Indeed, Wen Hua has always felt that what he practiced was only the lowest level of internal strength and swordsmanship!

Why? Because the owner of Lotus Tower, Divine Doctor Li, told me, what is the name of the inner strength and mental method that I practice?

Basic internal strength!

What is the name of the sword technique?

Basic swordsmanship!

Isn’t the internal strength and swordsmanship with this name the lowest level?

Therefore, although he has been practicing hard these days and has achieved some success, Wen Hua still believes that his martial arts is definitely at the bottom of the world!

However, he first picked the bully’s tendon with a sword.

The latter swordsman in red, who seemed to be quite powerful, was killed instantly with one sword!

Could it be? Is my martial arts really not weak?

In the world of martial arts, he is considered second-rate, no, even a first-rate master?

“Step aside!”

Just when Wen Hua was muttering secretly in his heart, feeling that his martial arts might be higher than he thought, suddenly a deep voice rang out!

Wen Hua turned around and saw a man holding a sword. , a tall man is standing behind him!

There are many tattoos on the man’s face, and he looks like a demon in hell!

Just now, he was surrounding Wen Hua, and even opened his mouth to kidnap him. Look. Seeing Yan Shisan’s appearance, everyone retreated and hid far away! Yan

Shisan looked at Wen Hua quietly, with a look of interest in his eyes!

He just touched the threshold of the Xiantian realm, but the sword move just now was very exquisite! Of course, what interested Yan Shisan the most was the wisp of sword intention he showed when he drew his sword!

It’s very weak, just a wisp!

However, to the swordsman, this wisp is a priceless treasure!

If the sword intention that the sword immortal comprehends is like a bonfire, then Wen Hua’s just now is a priceless treasure! That ray of sword intent is like a candle!

But with this candle, you can hope to make it grow into a bonfire! If a swordsman without this candle wants to make a candle out of thin air, then It is extremely difficult!

In the world of swordsmanship, there are only a handful of people who can understand the meaning of the sword!

Therefore, with some interest in his heart, Yan Shisan took the initiative to approach Wen Hua. This way!

“Huh, the road on this street is so big, you have to walk towards me and say I’m blocking your way?”Looking at Yan Shisan in front of him, Wen Hua frowned!

Of course he could see that the other party came here to find trouble!

After all, the street is so big, and there were so many people surrounding him just now. If he was a normal person, he should go around It’s only right to pass by such a group of people!

“so what? Do you want to take action? Yan Shisan looked calm and said to Wen Hua!

“Okay, then let me see what ability you have to come over and find trouble!”

After being praised a lot by the residents of Kuhai Town, Wen Hua also suspected that he might be a second-rate, or even a first-rate master.

Therefore, it is good to have more people here for him to try his tricks!

After finishing his words, Wen Hua He pulled out the iron sword in his hand and stabbed at Yan Shisan!

However, facing Wen Hua’s sword moves, the bone poison sword in Yan Shisan’s hand did not even move out of its sheath, and easily blocked all his swords. Got it!

“Your swordsmanship is pretty good, but you haven’t mastered it yet!”

“The most important thing is that the internal strength is not strong!”

“If it’s just an embroidered pillow like this, it’s no match for me!”

With an understatement, he blocked all Wen Hua’s sword moves. At the same time, Yan Shisan commented in his mouth!

Indeed, although Wen Hua has not yet mastered this Xiangyi Tai Sword, Yan Shi San can see that this sword move is very mysterious!

However, it is limited by the opponent’s internal strength! Maybe it can be fought back and forth with some Xiantian realm warriors!

When encountering someone with a higher level of martial arts in the Grand Master Realm, or even the Innate Realm, he is no match for him!


After still not unsheathing his Bone Poison Sword, Yan Shi blocked all of Wen Hua’s sword moves. Three uses of the scabbard knocked Wen Hua back a lot!

“Okay, the sword you used to kill just now is still a bit interesting, but these swords are not enough!”

Although Xiangyi Taijian is indeed exquisite, what really attracted Yan Shisan’s attention was Wen Hua’s sword intention. After just performing so many sword moves, Wen Hua’s sword intention was not displayed. Yan Shisan was naturally dissatisfied. of!

“Sure enough, I knew it……”

Yan Shisan was pushed back as if he were an adult playing with a child, and Wen Hua had a wry smile on his face!

Fortunately, just now I still thought that I might really be a master?

However, this unknown swordsman he met in this town easily suppressed him! so what? Others just complimented me a few times, but I really couldn’t figure it out? Have you really mistakenly thought that you were a master?

“Show me the sword you used to kill just now!”Seeing that Wen Hua was just silent and didn’t speak, Yan Shisan immediately took the initiative to say to Wen Hua!

“good!”Nodding, Wen Hua also understood that the sword he used to kill the swordsman in red was a superb performance of his own!

Nodding, Wen Hua took a deep breath, and then focused on the sword in his hand!

Follow , Wen Hua felt the iron sword in his hand tremble slightly, and at the same time, he felt the sword in his hand more deeply! It seemed that he could vaguely feel the pulse of the iron sword in his hand!

