The news that the bastard broke through to the terrestrial fairyland has caused his reputation to be widely spread in the world again. Let’s not talk about it for now!

At this time, Li Lianhua had been traveling around the world for a few days.

Practicing the Great Immortal Art, your cultivation level is growing steadily and rapidly.

From Li Lianhua’s point of view, she was getting closer step by step to the day when she would overcome the calamity and become an immortal!

On this day, as usual, the day’s practice ended. Li Lianhua stopped her practice and stood up, but she had no intention of leaving the bedroom.

Instead, he took out Taishang Laojun’s elixir storage bottle from his storage ring!

Every month, a pill refined by Taishang Laojun can be randomly generated.

Li Lianhua was still looking forward to this elixir storage bottle.

After all, in myths and legends, Taishang Laojun can be said to be the number one alchemist in the three realms, and the number one weapon refiner in the three realms!

After taking out the elixir storage bottle, Li Lianhua shook the elixir storage bottle in his hand!

There was a clanking sound, and obviously, another pill randomly appeared inside.

This made Li Lianhua very curious and expectant.

I wonder what kind of good elixir can be prescribed from it this time?

However, although she felt hopeful in her heart, Li Lianhua was not in a hurry to open the elixir storage bottle in her hand!


Because Li Lianhua immediately took out his Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda and placed it directly at hand!

First use this treasure to suppress your own luck.

Maybe I can get something good out of it?

Although Li Lianhua is not sure whether he can really prescribe better quality elixirs if he uses the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth to suppress luck!

However, if you just do this, you won’t lose anything, right?

After taking out the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth and placing it in his hand, Li Lianhua then took out the elixir storage bottle in his hand!

Then, a shining golden elixir appeared in Li Lianhua’s hand!

“This is? Taishang Laojun’s golden elixir series?”

“This is the third-turn golden elixir? Or the Sixth Transformation Golden Elixir? In other words, I was so lucky today that I directly opened the Nine-turn Golden Elixir! ?”

Looking at the glittering golden elixir in his hand, Li Lianhua was startled at first, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face!

After all, in Taishang Laojun’s series of golden elixirs, Li Lianhua had previously released the third-turn golden elixir. , I have also opened the Sixth Transformation Golden Pill.

This time, maybe I can actually get the Nine Transformation Golden Pill? After all

, after swallowing it, I can rise to the sky!

Li Lianhua looked at the golden elixir carefully. When she saw that there were only six lines on it, Li Lianhua knew that she was overthinking it!

This was still a six-turn golden elixir, not a nine-turn golden elixir! It is also a good thing, but compared to the nine-turn golden elixir, it is naturally far inferior! After eating the third-turn golden elixir, one can achieve the cultivation level of the gods!

, can allow people to have the cultivation level of the Return to the Void Realm! As for the ninth

-turn golden elixir, it can make people ascend directly to the sky!

It can grow a lot.

However, it doesn’t save much time!

Why? Because of his own qualifications, the efficacy of Yuelong Dan, and the quality of the Dapin Tianxian Jue, Li Lianhua practiced this on his own. The growth rate is so fast! To put it simply, if the Grand Master Realm requires 1000 cultivation points, then it may take 100000 cultivation points to become an immortal!

A big difference in realm, the difference in cultivation is indeed about 10 times!

So, the third-turn golden elixir can directly give people 1,000 points of cultivation.

So, if you take the third-turn golden elixir, it can make ordinary people directly step forward. Entering the Divine Realm!

What about the Sixth Transformation Golden Pill? It can directly increase people’s cultivation by 10,000 points!

Li Lianhua’s current cultivation level is estimated to be more than 20,000 points.

It is true. It’s a lot of help!

However, Li Lianhua’s current cultivation speed can increase his cultivation by several hundred points every day.

Therefore, swallowing a six-turn golden elixir only saves him about a month. It’s just cultivation!

In this case, you might as well just cultivate yourself.

At least the cultivation you get is your own, which is better than what you can get, right

? Jin Dan really doesn’t like Li Lianhua anymore!

“That’s okay. After all, it’s a Sixth Turn Golden Pill. It’s still useful if you keep it in your hand..”

“Moreover, after eating it, one can directly obtain the cultivation level of the Return to the Void Realm. If this is converted to the world of mixed martial arts, it means that one can directly have the cultivation level of the Land God Realm!”

“Originally, because the bastard broke through the realm of land gods, it was almost confirmed in the world that I could help people reach the land of gods. Now what? Do I really have such means?”

“If you swallow this six-turn golden elixir, even a person who has never practiced before can immediately step into the threshold of the terrestrial fairyland, right?”

