
The voice of angry roar passed.

In this voice, there was a stern and coldness that was difficult to conceal, and with the emergence of the sound, everywhere, there was a gust of wind.

“Not good ……”

Ye Fantian’s face changed slightly.

“Master Hell Emperor, let’s do it!”

Cried the old broken sword and the old mixed hair.

“No, your power is too violent. Once it is displayed, it will affect these guys above.”

Ye Fantian said solemnly slowly in his mouth.

The power of hell can not erupt, and now there is no need to erupt, otherwise it will attract the attention of many people, even people in this field of Buddha will appear.

“Hell … you go!”

Ye Fantian summon came out of ten hell spirits. With their strength, they are very secretive. Compared with Ye Fantian’s “Hidden Murder”, they are terrifying, and the strength of these guys is at least in the immortal advanced cultivation base. So it’s the best thing for them to shoot.

“Yes! Lord Hell Emperor!”

Hell Soul appeared, Qi Qi ’s moved towards Ye Fantian saluted said, there was an excitement in the tone, and after such a long time, they finally found their Hell Emperor, and they had a chance to shoot. For them This is a great grace.

“pu 噗pu… ”

The ten silhouettes were astonishingly fast, and the sound of breaking air began to appear, like a longbow shooting day, and quickly disappeared into place.

Eye of the Myriad Gods!

Ye Fantian frantically refining the fragments of this wild heart, on the one hand, he was watching the trail of these ten souls. The roaring voice just now is very powerful, and it should be an immortal Paragon Level monster, just not Know if it belongs to the Land of Nine Nether or the Abyss.


A circle of haloes began to appear. It was the black halo. With the blessing of Ye Fantian’s Eye of the Myriad Gods, he saw the owner of the halo.

It was a huge earthen-colored monster.

The opponent looks similar to a giant, with Totem on his body. Totem is burning like a flame, and the halo is continuously released from above. Everywhere he goes, all the energy starts to converge from here and there. The energy of the Began began to increase, and the appearance of this Totem became clear.

Turned out to be like a greedy wolf.

“This is the Abyss Stone Demon!”

A hell soul said with a cold face on his face.

Abyss Stone Demon?

Ye Fantian’s heart moved slightly and quickly found the other party’s information.

This abyss stone demon is a creature of the abyss. It is the creature that will be born in the evil land. Although evil, the birth also survived by the power of the earth, so the defense force is amazing.

In particular, the realm of the other party is immortal Paragon. Although these ten hell spirits are immortal, as long as they are Ye Fantian’s hell, they are the worst, but they want to deal with an immortal Paragon Level. Abyss Stone Demon, that is also quite difficult.


The abyss stone demon is greedily engulfing the surrounding energy, and his eyes are gradually moved towards Ye Fantian. The breath of the shard of the barren heart is also very attractive to it, after all, it is rare in ancient times. Thing.

The other pair of light yellow eyes slowly moved towards it, where there were ten hell spirits moving towards it.


Light yellow’s eyes gave out a bad brilliance, and his mouth began to roar, and suddenly he performed Magical Powers, and the huge palms moved toward the ten prison spirits and patted them fiercely.

The power was amazing, and there was a mountain-like power. If it was hit, it would have to retreat for any immortal Paragon.

“Idiot, we are somewhere between reality and reality!”

A cold soul said with a smile.


Between words, they spread out together, and the open hell soul turned into a sharp sword, pierced directly, and moved towards the other’s brows pierced the past.


When the hell soul pierced the other person’s eyebrows, Totem on the Abyss Stone Demon suddenly burst into a flame-like mark, burning fiercely.

“hmph ……”

Coldly snorted again, the other nine hell spirits were not idle, quickly waving their energy, and directly injected into the other person.

The energy of this infernal soul is cold and piercing. Although it is also an evil force, it is stronger than the power of the opponent’s abyss, and it instantly penetrates the opponent’s defense.


Totem shattered and turned directly into nothingness.


Ye Fantian’s palm moved slightly, and quickly swallowed the opponent’s mysterious soul.


A series of pictures began to appear, exposing Ye Fantian’s face with an expression of excitement. He even saw the silhouettes of Paragon and Battle Saint in the memory of the abyss stone demon.

“pā pā pā ……”

The whole body suddenly began to transmit a burst of blasting sound at this time, and the sound began to blast rapidly, the powerful energy evolved was like a flame mountain about to erupt.

“Damn, the energy is starting to run wild!”

Ye Fantian’s face changed slightly, and then he even felt it. Above this void, a strange wave is being generated, which seems to be a calamity wave.

“Is it the immortality of the Paragon? When the immortal superior stepped into the Paragon Level, it seems that no disaster will occur, but now I have appeared … then it shows that this is a special era disaster!” Ye Fantian suddenly thought of the key, and his face showed didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Too bullying, just to become immortal Paragon, but facing an era of empire? What’s so special isn’t it?

