Chapter XNUMX Accident!

A flaming long hair straight up to the hip, the perfect and soft posture makes it hard to notice the part of the end of her long hair rubbing

Pink eyes sparkled with a strange sheen, it seemed to be a charming gesture when looking at you, and the exquisite pretty face really made people glance at the eyes, small and cute red lips More colorful than ordinary people, just like the blooming rose, hot and full of temptation.

This person is not just who Xu Qingru will be!

At this time, many people were standing around there. The secret thing is that these people seem to be completely unconscious of the appearance of the two, but just slowly patrolling around, it seems to be guarding the two. One class.

Looking at the people around him, Ye Fantian’s heart has begun to understand the meaning of the other party. Obviously this woman was prepared this time.

“Hmph … are you waiting for your housemates?”

Xu Qingru’s face smiled more and more proudly. Although this smile was indeed beautiful in the eyes of ordinary people, it was very ordinary in Ye Fantian’s eyes and heard about his roommates. Ye Fantian’s Eyes began to stun involuntarily, “How did you treat them?”

“The Great Ape Stick Method-One Stick!”

The thunderous roar revealed on the face of Huang Lei, and the long sticks in his hands continued to make terrifying thunders. The energy around him began to form a perfect arc with his dancing. At this time, Huang Lei’s body was even bigger than before, and the veins on his arms were constantly shaking, just like the python on the dry ground, and the force of terrifying was constantly erupting in the shaking.

In front of him, a stunning beauty is walking like a wave, constantly walking beautiful steps back and forth, the white arm of jade is constantly waving at a certain moment, and jade hand or five or ten fingers back and forth Staggered use.

However, the woman’s movements were quite secretive. When the tactics of the wild thunder reached their peak, they would be interrupted by the other party, and then they would become invisible or lose their energy.

The posture of a woman in her twenties, and Zhou has a unique temperament, and the layer of pink energy in that week is constantly spinning and dancing like a stream of water.

This girl is not who Bai Yuying will be!

Huang Lei is now very annoyed. The opponent’s cultivation technique obviously has the role of restraining his own cultivation technique. What he is particular about is the great ape stick method that attacks with great strength between the wide open and close. After I met the woman in front of me, that soft water-like energy entered the liver, making myself completely unable to go through the real breakthrough, even the other person’s weak spot could not be found out.

And the strength of this wild thunder is samurai-grade top grade, but it has not reached the level of Peak, but Bai Yuying is not the same, the other party has basically reached the level of top grade Peak. Once you enter Peak, it means that she has stepped into Martial with one foot Master level, so that with such restrictions, that astral qi is also readily available and can barely be displayed.

“I don’t want to hurt you, but you still have to wait here obediently. Otherwise, I think you should know that there is no way to leave my offensive range with your strength.”

Bai Yuying’s red lips lightened, and the charming voice came out slowly.

If you encountered such a stunner in the past, naturally Lei Lei would choose to pass by quickly, and then take the initiative to talk, but now it is different. A beautiful woman has blocked her own path for no reason, and the main reason is to give yourself Staying here, this kind of thing is definitely tricky.

“Leave me here, which means that there is something that I can’t discover, and it can be said that once I find out, I will definitely make consequences that I don’t want the other party to wish.

Lei Lei began to think quickly.

“But I don’t seem to have anything to worry about in this Academy, because I don’t know many people, wait, people I know? Dormitory!”

Thinking of this, his face began to look ugly: “I thought of why you guys stopped me.”

After hearing the words of Huang Lei, Bai Yuying’s face could not help but reveal a surprised expression, completely did not expect that this guy’s brain turned so fast.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Huang Lei’s eyes slowly grew colder: “Ye Fantian? Zhuge Mingjing? Or Baicaotian, yes, it should be Brahma, this boy’s strength is not strong.”


