Li Lianhua’s eyes were on the devil fruit tree!

After being transplanted from her Zifu Lingtai to the small world of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, Li Lianhua could feel the branches of the devil fruit tree swaying, and it seemed to be more vibrant!

“Well, it is indeed a place full of spiritual energy. If there are more precious medicinal materials in the future, they can be transplanted here!”

“Growing here is better than growing anywhere else outside!”

“If I can control the flow of time in the Mountains and Rivers chart when my cultivation level is high in the future, then I can rely on this treasure to cultivate a large number of precious medicinal materials and spiritual roots, right?”

“Leaving aside other functions, at least with this treasure, I seem to be able to enjoy a farming life! ?”

Seeing the Devil Fruit trees swaying in this world of mountains and rivers, Li Lianhua secretly murmured in her heart!

Not to mention, Li Lianhua still felt quite looking forward to the thought of using this small world as a medicine valley for growing her own medicinal materials in the future. Yes!

In this way, Li Lianhua stayed in the world of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Tu for another two days, and experienced the sunrise, moonset, wind, rain, thunder and lightning in the world of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Tu! That’s it.

However, the many climate changes and the natural scenes of sunrise and moonset look no different from the outside world!

“It is said to be the world of a picture, but to be more precise, it is like a small world is sealed in the picture!”

After spending two days in the world of the Mountains, Rivers and Sheji Tu, Li Lianhua took a good look at the changes in day and night and the climate. Li Lianhua was very satisfied!

If he locked a person in here, he would definitely not reach the end of the world. No one can realize that this is just a small world, right?

In this way, after two days of staying well, Li Lianhua walked out of the world of Shanhe Sheji Tu and now he needs to travel around the world to earn medical fees!.

Otherwise, in Li Lianhua’s opinion, if he were to practice the great Heavenly Immortal Art in this world of Mountains and Rivers, he would probably be able to grow faster!

“Young Master, have you been away these past two days?”

Seeing Li Lianhua coming down from upstairs, Luo Xian asked!

Li Lianhua stayed in the world of Shanhe Sheji Tu for two days, and the flow of time inside and outside is the same.

Therefore, this Lotus Tower can also be regarded as on the road. He had been walking for two days!

If Luo Xian hadn’t trusted Li Lianhua’s strength, Luo Xian would have been very worried if he suddenly disappeared for two days!

“Well, I did have something busy these past two days, so I didn’t have time to tell you!”

Li Lianhua nodded, but she didn’t explain too much. She followed Luo Xian’s words, nodded and said!

“By the way, young master, when I went to clean your bedroom, I found a strange picture scroll suspended in mid-air.……”

Then, Luo Xian said to Li Lianhua again!

Although he said he was not worried about Li Lianhua’s safety, when he discovered that Li Lianhua was not there, Luo Xian also searched inside and outside the Lianhua Building.

Therefore, it was natural to go to Li Lianhua’s bedroom to have a look.

Luo Xian also saw the map of mountains and rivers hanging in mid-air!

It’s just because Li Lianhua’s bedroom is relatively private, so a picture like this is suspended in mid-air, which is obviously not ordinary.

Therefore, Luo Xian didn’t move at will!

“Well, this is my treasure!”

Li Lianhua nodded and answered casually, without any intention of saying anything more on this issue.

After a few simple chats, Luo Xian then spoke:”Sir, there is a town not far ahead. Should we replenish some daily necessities?”

“This is what it should be!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua nodded and said!

Although living in the Lianhua Building is very comfortable, you still need to prepare some daily necessities of firewood, rice, oil and salt.


However, at this moment, suddenly, Li Lianhua’s ears moved slightly, and vaguely, she seemed to hear waves of painful screams!

“Luo Xian, did you hear the sound of crying in pain?”Li Lianhua opened her mouth and asked Luo Xian!

“ah?”Listening to what Li Lianhua said, Luo Xian also cheered up and paid careful attention.

Sure enough, Luo Xian also felt that he vaguely heard someone shouting in pain.

“Yes, Master, it seems like someone is screaming in pain right in front!”

Also noticed the cry of pain, Luo Xian nodded and said!

“Then go check it out!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua nodded and said!

After all, she is a person with relatively upright views, so if she really encounters someone who needs help, Li Lianhua doesn’t mind taking action.

Just like before in Xueyue City It was the same as Ye Ruoyi’s illness!

Although I didn’t want to mess up the situation of treating people’s illnesses, it was still okay to hide my identity and save people!

Zhang, Li Lianhua could hear the cries of pain becoming more and more clear, and a man fell in the grass on the roadside!

