Yes, Li Lianhua said that she could not understand the actions of the Iron Dan Shenhou at all!

Knowing that the number of people has no effect on you!

He also knew that if he wanted to leave, it would be impossible for him to stay with the power of Dragon Guard Villa!

However, it happened that the Tie Dan Shen Hou led all the troops out of Dragon Guard Villa, and even mobilized so many troops?

What do you want to do?

“God, what happened here?”Thousands of troops completely surrounded this place. At the same time, a general at the head spoke and asked Tietan Shenhou.

“General Li, the owner of Lotus House protected the imperial convict Tian Boguang, arrested him at the same time, and injured many of our spies at Hulong Villa. Please ask General Li for help!”Tie Dan Shenhou shouted at the leading general!

“That’s natural!”Hearing this, General Li’s expression changed, and he immediately issued a military order to charge towards Li Lianhua!

“There is no end to these guys, right?”Seeing thousands of troops rushing toward her, Li Lianhua frowned slightly and felt that her patience was gone!

At first, Li Lianhua was still thinking about the purpose of these actions by the Tietan Shenhou!

But! Now, Li Lianhua is too lazy to think about it. If you want to know, you can just do it yourself! With a slight thought, the domineering domineering power burst out again!

With the domineering power erupting, all the people covered by the domineering power turned their eyes. Then, like dominoes, they fell one after another!

Except for a few people who were determined and barely resisted the impact of the Overlord, all the thousands of troops fell to the ground at this moment!

“Can he, his ability, be used forever?”

Feeling the impact of Overlord’s domineering energy again, Tiedan Shenhou looked at Li Lianhua in disbelief.

This was the third time Li Lianhua used Overlord’s domineering energy in front of him!

The first time at the door of the inn, dozens of secret agents They were all knocked unconscious!

Secondly, hundreds of spies were knocked unconscious just now! This time it was even more exaggerated. Thousands of soldiers were also knocked unconscious.

Will they be able to do it in one breath? Tens of thousands of people were knocked unconscious by him?

“He, his ability, is this too exaggerated, right?”Shangguan Haitang and others next to him saw thousands of soldiers knocked unconscious by the shock. They were all dumbfounded!

Even the Grand Master is far from being able to do this, right?

So what? Before in Guangming When it was posted, there were rumors that Li Lianhua might be a land swordsman?

Could it be that this rumor is true? Is Li Lianhua really the only land swordsman in the world?

“Well, it’s not bad. Li Chungang in the original work shocked the world by breaking two thousand six pieces of armor with one sword. The effect of my overlord’s 493 color domineering energy is no worse than his!”

Looking at the thousands of soldiers fighting to the end, Li Lianhua nodded silently!

It can only be said that the overlord’s domineering move is really suitable for dealing with large groups.

The more enemies there are, the more powerful it can be. The power of this move!

She sighed secretly in her heart, but Li Lianhua’s movements were not slow. After stunning the thousands of soldiers with his overbearing aura, he followed his body like electricity and moved toward the iron. Tie Dan Shen Hou rushed over!

Seeing Li Lianhua approaching, Tie Dan Shen Hou would not wait for death!

However, to Li Lianhua, his resistance was like a trap!

Li Lianhua took action instantly and stopped Tie Dan Shen Hou!

“Let go of my adoptive father!”Seeing that the Tiedan Shenhou fell under Li Lianhua’s control, Shangguan Haitang and others were shocked and rushed forward to help!

However, Li Lianhua’s shadow clones were not decorations and stopped them all!

It must be said that , although the power of the shadow clone is much lower than that of the main body, sometimes, a few more people can still play a big role!

“Originally, I wanted to ask you why you did this!”

“Since you are unwilling to answer, I am too lazy to bother asking again!”

“So, let me find out the answer myself!”Li Lianhua looked at the Iron Dan God Marquis and said!

I don’t understand what Li Lianhua said about finding the answer personally.

However, the Iron Dan God Marquis who was subdued by Li Lianhua kept struggling!

However, Li Lianhua was After being subdued, how could it be so easy for him to break free?

Li Lianhua raised his hand, and a blue light bloomed on his hand! The blue hand’s ability is not just a simple modification.

It’s just a soul, you can even extract the other person’s memory and gain insight into the other person’s thoughts!

“ah!”The memory was forcibly read by Li Lianhua, and a scream came from the mouth of the Tietan Shenhou!

In the original work, even Na Tian Jinzhong couldn’t withstand Lu Liang’s Minghun Technique. No matter how determined the Tietan Shenhou was, How could he compare to Na Tian Jinzhong?

He couldn’t resist the power of both hands. In the end, Li Lianhua looked through the memory without any secrets!

Originally, Li Lianhua thought that she was a kind person. After all, kindness makes money.!

However, this Iron Dan God Marquis provoked him again and again, and even the best-tempered person couldn’t resist it!

I looked through the Iron Dan God Marquis’s memories and took a good look at his thoughts. Afterwards, Li Lianhua finally understood what Tiedan Shenhou was trying to do!

