Although, when Li Lianhua came to Wansheng Road, she came alone.

However, when the Lotus Tower arrived at the All Saints Road, hundreds of Jianghu people came together!

The legendary Li Xiangyi, and the Wanshengdao who is now at the top of the world in Daxi!

The fight between these two sides is naturally very interesting!

Now, Li Xiangyi has returned ten years later and has taken the lead in playing his cards. He has spoken to the All Saints Dao. Let’s see how the All Saints Dao responds!

A squeak!

As Li Lianhua’s voice sounded, the gate of Wan Sheng Dao opened, and then, Shan Gudao led many disciples of Wan Saint Dao and poured out.

Now that the news of his fake death has been exposed, there is no need for Shan Gudao to hide it anymore!

“Junior brother, I haven’t seen you for ten years!” Shan Gudao, who walked out of the door, looked at Li Lianhua’s unfamiliar face and said with a sigh of relief.

At this point, after a slight pause, Shan Gudao continued:”It seems that the poison of Bicha is good for Li Lianhua. As far as you are concerned, it is not useless!

�� Yes , even the appearance has changed. It has become completely different from before. Are you saying that the poison of Bicha has no effect at all?

That is impossible!

However, what Shan Gudao didn’t expect was that Li Lianhua could not only withstand the poison of Bicha, but could even take a step further in martial arts!

“Wow, Shan Gudao is really him!”

“That’s right, this is Shan Gudao, his appearance has not changed at all from before!”

“It seems that what Master Li said is indeed true. Shan Gudao is behind all of this!”

“Who would have thought? Back then, the Golden Yuan League and Sigu Sect fought so hard that both sides suffered losses, mainly because Shan Gudao was behind the scenes!”

“No wonder, in the past ten years, Wan Sheng Dao has risen rapidly while Sigu Sect and Golden Yuan Alliance were both in trouble!”

“On the surface, the leader of Wan Sheng Dao is Feng Qing, but in fact, it is Shan Gu Dao!”


As Shan Gudao walked out, the people around him were all shocked and talking about it!

After all, it was because of Shan Gudao’s death ten years ago that Li Xiangyi killed the Golden Yuan Alliance in a rage!

But now, Shan Gudao, who should have died ten years ago, is still alive and well.

So, didn’t it seem ridiculous that Li Xiangyi killed the Golden Yuan Alliance in anger?


Shan Gudao ignored the comments from the Jianghu people around him. He just stared at Li Lianhua and said:”Junior brother, now you are in charge of the Sigu Sect and I am in charge of the Wan Sheng Dao. If we two brothers join forces, Not to mention the entire world, even the court has to fall into our hands!”

After hearing Shan Gudao’s words, Li Lianhua just shook his head slightly and said:”Stop talking so much nonsense! I am too lazy to be the sect leader now. You actually told me to overthrow the court and become the emperor? This is not attractive at all!”

“Junior brother, this great man stands between heaven and earth. He must make immortal contributions, so that he can live his journey between heaven and earth in vain.”

“If you have such a level of cultivation, but are so lazy, wouldn’t it be a waste of what you have learned?”

“If Master knew that you were like this, he would definitely feel extremely sorry, right?”

Hearing this, Shan Gudao frowned, obviously wanting to persuade him a few more words!

“shut up!”

As Shan Gudao finished speaking, before Li Lianhua could speak, a loud shout rang out. Immediately afterwards, Qin Po also walked out of the Lotus Tower!

From Li Lianhua’s mouth, Qin Po already knew What Shan Gudao did!

It was Shan Gudao who caused Li Xiangyi to be in danger.

However, his husband Qi Mushan wanted Shan Gudao to rescue Li Xiangyi and passed on his skills to Shan Gudao.

So, in a sense, Shan Gudao can be said to be the culprit of killing his husband! But what if

Shan Gudao is still talking about his death ?

If Master knew this, would he feel more sorry?

How could Po Qin accept this?

“Teacher, teacher’s wife?”Looking at Qinpo coming out of the Lotus Tower, Shan Gudao looked shocked and a little scared!

After all, Li Xiangyi was mainly taught martial arts from childhood to adulthood by Qimushan.

But Shan Gudao was mainly taught by Qinpo, his master’s wife. Teaching, to Qimushan, the master’s wife can be said to be both a teacher and a mother!

“Shan Gudao, I only knew that you were jealous of Xiang Yi, but I didn’t expect that you are getting worse and worse..”

“You actually deliberately provoked a fight between the Golden Yuan Alliance and the Sigu Clan because of your unfounded ambitions!”

“He even killed your master for this!”Qinpo glared at Shan Gudao and shouted!

“Wife……”Being scolded by Qinpo, Shan Gudao didn’t know how to retort for a while, but he just looked very embarrassed!

