“Okay, this is the real energy, this is the strongest energy!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes are glowing with intense rays of light. Now that the fleshy body is madly transformed with its own energy, the tempering speed of the Heart of the Wilderness has also accelerated.

A bunch of meridian has now appeared, this is the most brand-new meridian, each one seems to have a dragon-shaped posture, but it is not Dragon Vein but the most advanced meridian.

The fleshy body crackled, the bones sounded, but there was no drip of blood, which was strange.


Two loud noises appeared, and behind Ye Fantian, two huge illusory shadows appeared.

Heavenly Dragon Demon Tiger Elephant! Thousand Hands and Eyes Manifestation!

These two huge illusory shadows have begun to form. Ye Fantian’s fleshhy body is transforming, and his fleshhy body will break through the original Dragonscale Tigerfiend Saint Physique and enter a higher level. As a representative of the fleshhy body, Dragonscale Tigerfiend Saint Physique is also transforming.

But weirdly, the Thousand Hands and Eyes Manifestation at this time obviously has a sign of wanting to integrate into Dragonscale Tigerfiend Saint Physique, or it is merging with each other.

“Come again …”

Ye Fantian shouted, shouting loudly.

“This … pervert!”

The eighteen blood-eyed dragons of the ancient times couldn’t help trembling, heaven knows how brave this kid is, which is the power of immortality.

With so many immortal handprints, it is equivalent to the full power of the immortal powerhouse. Ye Fantian not only resists the Lord, but also devours it.


The corner of the mouth of the original sin twitched, fiercely said.

“We seem to be saved!”

The fat man whispered.

“Come back!”


In response, a handprint appeared again.

“hong long long ……”

Once again it is together!

“peng peng peng ……”

The handprints emitting bright rays of light were formed, and the handprints seemed to have begun to appear and form violently.


Ten fingerprints suddenly appeared!

“roar roar 吼…”

Within the body, the sound of almost blasting was like a thunderbolt, and it was vented. Ye Fantian shot two holy light mans eyes, as if they were the sharpest Divine Swords from Between Heaven and Earth. The sky, and even the illusory shadows above the sky, have no way to thoroughly resist the Divine glow of Ye Fantian.


The sound broke through the clouds, penetrated the world, and communicated within the domain!

“Crap … Crap …”

Once again, thirteen energy stars began to form.

“Come back!”

“Come back!”


Ye Fantian shouted.

With such a arrogant tone, even if it was the original sin, they all began to show their faces in astonishment and bully the end of the gods?

I am afraid that if it is seen by the immortal powerhouse, I am afraid that it must show the color of horror, and even the corners of his mouth tremble, and he must worship on his knees.

Such an arrogant gesture, where is this in the breakdown of the calamity, clearly in the game gods.

“Pervert, this guy is so perverted, why do you encounter such perverts …”

Hei Mao called out loud, in that tone, in an envy and envy.

“This guy’s comprehension of the unparalleled learning is not to be underestimated, and he also realizes the energy utilization method of the Great Wild Heart. This energy method is enough for him to exhibit the immortal energy when the Great Accomplishment is eternal. Ordinary people are countless times stronger. This guy is really an overbearing man. “

Zhu Qiang deeply sighed.

However, they also know that they and Ye Fantian lack a kind of courage. It is because of this courage that these guys have lost a lot of opportunities than Ye Fantian.


The energy stars began to shatter, and the subsequent reorganization became human-shaped illusory shadows. Each of these illusory shadows is quite scary. These illusory shadows have evolved to the end even with the oldest breath. Reached a world-like feeling.

“Strong and powerful …”

Ye Fantian’s muscles are swollen. Although he still has sensible white bones on it, now he feels that his breath is quite horrible, and he can even break a sky with a punch.


This horrible handprint is a full blow from Immortal Powerhouse, but this handprint is the purest energy. If it is transformed into an ordinary person, it can be destroyed directly, but it is not only for Ye Fantian. Destruction, on the contrary, will make his fleshhy body extremely boundless. The infinite energy in his body is rushing incomparably, coming to every inch of skin, every inch of muscle, every inch of his body within the body. Among the cells, there is almost a feeling of infinite power, and only one hand can break a sky.


