Yes, in Yan Shisan’s opinion, the main reason why Wen Hua was able to perceive that ray of sword intent was Li Lianhua, Divine Doctor Li, right?

Otherwise, how can a person who has only practiced for two short months and has no idea of his own martial arts level be able to realize the existence of sword intention on his own?

In fact, he doesn’t even know what the sword intention is!

“Can Divine Doctor Li help me understand the meaning of the sword?”

Hearing this, Wen Hua also realized that this sword intention seems to be a good thing?

The two walked side by side and chatted. Wen Hua also told how he met Divine Doctor Li by chance.

Then, by chance, just pulled After receiving a client, Hua Manlou helped me enthusiastically and gave him a consultation fee of 100,000 taels.

Then, Divine Doctor Li took out a piece of paper and asked him to meditate. After three days of meditating, he finally got it. After getting something,

Divine Doctor Li confirmed that he had some qualifications for cultivation and taught him basic swordsmanship and basic internal skills.……

“Sword Intent, in the eyes of Divine Doctor Li, only if one can comprehend a trace of Sword Intent within three days does one have the qualifications to practice?”

Listening to Wen Hua’s description of his situation at that time, Yan Shisan’s heart was secretly shaken.

Although he had not seen it with his own eyes, listening to Wen Hua’s description, Yan Shisan understood the test that Li Lianhua gave him before. , is to test whether he can understand the sword’s intention!

This shocked Yan Shisan!

There are so many swordsmen in the world, how many people can understand the sword’s intention?

This is not only a high-end thing for swordsmen, but also It’s the top thing!

But when it comes to Li Lianhua, it’s just a threshold for judging whether he has the qualifications to practice?

Immediately, Yan Shisan said helplessly:”No wonder, this kind of internal power and sword Fa, according to Divine Doctor Li, is just basic internal strength and basic swordsmanship!”

Originally, Yan Shisan thought that the internal skills and swordsmanship that Li Lianhua gave to Wen Hua were just basic internal skills and basic swordsmanship, which was just a bad taste!

But now, Yan Shisan”Seven Nine Zero” understands.

Little Well, his situation is too small.

For Li Lianhua, even being able to comprehend the sword’s intention is only the basis for judging whether he is qualified to practice.

So, the internal skills and sword moves that he feels are just ordinary internal skills and sword moves. , this is completely reasonable!


Not to mention what Yan Shisan was thinking.

For Li Lianhua, he taught Wen Hua the internal skills of Xiangyi Taijian and Yangzhouman, but did not tell him that he was practicing Xiangyi Taijian and Yangzhouman.

I don’t think these are just basic things, nor do I have any evil intentions.

More importantly, I just don’t want to reveal my identity so early!

When the day finally came for the decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City, countless people gathered outside the palace, wanting to watch the excitement but unable to get in.

The guards guarding the palace said they only recognized gold medals, not people!

However, the gold medal taken out in a hurry does not have the anti-counterfeiting effect.

In addition, no one said that the gold medal given by Lu Xiaofeng could not be transferred to others!

Therefore, after all the commotion, dozens of people from all walks of life poured into the palace!

Faced with this situation, the palace only stepped up its protective efforts!

After all, Xia used force to break the ban, and so many people came in to watch the battle. If they collided with the nobles in the palace, these imperial guards would die forever!

Li Lianhua followed Lu Xiaofeng and naturally entered the palace easily, occupying a good position.

Li Lianhua could see a man dressed in white and holding a sword on the roof of the Forbidden City, standing like a pine tree.

The full moon in the sky casts a cold light, as if it had become his background!

“Li Lianhua, that’s my good friend, Ximen Chuixue!”Lu Xiaofeng pointed to the person standing on the roof and introduced Li Lianhua!

“Well, it looks like it’s quite pretentious!”Looking in the direction of Lu Xiaofeng’s finger, Li Lianhua nodded and gave a comment!

