Uncovering the treasure Map of Mountains and Rivers from the diamond-level treasure chest was naturally a surprise for Li Lianhua!

What’s more important is that simply treating the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map as a small world, entering and exiting it does not require much cultivation.

Therefore, Li Lianhua was also curious and wanted to go in and have a good look!

The map of mountains, rivers, and the country was hung directly in mid-air, and then, Li Lianhua’s figure shot directly into the painting!

I saw that the pictures of the mountains and rivers were like water, with waves rippling.

Then, Li Lianhua’s figure disappeared directly into it!

The mountains are still the same mountains, and the water is still the same water. However, from the outside, there are more figures in this map of mountains and rivers!

Moreover, this picture of mountains and rivers and the country does not look like a simple static picture, but a picture in a state of movement.

Because when the breeze blows, you can see the sparkling waves on the water, and the branches are constantly swaying under the majestic blowing of the wind!

What’s more important is that after Li Lianhua entered it, from the outside, he could see a figure walking in the picture!

“Is this the scene inside the Shanhe Sheji Tu? It looks really lifelike!”

In the picture world, Li Lianhua’s figure stood on the top of a mountain, looking at everything around him, and sighing secretly in his heart!

If he hadn’t known that he had entered the world in the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Picture, just looking at this No one would know about the surrounding scene that they have entered the world in the picture!

At least, this scene looks no different from the outside world.

Even if you look carefully, you can’t tell it at all. How different it is from the outside world!

“Wait, there is still a difference!”

However, after being silent for a moment, Li Lianhua came to his senses and murmured secretly in his heart!

Yes, there are indeed some differences between the world in the Mountains and Rivers and the World outside!


Because after entering this picture After seeing the world in the picture, I can clearly feel that the world in this picture contains a very rich vitality of heaven and earth!

“With this level of heaven and earth vitality, if you cultivate immortality here, you will get twice the result with half the effort!”

Clearly feeling the vitality of heaven and earth in the world in this picture, Li Lianhua sighed secretly in her heart!

The world of comprehensive martial arts also has the vitality of heaven and earth. Otherwise, how would the previous Tai Chi Xuanqing Dao be practiced!

However, the intensity of this vitality of heaven and earth is Completely different!

After a general feeling, the world in the Mountain and River Society Map is at least several times richer than the outside!

“Therefore, it is precisely because the vitality of heaven and earth in this world is very strong that the flowers and plants here grow particularly lush, right?”

Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the scenery below.

Looking at the towering trees, some of the tree trunks even require a dozen people to hug each other to circle around them.

Such big trees, in this world of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, It can be seen everywhere!

“If you have a high level of cultivation, you can control the world in this picture at will and turn it into what you want!”

“For example, what is the shape of the mountain, what is the flow of the river, and even the number and shape of the buildings!”

“But unfortunately (acda), this function requires very advanced cultivation, which is not something I can do now!”

After taking a good look at the scenery of the world in the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, Li Lianhua shook his head with regret!

Yes, if he has enough cultivation, he can control the changes in the scenery in the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map at will. Wouldn’t it be better to make it look the way you want?

Although the scenery in the Mountains and Rivers Map is pretty good

, if it can be customized to look like you like, that’s the most important thing!

“If I can really do it, can I also change it into a modern look?”

Then, such an idea came into Li Lianhua’s mind!

Yes, Li Lianhua came to this mixed martial arts world from modern society!

Therefore, with Li Lianhua’s strengthening, the Lotus Building has become a very… It fits the modern decoration style!

But after all, it is just a lotus building!

If you can change the material of the Shanhe Sheji Tu world, it is like a picture. You can erase the original picture and then draw yourself again. The pattern you want comes.

Of course, it is not difficult to transform the world in the Mountains and Rivers into a modern style pattern!

However, my current cultivation level is not high, so I can’t do it, right?

“Even if your cultivation level is high enough, you can arbitrarily adjust the time ratio between the world in the mountain, river, and the country map and the outside world!”

