There is a saying that goes well: Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships!

When Fang Duobing first entered the world, he was still a passionate young man who believed in what he saw with his eyes.

Since I am his master, of course I have to teach him these things that need to be taught!

I have to say that Li Lianhua’s profound and simple analysis gave Fang Duobing a feeling of enlightenment!

It turns out that we can still look at things from this perspective?

Although I feel like the worldview has collapsed a bit!

However, Fang Duobing had to admit that what Li Lianhua just said made sense!

However, when he heard the last sentence, Fang Duobing looked at Li Lianhua in surprise and said,”Master, by saying this, you have misunderstood Qiao Nvxia, right? I think Qiao Nvxia does have lingering feelings for you. It’s not over yet!”

“Yeah? Li Lianhua raised her eyelids slightly and said,”If it was really the unresolved love, how could she be with Xiao Zijin?””

“Don’t try to frustrate me by saying that she hasn’t promised Xiao Zijin yet!”

“As a woman, does she not know what it means to be with Xiao Zijin every day?”

These words made Fang Duobing open his mouth, but he was speechless!

Indeed, although the old people who were looking around had dispersed, Qiao Wanyuan and Xiao Zijin were together. This woman was with a Men stay together every day.

Even in public, Xiao Zijin never refuses even small gestures like holding hands and hugging shoulders. Isn’t this enough

? What’s the name of that villa?

Mu Shen Villa!

With such a straightforward name, do you need to explain so much? Is Qiao Wan Shen an idiot? Can’t you understand?

“However, for so many years, Qiao Nuxia has been going to the temple every year to pray for you, Master!”

Although he felt that he could not refute Li Lianhua’s words, Fang Duobing still did not want to believe that Qiao Wan, the most beautiful woman in Daxi, could actually be such a person!

“So, as the saying goes, reputation is the most important thing when traveling alone!”

“It was a legend that Li Xiangyi pursued her with a red silk sword dance. If she had been with Xiao Zijin without missing her old love in the past ten years, what would the world think of her? Didn’t she become a heartless and unjust woman?”

“Therefore, on the one hand, she accepted Xiao Zijin’s overtures, but on the other hand, she showed an attitude of never forgetting Li Xiangyi!”

“Well, in my opinion, this kind of behavior is a complete green tea bitch!”Li Lianhua shook his head and said!

This is indeed what Li Lianhua is thinking!

It’s not that you can’t love other men because Li Xiangyi has been missing for ten years!

But if you really can’t forget Li Xiangyi, you won’t accept Xiao Zijin!

But if you accept Xiao Zijin, don’t use Li Xiangyi as a tool to show how loyal you are!

This is the most disgusting thing!

“It turns out that Qiao Nuxia turned out to be such a woman!”Suddenly, after listening to Li Lianhua’s analysis, Fang Duobing felt a sudden realization!

So what? Is this the real world? These things have never been thought of by him!

If it hadn’t been for the master’s gift today Analyzing this myself, I really never thought of this in my life!

“Then, if this is the case, why does Qiao Nuxia feel like she is competing for you, master, today?”

So, after a moment of silence and emotion, Fang Duobing glanced at Yaoyue, and then asked Li Lianhua in surprise!

“Again, on the one hand, it’s her affectionate persona!”

“On the other hand, you think I am better than Xiao Zijin, so you want to choose me again, right?”Li Lianhua replied!

“She, why is she like this? She treats this relationship like a business deal. She will choose whichever side is more profitable!”Hearing this, Fang Duobing curled his lips and said

“Don’t think you can’t stand it. In fact, most women are like this. Those who are really here for feelings are rare!”

Seeing Fang Duo Yingfei’s appearance, Li Lianhua decided that as a master, she should not only teach him cultivation, but also teach him some important things!

“Xiaobao, let me tell you a few situations, please remember them carefully!”

“If you are pursuing a girl and she says that she has no intention of falling in love yet, then in fact, she just doesn’t like you and doesn’t want to talk to you!”

“If the girl says that she is slow to get hot, she needs to pay more attention to your performance. In fact, she just wants to enjoy your pursuit of her. In short, she is hanging on to you!”



Li Lianhua was still teaching Fang Duobing what to pay attention to when getting along with the opposite sex, but Qinpo next to him slapped Li Lianhua on the head angrily.

“Xiangyi, how did you speak? If you instill this into your apprentice, won’t you be afraid that your apprentice will never find a partner in the future?”

These words brought Li Lianhua back to her senses, and she felt that Qinpo’s words made sense.

Now Fang Duobing doesn’t understand anything. Instilling so many negative emotions into himself will indeed affect others’ ability to find a partner.

Therefore, Li Lianhua The other party said sickly:”Okay, as for what I just said, you should digest it well!”

“Oh, I originally thought that wandering in the world was a matter of gratification, but after hearing what you said today, Master, I realized that wandering in the world is far from as easy as I thought!”Nodding, Fang Duobing said with emotion!

