Chapter XNUMX Who is Ye Fantian Not!

Chang Yunian was so proud of himself. He knew very well that even if he could not become the king of hunters at this time, he was still in a very high ranking. By then, he would definitely be able to reuse Yanwu Academy and be happiest. It is said that the death of Ye Fantian is an indelible disaster for both Situ and the Ye Family. At that time, he could take advantage of fiercely to make a destruction.

“Hmph, anyone who fights against me must die, Ye Fantian, your eyes should be brighter in the next life.”

Under such a psychological effect, the pride on that face has begun to become more and more obvious.

“Hmph, how about Qin Shuang, are you satisfied now? Ha Ha Ha …… my younger brother’s death is all your fault, now is just the beginning, you wait, I will let you soon You know my means, don’t you value the kid most? I let him die, and even the dead body could not be found, Ha Ha Ha. “

Looking at the crazy and incomparable Luo Ting, Qin Shuang’s face has begun to become more and more ugly, but his mouth was coldly said: “I believe in Ye Fantian’s strength, then Chang Yunian is nothing, you think the other person is really Can someone kill Ye Fantian? Does he have the capital? “

While speaking, he once again said, “Ye Fantian was already able to fight against the samurai powerhouse when he was a martial artist. Does he have this qualification, Chang Yunian?”

After this remark, Qin Shuang’s heart became more and more affirmed, Ye Fantian would not die, nor could he die!

One student after another started to come out, but Qin Shuang’s face began to get more and more anxious, because although the mouth was quite sure, but after such a long time, these people also came out almost, but Ye Fantian But it never appeared, which really made his heart start to fall.

Tan Xingchen came out, but if the love that should have existed beside him did not come out, Tan Xingchen’s face was obviously very bad at this time, it seems that he encountered some kind of terrifying things. .

After seeing Tan Xingchen’s appearance, Qin Shuang’s spirit was slightly relaxed, but at this time, when Tan Xingchen reported his information, his body suddenly collapsed to the ground …

Duan Wanjie’s palm waved slightly, and soon someone took it away.

Time has passed by every minute, and everyone’s anxiety has begun to become more and more obvious. Until now, four purple jade arrows have appeared.

A team of thousands of people came out to less than half the level, and even many students have already had permanent scars and serious wounds, and some Academy have left dimly. The students of these people turned out to be The whole army was gone.

Chang Yunian’s face started to get excited, because up to now, even if some people have got three jade arrows, the overall score is much worse than himself, so he is very sure, this The title of time hunting king must be his own.

Half a day passed like this, fewer and fewer people appeared from the inside, but in the end, no one appeared again, and Chang Yunian couldn’t help but said proudly to the poisonous man, “Master, isn’t it? It’s time to announce the results. “

After looking at this proud look of Chang Yunian, Du Wanjie really had an urge to shoot this asshole with one palm, but he knew that he couldn’t do it once, once the other party was really the king of hunting, Kill him by yourself, and there will be quite a lot of trouble, so he can’t move each other now.

I was only able to say coldly in my mouth, “What are you anxious for? There are only four purple jade arrows and six more.”

that said, but he was even more clear that this jade arrow had been partially missing to a large extent. The reason for this is probably that some people have been buried in the hands of the demonic beast and have become the tonic of the other party. As for this jade Arrow still doesn’t know where it was dropped.

“Did it really mean that Chang Yunian was a treacherous person?”

One-bit Great Martial Master-level powerhouses retreated from the inside, and the presence of these people suddenly made Qin Shuang’s breathing start to become quicker. They are the last one in this valley of wind, and the responsibility is It is to protect the order inside, and their presence can only show that there is really no one inside.

“Ha Ha Ha …… I am the King of Hunting, hunting once every three hundred years, I have become the King of Hunting this year, Chang Yunian! Hahahaha !!!”

Laughter, that’s a smug, that’s a crazy and arrogant.

Yes, how powerful is the title of King of the Hunt, that even the emperor of the windy dynasty needs to see the characters, and if the officer does not say, he will also become the general of the prince. Bu Dengyun, a skyrocketing identity.

Luo Ting said fiercely with his mouth: “Second Brother, I will pay you for your enemies, and our Academy also won, and we won beautifully.”

