Halloween Road, in the main hall!

“Damn it, Li Xiangyi, Li Xiangyi, am I destined to be unable to defeat you after all?”

Sitting on his throne, Dan Gudao had already taken off the hood of his black cloak, with a strong look of anger on his face.

He finally faked his death and let the Golden Yuanmeng and Sigumen The decisive battle.

Taking advantage of the situation when both of them were defeated, they created the Wan Sheng Dao and opened up a great situation. However , they did not expect that Li Xiangyi had just appeared and defeated himself, making him now in a difficult situation!

Everyone in Daxi Jianghu knows that he faked his death and created the All Saints Path, and they all know that the Lotus Tower is coming to the All Saints Path!

How should they respond if they want to behave like what Li Xiangyi said ? If it’s fake, then he can only watch Li Xiangyi wipe out Wan Sheng Dao and let his ten years of hard work go to waste!

Of course, Shan Gudao can’t accept this!

However, he can’t bear to let Wan Sheng Dao go! If he has no choice but to stop Li Xiangyi, then doesn’t it prove that Li Xiangyi’s words are true? After all, he is really alive!

What’s more, Li Xiangyi has been poisoned by Bicha for ten years. Not only did he not die, but his martial arts progressed further and reached the realm of sword immortal.

If he really tried to stop him, would he be able to stop him?

“Damn it, Lee Sang-yi……”Thinking of his current dilemma, Shan Gudao felt extremely angry!

Li Xiangyi has been dominating him since he was a child, and his master and his wife dote on him even more!

Now, are you still being suppressed by him?

Thinking about Shan Gu Dao, it’s completely unacceptable.……

“Master, you are looking for me! ?”Just when Shan Gu Dao was thinking about his current situation and felt that it was difficult to get off the tiger, Feng Qing came to Shan Gu Dao and said!

“Feng Qing, what do you think about Li Xiangyi?”Shan Gu Dao calmed down his thoughts and asked Feng Qing!

“Lord, I have never believed Li Xiangyi’s remarks!”Hearing this, Feng Qing hesitated for a moment, then shook his head decisively and said!

“Yeah?”Hearing this, Shan Gudao looked at Feng Qing seriously and asked with a thoughtful expression!

“Yes, I recognized you as my lord back then. Naturally, I will never change my belief in this life!”Feng Qing nodded seriously and said loyally to Shan Gu Dao!

“But, why did I find that you secretly wooed the Demon Monk and the others?”

“And, why did I find you secretly investigating my past?”

His eyes narrowed slightly, and then Shan Gudao asked Feng Qing!

Hearing this, Feng Qing’s expression changed, and he immediately retreated without thinking!

Now that the matter has been discovered, Feng Qing naturally stopped making excuses. Meaning, after all, there is no point in arguing anymore!

However, Shan Gudao, who had been prepared, would let Feng Qing leave so easily.

The masters of Wan Jie Demon Monk immediately appeared to stop Feng Qing. The way to go!


On the Wan Sheng Road side, because of Li Lianhua’s words, Feng Qing and Shan Gu Dao have turned against each other. I won’t tell you for now!

On the other side, Di Feisheng has escaped from the prison in Baichuan Courtyard, and Li Lianhua even took action to fully recover Di Feisheng’s injuries!

“Your Majesty……”Jiao Liqiao looked at Di Feisheng’s cold face and hurriedly knelt down in front of Di Feisheng with a fearful expression!

Having been with Di Feisheng for many years, Jiao Liqiao certainly knows that Di Feisheng is really angry now!

“Jiao Liqiao, you have made my life a joke for the past ten years! Di Fei looked at Jiao Liqiao in front of him with a cold voice and said in a cold voice!

“Your Majesty, I just want to help you!”Kneeling in front of Di Feisheng, Jiao Liqiao said, looking pitiful!

“help me? You have no idea what I want, how can you help me?”

Looking at the woman in front of him coldly, maybe everyone in the world thought she was a stunning beauty and would be attracted to her!

However, in Di Feisheng’s heart, there was only disgust for the woman in front of him!

Yes, what do you want? Do you want the entire world?

Of course not, what you want is to defeat your own opponents in an upright manner, that’s all.

As for dominating the world, it’s just to defeat everyone. It’s just an additional product after the opponent!

It’s just like trying to make money, just to take care of his family, nothing more!

But what is Jiao Liqiao like? He makes more money by hurting his family. Too much money!

Is this what you want? This is completely putting the cart before the horse!

“Your Majesty, A Qiao didn’t mean to hide anything from Your Majesty!”Jiao Liqiao knelt down and lowered her head and said!

She knew very well that if Di Feisheng was really angry, the consequences would be very serious!

“Humph, not on purpose?”

Regarding the woman in front of him, Di Feisheng snorted coldly and said:”I brought you to the Golden Yuan League and gave you the position of saintess, but what about you? You actually secretly cultivated people, firmly grasped the Golden Yuan League in your hands, and occupied the magpie’s nest!”