This was a mysterious feeling!

Although I can feel it vaguely, this time, it is unprecedentedly clear!

“Is his sword intent stronger than before?” Holding the Bone Poison Sword in his hand and feeling the trembling of the sword, Yan���San’s eyes became much sharper!

Yes, Yan Shisan felt the sword intention from Wen Hua, and it was a bit stronger than before!

Compared to mature sword intent, Wen Hua’s sword intent before was like the difference between a big tree and a toothpick.

So now, this toothpick seems to have evolved into the size of a chopstick!

Not to mention how Yan Shisan’s heart was shaken, in a mysterious and mysterious state, Wen Hua swung the iron sword in his hand again, and slashed towards Yan Shisan in a stunning arc!

Yan Shisan also cheered up, and the Bone Poison Sword was unsheathed for the first time!


Invisible energy burst out from where the two swords touched, causing many people around to scream and fall to the ground!

Wen Hua even felt an indescribable force coming from him, and he couldn’t help but step back several steps!

As for Yan Shisan, he naturally felt better than Wen Hua, but after shaking his body, he immediately took half a step back!

“really……”Just now, he had performed a superb sword attack, but he was still at an absolute disadvantage, which made Wen Hua shake his head with a wry smile!

It seems that my cultivation time is too short. I need to practice for a few more years before I can be considered to be somewhat skilled, right?

Otherwise, a random swordsman in an inconspicuous town can beat him!

“Little brother, your swordsmanship is pretty good. What’s your name?”

Not to mention that some of the enthusiasm that had just risen in Wen Hua’s heart was suppressed again. At this time, Yan Shisan’s bone poison sword had been sheathed. Looking at Wen Hua’s side, he said with a bit of admiration in his eyes.

“Basic swordsmanship!”Wen Hua replied!

“Basic swordsmanship?”I didn’t expect Wen Hua’s answer to be like this. The corners of Yan Shisan’s mouth twitched slightly!

Judging from the level of sophistication, although the sword technique used by the opponent just now was not mastered very well.

But Yan Shisan could tell that Wen Hua The swordsmanship performed by Hua was no worse than his own Thirteen Life-Destroying Swordsmanship.

However, the other party said that he was practicing basic swordsmanship?

“You had good internal strength just now, gentle and long-lasting. What did you practice?”After a moment of silence, Yan Shisan asked Wen Hua again!

“Basic internal strength!”Wen Hua answered equally frankly!

Yan Shisan:”……”

Good guy, basic swordsmanship, basic internal strength? This name is so random!

“Since the little brother refused to tell, Yan didn’t ask further questions!”

“In the future, I’m looking forward to seeing you, little brother, become famous in the world!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“See you later!”Looking deeply at Wen Hua, Yan Shisan said with cupped fists, and immediately turned around and left.

Although his internal skills are not deep, Yan Shisan can feel that the opponent’s internal skills are of extraordinary quality!

And the sword moves performed by the opponent are exquisite. Incomparable!

This shows that the other party has a good master, but the other party has neglected to practice, or has just practiced for a short time!

The most rare thing is naturally the other party’s sword intention! []

Therefore, Yan Shisan can conclude that the other party His future achievements will definitely not be low, at least he is a being who has the hope of reaching the realm of Sword Immortal!

“Thank you for the compliment, brother!”Listening to Yan Shisan’s praise for him, Wen Hua replied casually!

After the compliments of several Kuhai Town residents just now, he was actually in high spirits.

Then after Yan Shisan interrupted his fantasy, Wen Hua had already Now that he understands his position in martial arts, he is really just a rookie at the bottom of the world!

Naturally, Wen Hua will not take Yan Shisan’s praise seriously, and will only treat it as a sophistication in the world. There is no life-or-death feud, so I just say a few nice words to make myself look good!

“Alas, it seems that I still have to practice hard!”

“At least once I have mastered my basic internal skills to the point where I can enter the palace, and my swordsmanship has become proficient, then I can barely gain a foothold in the world, right?”

“At that time, I will plan other more advanced internal skills and sword skills!”

Thinking that any swordsman in Kuhai Town could defeat him, Wen Hua sighed silently and muttered to himself!

“By the way, little brother, my name is Yan Shisan, what do you call me?”After walking seven or eight feet away, Yan Shisan suddenly turned his head and asked Wen Hua!

“I’m in Wenhua!”Wen Hua clasped his hands and saluted in a very arrogant manner!

“There are rumors in the world that in a few days of full moon night, it will be the day when Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue will fight for the top of the Forbidden City. Would Brother Wen want to go and see it together?”Following that, Yan Shisan sent out another invitation.

Although in Yan Shisan’s heart,���He regarded the third young master of Shenjian Villa as his lifelong rival.

However, Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, the top swordsmen in the Ming Dynasty, are still very famous. In addition, their decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City has made them extremely popular.

0Flowers requested

Therefore, Yan Shisan also wants to go and see it!

An ordinary person would not be qualified to watch such a swordsman’s duel in Yan Shisan’s mind.

However, Yan Shisan felt that Wen Hua, who had mastered a hint of sword intent, had such qualifications, so he invited him!

