“hong long long ……”

The sound changed dramatically, as if the waves were turbulent and rolling. The raised sound could shatter all the smashing gestures. Such a terrifying atmosphere instantly made Ye Fantian’s heart more curious.

“It’s here …”

Ye Fantian stopped in one place, all around was empty, but the sound of that violent wave became louder and more terrifying.

“Eye of the Myriad Gods!”

Ye Fantian’s eyebrows moved, behind his head, a round of traces were generated, which was the glory of the gods, with the blessing of the belief of all things, terrifying matchless, and everything was immediately discerned by him.

I saw an ancient staircase appeared in front of him, this staircase leads to a great hall, this great hall is very old and extraordinary, with numerous traces on it, such traces are carved with years.

“How can it be?!”

Ye Fantian’s mind was stunned.

There is such a trace in Mars, and I have never seen it before. Why?

“Go and see!”

Ye Fantian, who didn’t think about it, moved towards the other party.

This ladder does not seem long enough, but in fact it is boundless. When Ye Fantian stepped on it, weird things happened again. This originally illusory existence has now become a physical appearance. .

“what is this?”

Ox Demon King could not help but howled.

There was nothing in front of him, but it appeared instantaneously and completely substantiated. This kind of strong impact made him appear unbearably.

“Gods Vestige, completely Gods Vestige, God, does your old man really exist?”

The marijuana in Chekov’s mouth fell, and his eyes were horrified.

“It’s so long …”

After walking for more than half an hour, Ox Demon King couldn’t help showing hesitant expression, how this ladder looks completely endless.

But the great hall was close at hand.

“Could it be that……!”

A slight movement in Ye Fantian’s heart.

Immediately, his hands were printed, and a vast energy burst out from within the body-broken!

A faint word, but it was as if Divine Thunder was rising to the ground, and the terrible energy began to surge, and it began to envelope and erupt in an instant.


A loud noise, followed by a thunderous thunder, and boundless catastrophes generally moved towards all around, and the speed of this rolling up was terrifying, at least Ye Fantian didn’t expect that his mark would make such a terrible fluctuation. | March Eight Literature


A strange sound also appeared at this time.

I saw the staircase that originally looked simple, but at this time it became a lot more sensational, turned fiercely into a python, quickly moved towards Ye Fantian and the others and twisted wildly.

“This is an illusion, damn it, everything just now is fake!”

Ye Fantian was shocked.

The other party could even hide his Eye of the Myriad Gods, which is an extraordinary horror.

And let yourself be fooled unknowingly, such an amazing method is even more frightening.


A huge vibration came out again, and then a great deal of energy was transmitted from the already active ladder. This force was quite fierce, even if Ye Fantian himself felt that he was a bit difficult to control.


Ox Demon King’s huge body quickly flipped around, and the next moment Ye Fantian and the others were also danced out by this huge force.


Strange waves began to form, one after another star rays of light were flickering, and then surrounded a huge star, and that star waved with the slightest cold wave, and the arrogant breath quickly passed out.

“That’s the power of Yuehua. This turned out to be the power of Yuehua!”

Ye Fantian shouted wildly in his mouth.

“weng weng weng ……”

“锵锵 clang!”

Weird sounds appeared again, as shown by the friction and impact of weapons, Ye Fantian’s bodies were immediately rolled up, and then moved towards one direction and was swallowed down …


“Oh my pretty waist …”


A few screams came out, and in a void, I saw Chekov falling down with his ass facing up, followed by Ox Demon King. The horrible body directly crushed the guy’s fleshhy body, Left a posture of kicking.

Ye Fantian Lingdu looked around.

Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances Do n’t say, there is still a kind of quiet atmosphere here, this is a completely new space, with strange flowers and grasses around, the aroma is fragrant, and there is a kind of deep fluctuation.

“Great hall ?!”

When moving towards another direction, Ye Fantian was surprised to find that a great hall appeared in front of him, and the appearance of this great hall was exactly the same as the great hall that he originally saw, only slightly It seems a bit smaller.

“What is this place?”