“Alas, it’s still my fault after all. I didn’t teach you well!”After scolding Shan Gu Dao, Qin Po lowered her head and sighed, and said with emotion

“Wife, don’t blame yourself, you’ve already done a great job!”Looking at Qinpo’s appearance, Li Lianhua comforted her!

“If it were, if we had known that things would evolve to this point, our couple would never have brought him back to Yunyin Mountain!”After taking a look at Li Xiangyi, Qinpo’s expression was full of regret!

Yes, who would have thought that the little beggar brought back by a soft-hearted man would be so ambitious that he even killed her husband?

“Master’s wife!”Hearing Qin Po’s regretful words, Shan Gudao exploded, and his eyes showed anger!

“Yes, although Li Xiangyi and I are both your apprentices, you are still very partial!”

“It seems that he is your proud disciple, only ��, and only me, as if he was picked up!”

“I’m not convinced, I’m not willing to give in, why!”

I heard from Qinpo that she even regretted bringing herself back to Yunyin Mountain. This is considered to have touched Shan Gudao’s bottom line!

After all, Shan Gudao’s hatred of Li Xiangyi over the years is not just because Li Xiangyi is more powerful than himself. Excellent, but also the partiality of the master and his wife towards Li Xiangyi!

“Shan Gudao, our husband and wife are indeed responsible for your change of character!”

Looking at Shan Gu Dao venting out all the grievances he had suffered over the years, Qin Po sighed helplessly after staring at him for a long time!

Then, Qin Po said:”We, husband and wife, When we learned that Nanyin had been destroyed, we went to look for the descendants of Concubine Xuan and King Fangji, because we were good friends with Xiangyi’s parents!”

“Later, we found you and brothers Li Xiangyi!”

“At that time, you were just a little beggar on the street, but Xiang Yi’s brother used his ancestral jade pendant to ask you for help!”

“By the time we and I find you, it’s a pity that Xiang Yi’s brother is already dead!”

“Then, we brought Xiang Yi and you back to Yunyin Mountain!”

“You said that we are more partial to each other. I admit that this is indeed the case, but there is a reason for this!”

“For one thing, since he is our old friend, we naturally have to take more care of him!”

“Secondly, Xiang Yi’s qualifications are indeed superior to yours. I wonder which master in the world would not be more partial to disciples with better qualifications?”

“Although our love for you is indeed not as good as that of Xiang Yi, but if we ask ourselves, we as a couple are not too bad to you, right?”

Qinpo opened her mouth and told Shan Gudao about the situation that year and the reason why she and her husband loved Li Xiangyi even more!

“I think this old lady is right!”

“Yes, since Li Xiangyi was an old friend, the couple went out to look for Li Xiangyi. After finding him, they were able to bring Shan Gudao back and also accept him as a disciple. It was already a great kindness to him!”

“Master will prefer disciples with good academic performance. This is indeed a matter of course!”

“This is just like a biological son and an adopted son picked up from outside. Parents will be more partial to their biological sons. This is completely reasonable, right?”

“However, such an adopted son who was picked up from outside wants to compete with his biological son for favor, and even feels extremely jealous about it? What is a white-eyed wolf? This is a white-eyed wolf!”

“I heard that their master was killed by him!”

“No wonder the old woman said she regretted taking him back. With such a white-eyed wolf, no matter who she was, she would regret taking him back and accepting him as her disciple, right?”


As Qin Po finished speaking, many people in the world were talking about what they said, and they also learned a lot about Shan Gu Dao’s situation!

From a pertinent point of view, it is indeed Shan Gudao who does not know what is good and what is good, and avenges kindness with hatred!

“No, it’s impossible, this is absolutely impossible, Master Wife, you, you lied to me!”Shan Gudao looked a little lost at this moment!

“You said that jade pendant belongs to the Li Xiangyi brothers? This is absolutely impossible!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Wife, it’s because you prefer Li Xiangyi that you deliberately told such a lie to deceive me, right?”

“That jade pendant is obviously mine, and I am a descendant of the Nanyin royal family!”

Shan Gu Dao couldn’t believe it. To be more precise, he didn’t want to believe that what Qin Po said was true!

Only when Feng Qing found him and recognized him as his lord, did he know that he was a descendant of the Nanyin royal family.!

Later, he planned the fight between the Sigu Clan and the Golden Yuan League, just for the sake of profit! []

Sure enough, he succeeded. While both the Golden Yuan League and the Sigu Clan were losing, Wansheng Dao rode the wind and became the number one force in Daxi’s world in just ten years!

He even planned for a long time to use the power of Karma Huo to overthrow the Daxi royal family and bring himself to the south. Yin Guang is restored!

But now, the master’s wife tells herself that the jade pendant is not hers?

She is not a descendant of the Nanyin royal family at all.

So, is it a joke that she has been looking forward to the restoration of Nanyin for so many years

? , wouldn’t all the hard work be in vain?

“No, you are not a descendant of the Nanyin royal family, you were just a little beggar on the street, that’s all!”Seeing Shan Gu Dao’s unacceptable look, Qin Po shook her head, directly breaking the fantasy in his heart!