Li Lianhua looked at it and saw that the man was about eighteen or nineteen years old.

He only looked like a man. It was just washed white coarse linen clothes, and it looked like he was not a rich man!

At this time, the man was curled up on the ground in pain, screaming in pain!

There were a lot of things on the ground next to him. They were daily necessities such as salt and rice noodles!

It seemed that the young man suddenly fell ill while he was purchasing supplies in the town!

“Little brother, what’s wrong with you?”Li Lianhua didn’t rush to take action, she asked first!

“This, this, my elder brother, I, this is an old problem of mine. After, after a while, it will be fine.……”

The young man was sweating profusely in pain, but while lying on the ground, he spoke to Li Lianhua, telling Li Lianhua not to worry about him!

“This, what kind of eyes are these!”

Looking at the young man’s eyes, Li Lianhua secretly admired in his heart!

Although he was suffering terrible pain at this time.

However, this young man’s eyes were very clear! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) This is the first time Li Lianhua has seen such clear eyes!

Even Lei Wujie, who is said to have a naturally exquisite heart in the original work of Young Songs, cannot compare to this. The young man’s eyes are clear!

“I can help you in your situation!”

Although the young man said that it was an old problem and he should be fine after a while.

But looking at the pain on the other side, it didn’t look like he was fine.

Li Lianhua said this, and then raised his hand, ready to use Use both hands to treat each other!


However, before Li Lianhua could take action, there was a sudden loud shout.

0 Ask for Flowers. Immediately, a figure quickly rushed towards Li Lianhua.

At the same time, a pair of broad palms, showing the shape of claws, moved directly towards Li Lianhua. Li Lianhua grabbed her wrist!

Feeling that someone was attacking her, Li Lianhua frowned slightly, turned her wrist, and struck a blow with the person who made the move!

Li Lianhua’s figure remained motionless, but the person who attacked Li Lianhua was He couldn’t help but step back several steps, leaving several deep footprints on the ground!

“This guy’s cultivation is not weak, he is at the Grand Master level? Moreover, there is an existence in the late stage of Grand Master Realm?”

Although the opponent made a move and was forced back by his own palm, Li Lianhua looked at the opponent in surprise when she felt the power contained in the man’s palm just now!

The cultivation of the late Grand Master Realm, in the world, That’s a famous existence!

After all, there are many great masters, but the gap between them is huge!

Just like Zhao Yuzhen before, he could instantly kill three masters of the Tang Sect’s great master level. He is a sword immortal, but he is only at the Grand Master level!


It’s just that Li Lianhua was secretly surprised that this attacker actually had the cultivation level of the late Grand Master Realm, but she didn’t know that the other party was actually even more surprised!

“Who are you? At such a young age, he actually has such cultivation! ?”

The person who just attacked Li Lianhua was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his fifties and had a beard. He was looking at Li Lianhua in amazement!

“Before asking others for their identity, you should first identify yourself, right?”

Li Lianhua looked at the other party calmly and said!

After listening to what Li Lianhua said, the middle-aged man seemed to think that Li Lianhua’s words made sense after being silent for a moment.

Therefore, he said,”Mr. Motian, thank you Yanke!”

It turns out to be him!

Hearing this middle-aged man announce his identity, Li Lianhua suddenly realized in her heart!

She also said that the cultivation of this late-stage Grand Master realm is not something just anyone can have.

Since it is the sky layman Xie Yanke , this makes sense!

You know, Xie Yanke’s Black Iron Order is enough to cause a bloody storm in the world!

Why? Because no matter who finds Xie Yanke’s Black Iron Order, it is sent to him. In every hand, Xie Yanke can get a chance to help!

Because of this, countless people in the world are fighting for the Black Iron Order, causing a bloody storm, which shows Xie Yanke’s status!

“Who are you?”

After announcing his identity, Xie Yanke looked at Li Lianhua and asked!

He is so young but his skills are still above his own? Xie Yanke was naturally very curious about Li Lianhua’s identity!

“Lotus Host, Li Lianhua!”

Following what Xie Yanke did just now, Li Lianhua also added a prefix to her name, which made her look more imposing![]

“Lotus landlord! ? You are the Li Lianhua who came back from the dead, the miracle doctor Li!”

After hearing Li Lianhua’s self-reported identity, Xie Yanke’s eyes widened and he said to Li Lianhua in amazement!

It suddenly dawned on him. After learning Li Lianhua’s identity, Xie Yanke also suddenly realized it!

He also said, who exactly is he?

, it’s not surprising that his skills at such a young age are superior to his own.

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