Fear, at this time, Yaoyue felt a sense of fear in her heart!

When I was in Yihua Palace, when I heard that Li Lianhua was Li Xiangyi, I didn’t think too much about it, I just sighed secretly in my heart!

It was Lianxing who reminded him that Yaoyue felt a sense of crisis, and rushed over to Daxi immediately!

Similarly, when Yaoyue came to Baichuan Courtyard, she also learned that Li Lianhua had left, so she rested in a nearby inn and waited for Li Lianhua to come back!

But he didn’t expect that when Li Lianhua returned to Baichuan Courtyard, Qiao Wanchan looked like she still had lingering feelings for Li Lianhua!

What’s more important is that besides Qiao Wanan, there is another stunning beauty standing next to Li Lianhua.

Nangong Pushe’s beauty made even Yao Yue feel a strong sense of crisis.

So, seeing the two women seeming to be competing for Li Lianhua, Yao Yue stood up and announced her presence!

“Unexpectedly, the sect owner has changed a lot!”

Fobi Baishi and other old people who were looking around the door looked at the three beauties who seemed to be jealous of Li Lianhua. They sighed in their hearts and looked like they were eating melons!

The owner of the door ten years ago fell in love with Qiao Wan. One person never paid attention to other female heroes.

Unexpectedly, in ten years, it was not just the appearance and martial arts of the sect leader that changed!

His luck in love was also completely different!

“Who are you?”Qiao Wanyuan looked at Yao Yue who jumped out, and frowned slightly!

Although they have been separated for ten years, Qiao Wanyuan thinks that she is Li Xiangyi’s first love, so for this man, she should have the right to dominate!

Nangong Pu She only felt threatened because of her appearance. So far, Nangong Pu She hadn’t said a word!

However, Yao Yue was different. She just jumped out, and what she said was fine. It’s like declaring one’s sovereignty!

Naturally, in Qiao Wan’s eyes, Yao Yue is the most threatening!

“This must be Qiao Wan, the heroine of Qiao, right?”Yao Yue also looked at the other party, with a smile on her face.

Then, Yao Yue introduced herself and said:”I am Yao Yue from Yihua Palace. I have heard of the name Qiao Nuxia for a long time. I can meet you today. It is indeed true. A great beauty, no wonder she could make Li Lianhua fall in love with her and dance with a red silk sword for you!”

Although Yao Yue had a smile on her face when she spoke, the word”back then” was emphasized more heavily when she spoke!

These words were obviously reminding Qiao Wanyan that the things between you two were… It’s past tense!

Palace Master of Yihua Palace, Yao Yue! The faces of everyone in front of Baichuan

Palace changed slightly when they heard that Yao Yue revealed her identity!

Xi’s side is also very loud.

After all, there are only a few women in the world who can possess the cultivation level of a great master!

It sounds like the person in front of 117 is the legendary Yi. The palace master of the Flower Palace, Yao Yue, Qiao Wanyan’s expression also changed slightly. Judging from the martial arts, Yao Yue’s martial arts were naturally much better than hers!

The most beautiful woman, however, seems to have no upper hand in front of Yao Yue!

Not to mention the power, she is just an old person from Sigu Sect, but the power of Yihua Palace is huge in the world of Ming Dynasty. Top-notch!

So, from all aspects, it seemed that Yaoyue’s conditions completely crushed her?

For the first time, Qiao Wanshan felt a little inferior!

“Yes, when Xiang Yi was young and frivolous, he danced for me with the red silk sword, which was indeed a bit high-profile. I didn’t expect that the Lord of Yao Yue Palace would know about it even in the Ming Dynasty!”

Although she felt a little inferior in her heart, her desire to win made Qiao Wanyuan not give up so easily. She nodded along with Yaoyue’s words.

Qiao Wanyuan also had a smile on her face, and then she asked Yaoyue”I don’t know, Xiangyi, did he also do these high-profile things when he was inviting you to the Moon Palace?””

“No!”Yao Yue shook her head and answered very simply!

This answer made the smile on Qiao Wanyuan’s face even wider.

So? Did you win after all?

So what if you have better conditions than me in all aspects? He What I have done for me has never been done for you!

However, Yao Yue suddenly looked at Li Lianhua, reached out and opened the pink storage bag hanging on her waist, and said,”Li Lianhua, you storage bag, It is indeed a treasure that travels around the world. Although it is only the size of a palm, it can hold a lot of things. I came all the way from the Ming Dynasty, so it saved me from sleeping in the open air!”

“By the way, how about the blue blood picture I gave you? But is it still easy to use?”

“The blue blood shining through the blue is the treasure of my Yihua Palace, you must take good care of it!”

Hearing what Yao Yue said, the smile on Qiao Wan’s face froze next to her!

She naturally understood what Yao Yue’s words meant!

So what? There was even a conflict between Li Xiangyi and Yao Yue. Have you exchanged tokens of love?

After all, men and women cannot give gifts to each other, not to mention that Li Lianhua gave Yaoyue a pink storage bag? Send the ancient divine sword from the Yihua Palace to each other, what is this if it’s not a token of love?