It turned out that Tiedan Shenhou’s original idea was to subdue herself and make herself a force under his command.

After being rejected! , he was so angry that if he couldn’t be used by me, he would kill him, so he had the intention to kill himself!

The reason why he waited so long before taking action was because he wanted to get the Zhuyan Pill first!

Tian Boguang was indeed an excuse for him to attack him, and he deliberately released it!

As for whether he could kill him, Tie Dan Shenhou was not sure at all!

But, since he was not sure, why would Tie Dan Shenhou do this?

In his mind, if he could really destroy himself, that would be the best thing!

But if he couldn’t do it, if this matter got too big, he would have no place in the Ming Dynasty, and he would be reduced to A wanted criminal in the Ming Dynasty?

At that time, he would be wanted and arrested wherever he went. How could he live in such a life? He would have to leave the Ming

Dynasty in the end. Well, Tiedan Shenhou even mobilized the army, just to make the matter of arresting him a big deal!

“So that’s it, so your idea is to drive me out of Ming Dynasty……”Stopping the functions of both hands, Li Lianhua suddenly realized and said to Tidan Shenhou

“You, you devil, you can actually read other people’s memories directly……”Tie Dan Shenhou’s eyes widened and he looked at Li Lianhua in disbelief and said.

Just now, his own memory was forcibly checked by the other party, and Goddess Tiedan naturally felt it.

It is precisely because of this that the Tiedan Shenhou is extremely frightened!

Yes, is the ability to directly read other people’s memories really something that humans can do?

Are all the abilities of the Lotus Master so weird and terrifying?

As Lord Tietan shouted, Shangguan Haitang and the leading general looked at Li Lianhua in horror!

Who doesn’t have some secrets in their heart? This ability to directly read the other person’s memory really scares everyone!

“Lord Iron Dan God, Lord Iron Dan, what do you want me to say about you?”

“Even if you can’t kill me, you still want to make me a wanted criminal in Ming Dynasty and then force me out of Ming Dynasty?”

“Do you think there is a possibility that I will leave Daming recently?”

Ignoring the horrified expression of Lord Tietan, Li Lianhua shook his head and said.

These words made Lord Tietan look very ugly!

Li Lianhua was going to leave the Ming Dynasty in the near future?

“In other words, you have practiced the skill of absorbing energy to a very advanced level, and you can absorb other people’s skills for your own use!”

“So, I wonder if your Dantian Qi sea is broken, will your gong-absorbing method still be useful?”

“I’d love to see it!”Li Lianhua then said to the God Marquis Tiedan again!

As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his finger, and a ray of true energy bounced out, instantly hitting the Qi sea in the Dantian of the Marquis Tiedan!

Phew… (Read the Baoshuang novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dantian Qihai was hit by Li Lianhua, and Iron Dan Shenhou vomited blood. He fell to his knees in an instant, and his face was as pale as paper!

“no no!”

For a strong man at the Grand Master level, having his Dantian destroyed and his cultivation completely destroyed can be said to be more uncomfortable than killing him!

Although Lord Tietan also knows how to absorb energy!

However, Dantian is like a storage device. Bucket, now that the Dantian is broken, it is equivalent to the bottom of the bucket being gone! []

Even if the power-absorbing method absorbs more power, it cannot store it at all.���, that method of absorbing energy is also in vain!

“Okay, get everyone out of here!”After breaking through the dantian energy sea of Lord Tietan, Li Lianhua waved his hand and said, and immediately returned to the Lotus Tower!

It’s not that Li Lianhua didn’t dare to kill Lord Tietan, there was really no need to let him go. Do it yourself!

Due to his martial arts, Zhu Houzhao is just slowly cutting off his wings!

Similarly, Su Xin must be waiting for an opportunity in secret. After all, Tiedan Shenhou is the enemy who destroyed her family!

His Dantian Qihai was broken by him. What awaited him was the betrayal of his most beloved woman. What awaited him was the emperor’s quick liquidation! Isn’t this more interesting than killing him and pulling the lotus ? The building moved away from the capital of the Ming Dynasty and went into the distance!

The generals and the four spies nearby just watched the Lotus Tower go away, but no one dared to stop it! Bang bang bang!

As if, a dozen of Li Lianhua’s shadow clones were also lifted, and their bodies dissipated into a burst of white smoke!

“Let’s help our adoptive father back to Hulong Villa first!”Watching the Lotus Tower go away, Shangguan Haitang sighed quietly at the end and said to Guihai Yida and others!

After leaving the capital of the Ming Dynasty, Li Lianhua helped Tian Boguang heal his lower body, which made Tian Boguang very excited!

Then, find Several wealthy families robbed the rich to help the poor. Of course, they robbed themselves for the sake of being rich, and directly donated 100,000 taels of silver for Li Lianhua

‘s medical treatment! Tian Boguang feels that the medical fee is too low and is not worthy of Li Lianhua’s status!

