Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 981 Oboi’s strength

Obai stood there steadily, with a bit of wildness in the three-dimensional features on his face, and a strange and bloodthirsty smile.

From his body, black demonic energy was continuously exuding, getting stronger and stronger, wrapping him in it.

He looked around at the soldiers around him and laughed loudly: Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie, you bunch of ants dare to fight against my demon soldiers and seek death!

After saying that, he waved his hands, and a fierce palm wind roared past, knocking all the Beiliang cavalry in front of him to the ground.

Huo Gong Tutuo roared, and a trace of blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth: Obai! You are going too far!

However, there seemed to be a fire burning in his eyes as he stared at the other party.

Old guy! Did you just hurt my brother? Obai's eyes narrowed, and the demonic energy from his body spilled out.

Hmph, even a mere demon soldier wants to set foot on the land of Kyushu. Just live out your daydreams! Huo Gong Tutuo smiled coldly, without the slightest hint of fear.

court death!

As soon as he finished speaking, the [Fire Cloud Sword] in Obai's wrist flew out like a thunderbolt, so fast that no one could see clearly. ..

Huo Gong Tutuo was seriously injured and was unable to withstand the blow.

However, he cannot retreat, nor can he retreat!

A look of perseverance emanated from his eyes, mixed with the determination to sacrifice his life to serve the country.

But when he saw him standing there, he shouted loudly, channeled all the internal energy in his body, and used the [Nine Yang Divine Art] to fight to the death.

He could only hear that shattered cold light flash across his cheek, and the [Fire Cloud Sword] in Obai's hand slashed downwards heavily.

Hmm! Huo Gong Tutuo couldn't help but groaned. He lost strength under his feet and his right knee fell heavily to the ground.

Crack~ it broke into several pieces.

Obai's sharp voice came from above, with a hint of ridicule: Oh, you're still not dead?

Immediately, the [Fire Cloud Sword] was filled with demonic energy and pressed down bit by bit.

At this moment, Huo Gong Tutuo was at the end of his strength, and his other leg was deformed by the strong force, but he still did not kneel on the ground.

This is his last act of pride and the strength of the entire Kyushu Kingdom!

At this moment, he could clearly feel that his internal strength was gradually exhausted and the blood in his body gradually became cold.

On the ground where he was, drops of dark red blood fell on the ground, slowly forming a small pool of blood.

With a roar, he used all his strength to flick the [Fire Cloud Sword] away: I must not let such villains step into the territory of our country!

There was a pop sound, a mouthful of blood flew out in the air, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

A flash of astonishment flashed in Obai's eyes. He didn't expect that such a powerful force could burst out from his body.

I really underestimate you. I want to see what else you can do?

After saying that, he saw his [Fire Cloud Sword] spinning and stirring like it was going to scatter the sky.

This move was imaginary and real, and came roaring with countless afterimages.

With a twist of his wrist, he missed the Huo Gong Tutuo's chest and slashed directly to his lower abdomen, opening a big hole in an instant.

In the distance, the expressions of Zhao Min and others changed, and they all wanted to rush forward in a hurry.

Just listen to Huo Gong Tutuo shouting loudly: Don't come over, you are no match!

In an instant, two more knives hit his left and right shoulders and neck, and countless pieces of meat were picked up by the long knife.

The deep and long wounds spurted out countless amounts of blood, which was shocking to see.

Even if you kill me today, I will never admit defeat!

He staggered to his feet, and even though his body was covered in blood and scars, it still couldn't stop his fearless eyes.

Obai clapped his hands and said loudly: Okay! Well done! Then I will break your old bones today!

Seeing the [Fire Cloud Sword] fall again, Huo Gong Tutuo was ready and slowly closed his eyes.

The blood slowly slid down from his cheeks and mixed with the turned white flesh. The scars all over his body showed that he was unyielding.

This time, he really has no strength...

However, the expected death did not come, I only felt a breeze blowing in front of me.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw that at some point, a human wall had been built in front of him, keeping him firmly behind.

We're here to help you!

Ahead, the seven men, Chai Ming, Iron Shou, Leng Xue, Bao Bu Tong, Deng Baichuan, Gong Yeqian, and Feng Bo evil, each show their talents.

Together they took the fatal blow from Obai and protected Huo Gong Tutuo to the death!

You are the master of the prince and the pillar of Jiuzhou Kingdom. We will never abandon you! Bao BuTong gritted his teeth tightly and spoke loudly.

It's so touching, what a pity! You will all die by my sword today! Obai's cold voice came out again.

Zhui Ming swallowed the sweet taste in his throat and cursed angrily: Old dog, we will never let you bully us!

Several people looked at each other and nodded heavily, their hearts extremely determined.

I heard everyone roaring in unison and using their strength together to knock back Obai several steps.

Unexpectedly, he was so good at qinggong that with a slight jump, he jumped behind everyone and landed firmly on the ground.

When no one could react, he swung his knife and stabbed Huo Gong Tutuo's calf.

Ah! A scream sounded, hitting everyone's hearts.

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated.

Obai's move was to torture Huo Gong Tutuo to death.

Zhui Ming, Iron Hand, and Lengxue all showed resentment in their eyes. They took out their weapons and rushed forward to fight with Obai.

Feng Bo Evil took advantage of this moment to take Huo Gong Tutuo out of the battlefield and handed him over to Zhao Min's care.

Master! At this moment, Zhao Min had tears in her eyes, and she was deeply moved and distressed.

Huo Gong Tutuo patted her hand and closed his eyes slightly: It would be great if he were here...

On the other side, the seven people on the field were fighting against Obai, and they didn't get any advantage at all.

The blades met, the swords stabbed quickly, and several people attacked together with earth-shattering power.

It's a pity that he still couldn't move the opponent at all, so he could only watch himself being knocked away.

Lengxue and Zhui Ming exchanged glances. The two of them tapped their toes, flew in the air, turned around, and attacked from the left and right sides with their swords.

The iron hand followed closely behind, and the wind of his palm struck from top to bottom towards Obai's Tianchi point.

It's a small skill, but you dare to do the same thing. Obai's face didn't change at all, he spoke calmly and kept turning his wrist.

The fast and ruthless [Fire Cloud Sword] was danced with afterimages, mixed with the potential to destroy the world, and attacked the three of them.

When Zhui Ming, Iron Hand, and Lengxue found out, it was already too late and they could only suffer the blow alive.

Each and every one of them was beaten until they vomited blood and fell to the ground, causing a cloud of dust to fly.

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