Chapter XNUMX Imperial Capital

The overbearing voice spread throughout Mo Yucheng instantly, and the sound containing the thick True Qi made the martial arts in Mo Yucheng start to look wild.

It wasn’t just them who turned wild. The so-called Fan Young Master had started to visibly stagnate. He was not an idiot. Although he said that his personality was narrow and belonged to the type of hedonistic son of rich parents, it was also a brainstorm.

No matter whether they were Ye Fantian or the black tiger, they didn’t have any timidity about their identity, even after they reported their father ’s identity and name, neither of them reacted in the slightest. Spike, and directly ordered the City Lord to come, everything shows how terrifying the strength and power of the other party.

But thinking that this is his own place, there is no worry in his mind: “hmph, even if you are from Great Clan, but my father is a person of the Great Dragon Emperor. If you offend me, you are offending me. Father, once he reports it to Emperor Changlong, hum, even if you have ten heads, it’s not enough to cut. “

Pā pā pā ……

A rush of footsteps came quickly downstairs, and then a middle-aged man came upstairs with dozens of martial arts holding a razor blade. After seeing the arrival of the other party, Fan Young Master hurriedly We were moved up towards the middle-aged man with a grievance on his face and wept, “Godfather, these two people hurt my men unknowingly, and after I reported father’s name, they There was no slightest response and I was still insulting me, and I would like to ask the Adoptive Father for me. “

The middle-aged man sighed helplessly, and his identity is that the City Lord of Moyu City is named Wang Tian and can grow to the level of City Lord. He naturally has gone through countless trials, so it ’s not like this Fan is so idiotic.

Can those who can directly spread their True Qi throughout Moyucheng be weak? I’m afraid this is only the means of the Great Martial Master level. Thinking of the identity of the Great Martial Master level, his heart could not help getting more and more frightened, and he hurriedly respected the mysterious tiger even more respectfully: “Master!”

“Adoptive Father, why do you have to respect these two guys so much, with the power of my father, who dares to spread wild here, they are insulting me, Adoptive Father, you should decide for me.”

At this time, Fan Young Master had completely lost his mind, so his mood began to be quite uncomfortable.

“hmph! ”

Xuan Hu did not expect that the man with the surname Fan was so crazy, so after coldly snorted, he took out a metal waist token with gold rims and threw it to the other side.

At the beginning, this middle-aged man was inexplicable, but soon after getting this metal waist token, his face began to change completely.

The reason is without him, I saw no word on the waist token, but only with a long dragon with a scary purple.

Since ancient times, respect for purple, only one talent of the purple dragon mark has the right to distribute-the dragon dragon emperor. These waist tokens also represent a person’s identity.

As the City Lord, he knows very well what these people are-offering!

Only the Royal Court imperial courts who have attained the level of the Great Martial Master powerhouse are eligible to have such a symbol.

“Master … adult, little offends.”

City Lord’s expression started to get extremely tense, and his mouth was even more endless.

Neither the Great Martial Master-level powerhouse nor the dedication status can be offended, so at this time he is naturally quite afraid.

Xuan Hu slightly nodded, and then said to the City Lord lightly: “This person insults the Emperor Long Dragon. As the City Lord, you are under the control of this wind dynasty and do not know how you want to go to Cao to do this thing.”

City Lord hearing this could not help but frowned, and could not help but say, “Master, is there a misunderstanding in this matter?”

“Hmph, are you questioning me?”

Mysterious tiger’s tone began to grow cold, and the momentum of the body began to rise layer by layer, constantly suppressing each other’s body, and felt that the surrounding area of ​​his body seemed to be suppressed by a big mountain. In response, it seemed that he was not qualified to bargain with the other party.

“And this kid’s father, I don’t think this position has to stay, you can decide for yourself.”

If it wasn’t for the good attitude of the other party, Xuanhu would go straight up and abolish this guy, but now he is giving the other party a chance.

“Yes, lord, villain understand, come, take this idiot along to withdraw, and punish the people who insulted the Emperor Changlong according to the criminal law.”

Ye Fantian picked up a paper towel and wiped the corners of his mouth, then said, “Keep on the road. It’s not beautiful to stay too long.”

Mysterious tiger was gently nodded, and then the two of them drifted away. As for this matter, the two of them would naturally not be attentive to the matter. Why should such an act recklessly be taken care of?

It’s cold at night …

The starry sky began to flash the rays of light of the stars, and Ye Fantian, who was sitting on the flying python, was surrounded by a layer of faintly discernable silver rays of light, and a little soft sound burst from time to time.