Once again, there was a lot of energy. This energy turned out to be the formation of a hundred handprints. This hundred handprints not only suddenly increased tenfold in number, but also became more terrifying in energy. It seems that this A hundred handprints are intertwined with each other, as if it were the most horrible mountain peak. No, it is more horrible than the mountain peak. It is a small planet.

The instantaneous bombardment on Ye Fantian’s body suddenly made Ye Fantian feel that his internal organs began to shift, or even collapsed, made a crackling sound, and blood flowed. At this moment, everything started. Become destroyed.

“Tempering fleshy body!”

Ye Fantian shouted.

How can these one hundred fingerprints, and they can also eat, although it seems extremely scary, although relatively powerful, but Ye Fantian can still eat.


The energy star of one after another becomes illusory shadow during tempering. A wave of vigorous energy moves along with the trend and grows stronger. These energy are not simple. It is a grade of immortal energy and more terrifying. After all, The energy that Ye Fantian learned from the heart of the wild waste can kill the powerhouse beyond the ranks. At this time, the heart of the wild waste has also been completely split off. Those complex forces are refining, leaving all the purest. Power, with Ye Fantian’s breath, can even penetrate the sky.

His fleshhy body swelled and eventually evolved into the highest level of strength. Every inch of skin on the body is recombining to form a new fleshhy body, which is countless times stronger than the original.

“My strength is unmatched, everything I can transform at will, this is my fundamental strength!”

Ye Fantian exclaimed excitedly.

He had to be excited, because he felt that his power was progressing madly, both in his own energy and in his fleshhy body. It was so powerful that he could break the sky between waves and only hands could. Pick the stars.

“hong long long ……”

The illusory shadow above that void was completely angry. At this time, they were finally completely irritated. Ye Fantian not only resisted their shot, but even used their energy as a supplement. This is What they cannot bear, what they cannot bear.


As if a sound started to appear, this sound is the oldest language from Great Desolate, but even if it is an ancient eighteen blood-eyed dragon, they do n’t know what this sound means. Obviously, compared with the ancient eighteen blood-eye dragon The origin is even older.

But Ye Fantian heard it clearly.

Within the body, all the energy is beginning to transform, and it is transformed to the extreme, even reaching a great degree. At this time, Ye Fantian’s breath has continuously energy between his breath and quickly transformed into himself with his breath In the body.


Finally, at this time, behind Ye Fantian, the two huge silhouettes have also changed. Now the fleshhy body is about to reach a critical point, and it looks like it will completely break through.

“this is?!”

When he felt the changes in the two silhouettes behind him, Heavenly Dragon Demon Tiger Elephant and the Thousand Hands and Eyes Manifestation, Ye Fantian’s face shook fiercely.

They actually merged with each other.

Yes, it’s completely integrated!

“How can this be?”

Ye Fantian’s complexion changed, shouting in disbelief.

This Thousand Hands and Eyes Manifestation and Heavenly Dragon Demon Tiger Elephant are completely out of touch, but now they are fused together, which is beyond his imagination.

“Is it because my mystic soul is integrated into the depth of my fleshy body and is integrated with my energy?”

Cried Ye Fantian’s heart.

But now he doesn’t care about this, what he cares about is his current breakthrough.

Yes, constant breakthrough!

“Hopeful expectations, how terrifying the existence of this illusion behind you now.”

Ye Fantian shouted eagerly.

Looking at the void, the various handprints staggered with each other, gradually forming the most terrifying absolute killing formation, and suddenly began to make a long howl.

The sound was like a dragon yin, like a tiger howl, and even more like Spiritual God was roaring.

“come on!”


This time, will be the last shot of the end of the gods, the endless handprints are constantly shot.

“hong long long ……”

Endless energy is released, and each fingerprint can destroy a star, a planet, but now all are resisted by Ye Fantian, and Ye Fantian’s endurance will be tested.

“Breakthrough … Supreme forever!”

A clear comprehension appeared in the heart, and the body suddenly emitted bright rays of light, which were a kind of blue purple rays of light, gorgeous and deep.

The fleshy body broke through at this time.


The mighty momentum suddenly raised endless violent energy.


The meridian rushes like a rolling river, and the stream flows endlessly, so that all the energy is received in full …

“This guy … has created a myth!”

Eighteen blood-eyed dragons murmured to themselves in the mouth.

“Between ancient and ancient times, the great chance, the creation of Supreme …”

The corner of the mouth of the original sin twitched …

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