“Give you……”

Ye Fantian tossed him the hell red lotus industry fire.

“Brahma …!”

The bears and the others were in a hurry.

“Anyway, in the name of heavenly Paragon, it won’t deceive us at all, otherwise, his reputation would be stinky. Besides, the person who grabbed things in front of me … does not exist yet!”

As soon as this remark came out, Paragon couldn’t help but took a deep look at him but moved towards himself. There, the fire of the hell red lotus industry was twirling wildly, as if to break out. In general, the intense and violent look was shocking.

“Still your kid is brave …”

Tianji Paragon’s face looked with a touch of greed and looked at the fire of Hell’s red lotus in his hand, constantly flashing the amazing divine glow, the mouth opened slightly, and the saliva was about to flow down.

Obviously this baby really has great attraction for him.

The fire of hell’s red lotus industry flashes with amazing rays of light. It looks like a flame, but it has a cold and evil breath, but this breath is constantly being wrapped, basically Unable to release, this is the power of Hell’s red lotus industry fire, which can eliminate all kinds of negative emotions on the mysterious soul, even tempering mysterious soul. Although the benefits on this flushy body are not great, But it has absolute benefits.

“Very good … indeed the hell red lotus fire of Righteous Sect …”

Soon the face of Paragon had a satisfactory expression on his face, nodded said.

“Then give us information!”

Ye Fantian didn’t have the slightest expression on his face, his eyes slowly looked at each other and said.

“No hurry … let’s talk about the exchange problem first!”

Tianji Paragon said with greed on his face.

“Hell red lotus industry fire for you, information to us is as simple as that, what else needs to be said?”

A pair of demon pupils of Dou De Mo locked the guy, roaring low in his mouth.

“Be that as it may, but this little hell red lotus industry fire wants to get my information, it’s too simple, boy, you think you will care about this hell red lotus industry fire that is not the size of a fist Is it? “” Chi … “

With the movement of both eyes, it turned into a Divine Sword. Generally, among the scarlet, the pair of pupils slowly expanded and contracted, as if looking at each other like a needle, with solemnly said in his mouth: “So, do you plan not to exchange?” In the killing intent, it suddenly flashed out.

“Boy, I’d better advise you not to be too impudent. The strength of the deity is the cultivation base of the immortal Paragon Level, and you have spent two epochs. Do you know what this means? This means that the deity has at least two An era’s cultivation base … Your strength is not an opponent of the deity at all, so you better not think about the hands-on question! “

The epoch of the annihilation, this is a supreme tribulation, terrible, beyond the horror of all things.

This is the way the immortal Paragon leads to the Supreme Martial Road Saint. If you want to bring it down, you have to go to the Transcending Tribulation.

And each time through an epoch of calamity, it will have the power of an epoch, which is exactly what the powerful and immortal Paragons can be proud of.

The two epochs are not easy to resist, even Ye Fantian does not have the ability to be sure to kill the other side.

“Hmph … what do you want to do?”

Looking at the heavenly machine Paragon in front, Ye Fantian’s binocular killing has not stopped.

“Simple, since you have this fist-sized hell red lotus industry fire, there will be more, give you a chance, take out ten times the amount of this hell red lotus industry fire, and I promise you!”

ten times!

This guy is not afraid to die!

The face of the Devil and the others suddenly showed an angry expression, anxious to crush this girl to death.

But they were not able to do so, after all, the information had not yet been obtained.

“it is good……”

Ye Fantian said slowly with an angry expression on his face.


The other party stayed for a while, then immediately showed ecstatic expression. To put it simply, at this time he was daylight robbery. I originally thought that Ye Fantian didn’t have so many, but he didn’t expect Ye Fantian to promise himself, which was beyond him. Expectations, and a trace of greedy expression flashed in his eyes, apparently this guy has been occupied by greed.

“come on……”

The palm of while speaking is stretched out again.

The killing intent in my heart suddenly burst out, but it was not evolved by Ye Fantian to the outside. However, the frost-like breath of these eyes still made Tianji Paragon’s heart tremble for a while.

“shua ……”

The palms moved slightly, and a fire of hell red lotus that was ten times larger than just now began to appear, and Paragon’s eyes that day had a suffocation and greed, and quickly wanted to capture it.


Ye Fantian roared low in his mouth.

“Noah, that’s it …”

While speaking, Paragon’s fingers moved slightly, and then a divine glow was radiated.

