Chapter XNUMX The Idiot Who Finds The Difference


After the lid on this plate was slowly opened, a ray of golden rays of light suddenly appeared in front of Ye Fantian, and then the rays of light were divided into soft and incomparable light, moved towards all around, However, the speed of this rays of light is extremely fast and disappears in less than one second, and ordinary people cannot see the overall changes of this rays of light at all.

With the disappearance of rays of light, an incredibly obvious aroma was passed on. After feeling this aroma, even Ye Fantian, who had little interest at first, was slightly picked at this time. Own eyebrows.

“How is it? It tastes good.”

Xuan Tiger looked proud with a smile, like a child who presented his treasure. After the idea was fiercely thrown out, Ye Fantian couldn’t help but nodded.

The aroma of the food in front of me was quite strong, but after the lid was completely opened, Ye Fantian started to be a bit surprised, because there were ten skewers on this plate, and each skewer was made of emerald green. Azure Bamboo is ready to wear, so it is quite convenient to pick up, and the meat and volume on each skewer are quite sufficient.

“Hehe, let’s eat, it won’t taste good when it’s cold.”

While speaking, this black tiger can’t wait to start picking up a bunch of chewing. Seeing this guy is so arrogant, Ye Fantian can’t help but be led, and then starts to pick up a bunch of slowly biting Sip.

With this mouthful, a very delicious feeling is produced, both in terms of meat quality, taste, and even the cooking.

“Hehe … feels good.”

After seeing Ye Fantian’s big meal, Xuanhu asked again.

“Oh … not bad.”

Each of the thirty dishes has ten skewers, and the meat and volume are quite large. Even if the appetite is even larger, ordinary people will be full with such three skewers. As far as martial arts are concerned, the power they need is quite large, so the amount of food is also superhuman.

After about ten sets were resolved, the two people slowed down slightly, but Ye Fantian suddenly felt that there seemed to be something missing. Then he thought about it and quickly took out a demonic beast from his package. Skin.

After seeing this extremely familiar bag, Xuan Tiger, who was already eating, suddenly began to light his eyes. “This … this is not.”

Ye Fantian lightly saying: “Save it, you have to let everyone here know.”

Xuan Hu hurriedly blocked his mouth, but the eyes of light began to become more and more obvious. This bag was the same shape as the one that Ye Fantian had given him, so he judged it very clearly. This must be his own demon god who was reluctant to take a few sips.

After fiercely sniffing the smell, Xuanhu couldn’t wait to twist the lid all over.

Suddenly the surrounding air quickly spread a strong aroma of wine. Under this wine, the surrounding air seemed to start to become dense.


Everyone started to move towards here, and all who came to this 7th-layer were some powerful people, so they had a lot of research on this wine.

But good wines that are so hard to obtain like the demon god brew are few people who are qualified to taste them, and even being able to see them once is an extremely rare opportunity.

After taking a big mouthful of savory roasted meat, Xuanhu once again drank a big mouthful of the demon god brew, and the immediate satisfaction began to surge in his heart.

“It’s so cool.”

This looks like a person in a refugee camp. He hasn’t had a delicious meal in his life.

Just when the two were still eating and drinking, Ye Fantian and Xuan Hu did n’t know how much sensation they had caused at this time. Although the flavor of the demon god was 10 li fragrance, but in this whole In the restaurant, it can be regarded as a scent of wine. Under this influence, the drunkards around him have begun to bear it.

Ye Fantian’s black robe, although it is said to be valuable, but this good material is not something that ordinary people can see, especially handmade, so the appearance that looks not at all is strange, only Xuan Tigers don’t even talk about it. The azure hemp robes, without any trimming, are more like an ordinary old man.

Many people like to judge people by their appearance, so at this time everyone has begun to think about the Ye Fantian.

Feeling the blinking eyes of the people around him, Ye Fantian couldn’t help sneering, but neither his strength nor the three-pointed Martial King with a three-pointed Martial King level were not afraid, so for everyone’s I didn’t care so much in the eyes.

At this moment, a young man in a gorgeous shirt slowly walked up the folding fan in his hand, and several of his men holding the blade stood beside him, and his face flashed with vigilance from time to time. Expression.