“So, you even did so many things without telling me, and now you actually tell me that it was not intentional?”

“I just don’t want to waste my time on managing the affairs of the Golden Yuan Alliance. It doesn’t mean that I am a fool!”

After the words fell, Di Feisheng raised his hand and grabbed Jiao Liqiao directly in his hand!

Holding Jiao Liqiao’s neck, Di Feisheng didn’t even show the slightest expression of pity, and kept squeezing her palms!

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty……”Di Feisheng’s neck was pinched by Di Feisheng, and she felt that Di Feisheng’s palms were shrinking continuously. The suffocation became more and more serious. Jiao Liqiao looked at Di Feisheng with pleading and disbelieving eyes!

Back then, I was rescued by Di Feisheng and brought back to the Golden Yuan Alliance!

Although Jiao Liqiao did many things without telling Di Feisheng, Jiao Liqiao never thought of actually harming Di Feisheng’s life!

But what? Judging from Di Feisheng’s appearance, it seemed that he really had murderous intentions towards him? impossible? Your Majesty, he saved me back then. How could he really kill me now? Click!

A stunning beauty who knows how to charm, she is enough to manipulate all the men in the world at her fingertips!

However, these are all pale and powerless in front of Di Feisheng! Di Feisheng’s eyes had a cold look from beginning to end.

Then the palm of his hand suddenly exerted force and completely broke Jiao Liqiao’s neck!

The delicate and beautiful face was full of unbelievable panic. Jiao Liqiao’s head finally dropped weakly, with an unbelievable look in her eyes.

Then, his consciousness seemed to have fallen into an abyss, sinking continuously, and sinking again…

He sank directly into the abyss, and completely lost his spiritual consciousness!

“snort!”After crushing Jiao Liqiao’s neck, as if throwing a little chicken, Di Feisheng threw Jiao Liqiao’s head aside, and then returned to the Golden Yuan League!

Jiao Liqiao is dead, Jin Yuan Of course, the alliance is back in his own hands!

He has no choice, he still owes Li Xiangyi the medical fee. He can’t be cheating and refuse to pay it, right?

Di Feisheng was originally the leader of the Golden Yuan Alliance, but now , after Jiao Liqiao died at the hands of Di Feisheng, it was natural that Di Feisheng had the entire Golden Yuan League in his hands, and it was easy for the

Golden Yuan League to mobilize the funds it could! , began to prepare for Li Lianhua’s medical treatment!

On the other hand, Li Lianhua seems to have resumed his days of traveling around the world!

Although he went to Wansheng Road to find Shan Gudao to solve his problem, Li Lianhua But there was no rush. Many people were paying attention to Li Lianhua’s whereabouts along the way.

Naturally, Li Lianhua accepted all comers. In just seven or eight days, Li Lianhua treated the injuries of more than ten people! Depending on the severity of their injuries, the medical fees for these people ranged from 10,000 to 50,000 to 50,000 to 50,000.

In seven or eight days, in addition to gold and silver, Li Lianhua also received jewelry, materials, and especially the valuation of martial arts secrets. He received more than 200,000 taels of medical treatment fees, plus the remaining 2! Around 10,000 yuan, Li Lianhua’s current consultation fee has reached around 300,000 yuan!

“So, not bad!”Looking at his early diagnosis fee of 290,000 yuan, Li Lianhua nodded with satisfaction!

Because his current reputation as a miracle doctor has resounded throughout the world.

Therefore, as long as it does not affect his ability to travel around the world and travel around, , if he announced his whereabouts, many people would come specifically to seek medical treatment. Li Lian was very satisfied with the harvest of the medical fees! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s close to 300,000 taels of silver! Li Lianhua is not in a hurry to redeem the silver-level treasure chest!

It is said that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality!

Ever since the gold-level treasure chest gave him a recipe for a soul-reviving pill, Li Lianhua has already He has tasted the high quality of gold-level treasure chests.

Therefore, if he had a choice, Li Lianhua would not choose a silver-level treasure chest anymore.

With his current reputation, he could also value other things. It seems that it is not particularly difficult to collect 1 million taels of medical expenses?

Li Lianhua, as if on a leisurely trip, went to Wan Sheng Road because he was paying attention to Li! Regarding the matter of Lian Hua and Shan Gu Dao, many people in the Daxi Rivers and Lakes are slowly rushing towards Wan Sheng Dao!

The purpose is naturally very simple, that is, to simply come and join forces! It’s exciting, let’s see if Shan Gu Dao is really not dead?

Was Shan Gu Dao really the one who started the battle between Jin Yuanmeng and Si Gu Men?

This can be said to be the most popular topic in Daxi Jianghu right now. Something happened! []

Because Li Lianhua was not traveling very fast, after a period of fermentation, this matter has already spread throughout the world!

“Here we come, Li Lianhua, the owner of Lotus Building, is here!”

“What Li Lianhua, that’s Li Xiangyi!”

