After putting down the phone bug, Li Lianhua only thought for a moment about Emperor Mingde and then put it down!

Then, Li Lianhua’s attention fell on her consultation fee!

The consultation fee was originally 1 million, but the Xuanyuan family gave him 500,000, and then he made hundreds of thousands more in the past half month.

Now my medical expenses have reached over 2 million!

Although I want to save some medical fees for emergencies.

But with more than 2 million, Li Lianhua thought, let’s take a look at a gold-level treasure chest first!

The gold-level treasure chest is of great use to you, and the silver-level treasure chest is also of some use to you.

For me, it seems that these two quality treasure chests are the most suitable for my role now.

With a slight thought in his mind, another silver-level treasure chest appeared in front of Li Lianhua after spending 1 million taels of medical fees.

Taking a deep breath, Li Lianhua opened the gold-level treasure chest without any hesitation!

The bright light was as bright as ever. After the light dissipated, a dense light appeared in front of Li Lianhua!

Then, this ball of light quickly disappeared into Li Lianhua’s mind!

Seeing the appearance of this ball of light, Li Lianhua understood that what he opened from the gold-level treasure chest this time should be skills or knowledge!

Sure enough, as the light entered Li Lianhua’s mind, a sense of enlightenment arose in Li Lianhua’s heart.

Li Lianhua also understood what he got after opening the treasure chest this time!

“Am I so destined to the Eight Wonders?”

Li Lianhua looked a little weird when she felt the latest thing she had pulled out from the gold-level treasure chest!

Yes, the Eight Wonders Skills. What Li Lianhua pulled out of the gold-level treasure chest this time was another Eight Wonders Skills. It’s called Tongtian Lu!

What’s the effect? It’s a talisman-type ability.

However, this talisman is one of the eight magical skills, and it is naturally different from other talisman techniques. The trouble is to open the altar, practice, draw talismans, etc., which is very complicated! But what about the Tongtian Lu

? The effect is very simple, just draw the talisman in the void!

This effect is naturally not comparable to other ordinary talismans!

To be honest, it’s like trying to find a girl! Usually, you need to meet, talk, eat, watch movies, buy gifts and so on.

But what about Tong Tianlu? You just go to the hotel to book a room with the girl, and it’s all done in one step!

She even pays for the hotel room!

Naturally, it saves you all the tedious steps!

“Now I have mastered the Eight Wonderful Skills, the Immortal Thief of Liuku, the General of Juling and the Tongtianlu, right?”

“so what? Have I mastered half of the Eight Magic Skills now?”

“I and Ba Qiqi are indeed very destined!”

After feeling the power of Tongtianlu, Li Lianhua secretly murmured in her heart, shaking her head in confusion.

However, if you don’t have to stress over many arts, mastering one more strange skill is indeed a very good method.

At least, if a gold-level treasure chest can unlock abilities like the Eight Magic Skills, he is not considered a non-chief.

Porlu, porphyr, porlu…

As Li Lianhua looked at the remaining 1 million yuan in medical treatment, she thought about it. Don’t forget to open a few silver-level treasure chests and suddenly the phone bug’s voice rang without warning!

Li Lianhua walked over and picked up the phone, and the phone bug’s appearance immediately changed to that of Xu Fengnian!

“Doctor Li, are you free recently?”Xu Fengnian asked Li Lianhua straightforwardly.

“so what? Are you ready to avenge your mother?”After listening to Xu Fengnian’s words, Li Lianhua asked

“Yes, so, is there any room for miracle doctor Li’s business?”Xu Fengnian was not surprised that Li Lianhua could guess his purpose, and he still asked concisely!

“Since we are doing business, of course we will be free!”Li Lianhua answered matter-of-factly!

Then, after chatting about some detailed issues, Li Lianhua came to the Beiliang Prince’s Mansion through any door!

Generally speaking, Li Lianhua had already known about the murderers behind the Bai Yi case. I have told Xu Fengnian, and Xu Fengnian has also made a good plan recently!

Not only Xu Fengnian, but also Xu Zhihu, Xu Weixiong, and Xu Longxiang are all back! Naturally, they will not be absent.

“This time, there are four people we have to deal with!”

“They are Yang Taisui, Han Diao Si, Liu Hao Shi and Yuan Benxi!”

“As for the old emperor and the queen, they have long-term plans!”Xu Fengnian spoke and stated the goal of this operation.

Although the emperor of Liyang Dynasty is the real biggest murderer.

However, the stakes are too high to attack the old emperor of Liyang Dynasty, so we need to think about it in the long term!

“This time, Lao Huang and I went to deal with Han Diao Temple, but he had already left Tai’an City!”

“As for Yang Taisui, the second sister and father will deal with it!”

“As for Master Liu Hao, it’s up to my brother-in-law and eldest sister to take action!”

“As for the last Yuan Benxi……”

After carefully arranging the task, Xu Fengnian looked a little hesitant when he talked about the last Liyang Emperor Master Yuan Benxi!

