Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 989 Demonized Wild Boar

Murong Fu looked at the condensation of sand and stones in front of his eyes, his eyes showing some vigilance, and he slowly looked around.

Something's wrong!

There's something wrong with this dead forest!

He carefully observed the arrangement of dead trees and made silent calculations in his heart.

This is……

Suddenly, alarm bells rang in his heart, and he kept retreating.


A huge crack continued to spread from the place under his feet.

If he hadn't reacted in time, he might have fallen into it long ago.

He breathed a sigh of relief, looked intently at the crack in front of the dead tree, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

I saw that a large amount of black demonic energy was continuously pouring out from the crack.

In just an instant, it had spread to the entire dry forest, and the evil energy was lingering.

Murong Fu was startled and quickly used his spiritual power to form a protective barrier around his body to prevent himself from being invaded by the evil spirit.

Suddenly, a strange roar came from behind him.

Then, there were more and louder sounds, coming from far to near.


After a roar that echoed through the sky, the demonic energy that had originally enveloped him gradually dissipated.

His expression changed, and he felt that it was not as if the demonic energy had disappeared, but as if it had been swallowed up by something.

In an instant, the black demonic energy drifted quickly in one direction at the same time.

Soon, the entire dry forest returned to its previous appearance, and there was no longer any trace of evil energy.

It seemed that everything that had just happened was just an illusion.

Whirring whirring…

Two wind-breaking sounds sounded out of thin air, followed by masses of black demonic energy.

Looking intently, he was shocked and couldn't help but secretly thought: This demonic energy is really powerful.

In front, four completely demonized wild boars appeared at the same time.

Each one is about half a foot tall and more than a foot long. They are all black, breathing heavily, and baring two fangs.

His eyes were red, and his whole body was constantly emitting demonic energy. He had obviously absorbed the demonic energy and evolved into a wild boar demon.


The four wild boar demons roared at the same time, and there was wind at their feet, and they rushed forward with their fangs pointed at them.

Seeing this scene, he quietly accumulated the spiritual power in his body, and when he was still three steps away from him, he swatted out with a palm.


A hurricane struck out, and the four wild boar demons reacted instantly and moved around strangely.

Then, he immediately turned around, raised his head and pointed a pair of thick and long sharp fangs straight in the direction of Murong Fu.

The wild boar demon roared, its eyes filled with anger, and it stared straight ahead with a very strange expression.

Murong Fu failed to hit the target and was unwilling to do so. He clenched his fists tightly and struck without mercy.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With four muffled sounds of flesh and blood colliding, the wild boar demons flew out directly, each one being beaten until they screamed in agony.

Facing several heavy punches, the wild boar demons were suddenly angered.

He kept breathing heavily, and saliva flowed all over the floor along his two fangs.

Under his feet, four hooves began to dig the ground crazily, entering a state of attack and combat.

Murong Fu narrowed his eyes slightly, used more force in his hands, and flew forward to strike hard.

The wild boar demon also reacted quickly, surrounding him tightly, and pointed its sharp fangs towards the sky.

But in the blink of an eye, the two sides had already started a fierce battle.

Murong Fu first forced the wild boar demon back with a palm, and then hit their faces with dozens of punches, causing blood and flesh to fly everywhere.

However, the wild boar demons seemed to have no pain and were not affected at all.

Instead, he became more and more courageous as he fought, began to run rampant, and his fangs continued to grow.

Murong Fu evaded flexibly and used an extremely cunning pace to lead the wild boar demons one by one to the dead tree.

Boom! Boom! The surrounding dead trees fell down, and several were broken in succession.

With the wild boar demon charging with all its strength, the entire dry forest was turned upside down.

Murong Fu looked serious and carefully observed the four wild boar demons.

The reason why he didn't make a killing move was because he wanted to see how powerful this demonic aura was.

After several fights, he was horrified.

These four wild boars were transformed into demon queens, with strength comparable to that of a master.

Even when the demonic energy is sufficient, it can almost reach the peak of the master's power.

However, he also slowly discovered that as the demonic energy dissipated, the strength of the wild boar demon also weakened.

This means that once there is no demonic energy, their power will be greatly reduced.

That's how it is! A flash of understanding flashed in Murong Fu's eyes.

He deduced from this that once a person who is possessed by demonic energy is too far away from the demonic energy, his strength will decrease sharply.

While he was deep in thought, the four wild boar demons collided with each other again, with less strength and speed than before.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Murong Fu's lips, and he said softly: Beast, I'll give you some color, you're kicking your nose in the face!

After saying that, he gathered spiritual power in his palm, and slowly condensed a golden light, which became more and more dazzling.


The next moment, the four wild boar demons flew straight out like kites with broken strings.

He broke dozens of dead trees in succession, and let out a final scream.

After struggling on the ground for two times, he lost his breath and the demonic energy disappeared little by little.

The surroundings were in a mess and stained with blood.

However, Murong Fu discovered that one of the dead trees was not affected at all.

On the contrary, the branches are still slowly extending, flashing with a strange red light, getting brighter and brighter.

Just as he was wondering, the body of the wild boar demon that had fallen to the ground slowly rose into the air and flew towards the dead tree.

This is... Murong Fu looked at it blankly and struck out with a palm from his hand.

The dead tree changed in an instant, revealing its original appearance.

I saw that the dead branches on the tree slowly fell off, revealing red lights, continuously releasing demonic energy.

When Murong Fu saw this, he took a deep breath.

No matter how much he traveled around the world, he had never seen such a strange scene.

On the current tree, every branch has a blood-red shadow hanging on it.

Among them, the four wild boar demons just now were also included, and they were continuously providing blood to them.

The red blood flows along the trunk, into the roots, until it reaches the cracks in the ground, where it transforms into traces of demonic energy.

Murong Fu looked at it carefully for a long time, sneered, and hit the root of the tree.

The huge power, mixed with countless spiritual powers, completely destroyed the tree.

On the spot, there was only a blood-red pit, and there was no trace of the demonic energy anymore.

Murong Fu stood there for a long time, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.

He really underestimated the demonic energy. It seemed that the three demon eggs must be destroyed as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if this continues, it will be too late.

He put away his expression and walked quickly towards the territory of [Qing Kingdom], inquiring about the whereabouts of the three magic eggs.

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