Chapter XNUMX What about killing!

While speaking Ye Fantian has come to the civilian official, before the crowds have not reacted, the purple rays of light flow from his parcel slowly and slowly like a stream of water pouring out.





A total of six purple rays of light appeared in front of everyone in this way. As for the so-called golden, blue, etc. rays of light, everyone has begun to ignore them, their eyes have been completely in front of this piece. The purple rays of light attracted.

“Ha Ha Ha…”

Two laughs came out in unison, and the people who laughed a lot besides Qin Shuang. They had only endless smiles on their faces at this time. There was a sudden worry about the kind of worry just now. Sweeping the light, there is nothing more happy in this world than the things in front of us.

The points that have exceeded the number of ordinary people, dozens of times, and even a hundred times, even Chang Yunian in front of him are far less than Ye Fantian’s points, and the differences are completely beyond everyone’s expectations. .

People have begun to look different when they look at Ye Fantian and Qin Shuang.

King Hunt, what is King Hunt, this is not just in name only, but also in reality!

The Kaba Academy is already not just in name only, but also in reality.

Ye Fantian’s eyes stared at Chang Yunian with sarcasm. At this time, the killing intent on his face had erupted without any concealment, and the cold breath was trembling.

Chang Yunian already knew things weren’t good at this time, and then wanted, but who is Ye Fantian? He has already reached the martial master level realm martial arts. With his strength, he can ignore the Great Martial Master level speed, let alone the opponent is just a small samurai mid-grade level.

Ninety Dragon Snake’s powers were quickly activated.


A fierce blast blasted in front of Chang Yunian, and the fierce friction sound sounded like Chang Yunian’s ears: “Chang Yunian … Where are you going?”

Chang Yunian’s body trembled suddenly, but before he could react, I saw that Ye Fantian’s palm had fiercely hit his back: “Tiger collapse!”


After the Martial Master level, whether it is Blood Tiger Tear Hand, Toxic Dragon Dazzling Divine Leg or even Soul Devouring Spear Law, they have reached a new level. For a while.


Even though this hunting king is hopeless, Luo Ting can’t let Chang Yunian die here. Although the second place’s score is much different than that of hunting king, the samurai powerhouse is also quite talented. Character, keep him anyway.

“Hmph! Luo Ting, do you really think that the old man can’t make it?”

Qin Shuang’s face was extremely cold, and his eyes stared at the other with infinite anger.

“Hmph, do you think you are my opponent? Get away from the old man!”

While speaking, Luo Ting ’s robe has fiercely moved towards Qin Shuang ’s body. Although Qin Shuang ’s strength is also a Great Martial Master-level powerhouse, he is not a 40-year-old Luo Ting ’s opponent. , The degree of the other’s Great Martial Master-level top grade Peak is not to be trifled with. Therefore, after this hateful blow from the other side, Qin Shuang’s body moved involuntarily and moved backward behind him.

“Sun and moon fingers!”

At a distance of 100 meters, Luo Ting’s fingers were fiercely moved towards Ye Fantian’s body with one finger press!

At this time, Ye Fantian’s fist was no more than an inch behind Chang Yunian’s back. As long as he hit it out, Chang Yunian could absolutely reach the level of serious injury, but at this time, the so-called Japanese However, the moon finger also fiercely moved towards Ye Fantian, carrying the breath of fetishism and the incomparable space pressure.

The surrounding space was distorted freely, and a 100-meter-long friction mark was drawn on the ground wherever I went. The terrible breath and energy suddenly made the drug in the distance absent. The opportunity came over, not that he did not respond, but that he didn’t expect the other party to be so bold and shameless.

This Ye Fantian is now the King of the Hunting, and is strictly valued by the wind dynasty. He will even be received by the Emperor Changlong in the near future. In such a halo, the other party dare to take the shot. This is really a risk. With big consequences.

“Great Martial Master powerhouse shot, Ye Fantian, you are dead. If you can’t stop it, the next moment is your death.”

Chang Yunian’s face was grateful and said quickly, but Ye Fantian said coldly with a smile: “Who is dead?”

The strength of the tiger fall suddenly sprayed, and then the speed of the ninety Dragon Snakes under Ye Fantian’s feet blessed quickly on his legs. The whole person seemed to be a ghost and began to rush into Chang Yunian’s presence suddenly. , Then shouted coldly in the mouth: “Tiger!”

The astral qi on the thumb was suddenly triggered. I did not expect that the speed of the other party was so rapid. Chang Yunian’s face suddenly turned wild, and when he felt the energy of the other party, he looked at his side. With the breath of the sun and the moon, his mouth could not help roaring, “Kirin armor!”