Yang Taisui was good friends with his father back then. It was because of this that he held his father Xu Xiao back, and he was considered an accessory in the White Clothes Case!

So to deal with him, you don’t need force, but more importantly, you need to be smart. You can rest assured that you have a father and second sister!

As for Han Diao Si, although his martial arts are good, it shouldn’t be a problem with Lao Huang.

As for Master Liu?

Although his martial arts skills are high, his brother-in-law Hong Xixiang is the reincarnation of Lu Zu. With his brother-in-law, he should be absolutely foolproof!

There is only the last Yuan Benxi, and there is no top peerless master to deal with him at the moment.

“Regarding the last Yuan Benxi, people have been sent to find the Peach Blossom Sword God!”

“Since he asked me to call him uncle and avenge my mother, he shouldn’t stand idly by, right?”

“Once Peach Blossom Sword God gets a reply, we will……”

Regarding Yuan Benxi, Feng Ziran also has ideas

“There is no need to wait for Mrs. Deng, let me handle Yuan Benxi!”

However, at this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing this voice, both Xu Fengnian and Xu Xiao looked over in surprise.

I saw an old servant in the palace who was originally responsible for sweeping the floor. come over

“Who are you?”

Although this old man has been a servant in the palace for many years, he dares to say this and stand up at this time. He obviously has an extraordinary status,” Xu Fengnian asked in shock!

“Feng Nian, you kid, in terms of status, you should call me grandpa!”The old man looked at Xu Fengnian kindly and said!

“Grandpa! ?”Hearing this, Xu Fengnian was shocked at first, and then realized.

Grandpa, in other words, his mother is his daughter!

“The Thirteen Armors of the Spring and Autumn Period, the swords and armors are all refined, and they are also the saints of calligraphy!”

Li Lianhua next to her saw the old man standing up. She could roughly guess his identity without asking, and she said calmly!

“Dr. Li is indeed very knowledgeable!”Listening to what Li Lianhua said, Qi Lianhua also nodded towards Li Lianhua and said with a smile!

Although Li Lianhua did not help directly, he can provide everyone with treatment services in the form of business. The auxiliary role is at least on the same front.

Therefore, Qi Lianhua is quite polite to Li Lianhua.


Lianhua was called Sword Armor back then. Since this one was called Sword Armor, he must be. A peerless master on the same level as Li Chungang, right?

“Since grandpa is here, it would be perfect for you to take action against Yuan Benxi!”

After confirming Qi Lianhua’s identity, Xu Fengnian said with a smile!

Yes, it is only natural for me and the others to avenge their mother, so wouldn’t it be even more natural for my grandfather to avenge his daughter?

After the matter is confirmed, , the layout has been completed a long time ago, the four brothers of Xu Fengnian are divided into four groups, and they are looking for their corresponding opponents! As for Li Lianhua, she is thinking about where to look if the troops are divided into four groups!

To be honest, Jian Jiuhuang should have no problem dealing with Han Diao Temple!

Hong Xixiang would have no problem dealing with Master Liu Hao!

The last thing I’m more concerned about is Qi Lianhua’s dealing with Yuan Benxi, and Xu Xiao’s father and daughter dealing with Yang Taisui! Yes!

Although the main thing here is to outwit him, Yang Taisui is still an imperial master and stays in the palace during normal times. (For Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Where is Xu Xiao? They are just warriors in the Houtian realm. It seems that they are the most uneasy here?

Therefore, with the troops divided into four groups, Li Lianhua’s thoughts were on Xu Xiao and Xu Weixiong’s father and daughter, so she followed Xu Xiao. Father and daughter went to Tai’an City together!

“Doctor Li, if something unexpected happens, just protect Weixiong and return to Beiliang!”Xu Xiao opened his mouth and asked Li Lianhua

“Shut up, we came here together, we have to go back together!”

Listening to Xu Xiao’s explanation to Li Lianhua, Li Lianhua hadn’t answered yet, but Xu Weixiong scolded Xu Xiao angrily![]

“Uh, yes, yes, you are right, the two of us want to go back together!”

Although he is the father, after being scolded by Xu Weixiong, Xu Xiao did not dare to talk back at all. Instead, he followed Xu Weixiong’s words and nodded simply!

For Xu Weixiong and Xu Xiao, Li Lianhua just smiled slightly at the way the father and daughter got along!

Although she had known about their situation for a long time, she still found it very interesting every time she saw it!

“Li Lianhua, when there is a real crisis, don’t forget your responsibilities!”

Li Lianhua smiled knowingly, but Xu Weixiong suddenly turned his head, looked at Li Lianhua and said!

“I? my responsibility?”At this time, Xu Weixiong suddenly mentioned his so-called responsibility so proactively, which actually made Li Lianhua look at her in shock!

“Yes, your responsibility is only to be responsible for treatment!”

“If you really encounter a critical situation, remember not to intervene!”

“Just leave by yourself!”

“Don’t get involved in the hatred between us from Beiliang and Liyang Chao!”Xu Weixiong nodded and said to Li Lianhua!

