Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 996 Don’t disturb other people’s love

After that, Wu Jinghong hurriedly picked up the bamboo flute from the ground, put it to his mouth and played it.

Murong Fukai looked at his guilty and embarrassed look and smiled coldly.

The next moment, dozens of spiritual beasts came overwhelmingly, causing havoc throughout the entire courtyard in an instant.

On the stone chair, squatting was an [Emerald Tiger with Long Claws], its body was green, and its fangs gave off bursts of cold light in the sunlight.

Bian Eryi and Su Ying could not help but be shocked by the scene in front of them, and looked around blankly.

The [Red Crystal Python] was entangled in a tree, spitting snakes at them constantly, and a pair of triangular eyes quenched poisonous light.

On the other side, a [Purple Flame Cheetah] was in a half-crouched position with its hind legs half bent, as if it would charge forward at the next moment.

[Infernal Viper] [Lancang Wolf] [Long-armed Ghost-faced Monkey] and other scattered spiritual beasts also moved forward, controlled by the sound of the bamboo flute.

Suddenly, the tune of the flute changed, and dozens of spiritual beasts pounced directly on Murong Fu.

Be careful! Su Ying's face changed drastically and she hurriedly warned.

However, the next moment, three or two more spiritual beasts surrounded her, fighting with her.

Murong Fu narrowed his eyes and heard the deafening roar in his ears. The roars of the spiritual beasts had a somewhat violent aura.

Not long after, most of the spiritual beasts were controlled and attacked Murong Fu.

A coldness flashed in Wu Jinghong's eyes, and he thought to himself: Murong Fu, your death has come!

Many spiritual beasts roared crazily and rushed towards Murong Fu.

The one rushing at the front was the [Emerald Long-clawed Tiger], its sharp claws grinding sparks on the ground.

With a sharp kick of his hind legs, he flew up directly, his body carrying a solemn murderous intent, and he rushed over first.

Looking at the beast charging towards him, Murong Fu remained unmoved, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

I saw that he waved his palm casually, and a blazing golden light hit the [Emerald Long-clawed Tiger] directly on the head, instantly knocking it to the ground and making no sound anymore.

On the side, [Long-armed Ghost-faced Monkey] screamed, the ghostly face on his face changed in an instant, and his eyes looked straight at Murong Fu.

Although this [Long-Armed Ghost-faced Monkey] is not good at fighting, he has eyes and a ghostly face that can capture people's souls.

Murong Fu's eyes exuded bloodthirsty light, and he casually picked up two stones on the ground and smashed them with spiritual energy.


I saw that the monkey suddenly collapsed to the ground, and two lines of blood and tears fell from the ghost's face.

When it raised its head again, one of its eye sockets was deeply embedded with stones, directly destroying the eyeballs.

When the other spirit beasts saw this, they all stopped and watched from the opposite side, not daring to take another step forward.

Wu Jinghong also didn't expect that the man in front of him could easily deal with so many spiritual beasts at the same time.

For a moment, there was some fear in his heart, but in an instant it was covered with countless hatred.

The bamboo flute made a strange and urgent sound from the corner of his lips, like a life-threatening song, reaching the ears of those spiritual beasts.

[Red Crystal Python] spat out bright red nostrils, and its huge body twisted.

Jumping down from the tree, the body suddenly shot out, opening its bloody mouth.

But Murong Fu's body was flexible, he jumped up, turned around in the air, and kicked him to the ground.

[Red Crystal Python] The triangular eyes turned slightly, and the snake's body suddenly became upright, biting towards the sky.

But as soon as it opened its mouth, a long sword came out of its mouth.

Murong Fu shouted loudly and fell to the ground from mid-air. The [Taiyi Split Light Sword] directly broke its body from the abdomen.

In an instant, everyone present was shocked. They stared blankly at the scene in front of them, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

No one has ever been able to kill a high-level spiritual beast with one sword, let alone split it in half.

Wu Jinghong's nostrils were filled with bursts of bloody smell, his legs were shaking unconsciously, and even the sound of the flute stopped at some point.

Murong Fu tilted his head towards him and smiled evilly: Come on! I want to see how I was buried here?

As he spoke, he slapped his palm, and the spiritual energy flowed crazily throughout the courtyard, and one after another the spiritual beasts were slapped and flew out.

Soon, the spirit beasts surrounding Bian Eryi and Su Ying were all pushed back.

Fu Lang! Su Ying rushed up, still a little worried about his injury.

Murong Fu took her hand and kissed her gently: It's already great!

In Wu Jinghong's eyes, this scene was a blatant provocation.

I saw a flash of light in his eyes, and his hand slowly reached towards his lower back.

While Murong Fu and Su Ying were looking at each other, Wu Jinghong's figure moved, and a flash of silver light flashed on his hand.

You die! He flew into the air, the dagger in his hand was quenched with poison, and he stabbed straight out.

Murong Fu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, feeling that the man in front of him was despicable and stupid.

As the saying goes, when other young couples are making love to each other, they should not be interrupted.

It’s simply a lack of martial ethics!

I saw Murong Fu gently tapping his feet, and in Su Ying's shocked eyes, he held her and flew into the air.

With such a gentle smile on her face, she spun around a few times and picked up Princess Su Ying.

His left leg kicked out like lightning, hitting Wu Jinghong's lifeline hard.

Ah! Wu Jinghong screamed and rolled on the ground while holding his hand, his body shaking continuously.

When the other men in black present saw this scene, cold sweat broke out on their backs and they subconsciously tightened their legs.

brutal! How cruel!

Immediately, Murong Fu and Su Ying fell from the air gracefully, like a pair of beautiful people walking out of a painting.

Bian Eryi shook his head with a smile and said softly: Young man, you still hold a grudge.

Wu Jinghong's screams soared into the sky, making the listeners sad and the listeners in tears.

Murong Fu walked up to him step by step, stepped on his hand holding the dagger under his feet, and crushed it hard.

Hey! Even now, I still can't bear to let go of your dagger, you tough guy!

I'll give you a piece of advice: don't interrupt other people's show of affection next time, otherwise you will die quickly!

After saying that, Murong Fu kicked him out of the yard with a strong movement of his feet.

Then he looked at the other people present and said coldly: Why don't you get out? Do you want to wait for me to invite you one by one?

No no no...

In an instant, a large group of men in black fled in all directions, as if they were being chased by wolves from behind.

Su Ying, let's continue!

After saying that, he slowly lowered his head and kissed her, lingering and passionate.

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