At the same time, Fang Duobing looked at Qin Po next to him, and said:”No wonder Grandma Shizu said before that Palace Master Yaoyue and Miss Nangong have fleshy palms and backs, and they don’t know what to do. Choice, but Qiao Nuxia was not included in it!”

“It seems that Grandma Grandma and Master can see all the details here, but I am the only one who doesn’t understand!”


Listening to Fang Duobing’s words, Qin Po felt as if she had been stabbed in the back by Fang Duobing!

“Miss Nangong, Lord Yingyue Palace, don’t listen to this kid’s nonsense!”Somewhat embarrassed and embarrassed, Po Qin said to Yaoyue and Nangong Pushe!

This brat, Miss Nangong and Palace Master Yaoyue are both sitting here. What is he talking about with his mouth

? As Qin Po said, Yao Yue showed a gentle smile and said it was okay.

Then, she looked at Li Lianhua with surprised eyes and said,”I didn’t expect that Li Lianhua, you can actually see such things between men and women. So thorough!”

“Well, I have never had any relationships, but there is a saying that goes well, if you have never eaten pork, you have seen pigs running away, right?”After listening to Yaoyue’s words, Li Lianhua touched her nose in embarrassment and said!

“In fact, I am very satisfied with you doing this!”

However, Yaoyue didn’t feel unhappy. Instead, she nodded, very satisfied!

“ah?”After hearing what Yao Yue said, Li Lianhua looked at her in surprise!

From a woman’s point of view, her words just now should have been very harsh!

It was like a woman’s boasting, saying that the world’s greatest Most men are bastards, and what they can’t eat is the best. Then they exchange ideas on how to hang men and make men treat them like licking dogs…

Any man who hears these words will feel very uncomfortable. Not happy?

“Of course this is great! Seeing Li Lianhua’s stunned expression, Yao Yue smiled slightly and said,”In this case, I’m not afraid that you will be easily seduced by another woman!””

Huh? What Yao Yue said makes sense!

After listening to the reason given by Yao Yue, Fang Duobing and Qin Po both nodded silently!

Yes, since Xiang Yi sees it so thoroughly, doesn’t it mean that he doesn’t Will he be easily deceived by other women?

If he is his woman, he will feel more at ease, right?

“Miss Yao Yue, what she said makes sense. She is indeed the master of Yihua Palace. This perspective on things is really different!”

As if looking at her daughter-in-law, the more she looked at her, the more satisfied she became. Po Qin opened her mouth and praised Yao Yue!

What’s more important is that the master of Yao Yue, a girl, said these words in front of her. , clearly expressing her feelings!

If a woman can do this, it shows that she has a deep affection for Li Xiangyi!

“The words of Palace Master Yao Yue don’t need to be directed at Sang and Huai!”

Nangong Pushe next to her didn’t say much from beginning to end. She just drank tea silently. But at this time, she couldn’t help but speak!

She could hear what Yao Yue said about not being afraid of being raped by others. The woman lied, apparently she was referring to Qiao Wanchan!

But in fact, she may not have meant it to herself!

Putting down the tea cup, Nangong Pushe looked at Yao Yue and said seriously:”I will never marry in this life. Li Lianhua, even, won’t marry any man, don’t worry about that!”

“Miss Nangong!”��After Nangong Pushe’s words, Qinpo’s expression couldn’t help but change!

Although she is very satisfied with Yao Yue, Qinpo is also very satisfied with Nangong Pushe, otherwise she would not drag her to buy clothes or anything like that!

In her own words, between Nangong Pushe and Yao Yue, she felt that the palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh!

Now, with Nangong Pushe’s words, does she want to let go?

However, before Qinpo could finish what she said, Nangong Pushe said,”Even if Li Lianhua and I really get married, it will be me who married Li Lianhua!”


As Nangong Pushe finished speaking, Yaoyue and Nangong Pushe’s eyes met together, and it seemed that they could vaguely see bursts of electric light flashing!

When Fang Duobing saw this, his body shrank reflexively. He felt that being hugged from one side to the other was a blessing for everyone!

However, the master is sandwiched between two women, and they are two very outstanding women. This seems to be very difficult, right?

Crisis, Yaoyue stared at Nangong Pushe in front of her, feeling an unprecedented sense of crisis coming over her!

Originally, I thought Qiao Wanan was my biggest threat.

However, after listening to Li Lianhua’s story about how he viewed Qiao Wanyuan, Yao Yue understood that Qiao Wanyuan no longer posed a threat to herself!

But he didn’t expect that at this time, Nangong Pushe would actually say that he wanted to marry Li Lianhua!

Such a bold confession, and she actually wants to marry Li Lianhua?

This idea is more than just a love rival?

Nangong Pushe also stared at Yaoyue without giving up!

Li Lianhua had taken the initiative to take off her clothes before, but Li Lianhua was unmoved. However, she exchanged love tokens with Yao Yue? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Why, in his heart, why should I not be as good as Yaoyue?

Nangong Pushe also aroused the desire to win! Staring at Yaoyue without giving in at all!

