Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 995 The Core of the World

Luo Tianxi's eyes flashed with embarrassment, and he said hesitantly: Besides...

If I want to restore my physical body, I must find the heart of [Soni Vajra Beast].

Otherwise, even if there is [Demon Lord Relic], it will not be restored.

Murong Fu smiled softly at her, tilted his head and said, What's so difficult about this?

Don't worry, leave everything to me! He said as he pulled the person into his arms.

Immediately, Luo Tianxi's eyes lit up when he saw clusters of particularly lush spiritual herbs and elixirs not far away.

Murong Fu walked over with her and said with a smile: I just discovered that the spiritual world is really too empty, and so much place was wasted.

I also had the attitude of giving it a try, but I didn't expect that I actually survived.

This growth rate is much higher than outside. I didn't notice it before.

Luo Tianxi listened to his words, nodded involuntarily, and continued: Actually, there are hidden mysteries in this spiritual world.

What did you say? Murong Fu suddenly became interested and his eyes flashed with light.

The latter looked around and slowly walked towards the center of the spiritual world.

Here, where Luo Tianxi was just now, she looked up.

Pointing to a gap in the sky: Actually, the spiritual world is not complete yet. There is still one crucial thing missing.

What is that? Murong Fu looked in that direction and saw a dim fragment floating in the darkness.

Luo Tianxi sighed: It is the core of the world that has been broken, but a crucial piece is missing.

The broken core of the world? He repeated softly, and quickly asked: Then if this core is found, what changes will happen to the spiritual world?

Luo Tianxi slowly explained to him the origin and specific uses of the spiritual world.

From her words, Murong Fu learned the secrets of the spiritual world.

Here, everything is virtual, only Murong Fu is the entity.

Those spiritual herbs and elixirs he just planted took root and sprouted only by accident, and I'm afraid they won't survive for long.

Sure enough, just as she finished speaking, the lush herbs withered and withered in an instant.

The fallen leaves were quickly absorbed by the land, and the entire spiritual world once again returned to its original appearance of nothingness and desolation.

In Luo Tianxi's mouth, he also mentioned that this spiritual world is not just a void, but can also become a real world.

Bring people from the outside world here to practice and even live here.

However, the strength of the people inside will be suppressed by Murong Fu, and they will never be able to surpass him.

So, the core of the broken world is the most critical! Luo Tianxi said solemnly with a glint in his eyes.

Murong Fu nodded thoughtfully, but did not take it to heart.

Immediately, he looked at Luo Tianxi and said softly: I will go find [Soni Vajra Beast]'s heart for you first, and you can stay here.

The latter nodded, with a bit of nostalgia and dependence in his eyes: I'm waiting for you!

Soon, Murong Fu came out of the spiritual world and returned to the real world.

He checked the injuries on his body, swallowed a few more elixirs, and circulated the spiritual energy in his body.

Just when he was practicing meditation, he could only hear the sound of fighting coming from outside.

He opened his eyes suddenly, murderous intent flashed through his eyes, stood up directly, and pushed the door open.

Outside, a group of men in black were seen surrounding Su Ying and Bian Eryi.

Bian Eryi and Su Ying joined forces and defeated these people steadily.

Outside the yard, there were occasional roars of wild beasts, one after another.

Murong Fu's eyes passed over the leader, and he felt a little doubtful in his heart. He always felt that he seemed familiar.

At this time, he was not in a hurry to show up, but was staring at the person closely.

Suddenly, the man took out a bamboo flute from his arms, put it to his mouth and blew it gently.

The harsh and eerie sound of the flute echoed throughout the courtyard, making Murong Fu's heart tremble.

Just when he was confused, countless roars suddenly came from far and near.

With a sound of Boom!, a black cheetah suddenly burst open the door and rushed into the yard.

Behind it, a large number of spiritual beasts followed, rushing in one after another.

The man put down the flute and said with a bit of a smile, I say, you should stop struggling pointlessly.

This sound reached Murong Fu's ears, and he suddenly understood.

The person in front of him is the Wu Jinghong who was deposed at the [Beast Control Center].

Unexpectedly, he would appear here again and even be able to control these spiritual beasts.

So what if you have great martial arts skills? How can you defeat this huge army of spirit beasts like me? As soon as these words came out, Su Ying and Bian Ershiyi's expressions changed.

The two looked at each other, and Su Ying said angrily: Just give up on this idea!

I'm telling you! Emperor Qian's poison will be released soon, and your conspiracy will still not come to light!

Go back and tell the person behind you, I will never let him succeed! Bian Eryi also shouted at the side, with no hint of flinching in his eyes.

At this moment, Wu Jinghong's face changed again and again, and he gritted his teeth: You are an old man! If that's the case, then I will make the two of you walk around without food!

After that, he wanted to raise his bamboo flute to play again, but was knocked down by gravel flying from not far away.

Who's behind! He suddenly looked back, and his whole body froze on the spot.

I saw Murong Fu slowly walking out from behind and smiled at him: Your grandpa!

Fulang, are you healed? Su Ying also looked back, with a bit of worry in her eyes.

Murong Fu smiled at her and nodded slightly: Don't worry, it's nothing serious.

When Wu Jinghong saw him, he froze on the spot for a long time, and then his eyes were filled with overwhelming murderous intent.

Murong Fu, it's you! He gritted his teeth and slowly squeezed out a sentence, his whole face twisted with hatred.

At the beginning, Wu Jinghong was doing everything he could in the [Beast Control Center] and had a promising future, but the arrival of Murong Fu interfered.

Let him fall from the high altar and become the ghost he is now.

He caressed his scar-covered cheek, and suddenly filled with hatred, he said one word at a time: Very good!

Today, I will settle the old and new grudges with you. You must have been able to defeat the [One-Horned Devil Tiger] back then.

Today I want to see if you can come out alive from my spirit beast chamber!

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