“Fang Duobing, what are you still looking at in the crowd? come on!”At this time, Li Lianhua suddenly shouted to the crowd of onlookers!

Fang Duobing had been in the crowd for some time. At this moment, hearing Li Lianhua’s shout, he quickly walked out of the crowd.


Fang Duobing, who originally came over, had no intention of disturbing Li Lianhua and the others. He just stood aside and watched!

To be honest, even though he already knew that he was Shan Gudao’s biological son.

However, from a pertinent perspective, what Qin Po said is correct!

Even though you treat your father and your master differently!

But if you think about it carefully, your father was just a little beggar on the street!

If you are not a relative or an acquaintance, if someone can take you back and show you the kindness to raise you, this is already a kindness greater than heaven!

“Xiaobao……”Looking at Fang Duobing who came out, Shan Gudao’s eyes were also very complicated.

After all, Shan Gudao knew very well that this was his son, a person of his own bloodline, perhaps his only blood relative in the world!

“Fang Duobing, have you seen it? It’s not a bad thing for a person to be ambitious”

“However, when ambition and ability do not match, it will bring disaster to others and pain to yourself!”

Li Lianhua seems to be getting more and more integrated into the role of master. No matter when, as long as she can teach Fang Duobei well, she will not waste this opportunity!

“I see!”Hearing this, Fang Duobing nodded and said!

“Xiaobao, do you know who I am?”

It doesn’t matter that Master and Mistress prefer Li Xiangyi, but now, his son actually has a fierce fight with Li Xiangyi?

Shan Gudao became even more unhappy, and continued to speak!

“I know you are an unfit father!”Hearing this, Fang Duobing glanced at Shan Gudao and replied!

“Presumptuous, why are you talking to me?”After hearing what Fang Duobing said to him, Shan Gudao exploded!

When you faced Li Xiangyi, you were quite polite!

But when you faced yourself, you said that you were an unfit father?

How could Shan Gudao do that ? Can you bear it?

“so what? Over the years, he has shown no kindness to me in nurturing me. He even faked his own death and never saw me. He completely failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father!”

“However, now that you are playing with your father’s authority, you are no worse than others!”

Hearing Shan Gu Dao’s angry rebuke to him, Fang Duobing said to Shan Gu Dao rudely! When these words came out, Shan Gu Dao’s face froze, and he was speechless for a moment, and he didn’t know how to answer!

“Xiaobao, listen to my explanation……”So, after a moment of silence, Shan Gudao continued!

“You don’t need to explain!”

However, before Shan Gudao could say anything, Fang Duobing interrupted him and said:”You want to say that everything you have done over the years is for your own career, and then, in the end, your career is going to… Leave it to me, right?”

“Yes, if you can understand me, that would be great!”After hearing Fang Duobing’s words, Shan Gudao said with great relief!

“However, this is just wishful thinking on your part!”However, Fang Duobing changed the topic and said it politely!

These words made Shan Gudao’s face freeze immediately. At the same time, he looked at Fang Duobing in shock!

He knew what he was going to say. What, but he still had such an attitude!

However, Fang Duobing did not explain so much, but looked at Shan Gudao seriously and said:”Yes, you are unfilial to the master and his grandmother. He even killed his master!”

“You and Li Xiangyi are brothers, but you framed him and even made him almost die in the East China Sea. This is unjust!”

“Also, you are always messing with my biological mother and then abandoning her!”

“What about next? You have never raised me in all these years, you are so unkind!”

“Just for the so-called ambition in your heart, just for the jealousy in your heart, you cannot give up your master, your junior brother, your wife, and your children!”

“You are not just an unfit father, you are also an unfit disciple, an unfit husband, and an unfit senior brother!”


Fang Duobing’s words came out like a burst of thunder, making Shan Gudao couldn’t help but take several steps back!

I’m sorry for my master and my wife, but I’m sorry for my child?

These words have never been said before. No one has told Shan Gudao, but I have to say that Fang Duobing’s words are sharp!���Shan Gudao was speechless!

“Hahaha……”In this way, after being silent for a long time, Shan Gudao couldn’t help laughing out loud

“Okay, okay, since I’m so sorry to all of you, don’t blame me for not remembering the old relationship!”

With the intention of breaking the jar, Shan Gudao laughed loudly and said:”Today, I want all of you to die here!”

After the words fell, Dan Gudao waved his clothes.

In an instant, hundreds of Wan Sheng Dao disciples appeared, three layers inside and three layers outside, surrounding everyone!

Strong bows and crossbows, flinching Little bits of cold light were all pointed at Li Lianhua and others!

“Hum hum……”

With so many people and these crossbows, Shan Gudao looked like he was sure of victory. He looked at Li Lianhua and said,”Do you think I didn’t prepare in advance if I knew you were coming?”

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