Speaking of which, in addition to Feng Qingyang and Xie Xiaofeng, the famous swordsmen in the Ming Dynasty are Ye Gucheng and Yan Shisan. I have actually seen people like Ximen Chuixue!

“Pack? Ximen Chuixue just doesn’t talk much and has a bit of a cold temper. Isn’t he pretending?”Remembering that the person who was criticized for being fake before was Ye Gucheng, Lu Xiaofeng said!

In Lu Xiaofeng’s opinion, Ye Gucheng was really pretending, and Ximen Chuixue was just a little cold!

“No, no, no, there is a saying that it is easy to hide when you are exposed, but it is difficult to prevent when you are undercover!”

“Ye Gucheng’s pretense is just on the surface!”

“And what about Ximen Chuixue? I think it’s just boring!”Li Lianhua shook her head and put forward her own different point of view!

“Mensao?”Hearing this, Lu Xiaofeng thought about it carefully and felt that Li Lianhua’s evaluation seemed to be somewhat reasonable?

Ximen Chuixue had always been as cold as ice and snow, and she thought he would never be destined for a woman in his life!

However, He killed the big thief Ghost King a few days ago, and he seemed to have a heated fight with his female apprentice?

Does it seem reasonable to say that he is a slut?

“Doctor Li? Are you here too?”Just when Li Lianhua and Lu Xiaofeng were standing here chatting, a voice of surprise suddenly sounded!

Li Lianhua looked quickly and saw Yan Shisan and Wen Hua coming hand in hand!

“Divine Doctor Li, regarding the consultation fees, I have already collected some of them. I will send them to you when I collect them all!”Coming over, Yan Shisan took the initiative to bring up the issue of medical fees!

“Well, it’s okay!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua nodded slightly.

She didn’t feel bad about Yan Shisan still collecting the medical fees!

What does this look like? It’s like you lent money to someone else, and although you didn’t pay it back, you met in person It’s much better if others take the initiative to mention it when you meet, right? Who knows if the other party still remembers the debt?

After saying hello, Li Lianhua immediately turned his eyes to Wen Hua next to him and said,”You and Yan Shisan, what are you doing?”

“Doctor Li, this is the situation!”

Hearing this, Wen Hua naturally had no intention of hiding anything. He told Li Lianhua about his encounter with Yan Shisan and then Yan Shisan’s invitation to watch the decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City!

“Well, knowing that one’s martial arts skills are low, but still willing to draw a sword to help, this kind of friendship is not bad, it is something that ordinary people can have!”Hearing this, Li Lianhua nodded and said with a look of relief!

Although he originally taught Wen Hua martial arts just because of the transaction, it was more because of his appreciation for Wen Hua!

If Wen Hua did evil, he would be considered guilty. Cause and effect, right?

Fortunately, Wen Hua still has a chivalrous heart, and Li Lianhua is very happy!

While talking, Li Lianhua raised his hand and took out a detonating talisman, put it in front of Wen Hua, and said,”I There is a talisman, which is quite powerful. I give it to you. It may be of some help when facing difficult enemies!”

For Li Lianhua, as his strength becomes stronger and stronger, props like detonating talismans are becoming more and more useless.

Therefore, it is not bad to give one to Wen Hua!

“Thank you, Dr. Li!”Hearing what Li Lianhua said, Wen Hua happily took the detonating talisman!

Since it was given to him by Divine Doctor Li, it must be a good thing!

“Li Lianhua, this detonating talisman is a good thing. It is rumored that your detonating talisman injured many people on the Bright Summit. Can you give me one?”

Lu Xiaofeng, who was standing next to him, saw the detonating talisman that he had taken out and said with some jealousy!

A light and fluttering talisman can emit a terrifying explosion. Lu Xiaofeng was naturally very interested in such a magical talisman!

“Go, go, go, for you, this detonating talisman is just a sound!”Regarding Lu Xiaofeng’s words, Li Lianhua rolled her eyes at him angrily and said!

