“Doctor Li?”

Seeing that Li Lianhua didn’t finish her sentence, she stopped abruptly, and then looked outside. Tian Boguang shouted in surprise.

“It seems that you have been used as a pawn!”Withdrawing his gaze and looking at Tian Boguang, Li Lianhua said!


Tian Boguang looked confused, obviously he didn’t quite understand what Li Lianhua meant!

“If my guess is correct, you escaped from Hulong Villa, right?”Although what Li Lianhua said was a question, her tone was an affirmation!

“You, how do you know?”

Hearing this, Tian Boguang almost jumped up in fright.

Then he asked anxiously:”Mr. Li, you are a doctor. The so-called benevolence of a doctor, you won’t dare to save me just because I am a prisoner, will you? ?”

“No, as long as a customer comes to your door, I will save them. After all, even if you go to a big hospital, there is no reason to refuse treatment because of someone’s bad character!”Li Lianhua waved her hand and gave the other party a positive answer.

After hearing what Li Lianhua said, Tian Boguang breathed a secret sigh of relief!

“Wait, Doctor Li, you just said that I was used as a pawn. Could it be that I was able to escape from Hulong Villa because of……”

After heaving a sigh of relief, Tian Boguang reacted and his face couldn’t help but change!

“Yes, your martial arts skills are not bad, but why do you think you can escape from a place like Hulong Villa?”After nodding, Li Lianhua asked Tian Boguang!

Tian Boguang immediately fell silent, speechless!

Originally, he thought he had seized a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he successfully escaped from Hulong Villa!

Now, After such analysis by Divine Doctor Li, Tian Boguang also felt that something was a little strange!

Not to mention what Tian Boguang was thinking, at this time, hundreds of spies from Hulong Villa appeared and surrounded the Lotus Tower.!

At the same time, Tiedan Shenhou personally led the team, accompanied by the four secret agents of Tiandi Xuanhuang!

Without talking to each other, Li Lianhua walked out and glanced around. This time, Hulong Villa was full of elites. Oh!

Shangguan Haitang lowered his head slightly, not daring to look at Li Lianhua!

Although the relationship between the two was good, his adoptive father led the team and summoned the troops, so he couldn’t disobey the order!

“Li Lianhua!”

As Li Lianhua walked out of the house, the Tietan Shenhou spoke, and his loud voice gave people a sense of justice:”That Tian Boguang who walked alone for thousands of miles is a scum of the martial arts world, and he is a prisoner of my Hulong Villa. How dare you? Do you know it’s a crime to take in this kind of people?”

“OK OK!”

However, Li Lianhua looked lazy and calm. He waved his hand in response to Tie Dan Shenhou’s words and said,”You deliberately made this trick just to find a reason to attack me, right?”

As soon as these words came out, the four secret agents all looked at Divine Marquis Tie Dan in surprise!

Is this a deliberate move?

Logically speaking, Divine Doctor Li would not make a joke about this matter!

However, for Tie Dan, The four spies still trusted the character of Dan Shenhou, so they didn’t know who to trust for a while!

“Hum, quibble……”

After listening to what Li Lianhua said, the Tiedan Shenhou snorted coldly and said:”Now that Tian Boguang has escaped from prison, he happens to be in your Lotus Building, and the witness is here, what else do you have to quibble with?”

“Divine Doctor Li, it is reasonable for the Divine Doctor to come to pursue the prisoner. If there is really any misunderstanding here, you should make it clear to the Divine Doctor!”

Perhaps it was because Li Lianhua told him and Su Xin that they were biological mother and son, and because his mother was indeed awakened by Divine Doctor Li, Cheng Shifei still thought of Li Lianhua’s friendship and started to persuade her!

“Yes, Doctor Li, is there any misunderstanding here?”Following Cheng Shifei, Shangguan Haitang next to him also spoke!

Shangguan Haitang didn’t believe that Li Lianhua protected a prisoner like Tian Boguang! In response to the two people’s persuasion, Li Lianhua just shook his head!

The so-called desire to add insult to injury Why is there no excuse for the crime? How could God just let it go so easily if he deliberately made this move against himself?

Even if he is really willing to hand over Tian Boguang, God will definitely say that he is Tian Boguang’s accomplice. So he took action against himself!

“god wait……”

Li Lianhua looked at Tiedan Shenhou and said:”You did a good job in this game, so it is reasonable and reasonable for you to take action against me. No one can find fault with it. It’s just…~.…”

Having said this, Li Lianhua paused for a moment, then looked at Lord Tietan and said:”Master, have you forgotten that you are not my opponent, and even if you bring so many soldiers and generals, it will be in vain. Where do you get the confidence to think that you guys can catch me?”

Li Lianhua’s words really made everyone in Hulong Villa look bad!

Shrimp soldiers and crab generals? Isn’t this insulting?

“Huh, no matter whether it is or not, there is no possibility for me and everyone in Hulong Villa to give up!”Hearing this, the Iron Gallant God Marquis snorted coldly and said to Li Lianhua.

He looked like he would put life and death aside for the sake of justice and national law!