Looking at the six-turn golden elixir in his hand, Li Lianhua murmured secretly in her heart.

At the same time, she shook her head silently and suppressed all these messy thoughts!

The savings from the 10 million medical fee As expected, the pill bottles are more valuable as they go to the back!

“Dare I ask, is this the home of Li Lianhua, the owner of Lotus House?”

Just when Li Lianhua had developed a Six-Revolution Golden Pill, she was secretly thinking about the recent rumors in the world that she could make people have the cultivation level of the Land God Realm.

Suddenly, Li Lianhua heard a shout outside the door.! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hearing the sound, Li Lianhua came out of the bedroom and looked out!

There were two people waiting outside the Lianhua Building!

One of them looked slightly shorter, but he was taller. He is a very fat man with a smile on his face, which makes him look approachable and friendly!

In addition, there is a tall and thin man standing next to him with a cold face, as if everyone owes him a few hundred. They are so similar!

One is tall and the other is short, one is fat and the other is thin, one is hot and the other is cold. They feel like two completely opposite people!

“Doctor Li?”

Seeing Li Lianhua come out to look at her, the short and fat man had a cheerful smile on his face and said hello to Li Lianhua!

“Yes, it’s me, please come in!”

Seeing someone coming to see her, Li Lianhua nodded and said, inviting the two of them to enter the Lotus Building!

After hearing Li Lianhua speak, Luo Xian downstairs opened the door of the Lotus Building and invited the two of them. People have entered the building!

“so what? Has anyone come to seek medical advice?”

He walked downstairs, and at the same time, Li Lianhua was muttering secretly in his heart!

The sign hanging outside his Lotus Building is”Lotus Building Medical Center.”

Therefore, nine out of ten people who come to look for him should be the former ones. Are you here to seek medical treatment?

Naturally, Li Lianhua is very happy for those who come to seek medical treatment!

“Doctor Li, your Lotus Tower is really amazing.……”

Like other people who entered the Lotus Building for the first time, after walking in, the short and fat man looked around and said to Li Lianhua with a look of wonder on his face!

“You two, please sit down!”

Li Lianhua had long been used to this exclamation. She smiled slightly, stretched out her hand and said in a false invitation!

After inviting the two people to sit down, Luo Xian next to him brought two drinks! []

The two of them didn’t look worried, so they took a sip of the drink and looked at the completely modern and bright decoration. The short and fat man continued:”There are rumors in the world that this Lotus Tower is a wonder in the world. , when I stood outside, I didn’t have any thoughts!”

“However, now that I have walked in, I realize that the scene inside the Lotus Building is completely unexpected!”

“From the outside, the Lotus Building doesn’t look big, but when you walk in, the Lotus Building is terrifyingly big!”

“And the scene inside, at first glance, doesn’t look like something you can have in the mortal world!”

“Divine Doctor Li is really a man among the immortals!”

After catching Li Lianhua and praising her, the man said with endless emotion on his face!


The tall and thin man with a cold face next to him didn’t say anything. However, after the short and fat man finished his compliments, although his face was still cold, he still nodded and uttered two words coldly, I agree with it.

It’s totally a”me too” attitude!

“You two, I wonder if you came to Lotus Tower to seek medical treatment?”

Li Lianhua has heard these words of praise too much, so she has long been used to it. She has no fluctuations in her heart. She just changed the topic and asked the two of them! (Li Zhao)”No, Divine Doctor Li, our brother. They are not here to seek medical treatment!”Hearing Li Lianhua’s question, the short and fat man shook his head and said!

Li Lianhua:”???”

Did you come to the Lotus Building specifically to find yourself, not to seek medical treatment? What’s that for?

It’s like the princesses have gone home from the KTV and don’t do anything? Is this reasonable?

“Doctor Li, we brothers are here today to treat you!”

Looking at Li Lianhua’s confused look, you knew the doubts in his heart. Then, the short and fat man spoke!

Before Li Lianhua could continue to ask, the short and fat man said:”Let’s introduce ourselves first. Wait, my name is Zhang San, where is my brother? His name is John Doe!”

“Both of us are from Xiake Island!”

That’s it!

After listening to the words of this short and fat man, Li Lianhua nodded in realization and said he understood!

It turned out to be the two of them!

They are the two envoys who reward good and punish evil in the original novel of Xia Ke Xing!

So, they came to Lianhua Tower today Do you want to invite yourself to the Xia Ke Island to drink Laba porridge?

Counting the days, it is already autumn, and there are only three months left before the Laba Festival, so this is about rewarding good and punishing evil! When you come to the Central Plains, you need to invite guests everywhere, and you need to give them enough time to prepare.

It is indeed reasonable for

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