“Baihuahua’s thighs are so charming and really tempting …”

Chekov was standing there with a piece of marijuana very rogue, wearing a crown on his head, although simple, but with traces of years, it was a crown of thorns, and a white robe was not suitable Ya’s insignificant breath.

Ye Fantian didn’t speak, he just stood there silently.

Although he was standing there at this time, it gave a holy and godlike breath, because the fleshhy body entered the Seven Luminaries Divine All-Saint Physique.

Qi Qi’s breath is like that scorching sun, with endless brilliance flashing. As the gods come, the holy qi will naturally attract people’s attention.

On the contrary, no one would have thought that Chekov, who looked so embarrassed, would be the Pope of the Vatican.


Ye Fantian whispered.

As his voice just dropped, a ringtone rang out.

They have returned to Huaxia, and the place that appears at this time is the gate of a high school. This is exactly where Ye Fantian is looking.

My younger sister Ye Wenxue is here.

After the power of this time increased, Ye Fantian seemed to have entered into a great realm. This realm made him seem to be able to touch the breath of all things at any time and everything.

Eye of the Myriad Gods doesn’t need to expand to see the lines of fate flowing around oneself.

This is a terrifying intuition that is achieved after reaching a certain realm.

“This guy’s cultivation base, even now I can’t really figure it out.”

Ox Demon King glanced at Ye Fantian and sighed secretly in his heart.

Since the return of the small island nation, Ye Fantian has become quite abnormal at this time. The fluttering feeling seems to be sitting and flying at any time. Fortunately, this atmosphere was suppressed by him. However, the feeling of being integrated like a fine jade on his body seems to be fused with the entire universe.


A sweet voice came over, the sound was crisp and pleasant, with a rather strong stimulus, as if this brisk summer brought a breeze.

Ye Wenxue followed her friend, the woman named Yoyo ran over.

Curious expression always hangs on Yoyo’s little face, apparently quite curious about this title.

“Well, after school …”

Ye Fantian looked at Ye Wenxue a little.

When the other party came up, they directly held Ye Fantian’s arm, and the intimate look of those passersby who did n’t understand the complete truth suddenly broke the heart.

“Look, our college flower actually has a boyfriend.”

“That kid doesn’t look good at all. I didn’t expect our school flower would look after him. It’s not as good as me …”

“Yeah, God, there is no heavenly truth, where is the heavenly law!”

Ye Wenxue didn’t care about the words of the people around him. Ye Wenxue had a very strong feeling for Ye Fantian. This is probably the connection on Bloodline.

“Hello little girl, we meet again.”

Chekov looked at Ye Wenxue with a sincere face.

“Hello bad uncle …”

Ye Wenxue frowned and said.

“Big … uncle …”

Chekov’s body shivered for a while, and he couldn’t help but start drawing circles on the ground.

“This stays for you …”

Ye Fantian took a necklace from his body and gave it to Ye Wenxue.

This is a powerful Divine Item that he gets, which can protect Ye Wenxue’s safety.

Although it is estimated that no one dared to hurt his loved ones in terms of Ye Fantian’s current influence throughout China, this is also because Ye Fantian has to arrange more for the sake of safety.

“Is it for me?”

The icy blue gem necklace was so lethal that it immediately surprised Ye Wenxue’s expression.


Ye Fantian gently nodded, and then placed his palm on Ye Wenxue’s body.

Feeling the kind of Bloodline fluctuations coming from the other party within the body, a feeling of peace of mind appeared in my heart.

“I go first……”

I don’t know how long it has passed before Ye Fantian said slowly.


Ye Wenxue is quite sensitive to the word “go”, relying on a woman’s unique intuition, Ye Wenxue feels that Ye Fantian has many secrets on her body.

“Brother … are you leaving us?”

Ye Wenxue called out suddenly.

“Well, leave for a while.”

Ye Fantian slowly said, I do n’t know why, Ye Fantian suddenly had an urge to leave, and he did n’t want to leave like this, and looked at his loved ones in silence, which felt really good.

Even after going through many times, even if their relatives had abandoned themselves, but Ye Fantian still missed them, this kind of relationship can not be described or erased.

“Aren’t you going back to see your parents?”

Ye Wenxue said softly.

“I will go if I have the chance …”

Ye Fantian turned around and left:

“let’s go!”

