“What?” As soon as the remarks came out, an expression of interest suddenly appeared on the face of the night war emperor.

“What do you have?”

Golden Beast looked at Ye Fantian and asked with interest.

“Hell Red Lotus Industry Fire …”

Ye Fantian’s mouth slowly said solemnly.


Hell red lotus industry fire!

This is not a simple thing. It is rare in this Paragon domain. This is a unique product of Supreme’s hell. If you want to get it, you must go to the deepest part of the universe to collect it, and it is quite Scarce.

For tempering itself, the benefits of this hell red lotus industry fire are many, and if it is really obtained, the benefits will be unlimited, so there is no doubt about this.

“Do you have the fire of Hell’s Red Lotus?” Ye Zhanhuang said with an excited expression on his face.

After hell was completely shattered, the fire of Hell’s red lotus industry is also missing here. Even Heaven and Earth, even at the deepest part of the universe, it is difficult to collect a point, unless it is to go to the abyss or Land of Nine Nether May appear a little bit.

But the creatures in it are also extremely scary, and rare people can collect them.

“Hell red lotus industry fire … very good, very confident, if this guy really doesn’t say it, then only use strong!”

After everyone talked about each other, this was definitely said …


An inconspicuous hill in the Paragon domain, surrounded by rolling mountain ranges, completely surrounds the mountain, which is why it is named.

Compared to the many mountains that stand on the surrounding mountain range, the shape of the closed mountain is really small and poor, with an area of ​​less than 10 li. In this Paragon domain, this is a very small mountain. .

But within this range of less than 10 li, no one dares to impudent here.

The surrounding plants and trees are afraid to be destroyed, and the reason for all this is because there is a powerhouse in this mountain, Supreme’s powerhouse heavenly Paragon!

The Eye of the Myriad Gods flickered, Ye Fantian and the war bears stood among them. The opened Eye of the Myriad Gods kept searching for everything around, and then, the closer you looked, the more shocked Ye Fantian’s heart became. .

Ordinary people may not see it, but for Ye Fantian, who has Eye of the Myriad Gods, he has clear insight.

Above Zhou Tian, ​​all the stars are closely linked together, forming a trace of emptiness.

Immediately, the Star River evolved into a god waterfall. The hanging of the sky and covering the earth set off a tide. Over nine days, countless stars of the strength of Star were forcibly plundered. Such a huge strength of Star, even if it is enough to destroy a dimensional Star Domain, but this mountain is not destroyed at all.

Countless divine runes around it swept up, forming an ancient array, as if shameless greedy greedy, and instantly swallowed these strength of Star.

The dragons are lying down, the dragons are undulating …

The geographical location and unique treatment of this mountain actually made Ye Fantian secretly sigh the paragon that designed it.

The other party can run this Celestial Phenomenon and integrate everything perfectly.

There are huge fluctuations in all trees and trees. It can be said that this guy has now completely treated the mountain as a weapon for refining.

If anyone dares to impudent, this closed mountain will riot directly, and the power generated will be extraordinary horror. It is easy to suppress an immortal Paragon.

“Domineering Fengshan!”

Whispered slightly.

“How? Have you found the entrance?”

The fighting demon Buddha shouted, with a helpless expression on his face. For a person who has just solved his virginity, this period of time has been a great torment.

If it wasn’t for the trace of Old Ancestor, the fighting demon Buddha really didn’t want to come, it would be better to roll the sheets with the big peacock glass king.

“Well … find it!”

Ye Fantian gently nodded, then shouted:

“Follow me, wherever I go from, you go from where you are, otherwise, the hidden ancient formations around here will riot, and at that time it will be quite troublesome, but this can solve the immortal Paragon. Ancient formation! “

Ye Fantian’s words immediately made a few guys who were planning to violently destroy, and immediately recovered their energy, followed Ye Fantian honestly, and moved forward quickly.

This mountain looks small, even with the strength of these people, enough to fly a dozen laps in the blink of time, but following Ye Fantian, these people found that Ye Fantian The journey ahead has already exceeded a certain level, even he is not entering the Fengshan, but walking back and forth around the Fengshan.

If it weren’t for Ye Fantian knowing that he wasn’t playing, and someone else had changed, these guys would have been rioting.


Finally, when Ye Fantian came to an azure plant, it stopped slowly.

“It’s here…”

The place where everyone came at this time was clearly on the wall of a large mountain, and the surrounding clouds were dazzling.