“That, that green blood illuminates the blue, it is quite easy to use!”Hearing Yao Yue’s question to her, Li Lianhua nodded awkwardly, and at the same time, took a half step back!

Although Yao Yue and Qiao Wanyuan both talked with smiles on their faces!

However, Li Lianhua I can feel the quarrel between the two!

I can only say that the war between women is very terrifying. It is simply much more terrifying than the decisive battle between the great masters!

“Door Master, it’s not appropriate for everyone to stand outside and talk. Let’s go in and rest together!”

Seeing that the atmosphere became very subtle, Ji Hanfo next to him said hello!

“Yes, yes, everyone, please don’t block the entrance of Baichuan Courtyard!”Giving Ji Hanfo a look of praise, Li Lianhua also nodded and said.

While speaking, the group entered Baichuan Courtyard!

“well……”Qin Po next to her sighed at this moment.

“Grandma Shizu, why are you sighing?”Fang Duobing walked beside Qin Po and asked in surprise!

“Originally, I was very satisfied with Miss Nangong. Now, the Lord of the Palace of the Moon has also jumped out. For a moment, I just felt that the palms and backs of my hands were full of flesh. It was hard to make a choice!”

Looking at Fang Duobing next to her, Qinpo said with a distressed look on her face!

These words made Fang Duobing widen his eyes. At the same time, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly:”Grandma Shizu, this matter is mine. Master, it’s something he should worry about, right? Why do you have to worry so much for him?”

“What can you say?”

After hearing what Fang Duobing said, Qin Po’s eyes widened and she said,”Xiangyi grew up under my knees since he was a child. Although he is a master and a disciple, he is like a mother and son!”

“I should worry more about this child’s life-long events, isn’t that what I should do?”

“Well……”After hearing what Qin Po said, Fang Duobing was speechless for a moment and found it difficult to refute!

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense!


When talking about life-long events, Qinpo looked at Fang Duobing and asked:”What about you? Do you have a favorite girl?”

Unexpectedly, while we were chatting, this topic came up to him.

Fang Duobing hurriedly shook his head, saying that he was still young!

Li Lianhua and his party all entered the hall of Baichuan Courtyard, and everyone took their seats one after another! Li Lianhua looked around at everyone present and then said:”Many of you are my former relatives and friends!”

“This time, I asked Baichuan Academy to send a message to call everyone over!”

“On the one hand, it’s to say hello to everyone!”

“If there is someone who misses me in his heart, let him know that I am not dead, and that I am living a good life. Let him rest assured!”

“Of course, if there is someone who hates me, I will also let him know that I am not dead yet, so he should not be happy so early!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li Lianhua said the last sentence in a frivolous way, and everyone in the hall also burst into laughter in cooperation!

Li Lianhua stretched out his hand and gently touched it. After suppressing everyone’s silence, he continued:”In addition, I summoned everyone here specifically, of course, not just to tell everyone that I am still alive!”

“After all, such news only needs to be specially announced by Baichuan Academy. There is no need for everyone to make a trip!”

“This time, the main purpose of calling everyone here is about the battle between Sigumen and the Golden Yuan Alliance ten years ago. There were many strange things in it!”

“In the past ten years, I have conducted many overt and covert investigations, and finally learned the truth of that year. Therefore, it is natural and reasonable to announce it to the entire world!”

“Especially the brothers who came from the Sigu Sect naturally have the right to know!”

Hearing what Li Lianhua said, many people in the door looked at each other in confusion.

Then, Liu Rujing (chef) couldn’t help but speak first:”Master, what was the truth back then? Please also ask the owner to speak out!”

After glancing at Liu Rujing, Li Lianhua waved his hand and said:”Since it is set for tomorrow, there must be some people who haven’t arrived yet. Therefore, this matter should be made clear to all the martial arts colleagues tomorrow!”

Speaking of this, Li Lianhua paused for a moment, and then said:”In addition, the Sigu Sect has been disbanded, so there is no need to call the sect leader by his name anymore!”

“Door owner!

Hearing what Li Lianhua said, Liu Rujing became anxious and said quickly:”The core of Sigu Clan is you, the sect leader. If you come back, Sigu Clan will never be separated!””

Following Liu Rujing’s words, many old people looking around nodded in agreement.

Whether it is true or false, at least you have to show some loyalty at this time, otherwise, wouldn’t it cause public outrage?

“Okay, everyone, stop talking. As for this person, he must look forward. There is no reason to hold on to the past and not let go!”[]

Hearing everyone speak to persuade her and express their willingness to reorganize the Sigu family, Li Lianhua waved her hands and did not want to talk more about the meaning of these words!

After that, Li Lianhua chatted about other things and left the hall to rest!

Naturally, Fobi Baishi and the others also asked everyone to take a rest. Let’s wait until tomorrow to talk about everything!

Li Lianhua seemed to have arranged a courtyard in Baichuan Courtyard to live with Qin Po Fang Duo Bing and others!

