In the Ming Dynasty, Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou and others sat together and chatted about topics from all over the world!

“By the way, Brother Lu, have you heard about the news about Divine Doctor Li?”As if thinking of something suddenly, Huamanlou said!

“Brother Li? Is it his identity? Is he actually Li Xiangyi, the master of the Sigu Sect? I’ve heard the news!”

When Huamanlou mentioned Li Lianhua, Lu Xiaofeng reflexively thought of the happy days when the two of them were together in Baihualou, and said!

“no!”Hua Manlou shook his head and said!

“no? Is that the news that Brother Li can refine the soul-reviving pill that can bring the dead back to life?”Following that, Lu Xiaofeng continued to ask!

When he was in the capital before, Brother Li’s Zhuyan Pill caused all the ladies in the harem to act like crazy.

Unexpectedly, except for the Zhuyan Pill, he actually It can also refine soul-reviving pills that can bring people back to life, which made Lu Xiaofeng secretly sigh in her heart!

“Neither!”However, Huamanlou still shook his head and said!

“neither? what is that?”

Unexpectedly, the two situations he mentioned were wrong, which made Lu Xiaofeng feel a little surprised!

“Immortality elixir!”Hua Manlou said, and a name came out of his mouth!

“Immortality elixir? Hearing this

, Lu Xiaofeng raised her eyebrows, with a look of astonishment on her face:”Brother Hua, what do you mean?” Brother Li, in addition to the Beauty Pill and the Soul-Reviving Pill, has he actually refined an elixir that can make people live forever?”

Shocked, Lu Xiaofeng could probably guess what was going on when he heard the three words”Elixir of Life” from Hua Manlou’s mouth!

It is precisely because of this that Lu Xiaofeng felt extremely shocked in her heart!

“Roughly the same!”Seeing Lu Xiaofeng’s shocked expression, Hua Manlou nodded and said!

“almost?”Lu Xiaofeng looked at Huamanlou in confusion.

Yes, it means, if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. What does this mean?

“Doctor Li has refined a pill that, although it cannot make people immortal, can make them live longer!”

“A pill can add 10 years to your life!”

“More importantly, Dr. Li’s longevity medicine can be taken repeatedly. In other words, taking ten pills can increase your life span by 100 years, and taking a hundred pills can increase your life span by 1,000 years!”

“In addition, such a longevity elixir costs 500,000 taels of silver!”

Seeing Lu Xiaofeng’s probing and doubtful eyes, Huamanlou didn’t mean to hide it, and explained the situation directly!

“so? If your life is coming to an end, can you spend 500,000 to buy 10 years of life from Brother Li?”

Listening to Hua Manlou’s explanation, Lu Xiaofeng couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

Although the price is very expensive, equivalent to 50,000 taels of silver per year of life, 039% of the people in the world cannot afford it!

But, the world There are still many wealthy dignitaries in the world, so if this is the case, Brother Li’s longevity medicine will not be afraid of not being sold at all!


Yihua Palace!

“sister, sister……”Lianxing trotted to Yaoyue!

“How about it? Have you gotten the news about the Liuren Divine Dice?”Seeing Lianxing’s arrogant appearance coming to her, Yao Yue asked!

“This is not news about the Liuren Divine Dice!”Lianxing shook his head and said!

“no? Could it be that there is news about the beast?”With a look of astonishment on her eyebrows, Yao Yue asked again!

“This is not news from the devil!”Lianxing continued to shake his head!

“It’s neither the Liuren Divine Dice nor the news about the Demon Grass, so what is it that makes you so anxious?”

Now, Yao Yue found it hard to understand!

Apart from these two pieces of news, is there any other news worthy of Lian Xing’s concern?

“It’s news about Dr. Li!” Lianxing replied!

“Li Lianhua? Something happened to him?”Hearing this, Yaoyue’s face changed drastically, and she looked even more eager than Lianxing!

“No, it was Divine Doctor Li who recently developed a new elixir that shocked the entire world!”

“This medicine is a longevity medicine, an elixir that can make people live longer!”

“Sister, tell me, should we also buy two pills from Divine Doctor Li?”

Lian Xing opened his mouth and explained to Yao Yue the most rumored news in the world recently!

“It turns out he’s fine, that’s good!”Hearing this, Yaoyue looked relieved!

As long as nothing happens to Li Lianhua, that’s fine!

As for the longevity medicine?

“Lianxing, we don’t need to worry about the elixir of life. We are still young. Why are we in a hurry to buy elixir of life?”

“Besides, if we really need the elixir of life, can Li Lianhua just sit back and watch?”

“Our current focus is on the 魍鉉草 and the Liuren God Dice!”Yao Yue spoke and said to Lian Xing!

“Don’t worry? Sister, is there any relationship between you and Divine Doctor Li?……”

Seeing that Yao Yue was so worried just now, but now she didn’t care about the elixir at all, Lian Xing looked at Yao Yue in a funny way and asked!

“Don’t be too curious about the matter between Divine Doctor Li and me, and go about your own business!”

However, seeing Lianxing’s curious look, Yaoyue’s face was stern and she scolded angrily!