The Iron Gallant God Marquis has such a mouth that he is benevolent and moral, and shuts up and does not hesitate to sacrifice for justice. Let Li Lianhua Lianhua shook his head silently!

No wonder no one doubted Tidan Shenhou after pretending to be moral and righteous for so many years. To be more precise, his acting skills have been thoroughly penetrated into his bones.!

However, the Iron Dan God Hou knew that he was not his opponent, but he still brought these people from Hulong Villa to attack him. This made Li Lianhua feel that something was wrong.

There were two reasons why he would do this! The first possibility is that Tiedan Shenhou has some back-up plan, which he uses against himself, or that he has some trump cards that he thinks can defeat him.

The other possibility is that he has not thought about himself! Even if he can win, his purpose is not to defeat himself and catch himself!

“Do it!”

Not to mention what kind of thoughts were in Li Lianhua’s heart, just as he was pondering, Tiedan Shenhou waved his hand directly and shouted loudly!

Then, hundreds of spies moved toward Li Lianhua’s Lianhua Tower rushed over!

Seeing this menacing appearance, Tian Boguang was horrified and his eyes were darting around, looking for a suitable escape route.

As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands. The Dangshen Hou personally led the team, and the four secret agents arrived, plus hundreds of elites.

Even the miracle doctor Li Lianhua couldn’t stop this lineup, right?

So Tian Boguang wanted to escape reflexively.!

For a while, Li Lianhua didn’t figure out where the Iron Dan Lord had the confidence to deal with him, but since the opponent had already made a move, could he still be able to catch him without any help?

Then, Li’s eyes narrowed slightly. For the first time, Lianhua didn’t control his overlord color and exploded in all directions!

Boom! The terrifying momentum centered on Li Lianhua’s body and spread rapidly in all directions like an explosion!

The overlord’s domineering aura caused many cracks to appear on the earth!

Under the impact of this domineering aura, the spies who shouted loudly and rushed towards Li Lianhua fell down one by one like cutting wheat. Get down!

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of spies fell to the ground, their eyes turned white and they all fell into a coma!

Even Tian Boguang’s figure was swaying, and then he fell to the ground!

Behind Li Lianhua, Tian Boguang looked at him with shock and horror!

The domineering look just now almost completely defeated his psychological defense!

That momentum alone knocked hundreds of elites unconscious. In the past?

Such a method made Tian Boguang shocked!

Could this be the power possessed by the legendary Lotus Master?


The four secret agents barely resisted the impact of this overbearing and domineering aura!

However, looking at the spies lying on the ground and hundreds of elites who were just knocked unconscious, the faces of the four spies were also very ugly!

Although it has long been rumored in the world that Divine Doctor Li possesses the cultivation level of Sword Immortal Realm!

However, we didn’t even see him take action just now. There was just an invisible aura erupting, and all these hundreds of elites lost their combat effectiveness?

“Hum, sure enough……”

Seeing hundreds of elites fall, Lord Tietan looked very ugly, but all this was within his expectation!

After all, this is not the first time that Tiedan Shenhou has seen the domineering look!

“Tianya, you guys come with me to take action!”Tie Dan Shenhou said hello, and then spoke to Duan Tianya and others! After the words fell, Tietan Shen Hou took the lead and rushed towards Li Lianhua!

For Li Lianhua, the cultivation of the Grand Master Realm is It’s still a bit stressful!

Of course, it’s not much!

When they were at the ninth level of Yuqing Realm, Li Lianhua had a head-to-head fight with Tietou Shenhou, and now, Li Lianhua had the upper hand! His cultivation level once again broke through, reaching the first level of the Shangqing Realm, and his strength skyrocketed again. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Naturally, the gap between him and Tiedan Shenhou has widened even further!

Seeing Tiedan Shenhou’s palm fall, Li Lianhua didn’t mean to be too showy, and raised his hand to strike the same palm!

This time, Li Lianhua’s figure seemed to be rooted under his feet, without even a trace of shaking. However, the figure of Lord Tietan seemed to have been hit by something, and his whole body flew backwards two or three feet away!

“How can it be? He, his cultivation has improved so much?”[]

Barely holding his own, Tiedan Shenhou looked at Li Lianhua in disbelief.

Yes, I had slapped Li Lianhua outside the inn room before, but I was just slightly inferior!

But now? The other party’s cultivation level completely crushed mine!

It’s really strange. At such a young age, the Grand Master realm is already terrifying. How long has it been since then, and the other party’s cultivation level has actually improved so much?

How is this practiced?

Swish, swish, swish!

Seeing that the Tiedan Shenhou was knocked back by Li Lianhua’s palm, the four secret agents also came to Li Lianhua at this time, each using their own methods!

Under the struggle of several people, Li Lianhua raised his hand and waved, and the powerful aura knocked them back a lot. At the same time, Li Lianhua also pulled back!

“Alas, you all were deceived by Zhu Wuwu!”Li Lianhua looked at Shangguan Haitang and the others, and sighed helplessly!

Of course, just based on Li Lianhua’s words, it is impossible for the four spies to believe him!

“Are you trying to bully the minority and join forces to beat me?”