At this time, Luo Ting has also reacted. True Qi suddenly moved towards the finger of the sun and the moon fiercely took a shot. The Great Martial Master-level powerhouse terrifying the control of True Qi, so it ’s slightly After the operation, the energy of the sun and moon fingers was hit between the two, and most of the energy was still on Ye Fantian’s body.

In the face of ordinary people, this overstatement can’t see any change at all. Even in the presence of a master, this series of changes has only happened in those few microseconds.

An obvious unicorn pattern flashed on Chang Yunian’s body, and after that 1% of the strength of the sun and moon fingers hit his body, it was still broken with no difficulty, only this time Chang Yunian has already fiercely stepped backwards in this neutral position, and his face is filled with endless haze.

Because this is only 1% of his strength, he shattered his secret skills. Obviously, even if Ye Fantian has some secret skills like him, he cannot hinder the strong huge might of this finger.

But Ye Fantian smiled at this time, and smiled very proudly.


Ye Fantian’s body disappeared in everyone’s shocked eyes!

Yes, it’s gone, completely gone!

Earth sacrifice, at this time Ye Fantian’s Earth Escape Technique, which he learned from the grave picture, once again exerted great power.


The Great Martial Master-level powerhouse is also quite powerful, so after the recent emergence of Ye Fantian, this Luo Ting has been shameless and moved towards Ye Fantian again regardless of his identity.

“Dragon Snake Step …!”

Ye Fantian’s mouth was shouted whispered, and then the power of the ninety Dragon Snakes suddenly began to cooperate with the Purple Phoenix Feather incorporated into the body. The amazing speed changed rapidly, and the whole person seemed to be A stream of light started to fly in front of Luo Ting.

At this time, Qin Shuang and the poisonous mania were also about to shoot, but at this time, their bodies were shocked fiercely, and then stopped their movements, because a clear sound was heard in their ears. Mysterious voice: “Don’t shoot, let him fight by himself.”

This mysterious voice made the two of them not only worry about, but revealed a relaxed expression, because there is only one owner of this voice, who will be so mysterious, except Martial King!


Divine Blizzard Spear suddenly appeared in the hands of Ye Fantian, and the divine light in his eyes suddenly burst out, and then the body quickly moved towards the opponent’s Man and Spear United as One’s stab: “Wind Injury! “

The sky ’s air flow and various airflows seemed to start to calm down in an instant. Anyone was horrified and looked at everything in front of them. I saw that Ye Fantian and the surrounding space seemed to condense. The whole is average, and his movements have become slower, but this slowness gives people an irresistible taste.

Fast and slow, fast and slow, two completely different flavors are perfectly integrated in his body without any resistance.

The tricks of autumn leaves showed the taste of serene, but in front of Chang Yunian, this kind of breath gave him a feeling of death.

“No, no, I’m not dead, how could I die here!”

Chang Yunian’s mouth roared insanely, at this time Luo Ting had also come to Ye Fantian’s side, but after approaching Ye Fantian’s side but two meters away, his face changed madly, and then The body suddenly shot backwards.


Thousands of astral qi was madly distributed from Divine Blizzard Spear of Ye Fantian. At this time, he was like a hedgehog. The range of ten meters around him was completely in his attack. The sharp taste of terrifying matchless started to feel a little panic even from the perspective of Luo Ting, so he only stepped back.

Even Ye Fantian didn’t find that when he performed this move, there was a mysterious wave on the cross-sword-like mark in his eyebrows, and then integrated into his moves.


The word chop nails and sever Iron contains Ye Fantian’s firm conviction. There is not much hatred between him and Chang Yunian, but the other party has a Murderous intention to himself, and he wants to assassinate himself more than once. , Even the Great Martial Master-level powerhouse of the gale dynasty has bought it. If it is not a Ghost Ring, if it is not the Ghost Ring is a mutant virtual soldier, if it is not its role is to release the True Qi silk thread, then With all kinds of coincidences, how can I survive, so in Ye Fantian’s mind, this Chang Yunian must die!


With a violent friction, an infinite blood light appeared on the long spear suddenly. Thousands of guns quickly shuttled around Chang Yunian’s body, and the latter’s face The expression above is painful.

pa! weng!!

With the sudden withdrawal of Divine Blizzard Spear, Chang Yunian’s face has gradually begun to turn pale, and at this time on his body, it has begun to slowly flow down like mud. Thousands of gun shots are enough to open the mountain, not to mention his flesh and blood.

“Ye Fantian … you will … regret it!”

A clear blood mark slowly separated from his eyebrow, and Chang Yunian’s mouth said the last word of his life.

“I do things and never know the word regret.”

Just then, Luo Ting’s cold voice came out: “boy, you dare to kill him in front of me!”

Ye Fantian turned his face coldly, and then said disdainfully, “What about killing? Haven’t you been here all the time?”

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