“The decisive battle between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng! ?”

Being in Jianghu and near the Imperial City of Ming Dynasty, Wen Hua naturally heard the news. When he heard the words, his eyes lit up!

But soon, Wen Hua’s eyes dimmed and he said:”Wait a minute. Naturally, I wanted to watch the showdown between top swordsmen, but it was rumored that the emperor distributed eight gold medals and only allowed eight people to go to the palace to watch the battle. How could we get there?”

“Don’t worry, I have my own way, so I’m just asking you if you want to go!”Looking at Wen Hua’s appearance, Yan Shisan said!

“Me, of course I am willing to go!”Hearing this, Wen Hua nodded and said!

Taking this opportunity, if you can go and see the style of a top swordsman, that would be great!

“Hahaha, okay, let’s go!”Seeing Wen Hua nodding in agreement, Yan Shisan said with a smile!

If it were only Wen Hua, seeing as he was about to leave, the people in Kuhai Town would have to surround him no matter what, and Wen Hua would have to teach Aji martial arts before he could be released. Pass him!

However, with Yan Shisan by their side, the people of Kuhai Town did not dare to come up and could only watch Wen Hua and Yan Shisan leave hand in hand!

“By the way, Brother Wen, did you really not want to teach that Aji martial arts just now?”

Working hand in hand, Yan Shisan treats Wen Hua as an equal swordsman, so naturally he will not show a cold attitude!

“Brother Yan, with my poor martial arts skills, how am I qualified to teach others martial arts!”After hearing what Yan Shisan said, Wen Hua said with a wry smile!

“You are so humble!”After hearing what Wen Hua said, Yan Shisan shook his head and said!

“I am telling the truth. After all, I only practice basic swordsmanship and internal skills, and it has only been practiced for two months!”Wen Hua said helplessly!

“Wait, what did you say? You have only been practicing for two months?”

Although he guessed that Wen Hua might not have been practicing martial arts for long, but after hearing from him that he had only been practicing for two months, Yan Shisan stopped and looked at him in astonishment!

“Yes! Wen Hua nodded and said, not understanding why Yan Shisan was so surprised!

“So, where did you learn these basic internal skills and sword skills?”After a moment of silence, Yan Shisan asked!

From Yan Shisan’s perspective, it can be seen that Wen Hua’s internal strength and swordsmanship are extremely extraordinary. He said before that he had basic internal strength and basic swordsmanship. Yan Shisan He just thought he didn’t want to say it and just made an excuse!

But now, knowing that Wen Hua has only been practicing for two months, Yan Shisan understands that it’s not that Wen Hua wants to hide it, but that he really has nothing. So understanding!

In this case, the so-called basic swordsmanship and basic internal skills should have been told to him by the person who taught Wen Hua, right?

This makes Yan Shisan feel surprised. Who taught him such advanced internal skills and skills? Swordsmanship, but he lied to him that it was just basic internal strength and swordsmanship?

“My basic internal strength and basic swordsmanship were taught to me by the Master of Lotus Hall, Divine Doctor Li!”

Hearing this, he hesitated for a moment. It seems that Doctor Li didn’t say that this matter cannot be disclosed?

Therefore, Wen Hua answered calmly!

“Divine Doctor Li, it turns out to be him!”Hearing this, Yan Shisan was shocked at first, and then suddenly realized!

“oh? Brother Yan, do you also know Dr. Li? Wen Hua asked!

“Of course, Divine Doctor Li cured my illness a few days ago, but I still owe Divine Doctor Li the medical fee. I have been working hard to make money recently!”Yan Shisan replied!

Because of Li Lianhua, Wen Hua and Yan Shisan seem to be much closer!

However, by this time, Yan Shisan has already understood Wen Hua’s situation!

Maybe it’s Because of Divine Doctor Li’s little bad taste, he deliberately made Wen Hua think that he only practiced basic internal skills and basic swordsmanship?

Or, for Divine Doctor Li in the Sword Fairy Realm, the swordsmanship and internal skills he taught were really valuable. It’s just the most basic ones?

Anyway, it’s because of Divine Doctor Li that Wen Hua, who already has good internal skills and swordsmanship after only practicing for two months, always thinks that his training time is short. He only has basic internal skills and sword skills, so he mistakenly thinks that he is just the lowest martial artist in the world?

“Hey, wait a minute……”

However, after understanding Wen Hua’s situation, Yan Shisan suddenly thought of something and said to Wen Hua:”You have only practiced for two months, but you have mastered a ray of sword intent!?”

Yes, the world There are so many people who use the sword, just like the crucian carp crossing the river, but there are only a handful of people who can understand the meaning of the sword!

Wen Hua only practiced for two months, but he understood the meaning of the sword? Could this be a peerless genius?

“Sword intent? what is that?”Wen Hua looked at Yan Shisan blankly!

“That’s the one……”

Yan Shisan still wanted to explain something, but he suddenly realized it and looked at Wen Hua in amazement:”So that’s it. It turns out that your sword intention was also what Divine Doctor Li helped you understand!”

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