The world is in shock!

As what happened in Xuansu Village spread quickly, the entire world was completely shaken!

In the Song Dynasty, Shaolin Temple!

“Amitabha, a fairyland on land?”

“How many people has Li Lianhua helped reach the land of fairyland?”

“I have stayed in the Grand Master Realm for so many years. I wonder if I can find Li Lianhua and have the opportunity to enter the land of fairyland?”

The sweeping monk in the Sutra Pavilion also knew the news that Li Lianhua helped the bastard reach the terrestrial fairyland. After pronouncing the Buddha’s name in a low voice, he murmured to himself!

“Amitabha, it’s my fault, I didn’t expect that even though I have been practicing for many years, I still have greed!”

Immediately afterwards, the sweeping monk shook his head again and suppressed all these thoughts in his mind!

To be honest, after practicing for many years and hiding in the Sutra Pavilion, the sweeping monk has already experienced the hurdles of fame and fortune!

However, even a sweeping monk who has been practicing for many years cannot completely let go of his yearning for the fairyland on land!

Otherwise, if he really doesn’t have any desire, wouldn’t practicing Buddhism mean that he has cultivated his mind into one? A stone?


Within the Ming Dynasty, the capital!

“Hey, Brother Hua, what did you say? Li Lianhua, Brother Li, actually helped a little brother in his twenties to break through the land of fairyland?”

On this day, Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou were sitting in a restaurant, chatting and drinking. Listening to the news Hua Manlou told him, Lu Xiaofeng’s eyes widened and he said with a look of shock!

“Yes, this news has spread all over the world now!”Hua Manlou nodded and said!

“It’s really unbelievable. I didn’t expect that Li Lianhua is actually capable of helping others reach the land of fairyland!”

After receiving Hua Manlou’s nod of recognition, Lu Xiaofeng couldn’t help the look of amazement on his face, shook his head slightly and said with emotion!

To say that for so many years, the Land of Land Gods has been a realm that can only be found in legends.!

However, since Li Lianhua helped the Sword God Li Chungang return to the Land Sword Immortal, the powerful men in the Land God Realm have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

This seems to be the top strength of the whole place! A step ahead!

Daming, Wudang Mountain!

“Infinite Heavenly Lord, I didn’t expect that Divine Doctor Li is really capable of helping people obtain the cultivation level of the terrestrial immortal realm?”

Zhang Sanfeng also quickly learned the news from Xuan Suzhuang, and said with the same sigh and emotion on his face!

However, Zhang Sanfeng didn’t have too many ideas about the terrestrial fairyland!

It’s not that Zhang Sanfeng didn’t want to Reaching the Land of Immortals is because Zhang Sanfeng himself achieved the cultivation of the Land of Immortals early!

However, there was not a single strong person in the land of Immortals in the world at first.

Therefore, after Zhang Sanfeng himself broke through. , and I don’t mean to make a big show of it!

However, in the past year, powerful people from the land of gods have appeared one after another.

It seems that if I show the cultivation of the land of gods, it will not attract much attention. Right?

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng still feels grateful to Li Lianhua! After all, he has long passed the age where he likes to be noticed by others!

“What? Li Xiangyi actually helped a young man in his twenties achieve the level of a land god?”

“He, did he really master the means to help others break through the land of fairyland?”

“And that elixir of longevity, each one can add ten years to a person’s life!”

“And that devil fruit that can turn people into flames, or even into the form of phoenix and dragon?”

“This, this kind of ability is simply like an immortal!”

In the palace, the Emperor of Daxi also received the news from Xuansu Village. He stood up suddenly, with a look of shock on his face!

Because he knew that Li Xiangyi’s true identity was the blood of the Nanyin royal family, Emperor Daxi had already issued a wanted order for Li Lianhua, so that Li Lianhua left Daxi!

And Emperor Daxi’s thoughts were very simple!

He didn’t want to really catch Li Lianhua, but he asked him not to come to Daxi again. I just turned a blind eye, there was no need to really kill him!

However, I never expected that how long had it been since I left Daxi that news about Li Lianhua that shocked the world would come one after another ? Here comes the elixir that brings people back to life, and then the longevity medicine that can extend people’s lives for ten years.

And now, the ability of the devil fruit, is it confirmed that Li Lianhua can help people break through to the land of immortality?

This made Emperor Daxi feel a little regretful!

