Murong Fu thought for a moment and slowly got off the bed.

Walking up to Yao Yue, he was only an inch away from her, sniffing her fragrant breath, and said loudly:

Life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven, my father has been trying to find a way out all his life, why should I, Murong Fu, be afraid?

Yao Yue subconsciously took a step back, except for that one accident.

This was the first time in so many years that she had let a man get so close.

But seeing Murong Fu looking so domineering.

There seemed to be a string in my heart that had not been touched for a long time, and it sounded softly.

Huh, if you're not afraid of death, just come with me. After saying that, he shook his sleeves and turned to leave.

Murong Fu muttered, why is this woman blushing?

Then, without much thought, he followed.

The two of them walked in tandem and soon came to the ice prison from the last time.

Murong Fu joked: You're not going to lock me in again, are you?

Yao Yue rolled her eyes and Murong Fu didn't say anything and continued walking down.

Soon, we crossed the ice prison layer and came directly below it.

This place seems to be an underground cave, with an ice pool in the middle and a cold jade bed next to it.

This is where my sister and I retreat. The ice pool is bone-chillingly cold.

And that cold jade bed is the fine ice from the North Sea that I worked hard to collect.

Even if it is placed under the scorching sun, it will remain intact for a hundred days. Yao Yue explained.

Ten thousand years? Murong Fu asked curiously: How do you calculate this?

There are faults between the ice layers, and every interval is a hundred years. Thousands of years of ice needs to be melted with blood before it can be mined.

Yao Yue did not despise Murong Fu this time, but said it seriously.

Murong Fu knew that the cold jade bed was the most yin and cold thing in the world.

As a cultivator sits and lies on it, the inner fire will be clear. When practicing, he can be brave and diligent without fear of future troubles.

However, although he majored in small phaseless skills, he had countless attribute skills.

But he has cultivated earth fire in his body, which belongs to the most yang and heat category.

I'm afraid there's something wrong with sleeping on it.

Why are you afraid? Yao Yue asked softly.

Murong Fu knew that Yao Yue would never harm him.

The other party had a thousand ways to kill him and asked, What do I need to do?

The temperature of the water in this ice pool is extremely low. You need to soak here for three hours before sitting on the cold jade bed. Yao Yue said.

Murong Fu said in surprise: Is it that simple?

Of course not, I won't use the Ming Yu Gong to lower the temperature here as quickly as possible. Yao Yue said.

Murong Fu said Okay.

He took off his clothes and walked directly into the ice pool.

A biting chill instantly activated the true energy in his body, automatically protecting his body.

Yao Yue turned her head away with disdain, found a place to sit down, closed her eyes and waited quietly.

In the ice pool, Murong Fu felt that he could easily resist. Now that the poison had gone away, it could be said that he was very relaxed.

However, this place is different from the ice prison above in that its temperature changes rhythmically.

The water in the ice pond is constantly changing with the flow of water. It is not necessarily true that it is living water. ..

The temperature of living water cannot exist for such a long time, and it would be wrong to say that it is stagnant water.

Because Murong Fu could clearly feel the water flowing.

It seems that the water here has a circulating filtration system that can be connected to the cold jade bed.

In the same way, Murong Fu used his spiritual consciousness to observe and easily deduce the changes in the temperature of the water flow.

According to its rhythm, start to exercise resistance.

After several times, he was surprised to find that with this rhythm, his breathing became smoother.

Although his skill cannot be measured specifically, it is about three thousandths more than before.


He never thought that Luban's technique could also be used to practice martial arts.

Anyone who can establish this training system is definitely a genius.

Soon, three hours later, the internal energy in Murong Fu's body not only did not consume half a point, but actually increased a lot.

Yao Yue felt the change in Murong Fu and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

I was secretly surprised: after I built this place.

Lian Xing also discovered the secret after practicing in it for three months.

Unexpectedly, it only took him less than an hour to realize it.

And it can be mastered so quickly.

This Murong Fu was really a martial arts wizard.

That's enough, it's been three hours. You can sit on the cold jade bed.

Murong Fu slowly regained his inner strength, stood up and walked towards the cold jade bed.


Ice water fell from his muscular body, his perfect body with his six-pack abs.

Rang Yaoyue couldn't help but blush.

If it were paired with the sentence Am I handsome, the picture would not be too beautiful.

However, Murong Fu is also a descendant of the royal family, so he is not that showy.

He walked straight to the cold jade bed and sat on it. I couldn't help but shout in my heart:

Oops, pull out your butt!

He was so frightened that he quickly used his skills to resist.

It's just that the temperature of the jade bed is several times or even dozens of times that of the ice pool.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't resist the cold above.

I'll ask you one last time, have you thought about whether you want to stick to it or not. Yao Yue spoke again to confirm.

Of course...yes! Murong Fu did not hesitate at all.

Okay! Let's talk about it first. I can't control your life and death in any detail. Whether you can break through in time before death depends purely on luck. Yao Yue reminded.

Well, come on! Murong Fu said. The tone was firm and unquestionable.

Okay! Yaoyue took out the ancient magic weapon - the blue blood illuminates the painting!

He slowly lowered himself towards Murong Fu and shouted loudly: Gather your true energy to block my sword.

Murong Fu was startled, although Yao Yue did not use any skill to drop the sword.

However, this ancient weapon has the ability to destroy Qi.

It was even worse than the Yitian Sword. It really fell on the head and was cut in half within a few minutes.

At this time, how dare you be careless and release all the true energy in your body.

Form a wall of air three feet in front of you to resist the sword.

At this time, the chill below was eroding his body again.

It caused him great pain, and he felt like life was worse than death.

He needs to resist the life and death crisis while resisting physical torture.

The torture at this moment was a two-way torture of mind and body, which made it impossible for him to concentrate on operating the technique.

Be still and concentrate, otherwise, you won't be able to break through yourself. Yao Yue said.

Murong Fu bit the tip of his tongue to regain his concentration.

I began to recite the general outline of the Ziwei Sutra in my heart.

Beidou Yansheng, Huizhen Siming.

When the sunlight shines down, the cave glows naturally.

The Book of the Seventh Yuan Dynasty serves the body and spirit. The spirit truly records the name and the Xuanwei form.

The soul lasts forever, and the ears and eyes are not alarmed. The guards support the life, and the Taizhen is popular.

Stay true to nature and rise to the top of the world.

In the blink of an eye, the three kinds of kung fu in the body split into three forces and burst out simultaneously in the Dantian.

Each travels through the sky, and finally converges at the heart and collides together.

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