“By the way, Divine Doctor Li, one more thing. Where will you go in the next few days?”After putting away the detonating talisman properly, Wen Hua hesitated for a moment and then asked Li Lianhua!

“What do you mean?”When Wen Hua asked where he would go in the future, Li Lianhua looked at him in surprise.

“If I meet someone else who needs treatment in the future, I will introduce them to you, Divine Doctor Li! Wen Hua said to Li Lianhua with a smile on his face!

Although one business is enough for 100,000 consultation fees.

However, Wen Hua is still very grateful to Li Lianhua in his heart!

He also knows that Li Lianhua likes to earn consultation fees. , attaches great importance to medical treatment fees!

Therefore, Wen Hua feels that if he meets someone who needs treatment again, it would be a good idea to introduce them to Li Lianhua! As for the follow-up, will Li Lianhua give him anything else? ?

Wen Hua said he didn’t really care! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“You……”Listening to what Wen Hua said, this was an initiative to help him attract business. Li Lianhua looked at Wen Hua with some emotion!

But think about it, with warm loyalty, every drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring.

He will be so grateful to himself that he is willing to take the initiative to solicit business for himself. It seems that this is in line with his nature!

“Wen Hua, when the excitement here is over, you come with me to the Lotus Tower, and I’ll give you a phone bug!”After a moment of silence, Li Lianhua said.

Since Wen Hua takes the initiative to get business for herself, then Li Lianhua will not be stingy with a phone bug! []

After all, she can get two every month Well, it would be nice to give one to Wen Hua!

From now on, he can call me anytime and anywhere to introduce him to his business!

“Phone bug?”Hearing what Li Lianhua said, Wen Hua looked at him in shock, obviously not understanding what the phone bug was!

“What? Li Lianhua, you want to give him a phone bug! ?”On the other hand, Lu Xiaofeng next to him heard this and looked at Li Lianhua in shock. He has been closely related to Li Lianhua recently and has been to the Lotus Building so many times. Lu Xiaofeng naturally knows the function and value of the phone bug!

Now, listening to Li Lianhua Lu Xiaofeng was shocked that he wanted to give a phone bug to Wen Hua!

“The one who sent the detonating charm and the phone bug again. Li Lianhua, what is your relationship with him?”

Lu Xiaofeng’s eyes turned on Li Lianhua and Wen Hua, and then he said with a questioning look!

In fact, Lu Xiaofeng still had half of the words left in her heart.

If she hadn’t known that Li Lianhua had spent the night at Baihua Tower, , even thinking about going to a brothel every now and then.

Lu Xiaofeng really wondered if there was something wrong with Li Lianhua’s orientation!

And if he had something wrong with Wen Hua!

“It’s a relationship!”

After hearing Lu Xiaofeng’s question, Li Lianhua thought for a moment and then said:”Wen Hua’s martial arts are all taught by me now!”

“Although there is no name of master and disciple, it can be regarded as the actual status of master and disciple!”

“As for the relationship, this is probably the relationship!”

Hearing what Li Lianhua said, Wen Hua next to him looked even more moved!

Although he did not become a master or apprentice, he acknowledged the relationship between master and apprentice in front of outsiders. It can be regarded as announcing the relationship in front of outsiders!

“I see!”Hearing this, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly realized!

Although on the surface, the two of them seemed to be about the same age, but if it was a master-student relationship, it would make sense for Li Lianhua to be so kind to him!

“So, is he a disciple of Divine Doctor Li?”Even Yan Shisan took a deep look at Wen Hua and began to think secretly in his heart!

Not only was he simply given some advice by Divine Doctor Li, but looking at Divine Doctor Li’s attitude towards him, he will need to be treated in the future. Treat him as a true disciple of Divine Doctor Li!


Just when Li Lianhua and others were chatting together, a figure flew up to the roof of the Forbidden City from a distance like a flying fairy from the sky.!