“Is Li Xiangyi more famous or Li Lianhua?”

“This seems to make Li Lianhua more famous!”

“Isn’t this necessary? Li Lianhua is more famous. Naturally, we are going to talk about Li Lianhua!”

“This, there is nothing wrong with this!”

“But, did Li Lianhua really come to Wan Sheng Dao alone to seek justice? Of those people looking around, no one came to help?”

“These people looking around really don’t know what to say!”

“Yes, many righteous people from all walks of life have come, thinking that if what Li Xiangyi said is true, and he alone is not the opponent of Wan Sheng Dao, everyone may be able to do some work!”


As the Lotus Tower got closer and closer to the All Saints Road, many people from all walks of life who had been entrenched around the All Saints Road naturally learned the news that Li Lianhua had arrived, and many people became excited!

Ten years ago, Li Xiangyi had an invincible reputation in the Daxi world and could be described as a true genius!

Ten years later, he was even better. He came alone but lost all the grudges he had ten years ago.

Such a grand occasion can be said to have happened once in a century!

Many people who arrived at Wan Sheng Road early, waiting to watch the battle, finally waited for Li Lianhua to arrive. Naturally, everyone felt refreshed!


Tianji Villa!

“Mom, that Shan Gudao, is he really my biological father?”

Fang Duobing, who rushed back to Tianji Villa from Baichuan Hospital overnight, naturally asked for information about his life experience in a roundabout way!

Fang Duobing’s parents in Tianji Villa, seeing how he was so insidious, naturally knew that he understood the issue of his life experience.

Although he wanted to hide Fang Duobing’s life, now that he already knew it, there was no point in denying it! Therefore

, after thinking about it, He Xiaohui finally revealed Fang Duobing’s life situation. Although Li Lianhua told Fang Dubing that Shan Gudao was not his uncle, but actually his father, Fang Duobing almost believed it, but he suddenly got such news! , It’s just hard to accept in my heart!

Now, on the way to Tianji Villa, Fang Duobei has calmed down a lot in the past few days.

Therefore, after hearing the news from his mother He Xiaohui, Fang Duo was surprised. It’s no longer so hard to accept the illness!

“Xiaobao……”Looking at Fang Duosi’s appearance, He 430 Xiaohui actually felt somewhat uneasy!

After all, she is an adoptive mother!

If Fang Duobing never knew his life experience, there would be no problem in treating him as his biological son!

However, now that Fang Duobing knows about his life experience, what if he is alienated from him?

This is what He Xiaohui is most worried about now!


After all, Fang Duobing has been traveling in the world for some time. Coupled with Li Lianhua’s teachings about worldliness, Fang Duobing is no longer the little kid who doesn’t understand anything.

Therefore, looking at He Xiaohui’s expression, Fang Duobing Fang Duobing could understand more or less the worries in her heart!

Calling He Xiaohui’s mother, Fang Duobing opened his arms and held He Xiaohui in his arms, saying:”Mom, you have always been my mother. It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future!”

“As for Shan Gudao, he is just an irresponsible father!”

“In my heart, you and dad are my only parents!”

Being held in Fang Duobing’s arms, He Xiaohui suddenly felt a little embarrassed by his son’s behavior!

After struggling for a few times, he said:”You kid, what are you doing? Does your mother have anything else to worry about? You were raised by me, so naturally you are also my child!”

The child has grown up!

Being held by Fang Duobing, although He Xiaohui felt very embarrassed and embarrassed, she secretly sighed in her heart that her child had indeed grown up after going out to travel around the world for a while!

In the past, How could he realize what he was thinking?

Moreover, it would be impossible for him to say such disgusting words in the future!

“Hey hey hey!”Letting go of the hand holding his mother, Fang Duobing laughed!

And looking at his son’s appearance, some of the original worries in He Xiaohui’s heart were gone!

“Mom, just come back and figure out the issue of your life experience. It’s time for me to leave!”So, Fang Duobing said to He Xiaohui!

“ah? You just got home, are you in a hurry to leave? Hearing this, He Xiaohui said in surprise!

“My master went to find Shan Gudao to resolve what happened back then!”

“No matter what, I should go and bear witness on the spot!”

“in addition……”

At this point, Fang Duobing paused for a moment, his expression became a little gloomy, and said:”In addition, if he really dies, I will also deal with his affairs and put him to rest. It can be regarded as thanking him for his blood.” , so that I can be born!”

“Um!”Hearing this, He Xiaohui nodded, and felt that there was nothing wrong with Fang Duobing’s idea!

After all, it is indeed Fang Duobing’s responsibility to deal with the posthumous affairs!

After such a greeting, Fang Duobing was In a hurry, he left Tianji Villa and went to the All Saints Road!


Lotus Tower, after seven or eight days, finally arrived at the gate of All Saints Road under the attention of countless people!

“Senior brother, I’m here, why don’t you come out and meet me?”Li Lianhua walked out of the Lotus Tower with a clear voice that spread far and wide…

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