“Now I can’t enter the eight sentient beings map of Hell and my grandmother. The fragment of the heart of the barren has not been refining. Without refining, it ca n’t be placed in any of these two spaces. Damn, this time is trouble Now, with the strength of Paragon and that great ancient emperor, you can quickly feel the power of this void. “Ye Fantian became anxious.

Unless you give up this shard of the Great Wilderness yourself, and your fleshhy body enters the hell or the map of the eight living beings of the uncle, but this is impossible for Ye Fantian.

“By the way, find two Old Ancestor, with their strength, enough to deal with these two guys, by then I have refining the fragments of this wild heart!”

Ye Fantian’s mind suddenly appeared a method, then he opened up the power of hell, and forcibly relied on the power of hell to suppress the boiling energy of his fleshy body, but this suppression is just a trail, there is no problem in a short time Yes, but for a long time, you will be finished.

“Go … find Old Ancestor them!”

Ye Fantian released all the souls except those still in cultivation, and let them go together to find the traces of the two Old Ancestor.

“Eye of the Myriad Gods, drive me!”

In the eyebrows, the unrivaled glory of glory was released, flickering and moving, and the powerful force set off quickly shot.

The surrounding environment, everything, quickly appeared in front of Ye Fantian, but such a large Thirty Three Heavens black Demon Realm, it is also very difficult to find two people, but fortunately in this abyss stone demon In the memory of the soul, Ye Fantian still has his own way to find, and quickly found what he wanted based on the memory of the other party.

“There, outside ten thousand li, they once appeared!”

Ye Fantian’s heart was overjoyed, he drove a long river quickly, and a mighty riot broke out.

He had felt the energy of his body within the body, as if it were an awakened dragon elephant. It was about to collapse. If he did n’t find the other person in one and a half minutes, he would probably collapse because of it. To meet the annihilation of the epoch on that day, even if he has the incredible Magical Powers and invincible opportunities, there is only one dead end.

“Hurry up!”

Roared madly in his heart, the pair of Space Wings behind Ye Fantian exudes the prestige of Supreme, and even enveloped the mark of this Hell Emperor in the range of several hundred meters, wherever he went, everything The evil beings all felt the breath of hell, and they originally planned to shoot Ye Fantian to swallow them back to their heads instantly.

Although Ye Fantian is very impressed by them, that aura is too evil, and it is not that they can devour it.


The courting death guy still has it, and angry roar comes out, and then a huge abyss Flood Dragon makes a bloodthirsty roar, and the other party is also a powerful creature of the immortal Paragon Level.

At this moment a pair of huge eyes began to lock Ye Fantian.

“You are the one……”

Seeing this guy, Ye Fantian’s heart moved.

At this time, he just lacked a mount, and forcibly exerting his energy was too terrifying and dangerous, and the abyss of the Flood Dragon was fast, at least in this place, it was faster than the person who exerted his power in this aspect. less.

“Divine Soul Spear!”

A divine spear in his hand was cast, and the surrounding souls gathered in an instant, killing the guy in seconds.

A mysterious soul was poured into it, but Ye Fantian secretly lamented the power of Heze prison soul. If the number of this soul expands hundreds of times, I’m afraid it is not a problem to destroy a Zen.


Harnessing the Abyss Flood Dragon, Ye Fantian’s speed is hundreds of times faster, especially the lingering atmosphere of hell, which breaks the surrounding crickets …

“Damn, we two are really going to die here, isn’t it? Cough Cough …”

Beyond that ten thousand li, in a cave, all the bright brilliance is constantly being released.

A rough voice came, and then there was a sharp cough.

Follow this voice, I saw two silhouettes breathing heavily in this cave.

The fleshhy body of the two is tyrannical, and the scars on the body are rapidly expanding. The cave area is very large, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of hectares, only the outer opening seems a little narrow.

The appearance of these two is rude and overbearing. It is not the Battle Saint and the Paragon who are all looking for, but who else.

After a few coughs in Battle Saint’s mouth, blood had spilled from the corners.

“The Epoch Times came here so quickly, damn it, you were completely caught off guard. The nine You Heavenly Venerate is really a ruthless guy. If it wasn’t for Laozi’s intentions, it wouldn’t have triggered the Epoch Times!”

Fighter Paragon’s face caused a bit of pain, but his voice was still full of energy.

“Yeah, it’s all careless. I didn’t expect that the energy was too abundant, but it limited us both. Now the internal organs have shattered. Damn it. If we die, then clansman will definitely suffer, Zen. He Tianzong’s people will not let them go! “

“Hmph … if it doesn’t work, then we can only use the footsteps of our two races! Just ashamed them!”

Roared Battle Saint fiercely.

Suddenly at this time, a wave quickly passed out. The wave was full of suffocation and bloodthirsty waves, making them both face a sudden change …

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