Emperor Wu City! At this time, Wang Xianzhi had a piece of information in his hand.

Although he is said to be invincible in the world, Wang Xianzhi does not think too highly of himself.

On the contrary, Wang Xianzhi keeps paying attention to many things in the world!

Especially Xu Fengnian used a soul-reviving pill to revive Jian Jiuhuang, who had been dead for many days. This made Wang Xianzhi pay more attention to Li Lianhua!

And today, another news about Li Lianhua came!

“In addition to the soul-reviving pill that brings the dead back to life, he can also refine a pill that can extend a person’s life by 10 years?”

“This Li Lianhua, many of his elixirs are not like mundane things!”

“From now on, both the imperial court and the world will be shaken by his longevity medicine!”

Looking at the intelligence information about the elixir of longevity, Wang Xianzhi murmured secretly in his heart!

Wang Xianzhi’s attention is not on extending life by 10 years, nor on Li Lianhua.

It is on Li Lianhua’s elixir, which can be refined for a long time.!

It’s okay if it can make people live longer, and it seems that the owner of Lotus Flowers, Li Lianhua, can supply it for a long time? It can be expected that because of this long-lasting pill, the situation in the world will be different in the future.

There has been a big change!

Especially the top powerhouses like myself and people with noble status like the emperor will become Li Lianhua’s customers in the future, right? After all, the more powerful and noble people are, the more afraid they are.



Shocking, as Li Lianhua was able to refine the elixir of life, the news that 500,000 elixirs could extend life by 10 years spread throughout the world. The whole world was shocked by this news!

For a time, many people were ready to buy a longevity elixir from Li Lianhua to extend their life!


On the other side, north of Tianqi City, the Royal Palace!

Beili Emperor Mingde sat on his throne, looking very powerful.

However, if you look carefully at the whole person, you can see that Emperor Mingde’s complexion is very poor.

It seemed that his body was on the verge of collapse and could not hold on for much longer!

“Your Majesty, the people are here!”

At this time, Qi Tianchen, the imperial master of Qintianjian, came to the front of Emperor Mingde with a whisk and a woman in white.

“I have met His Majesty!”The woman in white bowed to Emperor Mingde and said neither humble nor overbearing!

“Girl, what do you call me?”

Emperor Ming De gave people the impression that he was like a tiger with a late hero. He stared at the woman in white in front of him and asked!

“Reporting to Your Majesty, my name is Nangong Pushe!”The woman replied! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yes, the woman in white who came to Beili Tianqi City and met Emperor Mingde was none other than Nangong Pushe!

In order to let Li Lianhua taught himself martial arts, and Nangong Pushe also took over the business target of 1 million yuan. Jin Mantang from Yuanbao Villa was the business he brought before, and the business of 500,000 taels of silver has been completed!

Jin’s business, Nangong Pushe walked for many days and found Beili Tianqi City because she found out that the physical condition of Beili Emperor Mingde was very bad![]

“Nangong? Beimang Nangong family?”Listening to Nangong Pushe’s words, Emperor Mingde raised his eyebrows slightly!

From a geographical perspective, Beiliang, Beimang and Beili are not far apart from each other.

However, for Emperor Mingde Nangong Pushe responded silently and had no intention of answering. It was obvious that she was not willing to answer this question!

“How presumptuous. Your Majesty asked you, but you kept silent?”On the other hand, when Superintendent Jinxuan next to him saw this, he couldn’t help but scolded him!

“It doesn’t matter, Miss Nangong is not my Beili person after all!”On the other hand, Emperor Mingde waved his hand and didn’t seem to care much!

Then, Emperor Mingde looked at Nangong Pushe and asked,”I heard that Miss Nangong, if you recommend yourself, you can cure (chaf) my illness? I don’t know if it’s true?”

Emperor Mingde didn’t care too much whether Nangong Pushe was polite or not. Of course, what he cared about was his own physical condition!

“Your Majesty, please correct me!”

Listening to what Emperor Mingde said, Nangong Pushe said:”It’s not that I can cure your majesty’s physical condition, but that I can find someone to cure your majesty!”

“I don’t know, who can Miss Nangong find to treat me?”After listening to what Nangong Pushe said, Emperor Mingde asked!

The eunuch Jinxuan next to him glanced sideways at Nangong Pushe, obviously not believing what Nangong Pushe said!

Are you kidding me? The palace is so busy No matter how many top doctors have tried to treat His Majesty, they can’t cure His Majesty’s illness.

This guy named Nangong Pushe doesn’t understand medical skills, and he doesn’t even know what His Majesty’s illness is, so he dares to make such nonsense and pack it away. Does it mean it can be cured?

“Your Majesty, I dare to ask, whose medical skills in this world are qualified to be called the best in the world?”Instead of answering Emperor Mingde’s words, Nangong Pushe asked him in return! After hearing this, Emperor Mingde did not answer, but looked at the Imperial Master Qi Tianchen on the side!

There are as many famous doctors in the world as crucian carp crossing the river. , but if you want to ask who has the strongest medical skills in the world, Emperor Mingde really couldn’t answer for a while!

