Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 969 The Greedy Fox Fairy Queen

After hearing this, Murong Fu couldn't help but wonder: Does she have a subordinate named Taoist Bat?

Jing Yuqian thought for a moment and replied seriously: Yes, the Queen does have a Bat Taoist under her command, but he went out half a year ago and never came back.

Could it be that Fu Lang knows him?

After hearing this, Murong Fu told Jing Yuqian about being chased by Taoist Bat, and then expressed the doubts in his heart: She and I had no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges recently. Why did you attack me?

Suddenly, Jing Yuqian's expression changed, as if he had thought of something, and she nervously grabbed his hand:

Actually, the reason why the Fox Fairy Empress accepted me is because she took a fancy to my nine-tailed fox bloodline.

She is now a Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal. She wants to overcome the Tribulation and become an Immortal by swallowing the power of my nine tails.

Murong Fu's expression changed drastically, and he was about to say something, but was shocked by what he said next.

Jing Yuqian continued: More than that, I think the reason why she sent people to hunt you down was also because she took a fancy to your pure Yang Qi.

After taking yang and replenishing yin, and devouring me, she can break through and reach the peak of the Mahayana stage in one fell swoop, doubling her strength.

I see. A glint flashed in Murong Fu's eyes, and he nodded silently. Although he was calm on the surface, there was already a huge wave in his heart.

Unexpectedly, I have become the prey of others without even knowing it.

If I hadn't met Jing Gozen today, I might have died without knowing how.

For a moment, a feeling of powerlessness emerged.

He thought he was careful enough, but he never thought that disaster would still happen.

If you really meet a master like the Fox Fairy Empress, you may not be able to fight back.

Wei Wei clenched her fists and spoke firmly and forcefully: We must not let her succeed.

Don't worry, the reason why she hasn't taken action against us yet is because the time is not ripe. Jingyu looked confused: We can take advantage of this time to think about countermeasures.

Murong Fu frowned slightly, hugged the person in his arms tightly, and sighed softly.

Jing Yuqian smiled softly and said: Don't worry, I have been by her side for a long time and I have also found out a lot of news, which may help us overcome this difficulty.

The moonlight gradually faded away, the sky turned fish belly white, and the two people hugged each other.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration appeared, and Murong Fu suddenly thought of a good idea.

He looked at the sleeping person in his arms and smiled softly: Don't be afraid, I will protect you.

As the sun rose, the sunlight slowly enveloped the entire [Shiwan Mountain].

Jingyu stretched his waist lazily and looked at him with a slight smile: Fulang~

Murong Fu slowly lowered his head and kissed the soft lips, inseparable.

On the other side, [One-horned Demon Tiger] and [Three-tailed Colorful Fox] walked over one after another.

Visible to the naked eye, the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] was staggering a bit, and it looked like he was tired after exerting too much force.

On the contrary, the [Three-tailed Colored Fox] looked satisfied, full of energy, and his eyes revealed charm.

Jing Yuqian was kissed until he was breathless. It took him a long time to come back to his senses, and stretched out his small fist to lightly beat his chest.

Murong Fu took hold of it and placed it in the pit of his heart, as if he was holding some treasure.

By the way, I was so happy to meet you that I forgot to ask you why you came here? Jingyu patted his forehead before asking.

Haha, yesterday I was immersed in the gentle land and couldn't extricate myself. I almost forgot important things.

You... Jing Yuqian was teased like this, her face turned red for a moment, and she was too embarrassed to raise her head to look at him.

Okay, I won't tease you anymore.

Murong Fu reached out and touched her hair, and said softly: I came to [Shiwandashan] for [Purple Bodhi Fruit] and [Purple Bodhi Grass].

[Purple Bodhi Fruit]? Are you here for him? Jing Yuqian's expression changed and he continued:

There are many dangers in [One Hundred Thousand Mountains], and there are also many powerful spiritual beasts that guard the spiritual grass.

Don't you still believe in your husband's strength? Murong Fu curled his lips slightly.

Then, he continued: By the way, I remember if you have [Yin-Yang Mirrors]?

Yes, I left the [Yang Mirror] in the original world, and the [Yin Mirror] was carried with me.

Saying that, Jing Yuqian took out a mirror from his arms and handed it over.

I saw that the mirror was engraved with patterns, and the traces of years of tempering were vaguely visible.

Why do you ask?

Murong Fu smiled mysteriously: The intersection of yin and yang in this mirror can transport people to the original world. What do you want me to do?

Jing Yuqian looked at him blankly and shook his head blankly, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

You said that the Fox Fairy Queen needs my pure Yang power to break through the ninth level. What if my pure Yang power disappears?

Immediately, Jing Yuqian understood what he meant and couldn't help showing admiration.

However, her face dropped again and she shook her head in frustration: No, this method won't work.

Although the [Yin-Yang Double Mirror] can teleport people there, there is a time and space tunnel inside.

The storm in this can easily tear people into pieces.

Besides, with my current state, this mirror can only teleport people below the Yuan Shen state...

As she spoke, she looked worried, and her pretty face seemed to be squeezed into a bun.

Murong Fu held him in his arms, and his warm breath blew into her ears: My husband has his own clever plan.

As soon as he finished speaking, he used the [True Shadow Clone Technique], and countless clones appeared in an instant.

Jing Yuqian was startled at first, then immediately understood what he meant and laughed softly: Okay! This method is good!

Actually, I already thought of this method last night.

As long as I put the power of pure Yang on a certain phantom, and then transmit it back through the [Yin-Yang Double Mirror].

In this way, no matter how powerful the Fox Fairy Queen is, she will never be able to find the whereabouts of the power of pure Yang.

The two did what they said, and saw Murong Fu transmit the power of pure Yang to one of the phantoms.

Jing Yuqian also released the [Yin Mirror], sucking the phantom clone into the mirror.

In an instant, the [Yin Mirror] began to vibrate violently, and the sound of a storm could be faintly heard from inside.

Is this method feasible? Jing Yuqian was still worried and muttered to himself.

After a moment, the mirror suddenly flashed a black smoke, and then fell silent.

Failed! The phantom clone did not pass through the time and space tunnel and was strangled in it.

Murong Fu sighed softly, and then said: Logically speaking, our method is feasible.

Try a few more times, and one of you will always succeed. Jing Yuqian nodded in agreement.

The two tried back and forth three times, but both ended in failure.

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