He was not regretting that he had not eradicated him!

But he was regretting that he had not seen the value of Li Lianhua earlier! What about the Nanyin royal family?

His actions proved that he was not very interested in restoring Nanyin!

And Li Lianhua was the one who left Daxi!

If he could have been more generous in the past, he would have left Li Lianhua in Daxi. What?

Maybe his devil fruit will stay in Daxi, and maybe he will help Daxi’s people have the cultivation of the land of gods!

Or if it doesn’t work, he can buy a few immortality pills from Li Lianhua. Right?

But now that I think about it, Daxi has gone out and traveled around the world, and Daxi has issued a wanted order for him! Maybe people in the world are laughing at him now.!

“Come and deliver the order. From now on, the wanted order against Li Lianhua, the owner of the Lotus Building, will be withdrawn!”

After thinking silently for a long time, Emperor Daxi spoke and issued his imperial edict!

Although for Li Lianhua, he might not take his wanted order to heart! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, if you cancel the wanted order for him, is it a sign of goodwill?


Beiliang Prince’s Mansion!

“Is Divine Doctor Li so powerful? He actually helped someone in his twenties achieve the level of a land god?”

After Xu Fengnian heard the news from Xuan Suzhuang, it can be said that everyone cried with envy!

No wonder he was envious. He had always wanted to become a disciple of Li Lianhua, but he was rejected every time!

Now! , and even helped other young people to reach the Land of Immortals!

Xu Fengnian knew very well how powerful the Land of Immortals was!

Why? Because when he traveled around the world, didn’t the old man Li Chungang return to the Land of Sword Immortals? Are you here?

The strength that Li Chungang showed back then is still fresh in Xu Fengnian’s mind!

“Did Li Lianhua help another person reach the land of fairyland?”

Xu Weixiong has been paying attention to the news about Li Lianhua.

After all, when the two of them went into the sea to search for monster grass, Li Lianhua hugged herself to save herself from the sea monster’s attack!

Then This is the first time that he has such close contact with another man.

Therefore, Xu Weixiong is more or less paying attention to the news about Li Lianhua.

Xu Weixiong has made such a big fuss in the world recently. Xiong also got the news!

And the news made Xu Weixiong secretly shaken!

After defeating all the teachers in Shangyin Academy, he taught on behalf of these teachers. He has many courses.

Many people secretly called him the strongest teacher! [] But now, compared with Li Lianhua, Xu Weixiong feels that he is really far behind!

It is almost impossible in this life for me to teach a disciple from the Land of Gods!


Beili, Xueyue City!

“What? Did Li Lianhua actually help a young man in his twenties break through to 500 in the Land of Land Gods? Isn’t he too powerful?”

Lei Wujie also got the news about Xuansu Village, which made Lei Wujie’s eyes widen!

After practicing hard for many days, he finally realized his sword intention and reached the realm of Sword Immortal. He was overjoyed. Incomparable.

But he didn’t expect that such a king would be thrown down immediately.

With the burning fruit and his sword intention, Lei Wujie thought that his martial arts was now so advanced that it was rare in the world. He’s a genius, right?

But if he compares with the son of Xuan Suzhuang’s black and white swords, he’s far behind! Although the Sword Immortal Realm is very good, it ca n’t be compared with the Land of Gods. , the gap is so huge! I really can’t compare!

So, although I am a genius, is there anyone in the world who is more talented than me?


Outside the territory, outside the sky!

“Humph, that Li Lianhua is so stingy!”

Tianwaitian is not far from the Snow Mountain Sect. Naturally, Wu Xin got the news from Xuan Suzhuang very quickly!

When he learned that Li Lianhua actually helped a young man of about twenty years old to reach the Land of Land Gods, Wu Xin looked arrogant. , snorted softly and said!

Yes, he, Boss Xiao, and Lei Wujie are already rare geniuses in the world.

It doesn’t mean that Li Lianhua hasn’t helped him!

He helped him and Li Lianhua helped him reach the land of fairyland. These are two completely different concepts!

So eh? Is such a deep friendship not as good as a stranger?


Shocked, as Li Lianhua helped the bastard reach the level of land fairyland, the news swept through the entire world like a hurricane.

For a time, the entire world was deeply shocked!

For a time, countless people were furious.

I wonder if I should also look for Li Lianhua to see if I have a chance to break through to the terrestrial fairyland?.

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