Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 980 Severely Injured and Defeated the Demonic Enemy

Zhao Min's eyes flashed: No, we can't go on like this!

She turned to look at Huo Gong Tutuo and nodded to him: Master, you are the only one to take action now!

Okay! Let me meet them! The latter understood and flew onto the battlefield.

At this moment, Mulima had just unscrewed a person's head and was about to take a sip when a black shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

I saw Huo Gong Tutuo seeing the right opportunity, raising his legs to sweep forward, and came out one after another.

Hit him directly on the head, each one more powerful than the last, forcing him to retreat continuously, and roars came from his throat.

Soon, Mulima was forced to take dozens of steps back, staggering and falling backwards.

Just when he was about to fall to the ground, his whole body was suddenly bounced back to his feet.

You, go to hell! His tone was stiff, and he struggled to get a few words out of his mouth.

The next moment, his hands were like sharp claws, and he rushed out. The speed was so fast that people could only see an afterimage.

Huo Gong Tutuo was shocked. He didn't expect that this person's strength far exceeded his expectations.

His expression changed drastically, and he launched a flying kick to the chest, kicking the black figure rushing towards him hard, sending him flying backwards.

Then, he flew after him again, made a sudden spin, swept across with one leg, and kicked him to the ground.

In the distance, Ao Bai saw that Mulima had suffered a loss, and there was no trace of worry on his face. On the contrary, there was a smile: Just wait and see, the good show is yet to come!

On the field, Murima roared angrily and tried to attack again, but was repulsed by the oncoming fist.

I saw that Huo Gong Tutuo punched quickly, as fast as lightning, creating a series of afterimages, making a whooshing sound, and punching hard to the flesh.

His fist was as hard as a boulder, roaring out with strong winds.

Murima's face was hit with a bang bang, leaving a bloody mess, and blood mixed with sand flowed down her face.

Several dull punches landed on his face, and he gradually became unable to withstand them and kept retreating.

Until his body was knocked out and hit the rows of demon soldiers behind him, he screamed again and again.

Huo Gong Tutuo clenched his fists tightly and opened his arms, like a dragon wrapped around him, mobilizing the internal strength of his whole body.

He took a deep breath, tapped his toes on the ground, jumped up, and flew into the air.

Just when he wanted to punch again and attack the opponent's vital parts, he only felt that his body was stagnant.

I saw that one of Mulima's hands was holding his arm tightly, like an iron vise that was hard to shake.

The other hand also came quickly, gripping his left shoulder with its five knuckles, and its sharp nails dug deeply into his skin.

It was punctured in an instant, and gurgling blood soaked down his clothes. He only felt a bone-shattering pain, coming from his arm and left shoulder.

The next moment, Huo Gong Tutuo directly lifted his feet off the ground, his body rose into the air, and the fingertips on his left shoulder penetrated deeply again.

I saw that Mulima's eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and her arms were extremely strong. She lifted it upwards and threw it out again.

On the shoulders and arms, there were bloodstains raised by the nails. The moment he took off his hands, a stream of blood mist and flesh foam were brought up.

Huo Gong Tutuo's body flew out uncontrollably, and when he saw that he was about to hit the flying sword rain, he hurriedly raised his internal strength and turned around.

He reluctantly stood still and looked at the scars on his arms, which were filled with black evil energy.

Damn it! He hurriedly removed the flesh and blood from his arms and shoulders to prevent the demonic energy from entering his body.

Obai laughed and kept making sarcastic remarks: Hahaha, there is no one in the huge Kyushu Kingdom who can defeat me!

Huo Gong Tutuo suppressed the surging internal force in his body, endured the severe pain, and flew up again.

This battle cannot be lost!

In the blink of an eye, the wind from his palm whizzed by, violently hitting Mulima from top to bottom.

However, there was only a click sound, and his arm was tightly grasped, and waves of heartbreaking pain made him frown.

He couldn't help but groan, and felt that his arms were as heavy as heavy iron, and he couldn't even lift them up.

On the opposite side, Mulima's laughter of Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie came, her face was bloody and bloody, and she looked like a monster.

Immediately afterwards, he punched Huo Gong Tutuo on the head.

The latter was shocked. His arm was seriously injured at this time. Before he could defend himself, he saw that the fist was getting closer and closer to him.

If this punch hits hard, his life will probably be at stake here.

Huo Gong Tutuo's eyes changed, he used his other hand to catch the punch, and the [Nine Yang Divine Art] came out.

The fierce fighting spirit soared into the sky, as domineering and powerful as the wind rolling through the remaining clouds and the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. The powerful aura drove back all the surrounding soldiers.

Soon, he met Mulima's fist, which knocked him away and rolled him four or five times on the ground.

Suddenly, Huo Gong Tutuo had a thought in his mind and looked at the opponent's left ribs in trance. M..

Hahaha, that's it! He looked up to the sky and laughed.

Finally, he saw the other party's flaw.

On the battlefield, no matter whether it is fists, feet, swords, or physical phantoms, they are not perfect. There must be flaws in them.

If you take advantage of this, you will surely win with one blow and get twice the result with half the effort.

Huo Gong Tutuo quietly took out a short blade from his arms, then rushed forward and lightly swiped Mulima's right arm.

A long and deep gash was made, and the white flesh instantly turned over, and blood with black demonic energy seeped out from the flesh.

Mulima was in pain, and her screams resounded throughout the battlefield. The soldiers who were nearby suddenly had bursts of black blood pouring out of their ears.

Huo Gong Tutuo blocked his hearing and gradually approached him. Taking advantage of his momentary loss of concentration, he stood up suddenly and ran out quickly.

Pfft! The short blade sank directly into his left rib, and then he slashed desperately to the right.

A long mark was instantly cut on Mulima's chest, and countless demonic energy mixed with blood kept pouring out.

Ouch! He fell heavily to the ground and kept mumbling something.

Huo Gong Tutuo was knocked to the ground by the demonic energy. He was seriously injured and his hands were covered with blood. He struggled to stand up.

Zhao Min, who had been sweating, slowly breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on his face.

When Ao Bai, who was far away on the opposite side, saw that something was wrong, he immediately flew out and came to the opposite side of Huo Gong Tou Tuo.

He first looked at Murima's injuries, then picked him up and threw him back into the camp.

Obai, if you want to invade our Jiuzhou Kingdom, I advise you to give up!

This vast country is not something you dare to invade!

You are the losers in the end, and you will be reviled! Huo Gong Tutuo stared at him with eyes as bright as a torch, and his tone was resounding.

The surrounding Beiliang cavalry also shouted loudly: Anyone who offends our Kyushu Kingdom will die!

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