“These two guys seem to be finished!”

Warlord Paragon’s face with domineering waves, his eyes slowly opened and closed, flashing around like a thunderbolt, the voice passed out, but the mind was quickly alert. k “;

“Well, yes, because the strength of both of them is not our opponent at all, especially in the current battle, Lao Tzu has gradually begun to adapt to the current strength and fighting style. I believe soon, the four epochs The power will quickly merge with me. “

“Yes, now they are not Lao Tzu’s opponents at all. If these four epochs of cultivation base can be consolidated, these two idiots will not be Lao Tzu’s opponents!”

Battle Saint said with a smile in his mouth.

“Bloodline that dare to hurt Lao Tzu, I must make them regret this time, absolutely regret it!”

The eyes of War Par Paragon glowed with incomparable brilliance, his mouth cracked, revealing a sensation of killing intent …


Suddenly at this time, a vast power began to release from the dragon Paragon and the ancient Emperor 2c. Both eyes were dazzled, their hands quickly controlled the general development of this world, and with the actions of each other , The whole sky is as if a faint burst.

“dēng dēng dēng !”

The bodies of both Battle Saint and Battle Paragon couldn’t help but moved three steps backwards behind them. Both eyes looked in horror at the two outside ten thousand meters, their hearts were shaking.

I glanced at each other, but the inside of each other saw a shock that was hard to hide.

“This is terrifying, terrifying, be careful!”

Warfighter Paragon’s mouth solemnly said.



The space shook, and a strange and huge machete appeared in the hands of Battle Saint. This machete is a battle knife. The fighting intent is extraordinary. The boundless resentment is like rising to the sky, covering the sky. The demon power of Japan is being released, such an overbearing momentum is as if the monstrous troll has started to wake up.

“锵锵 clang!”

With the constant surge of momentum, the long chirping sound of the long knife in the opponent’s hand is also increasing.

It looks like a demon dragon that has been sleeping for countless years. It looks at its prey greedily. The whole body is gold, but this yellow golden is supposed to be noble and righteous rays of light, but on top of this sword Extremely weird and evil.

“Golden Battle Blade … do you really control it?”

Looking at the Golden Battle Blade, the face of the Paragon Paragon could not help but change, and a roar came out.

“Hmph… This Golden Battle Blade is my golden Demon Ape Clan’s magic knife, which is stained with countless demons’ blood. It can suppress ten parties by relying only on a fighting intent. The original Lao Tzu did not have the qualification to defeat the opponent. This evil momentum, but now, Lao Tzu ’s strength has been improved once again, already has this qualification, war fighter, you should not hide too, your war demon gun should come out to breathe a sigh of relief! ”Looking at war fighter Paragon said slowly, Battle Saint.

“War gun …”

After hearing these three words, the face of Warlord Paragon couldn’t help showing a tremor, but soon it was bitterly said with a smile: “War gun, you have been alone for a long time, it really needs to come out Spread it out! “



The spirit of war demon is immense. | i ^

That is a long spear with black paint on the whole body. On the long spear, a mark like a magic pattern is carved and evolves to form countless mysterious lines. These lines combine to form a strange humanoid pattern. It seems to be a silhouette of the world’s unparalleled, worldly unparalleled, and it seems to be an overbearing and extraordinary Deity.

The simple gesture can make people worship it, but in this silhouette, there is a vague sense of evil and magic.

War magic gun!

Supreme’s Magic Gun!

Whether it ’s the Golden Battle Blade or the war gun, it ’s a formidable thing in these two Ancient Races. It ’s very powerful and evil. Normally, even if it ’s Paragon and Battle Saint, both will not to touch each other, because it is too powerful to control, but now their strength and cultivation base already have this qualification.


Get out of the air with both feet!

Above Zhou Tian, ​​in ancient times, cracks began to appear.

Those are two huge silhouettes, with the rare and magnificent momentum of ancient times. Between Heaven and Earth is like their World, they are in control.

“This aura …?!”

The faces of both the Warlord Paragon and the Battle Saint changed, because they felt the momentum released in the two silhouettes.



Emperor Arugu and Paragon both waved their fists together, fiercely struck their chests, accompanied by the spray of two gold-like glazed blood, and the moment when they were blasted into the sky, two silhouette finally began to consolidate.

This is an illusory shadow of a Buddha and a silhouette of a Confucian student!

The two sit on top of that void, as if playing a game, and they have a wonderful breath that makes people tremble. This breath is ancient to the extreme and deep to Peak, just like the oldest existence in the universe.

Although this silhouette is still vague, such an overbearing breath is enough to sweep everything.

“This is … the breath of Martial Dao Saint Level, damn it, it should be so breathable? Do these two guys have enough summons to exist the secret of Martial Dao Saint Level powerhouse?” China is carrying an unbelievable brilliance. If so, then things are really troublesome.


In the void, two illusory shadows once again made a wonderful wave sound, this sound awakened the two still in shock.

“I didn’t expect it … it is possible to force the deity to display to such an extent, Paragon and Battle Saint, you two old hybrids seem to be breaking through!”

