Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 970 Guardian Spirit Beast

Jing Yuqian sat down on the ground and lowered his head in frustration: How could this happen?

Murong Fu was also extremely confused. He stood there and pondered for a moment, thinking about what went wrong.

Each phantom clone is in the Yuanshen realm and can reach the original realm through the [Yin and Yang Double Mirror].

Every step is correct, why doesn't it work?

Let's try again! He pulled Jing Yuqian up from the ground and nodded to her.

This time, he first sent dozens of phantom clones into the [Yin Mirror], but once again they all failed.

Come again!

He took a deep breath and sent in dozens of clones again, his eyes fixed on the mirror.

However, there were several streaks of black smoke, announcing failure.

Just when both of them lost confidence, the [Yin Mirror] that was originally shrouded in black fog suddenly shook.

Then, a dazzling silver light emitted, covering the mirror and dispersing the original black smoke.

Jing Yuqian was immediately overjoyed and threw herself into Murong Fu's arms: It's successful! It's finally successful!

Murong Fu was also extremely happy and picked her up high, smiling heartily.

After another lingering moment, the two hugged each other and looked at each other with some reluctance.

Are you going inside?

Murong Fu nodded: Time waits for no one, I want to get the [Purple Bodhi Fruit] as soon as possible to save people.

I'm going back too. Jing Yuqian's tone was a little low, unwilling to leave.

Why don't you go back? The Fox Fairy Queen covets the blood of your nine-tailed fox. I'm afraid...

It's okay, she hasn't gotten your pure Yang Qi yet, so she won't do anything to me.

Under Jing Yuqian's reluctant gaze, Murong Fu rode the [One-horned Demon Tiger] and continued to go deeper along the map.

It was fairly quiet along the way, and there were no more troubles.

Even if there are some beasts with no eyes that want to make a sneak attack, they are all afraid of the [One-Horned Demonic Tiger] and dare not move forward easily.

However, the absence of external attacks does not mean the absence of psychic attacks.

The [One-Horned Devil Tiger] has been crying and howling under Murong Fu's butt, telling him about his tragic experience last night.

Master! You don't know how much of a beast that [Three-tailed Colored Fox] is, it actually tormented me all night long!

Murong Fu glanced at him coolly and struck him with words: It is a beast to begin with, and you are also a beast.

Master! Even you bully me. I can't survive this life. I want to eat kidneys to replenish my strength! [One-horned Demon Tiger] made a fuss about eating kidneys.

Finally, Murong Fu was annoyed by its ink stains and kicked it away: Don't follow my ink stains, eat it yourself!

[One-horned Demon Tiger] turned around and disappeared from his sight: Okay! Master, I will come find you later.

After sending away this annoying [One-Horned Devil Tiger], Murong Fu could finally rest in peace for a while.

He looked at the map and found that he had arrived at the place where the [Purple Bodhi Fruit] grew.

He couldn't help but slightly curled his lips: This gadget is quite reliable.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, causing him to shiver.

The hurricane blew away the vines that were winding around the mountain, revealing a small hole.

Murong Fu followed the instructions on the map and slowly walked in.

The moment he stepped into the cave, he felt it clearly.

There seemed to be an eye behind him staring at him, with a vague murderous aura.

With a calm expression on his face, he strode forward until he reached the deepest part of the cave.

Passing through a narrow corridor, a white light shone in front of him, seemingly guiding him in the direction.

He walked towards that place while being wary of the people behind him.

After a moment, he felt that his eyes suddenly opened up, and what he saw was like another world.

The place is full of rare and exotic grasses, lush and lush, and all kinds of rare herbs can be seen everywhere.

Oh, it really is a good place! Murong Fu followed the map and passed by a winding stream.

He slowly looked up and saw a purple light halfway up the mountain, surrounded by a powerful force.

It is [Purple Bodhi Grass] and [Purple Bodhi Fruit].

He tapped his feet lightly and wanted to fly to the middle of the mountain, but he noticed the sound of a sword coming from behind him. ..

Murong Fu was well prepared. He turned around and easily dodged in mid-air.

Then, he slapped his palm unceremoniously, directly hitting the man's heart.

The latter also reacted promptly, put away his offensive, and kept retreating.

Who are you? How dare you trespass on our clan's important territory! The man shouted, looking at Murong Fu with a fixed look.

Who are you? You only dare to do some sneak attacks from behind. It's really shameful! Murong Fu looked at him coldly and asked.

My name is Yushu, and I am the guardian of this place. If anyone dares to trespass here, they will be killed without mercy!

As soon as he finished speaking, Yushu took out the sword blade in his hand, drew a few circles in the air, and then took it out.

The sword seemed to have come to life in an instant, flying towards Murong Fu's eyes without missing a beat.

Just five inches away from him, a golden light suddenly emitted, turning from one sword blade into two, making it impossible to open one's eyes.

It's interesting! Murong Fu snorted coldly, not taking this little trick seriously at all.

Suddenly, the golden light in his eyes was infinitely magnified, and he slowly tightened his grip on the [Taiyi Light Sword].

Ding! Ding!

Only two crisp sounds were heard, and Yushu's sword was knocked down in the air and stuck directly on the ground.

Not far away, Yushu's expression changed, and he controlled the sword again.

At the same time, several sword blades flew out from his hands again, carrying the hurricane and flying out.

It transformed into a huge sword net halfway down the road, trying to trap Murong Fu firmly in it.

Murong Fu felt the mystery of this, how could it be as he wished.

He put away the [Taiyi Split Light Sword], and when the sword net was about to cover him, he turned around.

The [Bone Fan] in his hand fanned out the [Yin-Eating Ghost Wind], directly destroying the originally indestructible sword network, and countless swords were scattered in all directions.

While Yushu was distracted, Murong Fu seized the opportunity and used [Lingbo Weibu] with his feet.

Like a ghost, he rushed directly behind Yushu and punched him in the back.

Yushu lost his mind, and his body was knocked out hard, hitting the mountain, causing a burst of flying sand and rocks.

You...who are you? He looked at Murong Fu in disbelief, and his heart was filled with huge waves.

He has been guarding here for half his life, and he has never encountered such a strong opponent. He even made a small move and beat himself into such a mess.

Murong Fu looked at him, with a biting coldness in his eyes, and said solemnly: I am only here for the [Purple Bodhi Grass and Fruit].

You're dreaming!

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