Seeing that Shangguan Haitang and the others didn’t believe her, Li Lianhua didn’t say much and just asked calmly!

“Doctor Li, although we don’t want to fight with you, we can’t help ourselves. Besides, we are four against one, so don’t blame us. After all, you are a strong man in the Sword Fairy Realm!”Cheng Shifei spoke and said to Li Lianhua!

“Well, it’s okay, I won’t blame you!”Li Lianhua said with a slight smile after hearing what Cheng said!

As he spoke, he formed a seal with his hands and used the shadow clone technique!

Bang bang bang!

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen white smoke exploded, and then, Li Lianhua separated ten Six shadow clones!

Then, these sixteen shadow clones jumped out, also with four enemies to one, and surrounded Cheng Shifei!

“What method is this? So many Dr. Li?”Seeing four Li Lianhua surrounding him, Cheng Shifei said in confusion!

“This is Doctor Li’s phantom clone law enforcement. It is said that Doctor Li can separate many phantoms, making it difficult to distinguish the true from the false. This trick is somewhat similar to Japanese ninjutsu!” Duan Tianya reminded him!

With the intelligence power of Hulong Villa, Li Lianhua also used the splitting technique in the previous battle at Guangmingding, so he naturally knew about it!

Besides, he was once an overseas student in Japan, and he also knew that Japan had similar Ninjutsu!

“Phantom? This, this doesn’t look like it!”After listening to Duan Tianya’s words, Cheng Shifei shook his head and said!

While speaking, Cheng Shifei took the initiative, and then he discovered that the four Divine Doctors Li were all entities!

Similarly, Duan Tianya and the four The shadow clones fight together, each one is a real entity! Although the strength of the shadow clones is much lower than that of the main body, Duan Tianya and the others still suffered a lot.

It feels like two fists are no match for four hands!

“Didn’t you say that these are all phantoms? Each of these is an entity!”Being pressed down and beaten by several shadow clones of Li Lianhua, Cheng Shifei couldn’t help shouting!

However, at this time, Duan Tianya had no intention to answer his words.

Being pressed down and beaten by four shadow clones, Duan Tianya was also helpless at the moment. Yes, it’s hard to resist!

“Don’t blame me, after all, you are the four famous secret agents of Hulong Villa!”Li Lianhua imitated the tone he had just become right and wrong, and said!

Confused, God Marquis Tietan looked at a dozen shadow clones surrounding Duan Tianya and the others, and he was completely confused!

In terms of martial arts, Marquis Tietan knew that the four Xiangxi Ghosts have similar abilities, and they seem to be unkillable, and they kill more and more!

However, like Li Lianhua, a person has more than a dozen clones, and each one is an entity. This method makes Tie Guanshen angry! Hou was completely confused!

“You, what are you doing?”

Looking at these shadow clones of Li Lianhua in bewilderment, Lord Tidan couldn’t help but ask!

“Then tell me (Qian Nuo), what is the purpose of your aggressive attack on me this time? I’ll tell you what you say?”Li Lianhua opened her mouth and asked back to Tietan Shenhou!

These words made Tietan Shenhou look a little embarrassed, and he raised his hand again and rushed towards Li Lianhua!

Upon seeing this, Li Lianhua shook his head helplessly, with his hand on his With a touch of the storage ring, the Mysterious Jade Sword appeared and shot towards the Iron Dan Lord as nimbly as a swimming dragon!

When Li Lianhua’s cultivation reached the level of Shangqing Realm, this method of driving away objects, Naturally, it has been improved to a higher level. Both flexibility and strength have been greatly enhanced!

The sword control technique can only be used by the strong men in the Sword Immortal Realm?

Naturally, the Tiedan Shenhou does not dare to underestimate it. However, in terms of hard strength, The gap was still huge!

In just a dozen moves, Tiedan Shenhou was knocked out by the flying sword again. He rolled around on the ground and vomited blood. The situation was completely controlled by Li Lianhua!

The secret agent was suppressed by the shadow clone, and the other people in the Dragon Protector Villa were stunned by the overlord’s domineering aura!

But here, the Iron Dan Lord, a powerful master of the Grand Master Realm, is not at all like Li Lianhua’s sword control skills. His opponent!

Just standing far away and controlling his flying sword, Li Lianhua defeated Tiedan Shenhou!

“If you have any other tricks, use them!”

Li Lianhua controlled the black jade sword, spinning around the Iron Dan God Marquis, as if circling the surroundings, like a ferocious beast that could choose people to eat at any time!

Without meaning to talk nonsense, the Iron Dan God Marquis took out a sword from his arms. The arrow exploded in the sky with a roar! This scene made Li Lianhua raise his eyebrows slightly!

So, was the Iron Dan God sending a signal to shake people off?

The sound made the earth tremble!

Immediately, thousands of soldiers in armor appeared, and dense figures surrounded the Lotus Tower again!

“Knowing that the number of people is of no use to me, you summoned so many troops to come?”

Li Lianhua’s brows furrowed deeply, and she felt even more that the actions of Lord Tie Dan were a bit incomprehensible.……

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