Looking at this huge piece of wild heart fragment in the hands, Ye Fantian took a deep breath deeply, although the thing in front of him is not big, but it is really dare not to compliment on this weight.

Especially on the earth, a roar continued, all kinds of Magical Powers and mysterious performances searched him crazy, but Ye Fantian didn’t dare to care.

Energy slowly swallowed, slowly enveloping this huge piece of wild heart fragment.

嗤chi chi…

All the subtle qi quickly began to appear, this is the energy in the heart of the wild, each trace is extremely powerful, can communicate the heavens and the earth, can shroud the wild, and even turn over the river is not a difficult matter.

Ordinary people, if they are able to draw a trace of energy from this, may have to be filled with this energy, die directly, and even the mysterious soul will not be left.

“hu ……”

Ye Fantian’s muscles made greedy sounds, crazy refining the energy in it, these energy contain too many things, including the power of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements, and endless Magical Powers, more With strength of Star, power of Ice Thunder, fiery power, strength of Space … and many more.

This is the power of the wilderness, the energy of Supreme.

Gu lu gu lu ……

Among the fans of Ye Fantian’s meridian, it is like a Divine Dragon awakened, constantly temping the surrounding energy into it.

The power of the great waste was flowing, Ye Fantian’s eyebrows released the boundless glory, in which there were endless profound mystery hidden, each one can be called invincible.

The power of the Great Wilderness within the body is extremely familiar with the fragments of the Great Wilderness, as if he had been a friend he hadn’t seen in years, and frantically wrapped it.

The Shard of the Wilderness is an ancient and rare thing. It is said that Hong Jun Saint, who has the color of Supreme Legendary, has a Shard of the Wilderness in his hands, and this is the good luck butterfly in the rumor.

In the name of good fortune, we can see the arrogance of the Heart of the Wild.

The product of the Proterozoic era is naturally unimaginably powerful. As Ye Fantian’s breath began, the powerful energy of refining was almost to sustain him.

The powerful atmosphere that cannot be concealed made Ye Fantian more and more excited. His energy was skyrocketing, and as time went on, the meridian began to be tempered constantly. Each tempering was enough to make Ye Fantian feel one. A brand new realm.

“The emperor … did not find the trace of the other party, this guy seems to have been away for a long time!”

A disciple returned, with an angry expression on his face, and reported to the ancient emperor Shen Shen.

“Impossible, this breath is so strong, this guy must not go far, how arrogant the fragment of the heart of the barren, even according to this record, the other party has existed for countless years, deeply rooted, even with the whole Thirty Three Heavens and Black Demon Realm are all going to be fused together. If the other party takes them away, the weight will be unimaginable, so it ’s absolutely impossible for this guy to hug and leave … “

Emperor Huanggu’s face became extremely ugly.

“Maybe the other party has already refining it …”

A line of Zen disciples returned, and one of them said unhappyly.

The other party slowly looked at the ancient ancient emperor. If it wasn’t for the ancient ancient emperor who had been blocking it, maybe they had already entered here long ago, and naturally they didn’t need to face such losses.

“Hmph, junior, are you teaching me?”

What kind of character is the Great Emperor of the Ancient Emperor, who is unparalleled in the world, lingering all around, Between Heaven and Earth can clearly perceive that the other party ’s tone and expression are naturally in his gaze, feeling the other party ’s tone and Gesture, the Emperor Arugu watched the other slowly slowly sole solely.

“If it weren’t for your Zen being impudent here, this shard of wild heart is already our Tianzong, and now it is still clamoring. Do you really think our Tianzong is afraid that you will not succeed?”

Tianzong disciples looked at each other with a bad expression, and one of them directly evolved a Divine Weapon and slowly aimed at each other.


Divine Weapon’s rubbing sound started to appear, this person looked at the Zen disciple just now, and shouted loudly, “Kneel down, forgive me!”

The sound was loud and firm.

However, the great ancient emperor did not show the slightest manifestation, and it seemed to default to this disciple’s behavior.


An immense amount of mighty power began to show up. The mighty horror was unparalleled. The unscrupulous attitude immediately attracted the dissatisfaction of the Zen disciples, and they began to gather together instantly.


The sound was rolling, the dragon Paragon stepped coldly, his body evolved, and he immediately came to everyone.

Looking at the wild ancient emperor, a cold smile appeared on his face:

“Hangu, how boring it is to lower oneself to somebody’s level with a few juniors …”

“hmph ……”

The ancient emperor coldly snorted, instead of continuing to care about each other, but shouted coldly towards the surrounding disciples:

“This person must not be far away, and once again expand the search, we must find him!”

Then he turned around and disappeared in the same place. Looking at the twinkling backs of the divine runes, Paragon’s face turned slightly black, and then became more gloomy …


Below the ground, Ye Fantian’s body is constantly changing with divine runes. Each of these divine runes is quite mysterious, and numerous traces of sculpture have evolved in it.

“it’s time……”

Ye Fantian roared low in his mouth.

At this time, he had felt that his body had gradually begun to gradually merge with the fragment of the Great Wild Heart, and that powerful energy fluctuation was rapidly evolving.


At the moment when the fragments of the Great Wild Heart were completely incorporated, a vast energy began to fill up.

“roar roar 吼…”

A roar began to pass, this is the sound that the energy of Ye Fantian within the body began to boil and began to erupt, and each of them was like a big yellow bell, opening up ten ways.

Ye Fantian’s hands were printed, and the unstoppable science of “Nine Turns to Xuan Gong” began to slowly circulate in his heart. Within a moment, Ye Fantian’s eyes had suddenly opened.

Among the eyes, the sword-like rays of light began to shuttle, setting off endless waves. The top of the woody mysterious crystal was flowing like chaos rays of light, but met Ye Fantian’s eyes After divine glow, it was forcibly broken, revealing the true face of Lushan.

“Swallow! Great Swallow!”

The energy spread quickly.

Only the powerful fleshhy body can practice and perform this great devouring art.

As the speed of this engulfment increased, the powerful energy began to pour into the limbs.

“hong long long ……”

Above the void, a wonderful thunderbolt began to slowly release …

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