Not to mention, Xu Weixiong’s words moved Li Lianhua a little bit!

“Don’t worry, I understand!”Li Lianhua nodded and replied to Xu Weixiong!

Xu Xiao, who was next to him, couldn’t help but take a deep look at Xu Weixiong, and then looked at Li Lianhua next to him. His eyes moved, and he didn’t know what he was thinking..

Although Xu Xiao is no longer the King of Beiliang, no one dares to underestimate him in Tai’an City! After all, Xu Xiao is awe – inspiring, not because of his status as the King of Beiliang.

It was said that he was able to take the position of King of Beiliang because he was already respected!

Although he didn’t understand what Xu Xiao’s purpose was in bringing Xu Weixiong to the capital at this time

, no one dared to ignore him.

Even the current emperor of Liyang Dynasty is the same. Coupled with the friendship between Yang Taisui and Xu Xiao, it is natural that Yang Taisui must receive Xu Xiao well both in public and private matters. By the way, it is also for Liyang. The emperor of the dynasty wanted to test Xu Xiao’s purpose!

“Shangzhuguo, I haven’t seen you for a while!”

Yang Taisui was wearing a black monk’s robe, with a bare head, and said to Xu Xiao with a smile!

However, when his eyes saw Li Lianhua beside him, he was obviously stunned. :”Miracle Doctor Li? Are you there too?”

“Well, stay safe!”Hearing Yang Taisui greet him, Li Lianhua smiled slightly and nodded!

“Doctor Li, are you with Shangzhuguo? Why did you come to Tai’an City this time?”

Because of the elixir of life, Li Lianhua’s name is even more popular now, like the sun rising in the sky. His Majesty naturally wants to buy a few more elixir of life!

Originally, he should be happy to see Li Lianhua come to Tai’an City..

But seeing that Li Lianhua and Xu Xiao came together.

Even Xu Xiao and his daughter came to Tai’an City openly, but Li Lianhua followed them secretly, which made Yang Taisui feel confused. I instinctively felt that something was not right!

“I’m here to do business!”When Yang Taisui asked about his purpose, Li Lianhua replied!

“Doing business? Is it to sell the elixir of life?”

“Then Doctor Li, you have come to the right place!”

“Doctor Li, will you quickly come with me to meet His Majesty?”

“As long as Divine Doctor Li has enough elixirs of longevity in his hands, His Majesty will surely be willing to buy them all!”

Hearing that Li Lianhua said that he came to Tai’an City to do business, Yang Taisui was startled at first, then realized, and said to Li Lianhua, he thought that Li Lianhua came to sell immortality medicine!

After all, no matter what happened recently, Whether it’s in the court or the Jianghu, there are really endless discussions about the longevity medicine in Li Lianhua’s hands!

“Yang Taisui, you have misunderstood. Divine Doctor Li came to Tai’an City not to sell longevity medicine, but to do business with me!”Xu Xiao took over the conversation at this time and said to Yang Taisui!

While talking, Xu Xiao naturally poured a cup of tea for Yang Taisui.

“Thank you Shangzhuguo!”Taking the tea handed over by Xu Xiao with both hands, Yang Taisui thanked him.

However, he did not mean to drink it. He just put it in his hand.

At the same time, he looked at Xu Xiao with a questioning look. Doctor Li specially talked to him. What kind of business is he here for?

And why do he come to Tai’an City specifically for business?

“Because, if the two of us take action in this capital, we might not be able to escape easily, so with the help of Divine Doctor Li, there will be an extra layer of protection!”

Seeing that Yang Taisui didn’t drink tea, Xu Xiao didn’t care. He just explained to Yang Taisui!

Tu Qiong Dagger saw it!

Xu Xiao’s words can be said to be Tu Qiong Dagger’s sight. Hearing this, Yang Tai Sui felt a kind of creepy feeling. Feel

“Take action? Escape back? Shangzhuguo, what are you talking about?”The uneasy feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger. At the same time, Yang Taisui asked Xu Xiao with a forced smile!

“Yang Taisui, don’t you feel anything strange? For example, now my whole body is limp and powerless, and my own cultivation is like a pool of stagnant water and it is difficult to mobilize?”Xu Xiao then asked Yang Taisui!

As soon as he said this, Yang Taisui’s expression changed with shock!

Then, he felt the condition of his body.���

Sure enough, my body was limp and weak, as if ten times a night, and my cultivation was really like a pool of stagnant water, difficult to mobilize!

“Why! ?”Looking at Xu Xiao in horror, Yang Taisui asked in disbelief!

Yes, Xu Xiao suddenly plotted against himself and took action against him? Why is this?

“Why? When my princess was killed in Tai’an City, you were also an accomplice. Do you really think that our Xu family will let go of this hatred?”

Xu Xiao didn’t even have the intention to maintain the superficial politeness at this moment. He was waiting for Yang Taisui, his eyes filled with hatred.

Xu Xiao’s side was clear, and the other three routes were almost there.

Xu Xiao The other three siblings in the family have each found their own enemies to deal with…

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