So what if his martial arts skills are not as good as Yaoyue? So what if she is the palace owner of Yihua Palace?

Nangong Pushe faced Yaoyue directly, but he didn’t feel inferior at all![]

“Alas, Nangong, this is our second meeting, right? You are like this……”Hearing that Nangong Pushe actually said the bold words of marrying her, Li Lianhua sighed and said!

“How many times have you and Yao Yue met?”Hearing this, Nangong Pushe asked back!

“This, three times?”After thinking about it, Li Lianhua said!

“It turns out that you are just Dobby and I met you once!”Hearing this, Nangong Pushe said unceremoniously!

“You two, stop fighting, or……”

Seeing Nangong Pushe and Yaoyue fighting for her, Li Lianhua opened her mouth to mediate!

“Shut up!”*2.

However, this time, Yaoyue and Nangong Pushe turned their heads at the same time and shouted at Li Lianhua!

Li Lianhua:”……”

Okay, Li Lianhua understands, it’s better not to get involved in this fight between women!

“Master, okay, so scary!”Fang Xiaobao said to Li Lianhua in a low voice!

“This man would be very lucky if he could meet a less materialistic woman, but if he met two, it would be hard to say!”Li Lianhua also shook his head with emotion!

On the other hand, Qinpo next to her was very happy watching the fight between Nangong Pushe and Yao Yue!

Two such outstanding women are competing for Xiangyi. This Doesn’t it just show that our Xiang Yi is excellent?

Originally, she thought that Nangong Pushe was going to give up, but she didn’t expect that she would dare to boldly say that she married Xiang Yi.

This made Qin Po feel surprised and happy for her.!

At the same time, she nodded silently, feeling that Yao Yue still played a big role here.

If it weren’t for her, how could Nangong Pushe have taken the initiative to say that she wanted to marry Xiang Yi?


Not to mention what the atmosphere was like when Li Lianhua and the others drank tea and chatted!

On the other side, in a restaurant near Baichuan Courtyard, the window of a room upstairs was opened, and the sound of flute flew through the window, looking in the direction of Baichuan Courtyard!

“Your Majesty……”

Jiao Liqiao, wearing a red dress with a charming smile on her face, came behind Di Feisheng:”Then is Li Xiangyi really still alive? He is actually the owner of Lotus Tower?”

“Since I was able to survive the battle back then, there is nothing surprising that he survived!”Di Fei said calmly without looking back!

“If this is the case, then you should be more careful, Your Majesty!

Hearing this, Jiao Liqiao looked worried:”Your Majesty’s martial arts have just recovered, but Li Xiangyi, it is said that he has reached the realm of sword immortal!””

“Realm does not mean strength. If I could defeat him the first time, I can defeat him the second time!”Di Fei’s calm words were full of confidence in himself.

Baichuan Courtyard, another courtyard!

“Ah Sheng, what are you thinking?”Xiao Zijin stared at Qiao Wanyuan in front of him and said!

Today, standing at the door of Baichuan Courtyard, Qiao Wanyuan looked jealous of Yao Yue for Li Lianhua, which made Xiao Zijin find it difficult to accept!

It’s not that, let Did he give her some time to explain his relationship with her clearly to Li Xiangyi?

However, Xiao Zijin felt that something was not right the more he looked at it!

“Zijin, I, I don’t know, I don’t know myself either, I’m very confused!”Listening to what Xiao Zijin said, Qiao Wanan shook her head and said with a distressed look!

Indeed, Li Xiangyi had been missing for ten years, and Qiao Wapan accepted Xiao Zijin!

However, Li Xiangyi came back, and moreover, Li Xiangyi had been missing for ten years. He was even better than he was a year ago! He was able to heal Liu Rujing’s blindness with his own eyes! How could he choose Xiao

Zijin to guard such an outstanding man?

It was very confusing, and he felt that he had made it clear that there was a better option, so how could he be willing to choose a defective product?

So, facing Xiao Zijin, he asked himself to make a choice now, and Qiao Wanyuan could not give it to him. I have a definite answer, I can only wait until I have a clear talk with Xiang Yi, and wait until my old relationship with Xiang Yi rekindles, then I can clearly think about the reasons for rejecting Xiao Zijin

, after all these years! I tried to let go of Xiang Yi and accept him, but now that Xiang Yi came back, I realized that I couldn’t let go at all!

I have been so deeply in love with the same man for ten years, and no one can say anything to me. ?

Of course, if Xiang Yi really let go of him, Xiao Zijin would be his way out! Originally ,

Qiao Wanyuan was very confident that she could win back Li Xiangyi’s love!

Qiao Wanan secretly felt inferior, so her confidence was not enough!


There was nothing to say all night, but on the second day, Baichuan Courtyard was very lively!

Not only the old people who were looking around the door but also those who should have come responded to the call!

Many martial arts comrades were also invited to witness the return of Li Xiangyi from ten years ago!

When the time was almost up, Li Lianhua came out and sat down on the main seat unceremoniously, instantly attracting everyone’s attention!.

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