“In this case, this is the effectiveness of the Mountains and Rivers Society Map!”

“But it is a pity that if you want to control the time ratio, the cultivation level required is even more terrifying. It is impossible for me to do it in a short time!”

Then, Li Lianhua thought of other functions of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map!

Indeed, although the cultivation level required to enter and exit the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map is not high.

However, to control the matter and time of the world in the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, this requires The cultivation level is far beyond what Li Lianhua can do! It’s like a RV parked on the side of the road. If you want to go in and take a rest, it’s very simple. You just need to open the door and walk in!

If you want to drive an RV, it is not that easy. It requires corresponding skills!

“I don’t know what the world in this picture looks like and how big it is!”

After taking a good look at the appearance of the world in the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, Li Lianhua had the idea of exploring!

Thinking of this, Li Lianhua did not waste time and flew directly towards the sun in the sky. Flying over!

There is also a sun and a moon in this world of mountains and rivers.

So, what is going on with the sun and the moon?

Li Lianhua is very fast. It was like a shooting star passing through the sky!

Soon, Li Lianhua came to the sun!

The sun and the earth in the world are two planets. This was common knowledge to children in the previous life.!

However, the world in this Shanhe Sheji Tu is not like this! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Why? Because Li Lianhua flew up for about a hundred miles and came to a place. It’s a dome.

The sun above the dome is a huge fireball that exudes heat, just moving around the inverted bowl-shaped dome in the sky!

“According to myths and legends, the sky is round and the earth is round. Is it true that the world in the Mountains, Rivers and State Map is also the same?”

Looking at this world, there is actually a curved dome like an inverted bowl. Li Lianhua secretly muttered in her heart, feeling very surprised.

The temperature of the sun’s fireball is very high, so Li Lianhua did not have to It means approaching.

Instead, he circled around the sun a few times and then left! However, Li Lianhua did not fall down, but flew high in the sky. Let’s take a look at the size of the world in this mountain and river map!

After all, the world of the Sheji Tu is not a real world, so the territory must have an end. Taking this opportunity, Li Lianhua took a good look!

Walking through it!

In this way, after a full day, Li Lianhua had a general overview of the world in the Shanhe Sheji Tu. I understand a little bit!

First of all, this world has a dome. The dome is like an inverted bowl, which is directly buckled on the earth, forming a world with a round sky!

Secondly, the earth under your feet does have an end. , Li Lianhua made a rough estimate.

The world in the Shanhe Sheji Map is about a thousand miles in radius!

In other words, this thousand-mile radius is indeed not small, but it is naturally smaller than the real world! It’s very far!

After all, Li Lianhua remembers that the territory of China before he traveled was 9.6 million square kilometers.

And what about the world in the Mountain and River Sheji Map? If it is 1,000 kilometers in radius, the area is about 1 million square kilometers, right?

About one-tenth the size of the Huaxia Kingdom? Taking stock of it, this is indeed not small![]

“Yes, the world in the Mountains and Rivers Map is indeed very big!”

“What’s more important is that the sun and the moon rotate alternately, and it looks almost the same as the outside world!”

“In addition, the vitality of heaven and earth in this world is also very strong!”In that case, this is a good place to go!””

In this way, after spending several hours wandering around the world of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, Li Lianhua had a relatively accurate understanding of the size of the world of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map.

At the same time , , Nodding silently!

Is it really worthy of being the personal treasure of the saint Nuwa?

The size of the mountain and river community map is really amazing!

“By the way, the devil fruit tree!”

Sentimental about the situation in the world of Shanhe Sheji Tu, Li Lianhua seemed to have thought of something!

He was immersed in his own Zifu Lingtai, and then, the devil fruit tree that was originally rooted in his Zifu Lingtai was directly taken by Li Lianhua. Come out.

Then, plant it directly in the world of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map!

Since the energy of the world in this Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map is very strong, it should be very beneficial to plant devil fruits or other medicinal materials. Right?

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