After hearing the words of Huang Lei, Bai Yuying’s face suddenly began to show a surprised expression, completely because the other party’s thinking was too fast, so fast the reaction speed made Bai Yuying more afraid to despise the person.

“Rest assured, we won’t hurt him too much, just give him a lesson, so as not to talk indiscriminately later.”

Huang Lei sneered and said, “Yes? Then if I take your sister away and tell you, we are just going to play, we won’t do anything else, do you believe it?”


astral qi suddenly urged out! !!

Huang Lei said with a sneer look: “You don’t believe it, then why would I believe you? The devil dances-oh!”

“This beautiful elder sister, don’t you think it seems too fast between us?”

Bai Caotian said to the child-faced woman who was opposite, although her heart was sighing, her eyes were fiercely on the pair of chests as if she was going to look in, but her body was slowly moving. Step back.

Xiao Muyu’s heart was called an anger, and she felt that his shameful part was being stared at by the other side. At this time, jade hand had begun to pinch together completely, but gnashing teeth in his mouth said, “Why am I not Feel, I feel you are definitely my favorite type. “

Taking a step forward gently, Bai Caotian helpedlessly said: “If you say, in the past, I would definitely like this beautiful woman who came to the door, especially for your childlike face ** Beautiful lady, but my dad told me that as a businessman, you must always understand that there is no possibility of losing Gold Coin in this day, even if it is, it is also a fake currency, so say beautiful girl, how do I feel you seem to be I have a plan, and also, I like Sister Yu, although you are a woman who is fully mature in age and body, I will not refuse, but my interest is still less, especially yours With the palm of your hand, please do n’t pinch it. If you want to fight, hurry up … ”

“I like more powerful women … you too weak!”

Zhuge Mingjing said indifferently, and then quietly left the stunned Chi Lianyue: “What the hell? Is this guy a wood? Like a strong woman? Isn’t the old lady strong enough?”

“Damn, these guys who let them come.”

Looking at more and more people around, Xu Qingru also showed a surprised expression on her pretty face, and then said proudly with a smile to Ye Fantian: “I said, you offended me , Then there is only one result, it is difficult to move! “

Ye Fantian took a step slowly, and then lightly said, “More than an inch!”

Immediately after this remark, Xu Qingru became completely crazy: “Asshole, you humble ant, do you only know that you can use your mouth to take advantage?”


The powerful True Qi suddenly gathered in the other’s hands, and then Xu Qingru’s lovable body was like a Dragon Phoenix, floating and extremely fast, and rushed towards Ye Fantian very fast.

“It’s worth having a big brother who is one of the ten great experts, and this woman’s strength is also good.”

Ye Fantian thought secretly, but his body seemed to be in panic, and he shouted loudly, “Xu Qingru, I told you, even if you killed me, I also do not like you.”

The voice containing True Qi quickly spread all around from here.

“Sharp bastard, let’s die!”

True Qi turned into a sharp blade, and suddenly the air was quickly cut into countless fragments, and then the opponent ’s palm had not begun to cut on Ye Fantian ’s shoulder without the slightest hesitation. Indeed, the body of the ordinary person can definitely stay in the bed for ten and a half months before he can recover.


Right hand With a slight movement, the feet were transfigured, and Ye Fantian’s heel appeared directly in front of the opponent’s jade foot. Even if a person’s speed is fast and his strength is strong, but once he is tripped, the result It is obvious.

Sure enough, in the presence of such a powerful impact, Xu Qingru’s friendship was like a bazooka containing a powerful impact, and he moved madly towards the front.

And Ye Fantian’s palm slightly pulled the opponent’s dress and then pulled back.


The harsh friction sounded, and then the snow white item appeared to be in front of Ye Fantian. Although the white snow only saw a corner, and it was still facing away from Ye Fantian, but that kind of With the skin of snow white and this snow white object, everything seems to be extremely attractive.

Yes, Ye Fantian’s palm ‘accidentally’ tore the other person’s skirt-skirt? !!

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