He didn’t want to stay, and this feeling made him feel very volatile.


Ye Wenxue made a cry like blood.

Ye Fantian’s heart trembled for a while, but he quickly set foot and left, his body like a wandering dragon disappeared strangely.

This situation makes the side of the yoyo look extremely stunned.


Ye Wenxue cried again, and she felt Ye Fantian’s departure at this time, I am afraid it will be forever, even with an unknown hunch.

“Xiao Xue, don’t cry …”

A gentle voice came out, and Ye Tinglong didn’t know when she appeared beside her.

“Dad … the big brother is gone, I feel he will not come back, why do you feel this way? I want him to stay …”

The crying Ye Wenxue hugged Ye Tinglong tightly, while Qin Rou on one side was full of sadness, and tears fell on both eyes …

Ye Fantian naturally did not know that there was a family watching him behind his back, but he could feel that warm atmosphere haunting himself.

“Humans will be destroyed. This is what Martial Dao Saint Level ’s powerhouse must do. I must stop it. I must break this curse. The fate of human beings raised as food cannot be controlled by this Heavenly Dao. , Break him, I still have time, I must work hard now, my loved ones … you have to wait for me! “

Ye Fantian’s eyes glowed with scarlet, shouting secretly …

In the void, the stars flickered, as if they covered the wild like a nightmare. The flickering gesture of rays of light seemed extremely quiet. This was the deepest part of the universe, and everything seemed quite peaceful.

But a few shadows suddenly cut through the void at this time, breaking this peaceful wave.

Ye Fantian’s eyes were scarlet, his white hair was dancing with the wind, his body had no limit to advancing in the depths of the universe, and there was no sense of obstruction.


Ye Gou looked at the silence around him and couldn’t help screaming, without fear, but with a curious feeling.

“The place where we appear is Mars, so let’s move on. I want to check it out again and see if we can find more things from there!”

Ye Fantian said slowly.

“Well, I also feel that the planet is not simple, but it can’t be said.”

Ox Demon King sound transmission says.

His fleshhy body was horrible. At this time, it had already shown its original shape. The huge body was burly. The breath of horror made Chikov shudder for a while:

“Oh god, what is this monster, is this the cow brother I saw?”

While speaking, more than once began to reveal a rays of light of exploration, and the palm was curiously fumbled on the tail of Ox Demon King, but was kicked out by Ox Demon King.


The speed of several people is very fast, especially the current Ye Fantian fleshy body is invincible, the Dragon Snake Step at the foot has even reached the level of the strength of XNUMX million Dragon Snake, and it works. The fluctuation of the Heavenly Dragon demon snake seems to be substantial.

It can be clearly seen that the densely packed Dragon Snake dances and swallows, with a trace of Ray Mang, which can instantly break all the crickets.


After about an hour of progress, Ye Fantian and Ox Demon King, Chekov, and Ye Gou had already appeared on Mars.

Mars is still gully, giving a feeling of tranquility, but the temperature of terrifying still exists. It is cold and biting, and Chekov is holding the marijuana and cautiously watching here.

After all, it is not easy to want to rush out of Earth with the power of the flyhy body. It is not just a powerful force, but also a flerhy body that needs to be terrifying. If it is not Ye Fantian who brings himself to Cheko Although the husband’s current energy can come to Mars in person, he also needs to consume considerable energy.

This is the gap, the gap that cannot be denied!

Eye of the Myriad Gods flickered and Ye Fantian stood silently.


A strange wave came out, and the sound carried a horrible breath that was difficult to hide. The vastness was unmatched, and even a faint one could give people a sense of tranquility, as if they were bathed in a whole body. In this extraordinary wave, go wash your own fleshhy body.

The bones of the limbs continued to make a crackling sound, even feeling that their bones were getting more and more pure!

“This is the voice of Jingshi, how is it possible? I didn’t hear it at all last time, why did this time appear …”

Ye Fantian’s memory is not weaker than anyone, especially after consuming part of the memory of Na Wei’s big shot, he knows more than ordinary people. Now he instantly captures the origin of this voice.

“There! Let’s go!”

Suddenly Ye Fantian captured the origin of the sound, and his body moved, taking Chekov, Ox Demon King and Ye Gou quickly moved towards one direction …

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