

After hesitating and struggling, Lou Cheng finished the warm-up and looked back. He whispered slightly in confusion: "Hey, you, what are you thinking?"

Yan Yan pushed all the emotions into the bottom, and smiled and said: "Think of your bad things~!"

"What bad things do I have? I am such a honest child." Lou Cheng smiled and sat next to the girl.

"The face is getting thicker and thicker?" Yan Yan laughed softly.

With the oranges saying a few words, my mood seems to be getting better... and I only concealed and did not lie to my parents, I was thinking about lies for the first time... I am getting deeper and deeper...

Lou Cheng and Yan Yan joked a few words before they discovered that the forest shortage had come. When the dagger greeted, he suddenly realized that the big brother had something different from the past.

The previous forest shortage was silent, introverted, and cold, and now he has a more "quiet" taste, calm, calm, and quiet!

Did he touch the edge of Dan? Lou Cheng guessed thoughtfully, not only happy for the big brother, but also more hard work, can not be widened by him!

As a warrior, there will be no competition for comparison!

Between his thoughts, Shi Laotou got up and patted the palm:

"Okay, go out!"

"Go and wait for our opponents!"

Lou Cheng and Yan Yan, Sun Jian and others looked at each other and reached out with their hands together, then shouted in unison:

"It must win!"


As they stepped out of the locker room, a deafening shout broke out in their ears:

"Song big!"

The superposition of two or three thousand voices in the audience created a storm that echoed in the venue.

Lou Cheng’s body trembled with excitement and excitement, and then heard a new cry:


Lou Cheng... Do they all know my name? Lou Cheng and Yan Yan looked at each other and the heart began to embarrass.

Followed by, the new mountain called the tsunami coming:

"Lou Cheng is cheering!"

Students who flocked to the martial arts venues to watch the battle, as long as they were not pulled by people, more or less will check the relevant information beforehand. From the results of several rounds of trials, they unexpectedly found that the martial arts club had more than one main force. There are more roots and pillars, and there is no more master of the record. At this time, naturally, I can't help but scream.

This year's martial arts club has a play!

Whether it is a trial or a college martial arts meeting in the second half!

The sound went into the ear, and the scalp became numb in a burst of numbness. It was so cool that I couldn’t add it. I felt that I had just smashed the chicken blood, and I couldn’t wait for the three hundred rounds of the battle between Fujian and Taiwan.

The sorcerer died for the confidant!

He "shouldered" and waved his hand, and changed back to a more raging shout and a warmer welcome.

In the feeling of drinking a little, he and Yan Yan and others sat at the seat of the home team and heard the old man:

"The order of the appearance of the Mingwei martial arts has not changed, or Gao Rao took the lead, Zhang Ying second, Peng Chengguang town."

Gao Rao is a warrior of amateurs. Zhang Ying has two amateurs. Their fists and feet are good, but because Jiuyang is very ordinary, there is no means to press the bottom of the box or a brief eruption. "mediocre".

Seeing that the referee was beckoning here, Sun Jian stood up and smiled at Lou Cheng and others:

"I don't have to worry about being unable to get on the scene today..."

After that, he raised his fist and gave himself encouragement. He walked to the downfall.

At this time, due to the list displayed on the big screen, the new four words were re-emerged in the martial arts venue:

"Sun Jian!"

"Come on!"

Sun Jian also heard the blood tumbling, and the adrenaline seems to have begun to secrete.

He instinctively wants to recall the challenge of the big game of the last game, to find the best state, but some things really happen under certain conditions of a specific environment, now I want to try again. It has been changed and it is difficult to reproduce.

However, he is a bit more barbaric than before, and he has to talk more and more reasonably, and his pace is getting faster and faster. He is already on the stone steps.

On the other hand, Gao Rao left the seat and walked along the "Glorious Road" to the ring. When he arrived at the stone steps, he couldn't help but look back and look at the calm master.

This time, I will not drag my legs again! He secretly made a fist and gnashed his teeth.

In the first three rounds of the game, he was in the third battle, even if he lost to the dream team, he also lost to Feng Shaokun. His heart has been full of self-blame, and he is unwilling to become a package that drags the master brother. He wants to erupt!

On the stage, Sun Jian and Gao Rao stood opposite each other, and the referee’s face was silent:

"The fourth round of the trial, Songcheng University martial arts club against the Mingwei martial arts."

"The first game, Sun Jian is against Gao Rao!"

"The three-point conversation time begins."

Gao Rao closed his eyes, adjusted his emotions and body, and intended to turn a deaf ear to the enemy's words.

Sun Jian itself belongs to the Sven type, the tutor is quite rigorous, and the swearing is estimated to be ranked in the last few in the martial arts society. At this time, the opponent does not want to take care of himself, and he is willing to save his effort and effort, and pay close attention to the last time. Attacking method.

Ticking, the time passed quickly, the referee raised his right hand and slammed it hard:


As soon as I heard it, the long-prepared Sun Jian’s thigh muscles bulged, and the next shot, borrowed before the force, like a sharp leopard pounced on the prey.

Just approaching, he shook his shoulders, sent his right arm, opened his fingers, and grabbed Gao Rao like a raptor.

Split flowers and willows!

Gao Rao was cautious and right, not giving the other side a chance to take it. The left side of the body went to the side of the back side, and the right hand clenched the fist, slamming it across the floor and blocking the waist.

But when he touched the "divided flowers and willows", Sun Jian's left fist was like a long time, muscles swelled, and the electric shot came out, and the snake snaked to his abdomen.

The right hand is imaginary, the left fist is true!

This is how Sun Jian designed the attacking method for several days!

Gao Rao poses awkward, can only barely dance back to the left arm, clenched his fists, and hurriedly blocked.


His power was not enough, and he was beaten by Sun Jian’s fist. If he had not shrunk his lower abdomen in time, he would be more embarrassed.

Sun Jian borrowed the power of rebound that he could grasp, twitched his thighs, kicked his right foot, and launched the "Frenzy Snow" of Blizzard's twenty-four hits!

Seeing this scene, Peng Chengguang sighed:

"The burden of Xiao Rao’s heart is too heavy. I want to win and lose."

In the face of the enemy's attack, the fight was too conservative, so that it fell into the passive...

Zhang Ying, Qu Yu and Liu Wei listened at a glance, knowing that the master is not only talking about Gao Rao, but also mentioning himself and others.

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