Qin Shuang finally began to helplessly booed a sigh of relief, no one knew how heavy this tone was, but he knew that he might really be disappointed at this time.

“Is it really Heaven is jealous of heroic genius?”

Thinking of Ye Fantian, Qin Shuang’s body began to tremble involuntarily, and then a pair of cold eyes began to look at this Chang Yunian’s body. Thinking of what this guy just said, obviously Ye Fantian really It was framed and killed by this bastard: “Relax Brahma, even if the old man has exhausted his life, he will get this justice for you.”

Feeling Qin Shuang’s killing intent, Chang Yunian’s complexion changed slightly, but soon he showed a proud smile again. At this time, he was already the inheritor of the King of the Hunt, and he was very convinced. Even if the other party dared to touch him, these people of the windy dynasty would quickly destroy that Qin Shuang.

“Sir, what are you waiting for? Do you have any doubts about the title of my Hunter King?”

After waiting for such a long time, Chang Yunian was already impatient very early, so he was quite polite in speaking.

“King the King?”

But at this time, several invigilators of the gale dynasty revealed weird expressions, and after glancing at each other, one of the powerhouses couldn’t help but say, “Are you the king of hunters?”

Such a weird tone could not help but cause poisonous hearts to move, but then did not speak, standing by and watching.

“Isn’t it? I have the highest points here, didn’t I say that? The one with the highest points will get the title of King of the Hunt.”

An old man looks like a Great Martial Master lightly saying: “It seems too early to say this.”

Chang Yunian’s mood has begun to get a little anxious. Obviously he is already the successor of the King of the Hunt, why do you need to wait? And it was an unwarranted wait, which naturally made him quite uncomfortable.

Time has passed again, and at this time Chang Yunian’s expression of irritability has appeared on his face, and his steps are constantly moving back and forth.

Qin Shuang had begun to despair at this time. No matter what kind of injury, he maintained a strong self-confidence, but at this time he was really disappointed. Ye Fantian still didn’t come out of it.

Sometimes, some people, when they have negative emotions, they generally like to get vents from others, such as Chang Yunian now. Under this manic emotion, he finally couldn’t help coming to Qin Shuang. With a sneer on his face, he said, “Teacher Qin, are you still waiting for Ye Fantian to fail? Hehe, let me tell you, the kid is dead, and he has been beaten by a cliff, even skeleton The kind that doesn’t exist, hey, I often feel quite sad when I think about it. He is indeed a good opponent, but unfortunately, he met me, his opponent, and even His nemesis! “

Qin Shuang stared at Chang Yunian coldly and couldn’t help pinching his palm, but at this moment, with a lazy voice, slowly came from the entrance of the valley of wind, across several hundred meters. The scope spread slowly: “Chang Yunian, are you worthy of my opponent?”

The sound is very quiet, but it contains Supreme’s True Qi, so that everyone present can hear clearly!


Extremely surprised!

The faces of all the people present did not add Chang Yunian’s terrifying. At this time, the muscles on his face had begun to twist. After feeling the appearance of this voice, he couldn’t help shouting: “No Maybe! Impossible! “

Yes, it is impossible. The inmate once told him personally that Chang Yunian had been hit by the cliffs by himself. He didn’t doubt this because there was no place to doubt.

With a silhouette wearing a black robe slowly entering his sight, Chang Yunian’s complexion finally began to turn black and gray.

Young appearance, lazy smile, cold eyes, terrifying momentum, everything else is not Ye Fantian?

After feeling the horrible killing intent on the other person’s body, Chang Yunian’s body suddenly couldn’t help but trembled.

This is a shudder from in the depth of one’s soul.

Ye Fantian, who slowly walked in front of Chang Yunian, showed a relaxed smile on his face, but the killing intent in this smile burst out wildly: “Are you quite surprised?”

After feeling the terrifying coercion of Ye Fantian, Chang Yunian barely revealed the sneer expression: “Surprised? Well, Ye Fantian’s victory or defeat has now become a foregone conclusion. After I became the title of King of the Hunt, you, It was my first target to die! “

In Chang Yunian’s opinion, although this Ye Fantian’s death was worth his surprise, he didn’t believe that the other party could come up with more purple jade arrows than others! !!

But Ye Fantian’s face was ridiculously ridiculous: “Chang Yunian … King the King? Huh.”

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