“Your Majesty, if you want to say who has the best medical skills in the world, I think it must be the master of Lianhua Hall, the miracle doctor Li Lianhua!”

Seeing His Majesty’s eyes questioning him, Qi Tianchen bowed slightly and replied!

“Lotus Host, Dr. Li? Indeed, his name is very resounding, even to me!”After listening to Qi Tianchen’s words, Emperor Mingde nodded in agreement.

“so? Miss Nangong, the person you want to invite to treat me, could it be the owner of Lotus Tower, Dr. Li?”Following that, Emperor Mingde looked at Nangong Pushe and asked

“Yes, Your Majesty, I can invite Divine Doctor Li to treat Your Majesty!”Nangong Pushe nodded!

Although the original agreement was that Nangong Pushe would come over to do business for Li Lianhua, but as an emperor, he naturally cannot leave the palace at will.

Therefore, it should be okay to ask Li Lianhua to come over.

Besides , Well, Nangong Pushe knows that if Li Lianhua wants to go to any door, he can reach anywhere in the world instantly.

Therefore, it should not be a problem for Li Lianhua no matter where he goes.

“Since it is Divine Doctor Li, he should be able to regulate my body. But, Miss Nangong, when can you bring Divine Doctor Li?”

After confirming that the doctor Nangong Pushe said was Li Lianhua, Emperor Mingde was obviously very happy and asked Nangong Pushe.

“Your Majesty, I can contact Divine Doctor Li now and ask him when he will be free!”Listening to Emperor Mingde’s inquiry, Nangong Pushe replied:��

“Then Miss Nangong, please contact me now!”

Although I don’t know what means Nangong Pushe has to contact Li Lianhua now, but since she said she can contact her now, Emperor Mingde naturally asked her to contact her now.

He nodded, Nangong Pushe didn’t No more nonsense, but he took out a small phone bug from his arms! Looking at the phone bug in Nangong servant’s hand, Emperor Mingde and others seemed to be secretly confused.

A strange snail-like bug, what kind of contact is this? I originally thought it was a method of sending a message via flying pigeons.

In the main hall of the Apocalypse City, Nangong Pushe dialed Li Lianhua’s phone directly!

, after calling more than a dozen times, the call was connected.

At the same time, in front of Nangong Pushe, the phone bug’s appearance changed into that of Li Lianhua!

“Hello, it’s Nangong, what’s the matter?”The voice of the phone bug was none other than Li Lianhua’s, and the tone was a bit lazy. When they heard that the phone bug actually spoke human words, Emperor Mingde and the others were all dumbfounded!

Of course they could see that this The insect that speaks human words is not really because the insect can speak, but because Nangong Pushe is using this insect to communicate with Li Lianhua in the distance? In other words, what kind of method is this?

There could be such magical bugs!

“Doctor Li, I am currently in the Imperial Palace of Tianqi City in Beili!”

“His Majesty Emperor Mingde and I recommended you to treat His Majesty Emperor Mingde’s injuries!”

“I’m making this call today just to ask when you are available!”

Nangong Pushe didn’t mean to talk nonsense and said straight to the point!

“This? I know, within a month, I will pass!”On the other end of the phone, Li Lianhua’s voice hesitated for a moment and then said to Nangong Pushe!

“Does it take a month?”On the other hand, when Nangong Pushe heard this, he frowned slightly, looking unsatisfied!

Although one month is indeed not a long time from Beiliang to Tianqi City, but Li Lianhua has any door, it will take another month Just came?

Then wouldn’t it be a drag on me to learn martial arts from Li Lianhua for an extra month?

“So, half a month?” Hearing the dissatisfaction in Nangong Pushe’s words, Li Lianhua followed after a slight hesitation.


It’s already good to be able to reduce the time from one month to half a month!

Although I don’t understand why Li Lianhua still wants half a month, but since he said so, he must have his own reason.

Therefore, Nangong Pu She didn’t mean to say anything more!

After the matter was settled, Nangong Pushe hung up the phone and put away the phone bug!

“Your Majesty, you just heard what Li Lianhua and I said. He will come to Tianqi City within half a month!”Nangong Pushe said to Emperor Mingde!

“Indeed, I have heard it! Emperor Mingde heard this and nodded.

As he spoke, he still had a look of wonder on his face and said,”What kind of creature is the snail-like insect that Miss Nangong just mentioned?” I have never heard of it!”

“Your Majesty, this is called a phone bug, and it was given to me by Li Lianhua for communication!”Listening to Emperor Mingde’s inquiry, Nangong Pushe explained casually!


“Tianqi City, Emperor Mingde?”

Not to mention the conversation between Nangong Pushe and Emperor Mingde in Apocalypse City, after hanging up the phone, Li Lianhua secretly muttered in her heart!

In order to attract business for herself, Nangong Pushe actually ran to Apocalypse City.

According to Juvenile Ge Xing’s original work, Emperor Mingde’s physical condition is indeed not very good. Moreover , in Li Lianhua’s view, Emperor Mingde’s physical condition is not just a simple physical illness.

Or is it a psychological problem caused by the death of King

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