Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 990 The secret of Pang Ban’s survival

In the [Qing Palace], Kangxi was surrounded by the fate of the country. Suddenly, he felt a strange wave enter the [Qing Palace].

His expression suddenly changed, and he slowly opened his eyes: He's here!

Wei Tuo on the side took a step forward and asked: Your Majesty, who do you mean is here?

Prince Yan, Murong Fu! Kangxi spoke one word at a time, showing a gloomy smile.

I actually forgot that there was such a change for him. I'm afraid I might be in some trouble!

Didn't he go to other realms? Why did he suddenly come back! Wei Tuo was shocked.

Then, he continued: A few days ago, I heard them say that someone had seen traces of Murong Fu. I still didn't believe it. It seems that the rumors are true.

Kangxi stood up slowly and looked into the distance. He was silent for a long time before speaking: Keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't do bad things.

The latter nodded, gestured with a knife with his hand, and placed it on his neck: Your Majesty, do you want me to be a slave...

No! Murong Fu is brave and resourceful. He is definitely not an ordinary person. If he can be used for his own purposes, then our Qing country will definitely be even more powerful!

A trace of surprise flashed in Wei Tuo's eyes, and he lowered his head and said: Old slave heard that he is very powerful, and he is even more dominating. If you want to use him for your own use, I'm afraid you will be hurt by him!

Kangxi thought for a long time and waved to him: Don't touch him yet, I have my own arrangements.

Wei Tuo accepted the order and exited the door.

At this moment, a young eunuch from the side came up, leaned over and whispered: Manager Wei, there is a man outside who calls himself Pang Ban and wants to see him.

Wei Tuo stopped, with a look of confusion on his face, and murmured: [Magician] Pang Ban?

It's him! the little eunuch confirmed.

Wei Tuo put away his doubts, thought for a moment and said, Go and call him.

As soon as Pang Ban entered the door, he made his purpose clear: Eunuch Wei, I, Pang Ban, want to use the demonic energy in [Qing Kingdom] to increase our strength.

Oh? Wei Tuo suddenly became energetic and looked at the other person up and down, with a meaningful smile on his face: Why is this?

Pang Ban's expression suddenly changed, his whole body trembled slightly, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

After a long time, he slowly uttered two words: Revenge!

Revenge? Wei Tuo walked up to Pang Ban with a smile, and suddenly raised his hand and slapped Pang Ban.

Pang Ban was shocked, as if he was sensing something, he raised his hands to stop him.


After a loud noise, the whole person fell to his knees and said with a puzzled face: Father, why is this?

Wei Tuo's face turned cold and he said, Don't think that if the Ze family doesn't leave the palace for a long time, they don't know the affairs of the world.

Pang Ban and Fang Shisan were killed by Murong Fu a long time ago!

Where did you come from, bastard, and you want to fish in troubled waters and deceive my father-in-law.

After speaking, Wei Tuo took action to understand the other party.

Pang Ban saw something was wrong and immediately explained: Father, please listen to me!

In fact, Wei Tuo just wanted to scare Pang Ban on purpose. He stood there and said, Speak, my father-in-law, listen.

Pang Ban said: Did father-in-law ever mention the Great Method of Planting Demons in the Taoist Heart?

Wei Tuo said: Haha, this is the highest skill of your magic sect. I have naturally heard of it.

Pang nodded and said, If that's the case, it's easy to explain.

There is a secret method in the Dao Heart Demon Seed Technique, which only requires planting the demon seeds that have been cultivated into a person's body before death.

You can take over your body and be reborn.

Of course, he did not tell the key point. The way to activate the demon seed is Demon Emperor Xiang Yutian.

Hearing this, Wei Tuo's eyes couldn't help but shine, and he said in surprise: Then you are immortal?

Pang Ban shook his head and said: The 'Dao Heart Demon Seed Technique' can only cultivate one demon seed in a lifetime, even for juniors.

Wei Tuo showed a trace of disappointment on his face and said boredly: Then what is your purpose of coming here?