“Master, do you really not want to rebuild Sigumen?”Back in the courtyard where he was resting, Fang Duobing asked Li Lianhua, looking a little sad!

Obviously, he wanted to see Sigumen rebuilt!

“Even I have let go, why, but you can’t let go?”

Li Lianhua took out the tea set and at the same time took out her own tea can, greeted Qin Po, invited Yue, Nangong Pushe and Fang Duobing to sit down together.

Wudao ancient tea was brewed by Li Lianhua’s hands, and in a moment, A strong and refreshing fragrance of tea rose up.

Everyone sniffed their noses and felt refreshed and refreshed!

“But, Master, Sigu Sect was founded by you and is your hard work. Are you willing to just watch it dissipate?”

After taking a cup of Enlightenment Tea made by Li Lianhua, Fang Duobing drank it all in one gulp, but he still found it difficult to understand!

“Although Sigu Sect was founded by me, it does not belong to me alone, but to every Sigu Sect member!”Li Lianhua shook her head and replied calmly!

“Okay, Li Lianhua! Fang

Duobing still wanted to say a few words of persuasion, but at this time, Yao Yue put down the tea cup in her hand and said:”I am also the person in charge of Yihua Palace, so you can deceive others with your empty words. But you can’t lie to me!”

“The reason why you don’t want to rebuild Sigumen must have other considerations, right?”

What Yao Yue said made Fang Duobing startled, and then he looked at Li Lianhua with a searching look!

Is what Palace Master Yao Yue said true? The reason he just said was even said in front of so many old people around the house. The reasons are all false? Is there any other reason why Master is unwilling to reorganize Sigumen?

“Yaoyue, you, alas……”After hearing what Yao Yue said, Li Lianhua looked at her helplessly, and then shook her head!

“Master, why can’t even I tell you?”When Fang Duobing saw this, he was already sure that Yao Yue’s words were true. Then, he looked at Li Lianhua seriously and asked!

“Since you want to know, let me tell you, there are some things that you really have to experience!”Looking at Fang Duobing, after hesitating for a moment, Li Lianhua nodded and said!

While speaking, pouring himself another cup of tea, Li Lianhua asked Fang Duobing:”Do you think that people who are looking around the door have a negative attitude toward those who are looking around the door? Reconstruction, what is the idea?”

“Of course they all want Sigumen to be rebuilt. After Liu Rujing said this just now, didn’t everyone agree?”Fang Duobing heard this and replied without thinking!

Yes, so many people asked Master to rebuild Sigu Sect. He saw it with his own eyes. How could this be worse?

“No, what you see is just the surface!”

However, Li Lianhua shook his head and followed the other person’s sickly explanation:”It is true that there are people like Liu Rujing who really want to rebuild Sigumen, but they are only a handful!”

“More people want Sigumen to be rebuilt. In the past ten years, without the big tree of Sigumen to rely on, their life in the world will not be easy!”

“Therefore, I hope that if I rebuild Sigumen, they will have something to rely on again!”

After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Fang Duobing fell silent. After a while, he said,”Is there something wrong with this?

Li Lianhua looked calm and continued:”There is nothing wrong. After all, in life, everyone wants to go higher. This is human nature!””

“Although these people have no loyalty at all, they still voluntarily let Sigumen rebuild!”

“However, for more people, perhaps they are not willing to look around to rebuild!”

“Among them, those who have done better in the past ten years are more reluctant!”

“For example, Ji Hanfo and others from Baichuan Academy!”

“In the past ten years, relying on the reputation of Sigumen, he has been in charge of Baichuan Academy, which can be said to be a high and powerful position!”

“If Sigumen rebuilds, they will have to become someone else’s subordinates. Are they really willing to do this? I don’t think so!”

“This, this is impossible! ?”Hearing Li Lianhua’s words, Fang Duobing stood up suddenly, feeling unbelievable!

“I’d rather have a chicken head than an ox tail!”Li Lianhua didn’t speak, but Yao Yue interrupted at this time!

These words made Fang Duobing silent.

He has never experienced any hardships, so his thoughts are relatively naive.

He just feels that everyone is like himself. Just like that, he sincerely hopes that Sigumen will be rebuilt!

Unexpectedly, after the master analyzed it, the truth was like this?

This made him feel that his worldview had collapsed!

“When people get power, it’s like it grows in their flesh. If they want to take it away, they’re poaching their flesh!”Li Lianhua said to Fang Duoying!

“But, just now, didn’t everyone still nod in unison?”Fang Duobing found it difficult to understand!

“So many people nodded just now because they had to nod!”

“First, reputation in the world is very important!”

“If word spreads that they, who were born in Sigu Clan, are unwilling to rebuild Sigu Clan, how can they have the dignity to travel around the world in the future?”

“Second, what if I really want to rebuild Sigumen? If they don’t nod now, they are afraid that I will settle the matter in the future!”

“In fact, even Qiao Wanyuan’s lingering feelings for me are just superficial.……”

Li Lianhua gave Fang Duobing an in-depth and simple analysis of these worldly affairs!.

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