This posture shows that the identity of the other party is indeed unique.

The other party just sat down and immediately saw Ye Fantian. Of course, it wasn’t because Ye Fantian was too unique. It was because the aroma of the demon gods was really a bit out of the sky.

“Go, tell the servant to bring me the kind of wine they drink, damn it, how many times have the Young Master come to this broken place, but I haven’t had such a drink.”

A while speaking man quickly went downstairs, and soon the servant who was familiar with Xuanhu came up, and said respectfully, “Fan Young Master, we don’t have such wine here, the other party They also bring their own drinks, so … so say. “


There was a flash of anger on the proud face of the young man, and then shouted loudly: “What are you doing without wine? Get out!”

A slap was taken for no reason, and a clear and visible trace appeared on the other person’s face, but their strength and status were extremely low, how dare to challenge the young people, so they can only consider themselves bad Luck went down, but at this time the so-called Fan Young Master sneered and said, “Don’t you understand people? Ben Ben let you go down, not let you use it.”

“Fan Young Master … Please forgive me. This building is so high. If I roll down, I will be seriously injured if I die. There are still patients in my family who need to be taken care of. My body cannot be in trouble, please Fan Young Master Forgive me. “

Fan Young Master’s face became more sneer, and the people around him seemed to have been common about this situation for a long time, so he rarely spoke indifferently, but after seeing Fan Young Master, he revealed A hint of secret alert is obviously that the origin of this Fan Young Master is really not small.

“Ha Ha Ha … joke, my words from Fan Shao is that Changlong University Imperial Capital cannot be changed, my words are the Will of Heavens, the Will of Heavens let you go down from here, can you still refuse? Go!”


Xuan Hu suddenly wiped his mouth, then stared unhappyly at Fan Young Master and said, “What did you just say?”

The appearance of the black tiger has no deterrent at all, especially now that it has never used its own momentum, so the Maitreya-like posture really makes people feel funny.

“Hmph, old man, I originally wanted to find you again in a while, but I didn’t expect you to bring it to your own house, come on, bring me their wine, where is the qualification for the inferior generation to drink? Such a good wine. “

“Hey Hey Hey … Don’t drink it, is this junior even an old man who can’t do it himself?”

After looking at Ye Fantian’s indifferent look, Xuanhu suddenly said a little helplessly.

“Oh … you go, I don’t want to see blood when I eat, and you don’t know my means, you must see blood once you hit it.”

Ye Fantian said indifferently.

“Okay, okay, I served you.”

Xuan Hu’s face was called a depression, but at this moment Fan Young Master laughed aloud: “Ha Ha Ha …… old man, you even want to do something with me, you know who I am I am a fan of Mo Yucheng’s Fan family. My father is the fan of the Wind King Imperial court. His identity speaks to scare you. That is one of the guards of the Dragon King of the Wind King Imperial court. Do you think you have Is this qualification against me? “

Fan Young Master can also see that this black tiger should be a martial art, but the world is the king of earth. He doesn’t believe that the other party dares to take such a risk to start.


Ye Fantian said disdainfully, and drank a glass of wine again, and the look of serene immediately made Fan Young Master furious, and then he shouted at him: “Are you all deaf? He dare to insult me, give me Kill him, I’m responsible for the accident, and I still don’t believe there are anyone in this Moyu City who dares to make such a deal with me. “

But at this time, Xuanhu really started to be silent: “I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect, a little guard would be so arrogant.”

While speaking, the Fan Young Master’s men have begun to move towards Xuanhu, and during the shot, the blade of the sword split directly, and the amount of the number really made Ye Fantian frown.


The black tiger roared loudly, then the robe waved suddenly, and a terrifying astral qi appeared in the restaurant.

嗤chi chi…

With the wanton surge of astral qi, the infinite sharpness quickly flew out those who attacked, and the powerful opponent could not bear to fly out the window.

Then Xuanhu moved towards the window and shouted lightly outside: “City Lord in Moyu City, come here to see me right away, otherwise, the old man demolished you Moyu City.”

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