“Senior, we are the people of the War God lineage. We are asking for something this time. Please allow Senior to see me!”

Ye Fantian’s voice came out slowly.

The sound is not loud, but under the operation of Ye Fantian’s energy, even 10 li can be heard clearly, but after Ye Fantian’s voice is called, there is no answer from the slightest person, as if he is directly immersed in it In the air.

“No one?” War Bear’s face moved slightly.

“Nobody … I see this old fellow pretending to be dead!”

Loudly shouted in the mouth of the fighting demon Buddha, then the pair of golden demon pupils flickered fiercely: “Isn’t that just a little insight? Pretend to be something mysterious, see that Lao Tzu will not abandon this mountain!”

While speaking, the palm of the palm moved towards the mountain wall was fiercely a punch.

“pa ……”

Ye Fantian’s palm moved quickly, stopping the fighting demon Buddha, lightly saying: “Here are all ancient battles, one connected to the other, if you rashly shot, we are likely to be trapped here, even if it can be Going out, but it will be quite troublesome … “

“Hmph … special, this old fellow!”

The fighting demon Buddha is very convincing to Ye Fantian’s words, and can only curse helplessly.

“Hmph … Looks like you still have a long eye inside!”

Coldly snorted came out.

There is a sharpness and coldness in the sound, which makes people feel quite uncomfortable, especially the fighting devil. This guy was already in a panic. At this time, he heard this voice like killing a duck, more Is uncomfortable.

“Senior is a heavenly Paragon!”

When Ye Fantian’s voice moved, he shouted with joy.

“That’s right, Lao Tzu, what’s the matter with you?” The voice seemed to be proud, and even more arrogant.

“We have something to ask for at this time. Please enlighten me …”

Ye Fantian didn’t like this guy, but he had to use him, so he lowered his posture and said patiently.

“Hmph, isn’t it for the Old Ancestor of your two Ancient Races?” The voice of Paragon that day came out again, but this time has changed Ye Fantian and the others’ face slightly.

“This old fellow even knows our purpose?” The fighting demon Buddha couldn’t help saying.

“Junior, don’t whisper Lao Tzu. Before you come, Lao Tzu has already counted your purpose, but you should know the rules of Lao Tzu …”

“hu ……”

A flame rose into the sky, and it was like Fire Python in Ye Fantian’s hands, swimming constantly, erupting again in the next moment, twisted like a living creature, but in Ye Fantian’s hands, he could only survive the struggle without Way out.

“Hell red lotus industry fire ?!” A surprise voice came out.


One hand, quickly formed, came in, set off a violent divide glow, evolved and moved, as if the goshawk spread its wings, sharp and powerful.

It was only a short while before Ye Fantian had come, trying to snatch this hell red lotus industry fire.

“hmph ……”

Ye Fantian’s mouth was coldly snorted and the silhouette flickered, but the hell red lotus industry fire in his hand had become the size of a fist and was in control.


The fists hit directly, and the air hit was in a mad riot.


With that violent blast, Ye Fantian’s fist had already hit one person.

“dēng dēng dēng ……”

Ye Fantian’s body receded three steps in a row, and everyone pulled out their weapons in unison to be alert.

In front of them, there was one more person.

“It is indeed the Bloodline of the Paragon. It has such speed and strength …”

The sharp voice became clear and passed from this person’s mouth.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, his appearance also appeared in front of everyone.

The silhouette of this person is thin and short, but looks like 1.5 m, and there is an ancient atmosphere lingering on his body, which is only the breath that can appear on the immortal Paragon Level powerhouse.

The sharp-billed monkey cheeks are really uncomfortable.

At this time, a pair of eyes were staring closely at Ye Fantian’s hands of the hell red lotus industry fire, mung bean-sized eyes, extremely hot.

“give me……”

Looking at Ye Fantian, the guy shouted loudly.

“Hmph … Are you planning to snatch it?”

Ye Fantian’s face revealed a baleful aura, and slowly spoke.

“cough cough cough…”

The man’s mouth coughed a few times, and then said with a smile: “Junior, I didn’t expect you to have the hell red lotus industry fire, which is not bad … you really have the qualification to ask me things!”

But soon he looked towards Ye Fantian and said, “But you have to let me look at the fire of the red lotus in Hell …”

“Why do we believe the information you gave is correct!”

The fighting devil looked at the man coldly and asked.

“Just because I’m … Heavenly Paragon!”

[Author off topic]: ps: Chapter XNUMX

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