The evolution of divine glow quickly formed a one-man scroll, with a dark breath on it, which made people tremble, but the divine runes above were extremely clear, like a devil snake walking on it. Frightened by man.

“This is the Thirty Three Heavens photos, the most extreme place in this picture is where you want to go!”

Ye Fantian gently nodded, the mysterious soul shrouded in the past, and found that the above divine runes were extremely mysterious. The other party did not lie to him, and threw the hell red lotus industry fire in his hand to the other party.

“Hehe … boy, it’s really a pleasure working with you!”

Ye Fantian didn’t say a word, took a deep look at each other, shouted in a deep voice: “Let’s go …” “hmph … old bastard, you wait for Lao Tzu!”

In the eyes of the fighting demon Buddha, there was a hint of suffocation, shouted madly.

“Go!” Ye Fantian growled without looking back.

At this time, Ye Fantian’s performance looked like depression after a major bleeding, but his posture also looked at the face of the paragon’s face for a while. He recognized the amount of fire in the hell’s red lotus industry. Obviously, Ye Fantian had There are not many of them, after all, since hell disappeared, no one can have them for a long time, even if there are so many.

“Hehe, this time makes a lot of money!”

Watching the silhouette where Ye Fantian and the others left, Paragon slowly spoke with a strange smile on his face, then looked at this void, as if communicating with the air:

“What you asked Lao Tzu to do, I have finished all of it, what is your return?” “Hmph ……”

Coldly snorted passed out, a red glow flashed, and a quick thing appeared in the hands of Tianji Paragon:

“Heavenly Paragon, I think, if the war fighter Paragon they know, even if you have no more friends, they won’t protect you.” The mysterious voice came out.

“I think the most afraid of you should be you? If they come out, you are the most bad luck. As for Lao Tzu … enough to evolve the world and get the signal of crisis in advance!”

Looking at this red hair, Paragon quickly closed it, and then looked at the fire in this hell red lotus industry, the excitement and madness on his face became more and more obvious.

“Hmph … this bureau has been designed long ago, War God lineage, gold Demon Ape Clan, since you are going, then stay there with your Old Ancestor!”

The voice shuddered with horror and madness.

“As long as your core Bloodline is completely finished, these two Ancient Races must die!”

“You guys are really cruel enough … but Lao Tzu likes that at this time, those who offend these two Ancient Races, maybe Lao Tzu will be followed by them, as long as their powerhouse is dead, all this It ’s easy to do, Bloodline of the two Ancient Races, I really want to study it! “” Hmph …… this time, mainly to let that kid die, the others are just to play against! “

Mysterious’s voice seemed to be in a good mood, and even said this secret thing, but soon knew that he had made a mistake, and after a cold snorted, there was another burst of air.

Obviously left here.

“BaBa Paragon … you used to say that Lao Tzu was a liar. Let Lao Tzu send your Bloodline there …” The expression on his face suddenly became disgusted, looking at the void. The wave of waves in his face looked extremely amazing, but soon he focused his attention on the hell red lotus industry fire in his hands.

With a trace of fiery and greed on his face …

“It’s numb, this damn bastard, what a pity …”

Loudly roared in the mouth of the fighting demon Buddha.

“Yes, I really want to have a fight with this girl, and he convinced him to take it orally, and he even started sitting on the ground, what is the hell red lotus industry fire? That is the existence of Supreme, this guy is so greedy …

War Bear is also an expression of anger.

“Hmph … it’s absolutely impossible to take advantage of me!”

Ye Fantian’s face showed a hint of coldness and slowly spoke.

“Well …? Brahma, does it mean that the fire of hell red lotus industry is fake?” Everyone’s heart shook, even the face of Zhan Yaoguang’s face was the same!

“No … it’s not fake, it’s true!”

Ye Fantian waved and said.

“Then you …” In the curious eyes of Zhu Qiang, Ye Fantian’s palm moved slightly. In the palm of his hand, the air was constantly twisted like boiling water, and then he could clearly see a red hell. The lotus industry fires quickly.

“If you want to take advantage of my hand, that’s impossible. Since I can give it to him in peace, I can take it back!” In the eyes of everyone’s excitement, distant, beyond those ten thousand li In the place, a crazy roar came out quickly.

The sound was sharp, it seemed to be a gesture of trying to eat people …

“shua ……”

Looking at that direction, Ye Fantian’s mouth raised a smile.

“Hahahaha … this old hybrid is mad this time!”

The expression of excitement and excitement was revealed on the face of the war bear and the others, laughed heartily said …

[Author off topic]: ps: Chapter III

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