“Not good, this kid is realizing my power!”

The power of the Wilderness finally came over. | March Eight Literature

But in the next moment, Ye Fantian’s eyes suddenly turned into scarlet, with unspeakable coldness in his eyes:

“But you know too late! Calamity, come here for me!”


The world shouted, this world was finally angered by Ye Fantian.

“hong long long ……”

A huge handprint began to form. In the depths of that handprint, was the oldest illusory shadow. They either sat on the void with an angry face, or in the void, with a smile on their faces, or shook their bodies. Posture, dancing like Goddess …

These people are the oldest beings.

Represents the law, and represents the truth of heaven and earth.

At this time, Ye Fantian’s move has completely enraged the world, it will completely suppress Ye Fantian.

“Damn, what trouble is this? This is the end of the gods!”

The barren heart roared sharply.

Although its power is powerful, its origin is horrible, but it is incomplete. How is it inconsistent with one of the strongest calamities in this world? This is like a machine gun, although lethal Very large, but without the lethality of a bullet is not as good as a dagger.

“hu ……”

Giant hands erupted from them, and there were angry handprints that moved from the sky, like pillars of gods, opening up the sky.

“At the end of the gods, it is rumored that even the general existence of Spiritual God must be suppressed, Immortal, that is the great calamity that is rarely encountered in Immortal, and Immortal is revered as Immortal Spiritual God. Immortality, it will only happen when the Saint Level is about to break through, this boy, this boy is finished … “

Shouted the fat man.

“Call your girl, you’ve lived so long. Even if you die, you’ve made enough money.”

Hei Mao gave him a scornful glance, but the trembling body clearly showed that his heart was never calm.

“You know what a fart, even if it is other calamities, Uncle Ben can still live, but now, this is the end of the gods, even if he is in the heyday, he may not be able to carry it, can be with Heavenly Tribulation, in ten-thousand does not have one, I am afraid that even the last road will be cut off. “

Both the original sin and the ancient eighteen blood-eyed dragon’s faces suddenly became serious and abnormal. At this time, they also felt the horrible repressive force, and each handprint contained the laws of heaven and earth. The five fingers were clear. It is rumored that each handprint has the full blow of the immortal powerhouse. It is extraordinary. There are tens of thousands of these handprints. Who can resist such handprints?

“Sure enough, such power is too terrifying. Is this the power of the Yuan Gu period? I didn’t expect such horror, but now I need more energy to simulate and refining. You are coming right it’s time to鈥︹€?#8221;

Ye Fantian’s eyes glowed a slight divine glow. | March Eight Literature


Fleshy body stood up, and Heaven Heaven and Earth seemed to be the only one among them!

“Crazy… crazy!”

The heart of the wild can not help but began to tremble. Now it has been suppressed in the face of this power. When it just resisted the disaster of the Wrath of Myrad Gods, it had already consumed a lot of power. .

“You don’t have much use now, but it is the best opportunity for my tempering fleshy body. Now you follow me to tempering my own fleshhy body.”

Ye Fantian reached out and quickly caught the golden glow.

“I dare, junior, I am the heart of this great wilderness, which contains the great good fortune of heaven and earth. You dare to touch me, you are in courting death!”

Ye Fantian smiled ruthlessly, it’s time to go, this guy is still so noisy, now Ye Fantian is already back in the water. If he can’t withstand the calamity of this time, he will disappear as a whole, no matter Xuan The soul is still the fleshhy body, everything disappears, and never appears again.

Everyone is dead, what use is that fleshhy body?

So Ye Fantian is completely crazy now. He not only wants to achieve Supreme’s Great Accomplishment, but also makes his fleshy body thoroughly tempered.

Double practice, double breakthrough!

“Come on, I need your energy now!”

Ye Fantian forcibly controlled the wild heart, and then integrated it into his body.

The Heart of the Wild has lost its resistance, and Ye Fantian’s energy is similar to him, even more pure. With his strength, there is absolutely no possibility to confront Ye Fantian.

“You must not die…”

When Ye Fantian quickly tempered each other, the heart of the barren heard a cursing roar.

“Can’t I die?”

Ye Fantian smiled coldly, but didn’t care.