Paragon is obviously extremely angry at his illusory shadow of summon Martial Dao Saint Level, roaring in his mouth.

“Forcing Bendi to exhibit the final killing move, and even to show the babies that were hard to come by, Bendi swears that he must kill you and refining your mystic soul, so that Ben can The fire inside the emperor is extinguished! “

“Clang!” The Golden Battle Blade slowly aimed at the two, and the pair of yellow golden pupils of the Battle Saint respectfully released continuously and quickly released, setting off two violent rolling rivers:

“Unexpectedly, you have a mark of Martial Dao Saint on your body. This mark seems to be the most elementary. Even Martial Dao Saint Level’s strength of one thousandth cannot be exerted. Thanks to you as a treasure. General offering! “

The disdainful words suddenly angered the ancient Emperor and the dragon Paragon. Both of them screamed at once, and immediately caused a mighty power:

“Battle Saint, you die!”

The energy of Paragon was boiling, and then he was in charge of the sky. The illusory shadow of the great Buddha was quickly cast, and then a divine might was released. The infinite horror of the glorious power broke the ancient nature. Saint John attacked the past.


“I’ll see you die!”

The Golden Battle Blade danced quickly, and the golden energy of Huang Golden ran up quickly.


The Confucian illusory shadow also moved quickly, and the fleshhy body of moved towards War Par Paragon locked in the past.


The rapid detonation of the war demon gun set off, setting off a huge magic sea …

Hong long long ……

The illusory shadow of Martial Dao Saint Level, wherever he goes, everything in the heavens and earth seems to become eternal. At this moment, all things worship in worship, and the only and eternity to this Heaven and Earth begins to worship.

No, not worship, but have to worship!

“Ka-cha !!”

A burst of crackling sounds appeared, and the faces of both the Warlord Paragon and the Battle Saint changed suddenly, their eyes glazed round, and their energy began to boil suddenly.

Their attack was broken.

I saw those two illusory shadows with Saint’s breath, and slowly shot. The two hands, hiding the sky and covering the earth, seemed to be the master and sole of Between Heaven and Earth.

With the show of the opponent, it was only a short while, but the offense of the two had been shattered.

“damn it!”

Battle Saint’s face showed a crazy expression, roaring loudly, the huge Golden Battle Blade seemed to be a flame, the flame of yellow golden began to set off an infinite river and began to flow.

“War gun, pierce!”

Warlord Paragon’s war magic gun formed a point, which was infinitely reduced, but the power contained in it was enough to break the dimension of each and everyone’s Star Domain.

This is the desperate power of the two, which can shake the sky naturally.

The powerful “hong” was exhibited again at this time, and the sky moved. At this moment, Martial Dao Saint was angry, and their dignity and glory did not allow them to fail, although it was only a little bit of their power, even insignificant. A little illusory shadow, but it is also proud, proud, and invincible.

In the roar, the palms of the hands are shaking, how strong and handy Saint ’s hand is, just for a moment, they can break the void, turn the river into the sea, in the eternity of eternity, worship all things, they are truly immortal, they are Supreme ’s eternal.

How will it fail.

With the dancing of those hands, the entire starry sky was shaking, and their palms moved, wherever they went, the broken Star River, the world of each and everyone!



The battle fighters Paragon and Battle Saint are in the roar, and the blood is flying out, and the fleshy body pipa is rattled, and it is obviously seriously injured.

“Ha Ha Ha…”

The expressions of ecstasy were revealed on the faces of Emperor Aragon and Paragon, and his mouth was loud and arrogant.

All expressions on the face are proud.


The two Martial Dao Saint illusory shadows slowly dissipated, and the countless glory shattered, forming two ancient marks, which were then swallowed up by this world.

This is a trace of their energy, once released it will be recovered by heaven and earth.

“Even if you lose the power of Martial Dao Saint, this deity can still kill you now!”

Looking at the two softly falling to the ground, Paragon’s face with an extremely proud expression, screaming wildly, in words, his palm has created a terrible divide glow, quickly moved towards Both Paragon and Battle Saint shrouded the past.


I have n’t waited for this energy to radiate. Suddenly, a horrible energy is radiated from his side. The powerful and horrible energy is instantly excited, and the next moment, this drop The dragon’s fleshhy body was blown away, and the mouth spit with blood, and in that look was an incredible expression, and the mouth shouted sternly:

“Someone, dare sneak attack me !!!”

In the voice, how crazy was that, apparently already angered to the extreme.

“Could it be that?!”

Both War Paragon and Battle Saint were desperate, but they did not expect a turnaround at this time. In the eyes of everyone’s shock, a silhouette slowly appeared in front of them, the voice was cold. Biting out:

“The person who collects the money, descends the dragon, the ancients, I’m here to collect the money!”

[Author’s off topic]: ps: the third one that is late, sorry everyone, after finishing the work at hand, I started to rush the draft. Today is really too busy, and I did not take a holiday … I hope everyone will appreciate it … Get off work and go home for dinner. I do n’t know if I will work overtime tonight. I ’m still waiting for the notice.

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