Ox Demon King got up from poor Chekov, looked at the great hall in front of him, and said slowly.

“I don’t know, the sound came from here. The channel just now should be a Transmission Formation, and it’s quite weird. I can feel it. There is a terrifying killing intent in the other Transmission Formation. It seems to be You’re on alert, but you’re not shooting at us! “

Ye Fantian moved slightly.

“So good energy!”

Chekov yanked his head off the ground and called in one direction.

There, above the great hall, all the stars are spinning, spinning around the moonlight that shines for a moment, and bursts of silver rays of light from time to time.

That clearly is the strength of Star.

“So much strength of Star …”

Ye Fantian’s heart was also shocked fiercely. His strength was the most powerful. He could see through the rotating stars at a glance. There were traces of terrifying. These traces were limited by a powerful force. Absolutely. To rotate and rotate in accordance with the designer’s ideas, constantly go to tempering your strength of Star.

In this way, a huge strength of Star can be accumulated. There are hundreds of millions of densely packed stars in the sky, and Yuehua slowly rotates in the middle. Below these stars, there is a vast ocean, which is flowing. Subsequent evolution became an endless sea of ​​stars.

“The entire great hall is empty!”

Ye Fantian’s gods flickered at a fast speed, and then they saw all the things here.

In the great hall, there is nothing more than these stars.

“A strange feeling …”

There was a slight movement in Ye Fantian’s heart. I don’t know why he felt a strange breath here, it seems that this breath has a sense of familiarity.


The strength of Star within the body quickly began to spread.

Ye Fantian quickly set foot in the void, and subsequently moved towards that great hall.

“Buzz asked …”

Mysterious feeling fills my heart:

“Why is there such a strange feeling. I have never been here, but it gives me a strange sense of familiarity. This feeling is too weird, or is it because of my strength of Star?”

Within the body of “Demon Killer Moon Divine Art” is constantly on the move, since the “Nine Turns to Xuan Gong” has been re-evolved again to form what he now calls “the kingdom of the gods”, the extinction , Ye Fantian within the body’s strength of Star has long been operating in accordance with the new extinction, then “Demon Killer Moon Divine Art” does not have the possibility of swimming again.

But now this feeling is clearly a sign that the other party is working.

“These strength of Star is actually the strength of Yuehua in tempering. It looks like the sea of ​​stars is better than the ocean condensed by Yuehua’s force …”

Ox Demon King judged after consuming a group of ruwhite’s moonlight.

“Such a huge moonlight power is of great benefit to uncle’s cultivation!”

Looking at the power of such a huge moon, Ox Demon King’s eyes suddenly revealed a happy expression.


The demon cow illusion appeared, and the sky roared. The entire fleshy body quickly entered it, and the vigorous power of the moonlight suddenly began to enter its fleshy body.

Although the power of Yuehua seems relatively soft, it is also a kind of stars after all, with sharp fluctuations, pain is inevitable.

But Chekov on the side looked at this guy’s look of enjoyment and rushed up.


A scream of scream emanated from his mouth.

This Ox Demon King can rely on the powerful fleshhy body to temper with the power of Yuehua, but it does not mean that Chekov can also. However, in the scream of screaming, the power of Yuehua has been moved. Towards his fleshy body began to drill, constantly tempering his bones, and then spread to the limbs and even the mysterious soul.

“weng weng weng ……”

It seemed to be felt that the power of Yuehua was being used by two wretched guys. The stars in the great hall and even Yuehua suddenly began to tremble, and then a vigorous energy was quickly generated.

This is a terrifying energy, with sharp rays of light, quickly moved towards both.

“Not good !”

Ye Fantian called suddenly.


The palms and the energy of the opponent collided fiercely, emitting bright rays of light, but the eyes of Ye Fantian were swollen in the next moment.

I saw my own within the body a vast strength of Star that started to hook up with each other’s energy like glue.

“is her!?”

This strange phenomenon instantly made Ye Fantian think of someone, a woman, and a terrifying woman!

“This woman even came to Earth?”

Ye Fantian’s bitter cry.

“Hmph … you!”

A voice suddenly appeared at this time …

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