“This guy … this guy doesn’t look weak at all, and is many times stronger than the original period of strength!”

Someone made a sharp cry.

“Run, this guy is too terrifying, we can’t beat it!”

The screams of everyone also made the rest of the people feel the seriousness of the situation, directly cut through the void moved towards and fled outside.

“Kill them, leave none!” Ye Fantian said slowly into the void.

That is, in the eyes of these horrified astonishments, they just cut through the void, but in the next moment, they suddenly felt a pain in their fleshhy body, and beside them, all of them were like ghosts. The illusory shadow is being moved towards them with a weird smile.


Powerful beings in hell.

Hell souls are the most powerful and wonderful kind of powerful creatures in Hell. They are not only immortal creatures. Unless they are exposed to forces beyond their limits, as long as it is Hell Emperor, and hell is immortal, they are Eternal life unying and indestructible.

And after the growth and growth of Hell Emperor, they will also become stronger, and the infernal spirits have now reached a powerful era of cultivation base.

With the essence of undying and indestructible, at this time, it is naturally enough to make this group of powerhouses drink and hate it, but it is just a moment of time, and these powerhouses are directly dropped.

The powerful effect of the hell soul, in Ye Fantian’s plan, the mysterious souls in the palm of his hand began to appear. These are all the only existence after the fall of the powerhouse, but Ye Fantian does not intend to let them continue to exist.


The palm of his hand flew, and all of it was refining away immediately. The power of hell was exerted, and the Gate of Hell was opened, and these mighty fragmented corpses were refining into the world of hell.

This time, Ye Fantian made a big profit.

Quite profitable!

All the secrets and skills are presented in Ye Fantian’s mind.

With a slight movement of the palm, a huge divine hammer appeared, which is the existence of an extremely godlike non-extinguishing soul hammer. This is the secret technique that Ye Fantian obtained from the non-extinguishing hammer.

It is more perfect than the other side’s cultivation, and it can be performed without the help of a hammer that does not extinguishing soul.

“hong long long”

The rise of hell has set off a tsunami. Tens of thousands of hell creatures have awakened from the depths of this hell. At this time, Ye Fantian is already qualified to start a part of this hell.

These hell creatures are not living things at all, but ancient war spirits, which are an ancient existence left after countless years. They are powerful and even amazing.

“The will evolved by the powerful hell creatures has already begun to be released at this time. As long as it gives me a chance, I can sum up all of it, but I can’t see it now!”

Ye Fantian has a feeling that the current hell power is best to secretly suppress it. As long as it is at the right opportunity, he can release it. Otherwise, once the power of hell is released now, I do n’t need a moment. The moment will be known by this Martial Dao Saint Level powerhouse.

As time goes on, Ye Fantian feels more and more that in the depths of the heavens, there is a group of extremely powerful forces being generated. Even if the opponent is powerful, he ca n’t even fight it now, and Ye Fantian feels even more The battle between himself and that Martial Dao Saint Level was unavoidable.

In the unavoidable battle, I am afraid that there will be many powerhouses. Now I must suppress the power of hell for the future battle …

Binocular moved towards looking in one direction.

There, there was still a shocked expression on the pretty face of the Goddess Emperor. Ye Fantian in front of him was really scary. The arrogant gesture was beyond her imagination. One was just immortal. The junior juniors brought about by the advanced juniors, but it has led to such a powerful battle strength, which is unheard of.

Especially when Ye Fantian’s control created a huge hammer, Goddess’s heart almost flew up because of excessive shock.

This is just to break her experience. The glory of this magic hammer just now is clearly the secret skill of the immortal hammer. Ye Fantian can be exhibited, and it is more horrible than the one just performed. The three flavors are so enlightening.

“This time, many thanks you …”

Ye Fantian said slowly.

For the Goddess Emperor, Ye Fantian’s heart is helpless. Hell was beheaded and killed by the gods. Although the predecessor is the powerhouse of Martial Dao Saint Level, the gods are only used as guns.

However, this incident said that it broke the sky and could not change the other party’s evil history.

“Hmph … My emperor said, your life is mine. Only my emperor is eligible to receive it!” It seemed to feel Ye Fantian’s tone, Goddess emperor’s secret anger began to generate, coldly said .


A slight movement of Ye Fantian’s palm shrouded a guardian mark on this Goddess emperor. This mark slowly penetrated into the opponent’s lovable body, and the flashes of light flowed away, and then disappeared.

With his strength, even if this Goddess emperor wants to dodge, it is impossible. So, now he is not the amazing and horrible Goddess emperor can imagine.