On the other hand, the medical fee of 100,000 taels of silver is not expensive at all, right?

Being so sensible, Li Lianhua naturally accepted the consultation fee of 100,000 taels. At the same time, Li Lianhua also warned Tian Boguang that she would not let him harm the little girl if she gave him a broken limb.

If he found out that he was continuing to be a flower-picking thief, he might just do it himself!

This statement made Tian Boguang feel a chill in his crotch, and he hurriedly promised to change his past behavior.

As for Li Lianhua, Tian Boguang’s matter, It was just a small interlude, so the Lotus Tower slowly headed towards Daxi!

Although Li Lianhua could reach it in a blink of an eye

, he still enjoyed the feeling of traveling by car in the Lotus Tower brand RV! , I am not in a hurry to go to Daxi!

After walking for seven or eight days, Li Lianhua came to Qixia Town and took a look at his medical fee! , about 200,000, and I can open two silver-level treasure chests!

There is a chance that silver-level treasure chests can yield good things like dragon yuan fragments. Naturally, Li Lianhua is a little jealous! Li Lianhua saved it for the time being!

His idea was simple: first collect 1 million in medical fees, and then try opening a gold-level treasure chest!���Gotta choose!

Now that she has a choice, Li Lianhua said that she wants to open treasure chests with higher configurations as much as possible.

When they arrived near Qixia Town, Li Lianhua had no intention of driving into the Lotus Building. He greeted the vixen and asked him to take care of his home.

Immediately, Li Lianhua walked in and bought some daily necessities. After asking for the direction of Tongfu Inn, Li Lianhua walked towards Tongfu Inn!

“Sir, what would you like to eat?”As Li Lianhua came in, the waiter showed a smile on his face, walked up to Li Lianhua and asked!

“First some appetizers, and then a bottle of wine!”

Although she has better Wuliangye in her storage ring, Li Lianhua is really not used to drinking such strong modern liquor.

Relatively speaking, she still prefers this ancient rice wine, which has some sweetness from grain and is somewhere between The taste between drinks!

“okay!”After responding, Bai Zhantang turned around to greet him!

Li Lianhua looked at Bai Zhantang’s leaving figure, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then took a good look at the Tongfu Inn!

The inn is not very big, but the lobby is also There are about ten tables set up!

There are some guest rooms on the second floor. Dining and accommodation are all together!

The shopkeeper, Tong Xiangyu, and Guo Furong are cleaning the tables next to them, and there is a little girl reading a book. , Mo Xiaobei!

Not to mention, looking at Tongfu Inn in this Wulin Gaiden drama, Li Lianhua really has a special feeling in these dramas!

“Hey, what are you doing?”

Perhaps because Li Lianhua’s eyes were bolder, Guo Furong walked up to Li Lianhua, waved the rag on her palm angrily, and said,”You stare at us people with a malicious smile on your face. Say, what do you want to do in our inn?”

“Guo Furong, right?”Hearing the words of the other party’s question, Li Lianhua looked at the other party, calmed down his emotions and said!

After hearing Li Lianhua accurately say his name, Guo Furong’s expression changed and she stepped back a lot!

At the same time, she put on a defensive posture. , looked at Li Lianhua warily:”Sure enough, you are here for the people in our inn?”

“I said, I was just passing by, do you believe it?”

Looking at Guo Furong’s appearance as if facing a formidable enemy, and the people in Tongfu Inn seemed to be staring at her with vigilance, Li Lianhua was secretly surprised. The people in Tongfu Inn seemed a little too nervous. Right?

At the same time, he opened his mouth to explain!

“Humph, we just met for the first time, and you already know my name, and you still said we were just passing by?”Guo Furong had an expression that said she would never lie to me!

“Xiao Guo, put your hands down, what kind of attitude do you have! ?”At this time, Bai Zhantang came over and scolded Guo Furong. He immediately turned around and said to Li Lianhua with a smile:”Sir, I’m sorry for not greeting you well!”

“Bai Zhantang, he came here with bad intentions, he even knows my identity!”Hearing Bai Zhantang scolding him, Guo Furong shouted!

After hearing this, Bai Zhantang looked at Li Lianhua again, with a kind smile still on his face, and said:”This guest, do you and Xiao Guo know each other?”

“It’s not acquaintance, this is the first time we’ve met, but I just came from the capital, and her father Guo Juxia once asked me about her whereabouts, and passed by Qixia Town, so I came to take a look!”Li Lianhua explained!

Guo Furong’s expression changed after saying this!

Was he someone sent by his father?

“Guo Juxia?”Hearing this, Bai Zhantang’s heart skipped a beat and he glanced at Guo Furong.

His father is Guo Juxia from Six Doors? This is a bit scary!

“So, what do you call this guest? Guo Juxia wanted to know about his daughter, but he actually came to you?”Suppressing the shock in his heart, Bai Zhantang continued to inquire with a smile!

“I? Li Lianhua!”

When Bai Zhantang asked about her identity, Li Lianhua didn’t mean to hide it.

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