At any time, the mystery and sharpness of the Strength of Star cannot be controlled by ordinary people. The stars that seem inconspicuous on the ground actually contain an extremely sharp degree of terrifying. Once the strength of the Star, that body will definitely be forcibly shredded into numerous fragments in an instant.

But Ye Fantian is not the same. He has “Nine Turns to Xuan Gong” as his support, so he can completely withstand this powerful cutting force.

You can even make yourself stronger by tempering it.

After feeling the powerful coercion emanating from Ye Fantian’s body, the black tiger on the side could not help revealing curious and speechless expression. He found that as time passed, the more he got in touch with Ye Fantian, the self-esteem The more powerful the blow will be: “Abnormal, awkward, this girl was born to fight others, Martial God is on, this guy is so wicked, ca n’t you let him be a little bit Is it normal? “

Ignoring the mysterious thoughts of this mysterious tiger, Ye Fantian slowly accepted the power, and then slowly spit out the muddy gas inside the body.

Because of this Mo Yucheng incident, they said that they had no interest in living. After rushing overnight, they finally reached their destination slowly in the early morning of the next day.

Imperial Land-Imperial Capital!

Imperial Capital’s name is Changlong Imperial Capital. Basically, every emperor will change the original name after he is appointed.

Looking up at the city known as the Land of the Emperor in the sky, Ye Fantian’s face was nothing strange. Only in my heart, I started to be surprised. Unlike other martial arts, Ye Fantian has a powerful soul power. Although now at least the soul power is also used in control and perception, it has also exceeded ordinary people. What you don’t know is powerful.

Although it is said to be only close to Imperial Capital, at this time Ye Fantian clearly felt that with the blessing of his soul power, a strong and incomparable momentum rose to the sky.

This momentum is like a giant dragon that is still asleep. When the power of his soul is suddenly conveyed, he wakes up the giant dragon that is asleep.

As if, the ears began to resound the giant dragon’s roar, the noble breath in that horror really made Ye Fantian’s impact quite serious.

“hmph! ”

Ye Fantian in the groaning sound slowly recovered his soul power, but in the process of recovery, Ye Fantian found that a trace of cohesive force also began to enter his body with his recovery.

“roar! !”

Within the body, a terrible dragon chant suddenly appeared, and after this terrible dragon chant, that trace of power seemed to be snow melted by the fire, and it was about to be taken away quickly, but then a powerful force Do not hesitate to pinch this strange power, and swallowed it instantly.

If it wasn’t for the mutation in his body, Ye Fantian would have had a hard time detecting the change.

“Is it a ferocious spirit? But it seems more violent in breath.”

Ye Fantian said curiously, the black tiger interrupted Ye Fantian’s thinking at this time, said with a smile: “See? This is the Imperial Palace, which is also the place where the emperors have always lived.”

Xuan Hu points to a tall building said with a smile.

With the help of the power of the soul, Ye Fantian has just noticed the powerful True Qi contained in it, and each True Qi is located in a different place.

“It’s a very powerful place. There are a lot of experts in it.”

Xuan Hu gently nodded: “Yeah, there are indeed a lot of masters in it, and there are a lot of strange strangers in them, their existence is to ensure the security of Imperial Palace. The safety of the emperors has always been A problem that cannot be ignored, so in order to ensure your own safety, it can be described as an overnight guard. The Great Martial Master-level powerhouse inside it is constantly protected by its True Qi. As long as it is not a Martial King-level powerhouse, even three It ’s hard for me who divides Martial King to walk in without suspicion. “

Ye Fantian said curiously, “What if the Martial King-level powerhouse is coming?”

Xuan Hu said with a smile: “How is that possible? Martial King-level powerhouses are all very proud, uh … I seem to hear that you and the old snake old man fought, hehe, your luck is really bad, Generally speaking, Martial King-level powerhouses are all proud, they ca n’t work with some juniors, they can only say that the old snake is a Top Grade. But you can collide with Martial King-level powerhouse forcibly once, this strength is still It’s really tough. “

While speaking, he once again pointed to a hill not far from the Imperial Palace and said, “That’s the Martial King Mountain, the place where Asura Takeshi Supervisor Wang retreats, and there is a person there is a super powerful existence, this person You’ll know by then. “

The bodies of the two while speaking slowly began to sink in the descent of the flying python: “Here it is less than ten thousand meters away from the Imperial Palace. I just want to tell you something fun here . “

A sudden horrible blasting sound while while speaking resounded in this silent morning, Ye Fantian and the fantasy complexion changed slightly!

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