Pang Ban said angrily: Murong Fu first killed me, and then my master. I came here just to use the magic pool to increase my strength and kill him to avenge him!

When Wei Tuo heard the whole story, he was immediately overjoyed: He had really dozed off, and someone handed him a pillow.

He was worrying about how to deal with the scourge of Murong Fu, but now that Pang Ban had joined, everything became more interesting.

Then, he thought about it in his mind and smiled like a yellow flower: In that case, I will help you.

In this [Qing Kingdom], the place with the most evil energy is the [Demon Transformation Pond]!

If you really make up your mind...

After hearing this, Pang Ban quickly said: I've thought about it! This time, I came here just for this [Demon Transformation Pond].

In that case, then just let me go. Wei Tuo glanced at him, turned around and headed towards the back garden.

The two walked through the entire palace and came to a desolate and dilapidated palace with no human beings around.

Here, the weeds are as tall as half a man, the palace walls are in dilapidated condition, and a fishy smell hits our face.

Wei Tuo stood outside the dark red palace door, opened the door and walked in.

Eunuch Wei, did you go to the wrong place? Pang Ban looked around with some confusion, hesitating at his feet.

However, Wei Tuo did not give him an answer. He walked to the stone chair in the courtyard and turned it three times.


Suddenly, the ground was opened instantly, and a dark hole appeared, and a stench came from inside.

This is it, please!

Pang Ban's eyes lit up, he covered his mouth and nose, and walked down until he reached the deepest part of the underground.

Suddenly, he felt his eyes light up, and the scene around him froze him in place.

I saw that the ground in front of me was covered with white bones, one on top of the other, piled up in several thick layers.

There are animal bones and human bones.

You can even vaguely see countless maggots pupating and eating the carrion inside the bones.

What? Are you scared? Wei Tuo glanced at him and said disdainfully.

The latter suppressed the fear in his heart and pretended to be calm: I'm not afraid!

Hahaha, where is this? There are better ones inside!

Wei Tuo smiled, kicked away the bones without any care, and continued to move forward.

Soon, what appeared in front of their eyes was a pool of turbid black water, which kept making gurgling sounds. ..

Pang Ban looked around and realized that this was a huge bronze palace filled with bronze statues of various colors.

In the very center, a huge pool was dug out, occupying almost half of the entire hall.

The water in the pool was black, faintly mixed with a hint of purple mist and green smoke, and bubbles billowed out like boiling water.

However, it was filled with extremely cold air, bringing out an extremely rich demonic aura and a disgusting bloody odor.

This is the [Demon Transformation Pond]? Pang Ban held his sense of smell, feeling a little shocked.

Wei Tuo smiled and nodded, making a please gesture.

Pang Ban hesitated a little, then rushed in, closed his eyes and lay on his back in the pool.

In the [Demon Transformation Pool], the water in the pool was like a sharp knife cutting blood marks on his body, and the demonic energy continued to penetrate into his body.

The pool suddenly surged with waves, countless bubbles popped up, and a hissing sound could be heard from time to time.

As Pang Ban screamed, one claw stretched out from the water, and dozens of hunched black shadow ghosts also emerged.

They began to bite and devour his body that was submerged in the water, and each one desperately dug into his body.

In just the blink of an eye, the black water in the [Demon Transformation Pond] rose rapidly, soon flooding the edge of the pond and overflowing outwards.

At this moment, Pang Ban felt like his whole body was being torn apart, and a powerful force was constantly flowing back and forth on his wound.


He roared, resisting the severe pain in his body, and tried to struggle to get up from the pool.

Unexpectedly, his body was now firmly grasped by countless claws, and black shadows poured into his body along the water.

He felt that his inner strength was retreating uncontrollably, and then it was filled up again in an instant.

After several times in a row, he felt a slight lightness in his body and was pushed out of the pool by a pair of big hands.

Staggering, he stood up.

Pang Ban slowly opened his eyes, and a black devilish aura flashed past, making him a little dazed and dull.

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