“This is a mark of mine. You can feel it. As long as it is dangerous, I will show up. Then, you can summon me.”

Ye Fantian said gently nodded.

“Master Hell Emperor!”

There was a wave of anxiety in the tone of the old broken sword.

He doesn’t have a good opinion of gods. Therefore, although this mark of Ye Fantian looks ordinary, it actually has a great effect, especially if Goddess wants to frame Ye Fantian, it can definitely be arranged in advance. Waiting for Ye Fantian’s arrival, this has a lot of binding force on Ye Fantian.

“It’s okay, this time owes a favor to the other person.”

Ye Fantian secretly replied.

Then the silhouette flickered and disappeared quickly: “I have to go and see my Old Ancestor, so I’m leaving …”

Goddess emperor’s pretty face is cold, watching Ye Fantian’s silhouette, the wonderful little mouth draws a lithe and graceful arc:

“Who wants your kindness, hum …” “Sir King, should we go and see?”

The young Goddess rescued by Ye Fantian asked cautiously.

“It’s up to you to see it. He can’t die again. So many immortal Paragon haven’t killed it. This kid’s life is very hard! Let’s go!” The turning of while speaking, he chose to leave …

The Goddess could not help but spit out the pink and lovely fragrant tongue, and then took a look behind his beautiful eyes moved towards, quickly followed the Goddess Emperor and disappeared here …


The body of the War Fighter Paragon flickered, one hand flashed a huge fist, and the world was violently fluctuating. It began to shoot out instantly, and evolved and moved. It set off a long river, rolling down, as if it were substantive. The moved ancient monarch in front of him is a killing move.

The hanging intent hanging in the sky has become a substance. Wherever you go, you have opened up a brand-new era. It moves and you are unparalleled!

Emperor Huanggu’s face changed slightly, the silhouette flashed out quickly, and in his eyes, the imperial spirit shot, and a bright divide glow quickly evolved, and then slapped it with a slap.


The cold biting energy quickly sprinted out, and immediately hit the opponent’s fist prints in the long river.


The powerful vibration force makes the face of this arrogant emperor change fiercely. It was completely unexpected that this fist of Warlord Paragon would be so terrifying. Even after contacting it, his fingers heard crackling sounds. .

It was as if it had been hit by countless heavy blows.

“dēng dēng dēng ……”

His steps backed sharply, his face tinged with astonishment, and his mouth gasping.

“Ha Ha Ha … Skyward Rod, drop dragon, where’s your flame?”

Created by the energy of the Battle Saint, a stick is lifted, as the ancient Divine Vein begins to collapse, quickly hit the opponent’s fleshhy body, and with the dragon Paragon’s body, the panine divine runes is broken, and again is A Skyward Rod was beaten out.


This stick instantly hit the dragon in Paragon’s mouth with a spout of blood, and with a terrified expression on his face, he constantly withdrew from the journey of several dozen li.

“Hu hu hu … what happened? Why are these two guys so powerful?”

Paragon’s mouth sighed loudly.

Beside him, the face of that great ancient emperor is also extremely ugly. In his opinion, although the strength of this battle fighter Paragon and Battle Saint is strong, but it is definitely not stronger than himself, after all, the level is in It’s there.

“I’m not right!”

The bleak roar of Emperor Arugu, the binocular divine glow slowly spit, locking both Battle Saint and Battle Paragon.

“It’s really wrong. The strength of these two is much stronger than we expected. At the beginning, they were not so terrible, but now they are powerful!”

“Yes, it is true. From the beginning of the battle, these two guys were not right, and even the deities felt that their power was constantly increasing. What is going on?

“Could it be that……?!”

Suddenly, the dragon Paragon’s face was ugly, and even his eyes showed shocked expression. He locked the silhouette of the two tightly, and said in his mouth, “Unless it is the two … promoted ! “


Emperor Huanggu’s face suddenly changed, and the exclaiming voice did not cover up.


Four epochs cultivation base?

How can this be?

“Hmph … there is only one explanation, otherwise, their power will not get stronger and stronger!”

“Even so? Although our realm may not be as good as them, but with that trick enough to make them drink hate!”

Emperor Huanggu said coldly.

“The only way!”

The two looked at each other and quickly created thedivine glow, and the energy of the whole body’s evolution seemed to be gestating something, that is, at the moment when they were about to create the power of Supreme, a powerful trace was moving towards them quickly sweeping across come……

[Author off topic]: ps: Dragon Boat Festival, I did not apply for the holiday, but had to work overtime, very fucking … brothers, wait for me to go back at night to make up today’s third …

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