“hong long long ……”

The Heart of the Wilderness entered into Ye Fantian’s fleshy body, and suddenly the ancient air flow began to spin. In the meridian, the unstoppable energy was like a mad dragon, constantly breaking Ye Fantian’s fleshy body.

“To suppress me, I’ll hold you first!”

The golden glow flickered, it was a fragment that was not the size of a longan, with densely packed small particles that were not the size of a dust particle, and each small word had a strong breath flowing, which is obviously the great waste. The original face of the heart, Ye Fantian can not imagine, such a fragment of the size of the longan, can even make Taigu XNUMX blood-eyed dragons and other powerhouses jealous.

However, thinking of this powerful ancient power, the terrifying Magical Powers of the other side, Ye Fantian also became a little clear.

Feeling the change in his fleshy body, Ye Fantian already knew that the heart of the Wilderness was being tempered by himself, the ancient energies were constantly rubbing against each other, and the subsequent small letters began to appear in one The sacred rays of light.


In the sky, a palm print has been moved towards Ye Fantian, and the boundless rays of light flicker. This palm is the purest energy, but it is also the most terrifying energy.

This powerful energy has even made everything around Ye Fantian instantly turn into dust, the surface sinks, and the entire Earth is even shaking.

“Want to destroy this planet?”

Ye Fantian’s eyes glowed with adivine glow.

“Come here …”

Within the body now requires energy, whether it is breaking through to the Great Ascension, or the latest tempering energy, Ye Fantian now needs a huge energy replenishment and tempering himself.


A huge hand of the heavens spawned, this handprint is more of an incomparable gigantic, as if it were the Spiritual God’s hand, grabbed it with a big hand, and a terrifying illusion appeared suddenly behind Ye Fantian.

That is the Saint Physique illusion produced by Dragonscale Tigerfiend Saint Physique.

The other person controls this huge handprint, moving in the void, as if to capture everything from Between Heaven and Earth to his own palm.


The two huge handprints collided directly. Ye Fantian just felt the void and numbness in his body for a while. The next moment, he had already seen that densely packed cracks appeared on his fleshhy body, and blood splattered. , And one of his arms was completely dissipated.

“Give me up!”

There was no slight wave of sound. Ye Fantian’s fleshhy body was almost about to collapse. Naturally, there was no way to make a sound, but the roaring wave passed through.

“hong long long ……”

Among the huge vibrations, the sound was quickly suppressed, and the entire island nation was now completely submerged.

But Ye Fantian’s heart smiled coldly, and the dry feeling inside the body continued to produce.


That huge fingerprint was swallowed directly by Ye Fantian.

What kind of power is this? How strange is this?

This handprint represents the most powerful blow that an immortal Peak powerhouse can play, but Ye Fantian can reach such a level? Not only did it die, but it was completely consumed?

“My power is the most powerful. How can you suppress it now?”

Ye Fantian roared madly, Greenwood Emperor Tree turned out fiercely, and after absorbing the power of the endless wood mysterious crystal, Greenwood Emperor Tree finally began to transform.

It is a product of splitting heaven and earth apart like divine wood, Divine Tree, and heaven.

The densely packed ones above are one by one, and each one has endless Magical Powers. The rapid urging of Qi of Life has instantly repaired the Qi of Life required by Ye Fantian.


Within the body raged again, and then the energy stars within the body exploded one by one, but then re-emerged, but the energy transformed by that huge handprint began to generate rapidly at this time.

After seeing the magical energy of this handprint, this dried-out within the body is like a life severely lacking in the desert, greedy and frantically sucking its energy.


It was only a moment, and this vast energy was quickly condensed out.


A loud voice appeared.

In Ye Fantian’s astonished eyes, I saw a star energy that emits bright rays of light, and then broke down, but this time did not disappear, but turned into an illusory shadow.

This illusory shadow has a vague face, but with a strong breath, the robe of the gods is condensed on it.

Among them, the rays of light are dazzling, Sun, Moon and Stars are walking around, even with a trace of sacred and inviolable breath.

“This is … qualitative change ?!”

Ye Fantian shouted in his mouth.

After simulating the energy of the Wilderness Heart, this great science he created himself has undergone a huge transformation?

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