Chapter XNUMX Plan!

At the beginning of the scene, it became extremely silent, not only this Xu Qingru, but even Ye Fantian had become eccentric at this time, the white in front of him was not the other’s tight pants and what?

In this latter body ’s slight jitter, Xu Qingru ’s lovable body seems to be starting to become clearer, and the round and huge buttocks are constantly covered by the pure white pants at this time. , But it can no longer completely wrap it, especially at this time her lovable body was affected by the dress after the tear, so it caused the whole person to form a posture of bending down and hips, but Such a posture is such a position, but it makes the opponent’s perfect arc and the degree of temptation after bending and hips become stronger.

Ye Fantian swears to Tian, ​​he really did n’t mean it, but the other side ’s plump buttocks are constantly swaying back and forth in front of him, especially the movement after bending down seems to make this plumper more plump And seductive.

“I’m going to kill you!”

Xu Qingru, who finally reacted, started screaming and moved towards Ye Fantian, but had to say that the actions of people under the fury were really surprising.

From this position of Ye Fantian, it is natural to see the other party ’s sloppy spring posture, but the moment the other party moved towards himself, Ye Fantian already saw it. This guy definitely hates this time. Out of nature, it’s impossible to relax easily in force.

“Forget it, in order to prevent the other party from getting too bad, then take it one last time, damn it is really low-key and it is trouble.”

In Ye Fantian’s thoughts, the opponent had already rushed over Ye Fantian.

It is a pity that she has forgotten that under her feet, the shattered skirt is still entwined, even if your speed is so fast, but this step always needs to be active, so at this time, That is, at this instant, the opponent’s body was directly torn off by the tear of the cloth under his feet.

Ye Fantian had planned to take the opponent’s attack at this time, but he did not expect that the opponent was about to fall in front of him.

The powerful impact really made Ye Fantian never expect it to be like this, so he was directly hit together, and his body formed a posture of being a woman and a man.

Snow white thighs, shredded skirts, all this seems to be extremely comfortable.


The horrific offensive energy that suddenly stood beside the two exploded!

Pā pā pā ……

A few rapid sounds of floor sounded quickly.

Huang Lei and the others have already rushed over at this time, and the people around them also reacted at this time, but not only Huang Lei and the others, but even the white jade cherry and the others also arrived here, but Everyone was completely stunned by the sight in front of them.

The female thigh and the male thigh, especially the white thighs of the other side, were still entwined in Ye Fantian’s waist. At the dawn of spring, everything seemed to have started to stand still.

The corners of Huang Lei and the others began to twitch completely, and that Baicaotian even showed a gesture of panting: “This is open, why haven’t I met such a woman?”

“Ermei … you, what are you doing?”

Bai Yuying, who has been so calm and rare that things can get out of control at this time, has been completely speechless at this time, can’t help but stretch out her jade hand, pointing at Xu Qingru loudly.

“I said, can you not be so surprised, boss, quickly remove this pornographic girl from my body.”

Although saying that nephrite is indeed an extremely exciting thing in her arms, it does not mean that Ye Fantian likes it, especially at this time in front of so many people, such embarrassment really makes Ye Fantian almost Depressed to death.


Xu Qingru finally reacted, and then screamed extremely moved towards Bai Yuying and picked it up.

Huang Lei stared at Bai Yuying with a “serious” look, saying, “Who said that, even if you like the fourth child in our dormitory, can you use some reliable methods? Such a method is really very impressive. It’s hard to accept, especially the behavior seems to be … “

“To shut up!”

Xu Qingru had completely gone crazy at this time. After putting on a robe, her lovable body was shaking madly at this time.

Bai Yuying naturally knew her temper of this second sister, but the things in front of her, even how she explained them, seemed to be futile, so she said to Xu Qingru: “hmph, let’s go!”

Ye Fantian stroked his body helplessly said: “It hurts!”

Xu Qingru heard this, and she almost fell again. Even though she was so proud at this time, she was completely mad by the excitement of Ye Fantian: “Ye Fantian, I will not let you go. “

Although these people around are weird, they dare not say more, especially if they see few places, and naturally they ca n’t say more, but soon this thing is happening again It was spread …

“Fourth child, what a great Yanfu.”

雷雷 said with a laugh.

“Che … how about you?”

Ye Fantian said helplessly finishing his robes.

“To …!”

Two different voices came out in unison, not who would this wild thunder and Bai Caotian be?

It seems that the beginning of the matter has passed, but Xu Qingru, one of the Academy Ten Great Beauties, is a very closely watched existence, so at this time, everyone also began to publicize it.

“Have you heard? That fire rose is pursuing a kid who is just sixteen years old.”

A wretched young man said yearningly.

His partner beside him was unhappy and said: “che, I have known about this for a long time, but I know more complete information.”

After hearing this, the good people gathered around.

Seeing everyone look like this, the guy’s face suddenly showed a proud expression, and then said with satisfaction: “I heard, however, that the fire rose was not actually accepted by the kid, but took the initiative to go Chased each other backwards. “

This was a quite heavy bomb, and everyone’s faces began to look very surprised. And the latter continued: “And it is said that the fire rose failed in courtship, forcibly forced the kid in a secret corner.”

“Isn’t it? So good, that kid is really blessed. Such a beauty can still give himself up, which really tastes good.”

“hmph! ”

Suddenly the coldly snorted sound rang suddenly at this time, and with the emergence of the sound, the immediate surrounding air seemed to be terrifying summon and controlled, which was not only extremely stagnation, but also became horrible cold .

A young man in a golden robe stared indifferently at these whispers, his killing intent in his eyes burst out insanely.

“Who is this guy? Okay … so terrifying.”

Many people started to whisper at this time.

By this man’s side, several strong young men had begun to secretly operate True Qi at this time.

With the slight movement of his fingers, the fingers of the golden robed man slowly morphed into numerous handprints, and then he shrouded the other person’s body in this way, and then lightly said, “Don’t talk, one year, meridian torture one month! “

The golden robed man has slowly left here before waiting for those people to react, but soon a terrifying pain in the body broke out at this time, the kind that penetrated the bone marrow. The severe pain also made them start to scream loudly …

In a corner of this Academy, a young man from External Discharge of True Qi suddenly moved towards him and attacked quickly. Although the young man seemed to be fast, he was working hard. But the incomparable terror, each attack is enough to hit the opponent’s vital points a little bit of blood.


astral qi In a sudden burst of hair, these people were suddenly brought to the ground in front of the young man, and the disdain on his face appeared slightly: “hmph, rob me, it seems to be weaker, everyone. , Hand over your points. “

This kind of robbing has been common in Academy, but it is still relatively rare like this, especially when a low-level student can win a high-level student, or a situation with a lot of enemies.

Slowly stuffed a piece of dried meat into his mouth, Ye Fantian chewed slowly, then his eyes narrowed slightly, and said to the few people in the desert, “You mean to let me stay in this dormitory, Wait a month before going out? “

Desolation with a smile: “Fourth child, this is not the time to take things for granted. If we say that once we leave your side as before, your safety will be completely restricted, it is better to stay in the dormitory. Good. “

Ye Fantian said silently: “Please, anyway, I am also a member of this Academy, and my identity is also martial arts, so I do n’t need to worry too much about my security issues, I still have some strength to protect myself. . “

Bai Caotian helpedlessly said: “I knew this guy wouldn’t agree. So, if we don’t have any special things, we should stay together. At least one person stays with the fourth child, so I want to be safe too. There is protection. “


“it is good!”

That is, while several people were still discussing, a young man in a golden robe was already standing in the class where Ye Fantian and the others were …

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