“Come, come, Ye Gucheng is here!”

“We, the two famous young swordsmen of the Ming Dynasty, are finally about to take action!”

“I really don’t know, who will win between the two?”

“The third young master of Shenjian Villa is dead. If the winner is determined between these two people today, the younger generation of swordsman leaders in the Ming Dynasty will soon have to decide!”


With the appearance of Ye Gucheng, the atmosphere suddenly became more lively. For a time, countless people were talking about it..

“It is indeed the style of a master!”Looking at Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng on the roof, both of whom are peerless in style, Wen Hua looked envious!

This is the style that a top swordsman should have. I really don’t know what year or month I was able to be like this. What about style?

“Style? Whether he is a master or not is completely different from whether he has style or not!”

“Wen Hua, don’t forget Lao Huang!”

“He is a perfect sword fairy. Have you ever seen him have any master’s style?”

Seeing the envious look in Wen Hua’s eyes, Li Lianhua couldn’t help but say this!

These words made Wen Hua’s face immediately darken!

The days when he and Lao Huang were sneaking around together were heard in his mind. He could make half the village chase him with just one sweet potato.

If Divine Doctor Li hadn’t revealed that he was indeed a sword fairy, Wen Hua would never have believed that a man like Lao Huang was actually a sword fairy?

“Lao Huang? Sword Immortal?”Hearing this, Yan Shisan next to him looked at Li Lianhua and Wen Hua in surprise! There are only a handful of swordsmen in the world, but I have never heard of any one named Lao Huang?

So? Isn’t he even qualified to intervene in the topic of their conversation?

“By the way, Yan Shisan……”

At this time, Li Lianhua suddenly looked at Yan Shisan next to him and said:”Now, Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue are known as the duel between a generation of swordsman leaders in the Ming Dynasty. Duel, do you want to intervene?”

“From the perspective of swordsmanship, I think you are stronger than Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue with a score of 3.8!”

“If you do this, you will definitely become a blockbuster!”

Yes, despite the fact that Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng are very famous.

But Li Lianhua will not forget that in terms of real achievements in swordsmanship, the third young master Xie Xiaofeng is better than Ximen Chuixue and the others!

And Yan Shisan’s His swordsmanship can compete with Xie Xiaofeng’s, even half a point better than Xie Xiaofeng’s!

Therefore, with Yan Shisan’s swordsmanship, it shouldn’t be a problem to defeat Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng!

“Forget it, my goal is only Xie Xiaofeng!”However, after listening to Li Lianhua’s words, Yan Shisan shook his head and said!

He just came to watch the excitement. As for doing it himself?

In Yan Shisan’s opinion, there is no need at all!

If he wants to become famous , has already become famous all over the world!

“Okay, everyone has their own ambitions!”Li Lianhua was not surprised at Yan Shisan’s rejection and nodded silently!

On the other hand, Lu Xiaofeng and Wen Hua, who were standing next to them, were shocked when they heard the conversation between Li Lianhua and Yan Shisan!

“This person named Yan Shisan? His swordsmanship is actually better than Ximen Chuixue! ?”Lu Xiaofeng looked at Yan Shisan and felt unbelievable!

If someone else said this, Lu Xiaofeng would never believe it!

But it was Li Lianhua who said this, so it must be true!

“It turns out that Yan Shisan’s martial arts is so high? Doctor Li said he was stronger than Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng?”Wen Hua also looked at Yan Shisan in shock, and was secretly shocked in his heart!

Immediately afterwards, Wen Hua thought of himself again!

He was suppressed and beaten by Yan Shisan before, and he originally thought that he could suppress any Jianghu person. I wanted to fight it myself!

But now it seems that maybe I have misunderstood?

“Doctor Li, tell me, with my martial arts skills, what level do I currently stand in the world?”

After a moment of silence, Wen Hua took the initiative to ask Li Lianhua.

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